Week Forty One
Clear Your Thinking

The mind is the great distracter. Perhaps by itself, it would not be such a wanderer. But, as the beliefs begin to solidify and the words go unspoken  and energies get stuffed, we establish neuro pathways that respond to specific stimuli…and the next thing you know, you are distracted and pulled off course. This is the place where you are off center and ungrounded. We have been taught to worship the mind, celebrate the intellect, prize education because it gives you lots of information you can use. Too often this process is all at the expense of being in body…and that brings compromise and we move like a rudderless boat, because we are out of that body energetically. There is nothing to keep you connected to your source energy.

I have been spending lots of time in the studio recording Sound Alchemy Chakra CDs to finish an intention set in motion over six years ago, to create a set of seven in body chakra immersion cds. Up until now I have completed 2…sometimes life forms get in the way. Be that as it may, I am really focused on the detail work that is a necessary element of the recording process. I have noticed when I am really focusing on mix and adjusting tracks on the computer that I stop breathing. When I notice, I can identify that I am fully in my head and not even noticing the body. I breath very shallow and sometimes, because of the lack of deep inhalation, get sleepy and sluggish. I have to stop, when I notice it, and purposely take a series of full, deep breaths to reignite the energy. I have to,in a sense, clear my mind.

And…I clear my mind by returning to my body, keeping a solid portion of my awareness on my breathing, my body comfort in the chair, my eye comfort from all the detail work, my ears from being exposed too long to the sound in the headphones or the speakers, etc. When I drop into my body my mind opens up and functions more in the big picture. I have expanded awareness, clarity to make decisions, consistent energy, and the capacity to take regular breaks that honor and bless my body…and rest my mind.

Water, a snack, fresh air, exercise, taking care of body needs, making contact with others, working on a different project, cleaning up areas of my living space, watering the plants…on and on…a wide array of possibilities with which to bring me back to my foundation. So, when I return to the recording I am refreshed and have greater clarity in which to make clear decisions and take decisive action coming from new inspirations.

The mind is a creature of habit and can be redirected and trained to do exactly what you desire. It is a loyal puppy dog to your focus. Expand the focus and then you can also expand your mind. It is surely capable of so much more than we have allowed it to do. The best work you can do with your mind is to keep opening to new paradigms, new expanded higher frequency information, imagination, and a willingness to enter the frontier and take risks. Give the mind repetition and the same ol’ and you will find yourself numbing out.

Look at the places in your life where you do repetitive. Look at the thoughts you recycle. Notice when you do not notice your body. Develop a return to the physical on a regular basis. Get moving and pull the mind back to your feet. Get outside and get air and allow your senses to drink in what is there. Communicate out loud with the elements. Do crazy things. These are behaviors that can and will steer you from becoming to mind based. Seeking the balance will always deliver the place where you can function with clarity. In a way you find balance by being scattered, have multiple places to attend, to focus, multiple projects of different kinds to activate a different part of you. Be spontaneous and trust the random thoughts that pop up as they are likely a higher Self guidance that is coming from a place that sees all and knows all. Trust your whole self. The mind is simply a part of your magnificence. Introduce it to all of its playmates…and then frolic…

Week Forty Two
Get the Facts Before Responding

Moments of living can be an active dance between mind, body, and the emotions. They are interwoven elements that function best, delivering the full, juicy life, when each is clear. Not easy now that we have had so many incarnations applying misinformed, disempowering beliefs. We are so used to storing and being accepted by others that we have likely lost real contact with our selves. In this state we can be impulsive, explosive, and easily diverted into over-reaction in the name of safety or protection…what a mess. And it does not have to be this way…

Keeping the focus on being in body will eventually deliver a consistently grounded state. In this grounded state anything that is not in alignment will begin to move and cleanse, given permission by your conscious choice to raise your personal vibration via getting grounded. Your choices activate and feed the evolving paradigms within you. The more you attend and intentionaly engage the more you expand..and the more you will clear. You can see that in the early stage it can feel like a mess. But, know that this is really quite temporary. There is such a Celestial momentum for getting clear that we are being supported mightily on many levels to do so. Please trust this information…and by all means test it out.

When there is so much storage of the unspoken, unprocessed moments of living in the chakras, tissue, and cell, then there is likely to be some rough spots. The body is designed to clear, and now, with the Celestial intervention, it is increasingly harder to hold back the inner cleansing and release. The craziness you feel is temporary.  You move through it when you allow yourself to feel and move and sound.

This is why the idea of getting facts before responding is so critical. When you are filled with the energetic debris ready to move, your own moments of living drawn to you will likely give opportunity to trigger the stuff. The initial reaction will likely be rather intense, even explosive, bringing potential for harm for you and those around you. Most things are not like they seem. There is a bigger picture that is contained within the event. Seek it out. You do this by breathing before speaking, by taking a break, by excusing yourself from the building energy of the moment, by vocalizing on your own, by moving your body. The rush of clearing energy must be allowed before the clarity is gained on the other side of the wash. Speaking in the midst of the emotional/energetic tidal wave will likely only be fueled by the woundings and the unsaid…now being directed at one who is likely not the original perpetrator of the wounding. This is really important to know.

Let the wave move through and then consciously bring your attention to your feet on the earth to set grounding in motion. From this place you are now ab;le to engage the moment, the situation, the person. First, seek understanding. Your perception of the moment may not be accurate. It is not that it is wrong. The other party may be coming from a different place. Find the ways to clarify this for both of you. You will disempower and moment of intensity by doing so.

Ask questions for understanding. Share in I statements what you are perceiving. Knowing that everything is a call for Love and that in any interaction it is either Love or Fear that is in action, will allow you to rise above the initial energy and misunderstandings and find the real issue, the real meaning of the moment’s opportunity.

The more you do this kind of action, paired with your own inner work on your own time, will lead you to the point where you no longer have volatile reactions. In this calm state you can be very present for another, compassionate, empathetic, loving…to yourself as well.

Fear fades when facts are faced/gathered. When the fear fades then the mask emotions like anger, judgment, criticism will collapse. You are totally capable of clear communication. It comes form being in body, clearing debris, speaking the truth through non-threatening I statements, and trusting the all is well, no matter the form, in the big picture. Clarify, get both sides, be genuinely interested in the moment’s form that has found you with a profound and timely Celestial gift. We can all get along…

Week Forty Three
Help Others

Going outside of yourself brings you more solidly into yourself…say what?!  Choosing to help another requires that you are in a place of foundation. In that foundation you have your faculties about you and are in a clear state. The very act of giving out involves an activated heart center. Coming from this place will surround you in a high frequency cocoon of pink/white/lavender safety, assisting heavily in disintegrating the confused energy of the moment. Love is a premier salve.

When we are uncertain we are hesitant, suspect, protective, and unwilling to venture out. We don’t engage others. What this kind of action does is solidify the energy frequency of separation. The energy becomes a magnet for opportunities to do so. Isolation breeds isolation. If you feel separate then engage others. If you pay attention you can literally feel the energy unclogging as you take action.

It is useful to keep in mind that there are two reasons to help others, because they can use your help, and because you want to/choose to as it fills you up and lifts your frequency. If you feel like you are supposed to help others then likely this is you seeking validation, doing something to get something…co-dependency,or relying on others to make you feel good, accomplished, important, valued. All of these are ungrounding energetically and will usually lead to less than satisfying experiences.

If you really want to get fluid in helping others with no strings, then help yourself first. Develop your awareness and sensitivity to nurture your own self on all levels and you will have the loving palette to be present for others authentically.

Start within. Then take that energy and experience and project it out to another, without words. Do seek energetic permission before you start sending unrequested energy to another. Run all of your actions through your own heart and affirm for the highest good of all involved. Then project a wash of Love towards another. Observe and then let it go and move on. Find another to “bless” with your intentional gifts. What this will do is to open the energetic doors to others and dismantle unnecessary walls that can muddy the energy. When you keep finding you are safe in the world then you will more willing to engage.

Here is where you can start to actively engage others. Simply start by saying hello with a smile to passersby…nothing more. You can see that these are non-threatening ways to start expanding your energetic influence. There is an evolution happening that will soften your energy and penetrate the blocks of others. Everybody wants to be seen, valued, and loved. Simply acknowledging the existence of another is a powerful step into experiencing the power of personal Grace.

You are creating a frequency identity that functions as a magnetic force to draw those to you who can use your heart centered love. Trust this. Not everyone will come. Just those who resonate. It is your intention and your higher frequency energy that are doing the work here. And that may be enough. Helping is a wide variety of potential actions. The more solid you become then the more you will trust the initial moment of interaction and take quick action to do that which you are guided to do. Know that your reward is in the doing as it serves to keep clear and clean your energetic system so that you can dwell easily in your own Wholeness…as you.

Week Forty Four
Exercise the Will

The will center is in the solar plexus. Putting the will into action effectively requires that one is in center, balanced, grounded in the body…because will applied precipitates action. Action taken out of body is haphazard and whimsical. Action taken in balance is purpose full and a force unto itself.

Exercising the will is a combination of processes. Awareness is the foundation. Awareness begets gathering information which moves to choice which leads to decision. A weak Solar Plexus will be hesitant in choosing. That wishy-washiness allows resistance to gather, which further hampers the decision making process. Will steps in at the point of decision. Again a weak SP will interfere with proper Will action.

So, in order to exercise the will, then one must build the muscles of the early steps, awareness, fact gathering, choice, and decision. Let’s play with this a bit…

Your awareness is a choice to utilize the senses and allow a wider focus to pick up multiple nuances of information. You can become aware of within and of without. Awareness requires a capacity to pay attention at all times. In a sense, a portion of the consciousness is kept to this process. So, take awareness breaks. Step outside of what occupies the mind and pay attention to the inner for sensations and pain on the physical level. Simply observe and make note of what is going on. At the same time extend outward to get a lay of the land and notice and take note of what is going on

Once aware, gather more information. With more information you can make an informed choice. This is much more in balance. That choice of what to attend to will lead to a decision. The most critical thing about a decision is to immediately take action on that decision. There will be immediate feedback on that action. That feedback become the new information from which to make a new informed choice and decision to take action. Any progress is a series of these kinds of decision/action/adjustment processes.

So, make a decision to do something and then do it immediately. For example, I am going to get up and cross the room to that chair. Do it. Now I am going to speak my name. Do it. Now I am going to cross my legs. Do it…on and on. Building habits of reliability between thought/word and action. That strengthens the will.

Will requires a flow between all of these elements. The fluidity comes from practice and a faith in the process. Any action or movement forward will involve adjustments and new strategies to eventually reach the intended result. This is important. Too many get tethered to a poor decision and, rather than make adjustments, move themselves into a corner of I have to be loyal to my decision.

The Universe thrives and takes action in the Now Moment. What you choose and act upon activates energies, attracts like vibration situations and experiences, puts energy in motion in alignment with the choice/intention/action. As you adjust you influence directly the energetic forms that are magnetized forth. It is essential that you are fluid as that puts you in conscious relationship with your choice where you can organically manifest the highest solution.

Do what you think. Put it into action. Random thoughts create random actions that can lead to immobility. Do what you say. Put your word into action. This is a will center in integrity. To be in  this state requires that you are fully in body as the awareness factor is the foundational constant that makes the application of will successful. Sleeping though your life is not an option. Be aware . Be will full. Be success full. Your choice…

Week Forty Five
Remain Open

A closed system is dysfunctional in the big picture for it recycles the forces and forms that put it into motion in the first place. The Universe is in constant movement, change, evolution. There is no stopping this. It is in the flow that one can thrive and align with the Cosmic movement. That movement is based on you and your energy of thought and action. When you resist then you close the flow. You set into form, although temporary, a static condition that will actually begin to decay the moment it forms, unbeknownst to you. Loyalty to that form will lead to conflict as you attempt to hold a decaying form in place. Pointless…

Stop right now and take personal stock in regards to where you are closed in your life. What do you resist? What do you hold on to? These could be thoughts, beliefs, patterns, actions. Make a list. Be thorough for these are subtle and tricky. Many of our closed pieces are based on survival decisions. A child will keep recycling a decision, ignoring new information out of a fear of annihilation, ultimately. Crazy, you say? Yes, but very common in me and you, over and over and over. A protected child who has put certain reliable thoughts, beliefs, actions, and patterns in place will fight hard to keep them so. Every one of us can recall times when we fought hard for our favorite limitations. And again, what’s the point?

Staying the same is an illusion, more likely an exercise in complete frustration and eventual malfunction.

The alternative is to be open. This requires choice and a willingness to live in vulnerability. Now this vulnerability refers to a willingness to engage life and see what is there. It is a supreme act of trust born in a deep knowing that all is well despite the current form. The Universe looks out for you and me, as we allow it. Knowing this will give our courage, spontaneity, and unfettered will some mighty wings. How much are you willing to allow life?

Your magnificent and eternally loyal Higher Self brings the forms and players to your moments of living…special order…just for you…no accidents…no mistakes. Can you open to this? If so, then you are on your way to jumping into the flow. And it is that trust that will ground you in ways that you likely can’t imagine under the influence of your “way it’s been”.

Trusting life in the open sends a message that you are in your fullness and power, willing to embrace that which flows to your altar of awareness. It tells the energetics of life to feed you that which will serve your own truth. In being open you invite life in…and boy does it deliver. It is all about experience and what you do with it. Knowing your deeper being and how it connects to the workings of life gives you the permission to experiment and live without shackles. Are you really willing to be free? If so, then be open to life.

The forms are gifts. The gifts bring you opportunities to flow and engage and call up inner resolve and skills to meet the form in your face. Annihilation is no longer a possibility for you are walking hand in hand with the current now that has befriended you. Engage…be present…be open…invite…embrace…experience…celebrate…

The little Dutch boy with the finger in the dike was sentenced to living at the wall, thinking he was saving the land, but was really just robbing himself of the life that could wash him away into the greatest adventure…open and free and flowing on the leading edge of the wave…surf’s up, dude!