Some Esoteric Truths about the Physical Body Design

The physical body is a profound miracle of design and function. It is the perfect symbiotic vehicle that is in constant communication with itself to insure the minute in the moment adjustments necessary to keep it functioning optimally. It is, for the most part, self sustaining, aside from the ongoing requirement of fuel, lubrication, and power in the form of nutrients, water, and air/chi.

As a multidimensional vibrating energy field it has the ongoing capacity to regulate its energy, replace itself on a cellular level, heal its flesh woundings, maintain its flow of life force and chi through the meridians, keep in contact with the cosmos via the chakras…on and on. There is simply nothing poorly designed here. The challenge is that it is designed such that all parts work together. When one falters there is a cascading effect that starts to force adjustments and compensations and diversions from the plan and the design.. This in itself is a remarkable testament to its capacity to adjust and shift focus and realign and redirect its energy to the most important task at hand.

Typically, in this current human form at this time, challenges arise as a result of a loss of connection with the big picture of the whole design. Forgetting its capacities and aligning with limited thinking and purposeful misinformation programming results in reservoirs of unprocessed energetic debris as well as thoughts and beliefs that force manifestation by the cosmos. These choices that really are programmed into the subconscious auto machine divert the journey and begin to introduce malfunctions in the form of conditions. The ship falters for as long as it does, while sending out constant sos signals of distress to a conscious that has been distracted and blinded.

The body wisdom calls forth conditions designed to get the whole system back on track. But, when the programming has long ago diverted the solution to be come medicating away or ignoring or numbing out, then the signals are just not heard. Still the design calls ever more loudly to get the attention. Often it takes one of the great human diseases to finally cause the waking up that can actually lead to change. Suffering and pain are such a part of the programming that many simply slough it off as just the way it is. Buddhism has created a world wide religion around a tenet that life is suffering. So people expect it and then Universal Law keeps giving them exactly what they want.

The chakra system and the energy line system of meridians keep the body in constant contact with itself and the cosmos. Keeping all of these vbehicles purged and clear of blockages is a profound tool for staying in health. But we are taught to stuff and hjold on to the energetic results of the moments of living. Still the design keeps calling as the chakras are such that they store thematic energies and emotional energies in them for the convenience of collective release.  Similar events activate the energies which can bring conscious attention to the location. If supported then there is a clearing and an immediate reclamation of the higher vibration….in other words, a healing.

Each vertebrae in the spine is connected by a dimensional filament of energy to what author, Cyndi Dale, calls external spiritual points. These deliver specific intentional cosmic frequencies into the body at the spinal point. Disorders at any vertebrae can be traced to the external point for clearing and allowing the pure energy to flow once again. Additionally, each chakra has a back side entrance portal where specific cosmic intentional frequencies enter to infiltrate and steer and impact the front side application in the life of the individual. Clearing the back side allows the pure design to reactivate and cleanse out any lower frequency blockage.

Organs and glands are in alignment with the chakras respectively. Any disorder can be traced back to the location and the thematic blockage to facilitate clearing.. Additionally there are external body chakras that integrate the human with the Earth and the Galactic center of the Milky Way. These are the conduits of the power and force that gives and sustains life. The body is designed as a healing machine. Form most it lies rusting in the yard, tossed about by a host of tumbleweeds shouting poor me over and over.

Our own molecular structure is in cahoots with the cosmos as well. The deep inner design is reflected in the forms of deep space. The atomic structure functions to create an oscillating and malleable form that shows up in the now, reflecting the inner state and the thoughts just held. This form responds to thought and action, changing states on profoundly subtle levels to regulates the experience of the experience. If one views the body as a limited vehicle he loses the capacity to actively participate in the dynamic design that reveals the ultimate panorama of the dimension and of life itself. The design still works because it was designed to do so to some degree despite the interference. It is the conscious knowing and application that takes off the blinders.

The DNA, long viewed in shadowy ways as two strands with a bunch of junk that hardly serves a purpose according to generations of geneticists, has undergone a celestial makeover in revealing that all twelve strands are alive and have significant purposes and unifying capacity. Still coming from esoteric perspectives and thus, lightly acknowledged by science, this new revelatory information is showing that the DNA is indeed the very vehicle upon which the far reaches of the inner and outer universe are made simultaneously available. Our own template along with our historic experience, decisions, mistakes, successes….all there to draw from Direct access to all past lives and future incarnations.. We are fast developing the capacity to call upon the unified frequency of the eternal Now to transform the way things are for us. Thus, the perfect state of health is but a call away…if we keep allowing the awakening.

The new energy understanding is about the vibrational alignment and unification with all of life and beyond…the Source. In this reality we have direct symbiotic relationship with the natural world. We realize that the sun carries specific codes of information that are delivered daily in its warmth and light ( again seeing how we have been feared into believing in the harmful potential of the very things designed to sustain and empower us humans).We see that the Earth is the main tool for keeping us fully in body, grounded to the power and the cleansing capacity that the cycles through us via the Earth Star chakra 18 inches below the feet. We see that the water is the elixir of life as well as the lubricant for the cells and tissues. And it is the substance through which emotion moves fluidly through the body that, when allowed, will deliver the deepest and most beautiful experience of every moment lived. We see that the air is the substance of life that when breathed consciously gives not only the oxygen nurturance but also the life force chi that keeps the spark flowing and the energy available for being in action. We get that the wind serves to clear the auric field of energetic debris, and that the very weather and patterns themselves, are energetic corollaries to the inner habits of humans. The dimension cleanses and clears and empowers our energetic selves whether we are aware of not.

We learn that the plants are the apex of symbiosis as they feed us the sustaining oxygen while we use the CO2 waste to breathe life into the plants.

In order to embrace and ultimately experience all that this dimension has waiting for us we must align with the higher frequency awarenesses that are reaching many on this planet at this time. In some ways, the more out there it seems then the more likely it is accurate and is worthy of being adopted, explored, adjusted, and utilized. Constriction and holding back are the tools of those invested in fading away from life.

Esoteric Truths About the  Physical Body