Week Forty Six

Life is fluid. Holding anything creates stress. Stress confines and steals motion. This is counter to life…though it may temporarily feel powerful and the right thing to do. Meanwhile, all of life is flowing right boy…having a collective ball. Stress free living blossoms when there is no resistance, nothing held on to, in the flow.

Words unspoken, emotions unprocessed, toxic energy of experience contained all create stress…which robs you of the grandeur of life. Getting things out, releasing, clearing are what is called for to be in that flow. Speak it say it write it is what is needed…which leads to journaling.

To journal is to give expression to your experiences of life. It allows the words unspoken to be given motion. It allows emotions to be witnessed and massaged and processed. It allows the witnessing and release of the energies of living before they fester and diminish vibration. As we shall see, there are some additional tools in the jounaling process that may expand that experience to be oh so much more than the old writing down your thoughts..

Call it active journaling. Here is a list of what it is and how to use it…

  1. Engaging the writing process as a tool for witnessing, reflecting, and releasing. Add decision making to this
  2. It is served best using the raw language of the emotions involved. Censoring your own writing is a sure fire way to terminate the willingness and effectiveness of the tool.
  3. Involves both the dominant and non-dominant hand. The dominant is your adult self, the observer. The non-dominant is the Inner Child, the subconscious reservoir of belief in place, the raw emotions. Going back and forth between the two allows for inner dialogue which can be revelatory.
  4. Works best as flowing spontaneity. Journaling involving processing and release is immediate and flowing. Any interference is an attempt to censor and likely comes from a place of wounding, attempting to prevent the unthinkable.
  5. Is served best by reading aloud the writing after it is completed. This gives voice. Giving voice is the true place of power. It commands life to respond and show up in alignment with the expression. It activates the reservoirs of deep emotion, cleansing more deeply. It is gratifying and freeing for it is likely that you, like most of the world, has more than once been silenced in your expression, or had no one to listen to you. Now, you have the entire Cosmos at your side, listening with empathetic fervor all that you have to share.
  6. Must be destroyed when done with writing and speaking, especially if it about processing painful wounds, life experiences, rants towards a personal perpetrator, etc. The best method to destroy is through fire as that element is transformational. Holding on to the old journals is akin to keeping the energy of the experience/the wounding around. It will influence you and magnetize more of the same because of the intensity of action and intent when you wrote it. It is alive and will seed your environment and you whenever you open it it to revisit just how much you have grown. Your current life is the best barometer of your personal evolution, not comparing your past choices…burn it all. That is a faith full expression to the Cosmos that you are serious and committed to your own grounded clarity.
  7. This kind of journaling -must be a first responder to your moments of living, especially if you do not have a neutral listener who will allow you your rawness.  

For this work I encourage you to buy the cheap notebooks for sale in bulk in the box stores. A fancy journal doesn’t have the flexibility to yank out and burn pages easily. Keep one handy wherever you go. Process the experiences as quickly as possibly, before then lower in frequency and begin to fester in tissue. A great time to journal is just before going to bed. Release and clear and you will find that sleep is actually restful. Becoming clear means you are in your body…fully…and that is what all of this is about.

Week Forty Seven

Creation at its core is a whole being process that engages the Cosmos as well as your fertile inner world. The creative state is an alternative reality lifting you out of the mundane routines of time and space. You float in a sea of infinite possibility and inspiration while at the same time are tethered to the Earth straight through your physically being, energetically speaking. What I mean by this is that you expand when you seek to create. The Universe responds to your intention and your body grounds to the presence and power of the Earth to insure the resources for your action.

Creation boy, emotions, mind, and spirit. It aligns with your frequency, clarity, and trust. Your trust grows automatically the clearer you get for you find yourself returning to the inner knowing of the loving Omni-verse. From that state you have access to your design as well as the Cosmic resources in all dimensions. The more you create in this space then the more easily you create for you will be entering the flow

Creation engages your chakras, especially the back side where raw cosmic energy specific to task enters. The intellect comes in through the back side of the Solar Plexus then uses the clarified Will to dispense where it is needed. The back side of the Heart Chakra brings in your childlike wonder and playful energy which allows you to step aside analysis and judgment to access the best solutions. At the back side of the Sacral you access pure emotion before it is seeded with the energy of past experience. It serves to give your creation juice. The Throat Chakra back brings our own Soul flavor to the moment and seeds our true identity into the creation. Through the back side of the Third Eye through the Medulla enters the Divine visions of Infinite possibility through which we can explore to find our inspiration. Finally, through the Crown Chakra expanded we unify into the Oneness, the place where cooperative living and loving acceptance allow us to confidently share our creation with our eternal brethren.

One has to be willing to take action on an idea. Calling in the guidance to feed the vision is a precursor to the appropriate form. Taking immediate action on guidance without hesitation will grease the wheels of creation. These leaps of faith will activate the magnetic flow that will serve you up a sea of solutions to your intentional calling.. One in the flow uses discernment to make adjustments. These successive adjustments give birth to the form that best serves your vision.

Creation is an essential component of your Celestial Design. You are not a limited being. There is no exclusivity to creating for all have the capacity to be Masters of Creation. The mental programing that is embedded in subconscious/tissue is a resisting force that must be overcome. You do so by creating. Start small and then grow in scope and frequency. Experiment. Make mistakes and learn from the mistakes. Use the mistakes to direct the new form of your creation. Enter the realms that you have been taught to be afraid of. Create solutions to your moments of living. An expert is only so because they have spent time on the subject and then self proclaim. It is you who gives them the power. You are completely capable of becoming that expert when you hone your focus and bring the will into action.

The mechanizations of the creative process are in your hands. The clearer you are in energetics and belief then the more you create the magnificent. Daily moment by moment applications of creative energy drawn from your grounded body will deliver you to your capacity. Drawing upon the Earth for resources, both physical and energetic, are the actions of the connected wise one. It is now, and has always been, in your own hands to create the world, the experiences, you deserve and desire. Choose to lay down the chains of hesitation and distraction and call upon your design to make you the Master Creator. It is time to take the reins of your own marvelous adventure.

Week Forty Eight
Voice Work

We are a collection of the unspoken. Throughout our moments of living we found ourselves swallowing the very words that we wanted to say. The belief in limitation and less than, the wash of fear, the admonition of the perpetrator of the moment, the collective surrender to not speaking out…all lie within as energetic baggage/debris waiting to be released. Until you do then you are under the influence of all of it and it will faithfully serve you to perpetuate your own status quo of lower frequency living. That is no way to live. It is time to speak out…boldly and loudly.

Your voice is one of the most amazing and powerful gifts you possess. It has the distinct capacity to both clear and make manifest. Calling upon your voice, your full voice in all its glory, will heal you without question. That voice is born in the deep lower belly, in the Sacral and Root Chakras where the survival and experiential orchestrations are catalogued. In your heart of hearts you know every word unspoken, the situation, the players, the result. You have stored that information in the Chakras as energy in cell and tissue. It waits for your conscious choice to release it through the audible voice. Each word unspoken is wrapped in the emotion born in the moment it was swallowed. And it all wants to come, demands to come…but only at your calling, a calling seeded with the permission to reclaim your own true self.

Your voice is a unique sound, a vibration that reflects you in the moment by its timbre, its amplitude, its duration, its substance. You can teel a lot about a person by hearing their voice. The voice is mechanically produced by the breath and the voice box, the vibrating vocal cords, the shape of the mouth, and the placement of the tongue. These combine to create this character of you, identifiable in a unique voice print. The moments of living, the swallowings of the unspoken compromise your voice and your timbre. Frequencies are temporarily removed and the the tone of that voice is compromised.

We have three resonance chambers that impact the timbre/character/sound of your voice: the body cavity, the throat, and the cranium. TO experience these naturally all chambers must be open. You can hear the variety of voices and determine where blockages are. A nasal voice is trapped from the body cavity because it does not want to access the painful wounds contained therein. A strident throat voice is an attempt to control, be hear, at the expense of the substance of the body and the clarity of overtones of the cranium. A booming voice that is body centered has lost touch with its own higher guidance and is muffled, without the projection of the throat and the harmonics of the cranium.

The point is to reclaim the whole voice. You do this by using the voice…in play at first. This gets the cobwebs out. Consider the infant and their playful voice gymnastics as they supposedly learn the parameters and capacities of their voice. Yes, this is part of it, but mostly the infant uses the voice to clear the energetics of being in the ;physical . Each sounding is a cleanse. You, my friend, must return to this. With every utterance you reclaim the higher vibration of you. Play with your voice. See what it will do. Make sounds by changing the shape of your mouth and the placement of your tongue. Make sounds that nasal, throaty, or full of body. Wake up your chambers.

Pull the sounds from places in your body. Your own guidance will show you where to select. Make the sounds. Connect them. Isolate them. Make then continuous, Make then staccato. Just voice the sounds…for in doing so you are activating the release of the energetic debris. If you keep playing then you will access the emotional wrappings of the storage. It may be hard, scary, intense…but this is temporary…guaranteed. Stay with it and then the next thing you know the unspoken will emerge…in actual words or in a wash of sound. You may get a quick vision of what it is about. But this is not relevant. Only the release is. Cleansing, returning home…to you. Sound it…speak it…sing it…celebrate it.

Week Forty Nine
Refrain from Investing in Drama

We function best when we are in balance. Being in balance means you are grounded in the physical, connected to the Earth field, with clear thinking, and present in the Now Moment. Anything that takes one out of this state will result in imbalance. Then, depending on one’s level of consciousness, that imbalance will continue until the energy is released. Staying in the balance requires paying attention moment by moment…ideally. This can be done by using the Zen Master tool of putting a piece of awareness on the task of watching for signs of imbalance and reporting them to the greater awareness self.

Most humans are a collection of unprocessed moments of living, thoughts that are less then high vibrational, beliefs that are self limiting, living in an undercurrent of fear, and filled with a slow burn anger that keeps one on edge and in judgment. Now, that is not a balanced state, obviously. Reclaiming consistent balance is a process wherein early results require much more effort. Once a clearer state is reached the maintenance of the flow can be almost effortless. The unprocessed past events/experiences can flood one’s moments with chaos as they move to clear, invited or triggered. Most do not have the greater awareness to assist the movement of energy, an actual gift of the physical body.

Culturally, chaos is glorified as it is given media attention and fills water cooler conversations. Many expect things to happen, things to fall apart, things to not work out. They carry unspoken resentments and ill thoughts towards others, known and simply as a public figure. People talk. Anger is tolerated by allowing criticism, employing critics, keeping violence in the public eye (even celebrating it), allowing cutting remarks to masquerade as wit, calling it fire or chutzpah, marketing video games that are brutal, sensationalizing crime and the perpetrator, glorifying the military solution, perpetuating the male mystique of tough and able to take care of business at a moment’s notice…on and on. While, at the same time, fear is not talked about, but is everywhere, infiltrating our viscera, our thoughts, our relationships, our lives.

This combination can easily lead to explosive moments…drama. Drama is defined as acting. And in many cases this is actually what is going on. People are not portraying their true design, but acting as a false self. They rage out and attack. These days it is unbelievable the different ways one hurts another. People are unkind. Political correctness has everyone biting their tongue and the sham of false news perpetrated by our dysfunctional president has made a mockery of integrity. News is shared in the blink of an eye on social media. People are filmed just going about their daily lives. Privacy is non-existent or must be paid for. There is a video of everything these days…and tons of cyber bullying that uses anonymity to shield from libel, slander, and hatred. Geezzz!!!

All of the forms of drama take one out of balance, out of being grounded. One has to step off the treadmill of same ol’ and “normalcy” to be able to even start the shift towards not being imprisoned by drama triggers. And this, in the beginning, takes conscious effort. It is a combination of clearing the old, not responding to the new, and educating oneself of what is really going on in the world. Learning to find center in the midst of a chaotic moment is something we all are capable of doing…if we choose to do so.

Notice your moments when you feel inner sensation, irritation, and know that you have been triggered. Then breathe a few times and create separation from the moment to find a center. Go to the feet on the Earth and bring your attention to the Now. Notice what is around you by naming what you see. If you are triggered it is likely an old reservoir of the unexpressed/unprocessed that is pushing its way through. Know this and take stock. You really do have a choice to engage.

A drama free life is a beautiful thing. You are not numb at all. You feel life greatly and allow it to flow. You engage differently. You walk hand in hand with the form of this now moment and look for the big picture…and it is always there.

Week Fifty:  
Have Fun, Laugh and Play

The child state is the closest there is to our true design. It is innocent and open, clear and spontaneous, spontaneous and loving, filled with wonder and imagination, trusting and infused with love for all of life. Likely you say that this is not what your childhood was like…but please, hear me out. If there was no burden of the beliefs, patterns, woundings, disappointments, misinformation, and history of the many incarnations into a “civilized” world still lurking within us then we would have had a child hood like this. The thing to know here is that the template of your own I AM That I AM Expressing As You is now and always has been contained in your cells, each and every one. Thus, at any time you choose, you can reclaim the child state and receive all that that delivers.

Our investment in otherwise is significant, but not insurmountable. The past energies can be cleared, tissues can be freed, cells can be delivered from their energetic belief prison and you can start fresh in the next instant…if you really want that and choose to do what is necessary to make it so,

The child is an expression of joy, laughter, and loads of fun. It pops out of each of us now and then, from some more than others. There are places within that block that expression. The chakras all have a part in keeping us treading water as they hold the debris we stored there. That debris is on the move and you and I are living out many points of choice daily…points of choice that can turn the entire direction of our life into the Light and all that that brings. Decide and take the first step forward in good faith. That is the point of initiation. And no one can do that for you, even your mighty Higher Self or your posse of guides. Free Will makes it so. You have to decide. Your cells have to get the message before they trigger the chemical, the alchemical, and energetic callings for that which is waiting to serve you into your own waking up.

Laughter activates, as it massages the cells, tissue, and chakras themselves into downloading their debris into the waiting arms of Cosmic Love. When you laugh the very sound vibration and phonetics sounded do mighty work. Ha ha opens the heart. Ho ho opens the Solar Plexus. He he opens the throat. Huh huh frees the foundational interference in the root. All of this in turn penetrates the Sacral and washes clean the woundings, simultaneously freeing the creativity,the passion, the joy, the sensuality, the tenderness. The other chakras are unified in amplified energy to interface with the density of the typical Sacral Chakra in much of humanity. So, laugh my friend. Laugh a lot. Can you see why it is contagious? Everyone needs the release. Laugh until you cry…see the connection…tears of laughter, a grand double wash that delivers your body back to you.

Laughter turns consciousness towards fun. We shift our devotion to fear a little bit..so the more you laugh and choose personal and collective fun, then the more the fun will come to play. Make believe never dies…it was captured by the cultural and societal wicked witch who kept her in the house in the forest…until. Turn on the juices of playful laughter and unabashed fun and witness the Tin Man coming to life, the Scarecrow suddenly remembering his unparalleled understanding of the big picture, the Lion’s capacity to enter into any moment with unwavering courage to free up the truth of you.

We are all in cahoots here. People gather for fun. The joy ignites the release of anything not like joy. People short circuit and punish themselves for having a good time…please, this stuff is so predictable, so obvious. The sham, the illusion, the diversion has been unmasked. Become like the child and return to your magnificent home. Choose fun…choose joy…choose play…choose laughter…choose life. In this state you will be so grounded you can fly!

Week Fifty One:  Get Some Body Work

Giving the body attention will get the attention on the body and pave the way towards being grounded, balanced, and centered. Seems obvious. The trouble is that many hardly think of body care until there is something wrong with it. Graveyards are filled with people who did not listen soon enough. I saw a gravestone once that had the inscription “See, I told you I was sick!” A painful call for witnessing and some body care turned fatal because the focus was not on where it would make the difference: the body. Look around and you can see the lack of self care evident almost everywhere. The good body is the one that doesn’t say a thing…no callings, no issues.

Trouble is that the body is calling almost 24/7 for some tenderness and conscious attention. It needs to clear…now! And too many are taught to ignore the callings and play well. That is the norm…tough it out. The complainers are labeled as such no matter the legitimacy of the complaint. Social mores, familial tenets, collective beliefs about the accepted/best way to be in your body. And what’s the point, its just going to decay and fail at some point, sooner or later. Good grief!

Be kind to your body. Pay attention to it. Give it what it needs, wants, desires. Feed it and water it and give it sunlight and attention and support and exercise. Let it sing and dance…on an on…a zillion things to do…just do…just do…you…just do.

Self love is a paradox…everyone wants to feel loved and valued but when I turn that on myself then I get the misnomer of selfish, arrogant, narcissistic. But self love in heaps and heaps is what is called for these days if you want to climb out of the pit of learned despair and the one way trip to the grave. This body is a complex mechanism that is very self contained and self repairing. But those design elements have been compromised by misinformation and misuse. The systems get sluggish, even for those with higher consciousness. We are used to being sluggish and have even learned to think that that is normal for our beautiful vehicle. It is not.

There are profound new healing modalities sprouting up these days, born from the collective of Universal Love infusion, Cosmic intervention, and the personal challenge and healing journey of individuals. Many are choosing to ride the bumpy and unpredictable road of self healing. They move through their own dark night and come out the other side with a modality to heal any similar condition. That testimony is a magnet. Others of like issues find their way to your side and benefit from your new healed frequency. These are the days of wonder and miracles and there are so many ways to support the body. Invest your time and resources in them. They will serve you in absolute ways.

Traditional body work involves hands on massage (and there are a wide swath of new techniques that have accompanied these awakening times). Have you considered acupuncture, acupressure, cranial sacral work,  myo-fascial treatments, PTSD work, Somatic conditioning, sound alchemy treatments, voice work, chanting/mantra/intentional song treatment, drumming, guided meditation, Chi Gung, Tai Chi or any number of Eastern modalities, yoga and its variations, tantric technique, emotional freedom techniques, rebirthing, matric energetics, chakra realignment, dancing and movement, singing…get the picture? There are so many new ways to treat the body to support its clearing that were just not available a short time ago. Traditional Allopathic intervention/symptom based medicine is fast becoming a last resort rather than a first call. People are seeing through the sham of pharmaceuticals that might cure one symptom but lead to a host of others, including death. We are discovering just how capable we are to establish and maintain the grounded state of health.

Get some hands on. Get touched. Get held. Get loved. Get celebrated. Get cared for by those who will be willing to witness your magnificence and assist you in setting up house there, once again. Make an appointment today. Pamper yourself if that is how you see it. You deserve it. Your body needs it…craves it. C’mon, just make it happy…and thrive as you do it!

Week Fifty Two:  Experience Living Moments with Your Whole Body

You did not choose to incarnate to live half a life. You entered with the intention to make it a full bodied experience. And that is what I am encouraging you to do. For, in that choice, you call upon your design, not the roller coaster history of what has been. You deserve to thrive…and with a few strategic choices and a willingness to pay real close attention to you for a period of time, you shall.

To get the most of this Earthly life you must engage in the moments laid at the altar of your awareness. Nothing is haphazard here as your own Higher Self orchestrates the forms of your moments to give you the best opportunity to remember who you are by design. Entertain this idea, believe this idea, and you stand in a powerful place, able to move forth into whatever form comes your way and give it your all. Why not? Playing small is a false success as you leave so much of your own potential on the shelf. You are here by choice…so make some choices that truly serve you on multiple levels.

As a spiritual being living in a human physical body you  realize that you are so much more than you see. Your emotional self is a pivotal part of you and your design, delivering the color to your moments of living. Your mind allows you to see and understand the many facets of living, calling upon your own accumulated wisdom to seed your decisions and actions. Your spirit integrates you with the Cosmic big picture, delivering the inspiration that blossoms forth from knowing the make up of the Multi-verse and how you align with it. You have been given these magnificent senses though which you can experience this dimension in such a panorama of ways. You exist in the circle of no space and time where all dimensions and experiences are your for the taking. You are never alone as you are watched over, guided, and supported by your own frequency based entourage of Celestial beings. You understand the eternal continuity of your Soul Self and can let go once and for all the fear of living because of the fear of dying.

Can you accept all of this? Or is it just some fantasy of a New Age wanderer? That answer is in your hands. It is you who must put your knowing into action in moment by moment leaps of faith. You are always called upon to show up to you and as you no matter what the form life presents to you. Will you do that? I believe you will…

When you are in the four quadrants of you with full awareness you are supremely grounded. The moments of living can not derail you from your own balance as you respond and flow with anything that comes your way. In that place of center you invite in the adventure and dance with the ones who show up knowing they are just right. Open hearted and open minded you anticipate the beauty of the next experience even while you savor the last one. Trusting life you rise to the occasion to drink in the wash of the gifts that easily flow your way.

This is the promise of life in this Cosmos. It is not meant to destroy you but, rather, ignite you to want to experience all of it. The infinite variety of possibility is always there. In this grounded state there is no hesitation. There is the joy of the experience…Source experiencing the unique frequency of you in all of its forms. You fulfill your own higher purpose when you allow life and live that life without an inkling of doubt.

Today moments will parade through your personal life. What will you do with them? Will you be thinking of the next as the now slides away? Or will you be calling upon your Whole Self to jump into the raging river knowing full well you have everything already to fully be with the grand adventure you have initiated? This is your choice, breath after breath? Seize the day! Seize the Now!

Stay grounded, my friend…