Week Thirty One
Speak the Unspoken

Words unspoken are energetic hot spots. The energy of them is stored in cells, tissues, meridians, chakras, and all the energy bodies. It is stored with the intent of releasing it consciously to regain the balanced state. This is not taught. Ratherr, most are taught to store and be a good person who does not rock the boat. As children we are better being seen and not heard…absurd, this statement is as this is the antithesis of the child state (contained).

Words unspoken fester and create attention getting sensation. Since we learned to ignore or push deeper these sensations, the energy can only intensify. The design brings focus to the compromised areas in an attempt to get conscious attention for release and return to equilibrium. As the push for noticing intensifies the vibration of the source energy actually diminishes. When this happens, it moves towards physicalization…or dis-ease. Many serious illnesses evolve into form this way. It is the design.

The sooner we open to this idea and start to choose to speak the unspoken then the sooner we will find the legitimate state of balanced living, within and without. Having been told to ssshhh and be quiet so many times builds an automatic diversion when the need arises. We believe that being quiet is the mature thing to do. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is not to say that speaking everything out in the moment to those involved is the best opening strategy, as this will lead to mixed results, and, in some cases, an intensification of discomfort and challenge.

Remember, this is energy we are talking about. Energy moves and clears the space it is in, allowing higher frequency balance to replace it. As much as we know that this is happening anyway, it is definitely sped up by consciously engaging the mind, choice, and actions. The bottom line is to speak the words, the unsaid, out loud in a safe place. For, the gestalt of speaking is what is needed. In fact, setting up the imaginary scenario and speaking as if you and the other are present, is actually way more successful than any direct interaction. Though it may feel good to get it off your chest, your words and the energy behind them can precipitate a reaction that is both energetic and physical…dangerous in a short time.

The need is to diffuse the energy first. Then you are in a more centered place to ascertain the bigger picture. When you do you are in a more present space in which to “confront’ the other, likely from the calm state. Understanding, compromise, and solution are highly likely using this strategy.

Basically, the energy of the unspoken gets triggered by the form of the now moment and moves to join the legitimate energy in release. The combination of the two have little to do with one another, except that they are a connected like frequency. This will exponentiate the release and make it much bigger, and more troublesome and consequential, than the actual situation may require. Get clean. Get clear. Speak the unspoken…

Week Thirty Two
Make Personal Connections

Take some time and watch people in a crowded place. What you notice quickly is how little interaction there is. In fact, there is usually very little eye contact which means there is no connection happening between people. And if there is, then it likely is diverted quickly into the judgment/finding fault/comparing me process that most of the civilized world does so well…at great cost, I may add. People have learned to isolate. Some say the Millennials are the ones who do not connect as they are technologically inclined and do so more fluidly between electronic devices than face to face. Yes, but there is so much more going on here as they, as a generation, are of a higher frequency with new skills that we are not aware of…yet. Nothing is as it seems.

But the Rainbows. The Indigos, the Generation xers, the Boomers were now very good at it either. As a boomer, I learned early about separation. We still were taught manners back then and we did say hello and excuse me and made eye contact, if only for a breath. By the time I was teaching in the late 70’s, most of the social connections were displaced and people were connecting less and less. The cost of the collective isolation is the amplification of a world disconnected, insensitive, and self-serving. We have seen the cost of this and it has led mightily to the Celestial intervention and the sweeping changes that are forcing themselves in and on us. SO be it.

The big picture is about the eternal connection, the Oneness, that is fast replacing the dogma of separation and isolation. Most do not get this yet. In fact, many are afraid of it, fearing that they will lose themselves. Well…that may actually be a good thing, as likely, most of what most consider themselves to be is erroneous and force fed by the powers that be to be believers in limitation, less than, and dancing around the hopelessness of life on this beautiful planet. It may actually be time to throw out the baby with the bath water as all have learned to be damaged goods to some degree.

The reawakening is an inner jump start, initiated by the loving Cosmos/Source that is dis-integrating the misinformation and activating a dormant, but fully present. Inner knowing. This higher vibrational aligned state is amplified and maintained by life connection. Interfacing with humans and all life feeds and nurtures. The old fear based doctrine that protected and isolated is fast diminishing, leaving us vulnerable and extremely powerful…which translates as filled with a heart-based love that can be fully present with all while maintaining the sense of expanded personal identity.

Impossible and paradoxical you say? Not so…we are fast learning that we are so much more than we have allowed. Connecting with others is a in the now jump start to expansion and safety. AN open heart will disperse lower frequency emotions. All, no matter what they have down, are seeking Love. And you and I are the ones who can give it, at first, just by witnessing them and making eye contact. It starts there, my dear one…

Love feeds itself. That love for another, whether you know them or not, seeds a higher vibration that is stronger than anything we can put against it…make a connection. Start there…smile, then eye contact, then a handshake, then a word, then marriage…oops…just kidding! Connecting grounds you in the Earth and solidifies the Heavenly triad, Earth, you, and the Celestial. That is a combination that lives the good life…

Week Thirty Three
Practice Invocations

An invocation is the spoken word from within seeded with pure intention and a knowing of the potential result, potential because it is only one of the infinite variety possible. AN invocation is often spoken to call in the energetic frequency and quality of a deity or celestial being. Sounds on the edge, but that depends on your personal level of awareness and openness. Third dimensional humans, invested in the old ways, have been taught to doubt and even be suspicious of anything/any one.any energy outside of their own body home. This programmed belief separates us from the host of existing and available guides, teachers, and etheric beings just beyond the third dimensional boundary veil. Opening to them changes your life and how you live that life because it reawakens the expanded connection we all have by design and underscores the knowing that we are not alone by any means. That is empowering…and what kind of controlling leader would want his “underlings” connected and expanded.

So, in applying this grounding tool, you must first be open to the reality that you are not alone and actually do have a host of resources on many levels available 24/7. If you can be in this frequency then stick around for some invocations. If not, then kindly move on to the next, because your lack of faith full openness will establish a veil between you, effectively stopping any connections. So, you must decide.

Most religions have us praying. Unfortunately, praying outward to an old testament deity is less than inviting. Fear is involved as well as the diminishing attachment to wishin’ and hopin’. When prayer begs for someone to make it all better, or whines and complains, then you will likely get a lukewarm response. We activate the Cosmic Connections when we come from that knowing place of power. Clean up your prayer practice by inserting gratitude and prayer for others. These energies will bring higher frequency responses that will balance your inner frequency and thus ground you.

Invocations, on the other hand, are sometime attached to witchcraft and other branded as bad/evil earth based practices. Please!….you can, by now, see that anything that empowers one will be diverted and cast out from being normal and acceptable. My invitation is to find any persuasion branded by organized religion and explore it. There is probably a lot of truth contained in it….

The invocations I offer here are from the work of an Australian Channel, Za Kai Ran. All invocations work best when spoken aloud with feet solidly on the Earth.

To Unify your Sound Work, say this invocation:

 "I ask the Sound Angels and Masters of Sonic Alchemy to support me, and place me in a Divine Chamber of Sound. I ask for the complete healing of all wounds from past spiritual practices of the positive or negative use of sound, to be healed and forgiven. And I ask for complete Karmic Absolution for myself and everyone associated with these lifetimes.

I ask for all sound, singing, toning, languaging and channeling abilities within me to be unified, healed, forgiven, opened and brought back to their original intent and divine empowerment. I allow and invoke the full and complete embodiment of the blueprint of Sonic Alchemy!”

I SURRENDER Invocations

“I SURRENDER my life to my Spirit! I SURRENDER my personal will to Divine Will. I SURRENDER

my little plans to the Divine Plan. I thank my Spirit for everything that I have and will have! I

SURRENDER all manifestation to this Divine Presence, who knows better than me and who is really in

control anyway.. It is too much for this personality to try to control. It is too big of a job. So I

SURRENDER all my desires to control!

All resources and money come from my Spirit! I SURRENDER my lack consciousness and my desires to

control the manifestation process to get over my lack. I SURRENDER all lack to abundance and Divine

Prosperity. I allow for Miraculous possibilities to manifest in my life!

I AM a miracle, and I am a miracle worker! I SURRENDER the management and manifestation of the

finances for my life and my mission to my Divine Spirit, and I open to miraculous possibilities for this

manifestation .

I send a Clarion Call to all my mission team mates, Soul Mates, and Divine Family members, that are

ready to co-create heaven on earth with me - to connect with me now and in divine timing.

I SURRENDER my personal will and desire for friendships, intimate and sexual relationships…, to

Divine Synchronicity. I SURRENDER, give away and allow for the complete release of all my

perceptions of unworthiness, lack, enemy consciousness. (See these all drifting off to God).

I am the entire universe expressing itself at a single point. I am God-Goddess-All-That-Is expressing itself

as this body, personality and divine consciousness.

I SURRENDER and allow - to know the true essence, personality and nature of my own Divine Essence,

my own Divine Spirit, my own Divine Function - more and more every minute of every day and for the

knowledge, awareness and intimacy of our true Divine Oneness to grow every second of my life - so that I

may truly know that I am my Spirit are One, that I and God-Goddess are One, that I and the Universe are

One, that I am all of Creation are One…

I surrender all health concerns to spirit and allow for complete divine direction of what to do for body

maintenance and activation for the embodiment of my Christ-Self, and creation of my Christ-body, my

HumAngel body. I decree, surrender and allow for the complete release of all body limitation perceptions

and beliefs. And the release and shifting of all limited genetic patterns to higher Angelic Vibrations.

I decree, allow and command for constant accelerated divine evolutionary change and for my life to

constantly get better and better and better… And I decree, allow and command for my myself to always

be doing the right thing, in the right place, with the right people, and I release all perceptions that would

believe otherwise.”

Mastery Invocation

Your mastery from all of your thousands of lifetimes, sits above your head in your Soul Star Chakra. It is

waiting for you to remember it and recall it. It is waiting for your body to be sufficiently prepared and

opened for its embodiment. It is time to remember All That You Are.


By Divine Decree, Under the Law of Grace and Love and in accordance with Divine

Will, In the Name of God-Goddess-All-That-Is and my own Divine I-AM-God-


I call upon my Mastery that I have accumulated in my soul, from all of my lifetimes,

past, present and future, across space, time and dimension, to return to me now and

to be embodied here and now, with Grace and Ease, for the activation of my Divine

Mission and the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth.

And I ask for these masterful abilities and Divine Functioning to be embodied easily

and gracefully and all elements hindering this mastery be released to the light, all

necessary DNA to be aligned and brought to full function, all channels to be opened,

and all vows, agreements and contracts rescinded, broken and released to the light.

So that the power of that can be manifested fully in my experience.

And so it is!

Thirty Four
Align with Earth Frequencies

The Earth is no random planet. This living, vibrant being, Gaia, is created and functions with us in mind. It is the perfect sustaining interface where you and I and all can thrive. When we consciously choose to align with her, reciprocating her nurturance and respect and celebration in kind, then we do, indeed have a greater potential to thrive. The Earth, quite simply, has every thing we need.

How do you see her? How do you treat her? How do you align with what she gives you constantly? These questions determine the depth and effectiveness of your connection. The more you are aware and call upon the big picture, the more Earth can serve you.

Many of the personal and global calamities and maladies can be reversed by cleaning up the relationship with Earth. The biblical mandate that humans have dominion over animals and Earth is a gross manipulation that plays on a learned belief in personal limitation that results in us wanting to control anything we can, completely unaware of the big picture. The wanton disrespect and abuse of this living planet has been the result of this “mandate”. Throw that one out now.

Human and Earth are in a purposefully designed symbiotic relationship. Each feeds and nurtures the other. Do you give and receive? You must learn and choose to align with her frequencies. She already is aligned with yours. And from the shifts in weather and form, you can see that humanity has some internal issues that are being lovingly reflected right back at them. But do they see? Do you see? And if so, what do you see? Can you open to the love that is incessantly infusing your energy field?

Doing so will activate the Earth energy conduit always present rising up through the Earth Star Chakra below the feet into the left leg. This grounding, cleansing, and empowering vibration moves through the body chakras and flows out on the right side to complete these essential circuit. Awareness of it allows you to use it to clear, cleanse, and empower by choice.

Daily time outdoors is essential. Sun on your face and body is essential for vitamins and codes. Feet on the soil clears your field and pulls in additional frequency based nutrients. Being around water cleanses the auric field and stimulates movement in the Sacral Center. Ocean air and white noise along with negative ions are a nourishing atmosphere that must be enjoyed whenever possible. Going out at night for  a starlight gaze and celestial inspiration massages the Crown Chakra and reinforces expansive connections. Standing in the moonlight is inspiration for creativity as well as a general energetic stir to all body fluids. Interfacing with animals who enter your field allows you to received their messages and gifts. In fact any living creature, large or small, has information and energy just for you, no exception. So, pay attention and do listen.

It all comes down to living consciously in all you do. The Earth is the constant companion, serving your vibration and your design. Allow it and become more fully in body, aligned for the flowing life.

Week Thirty Five
Allow and Encourage Emotion

Emotion is fluid…it flows. And when allowed to do so with no resistance, then blockage is prevented. Emotion is so very natural. Repression of emotion is not. The Earth plane has a unique frequency that supports the movement of emotion…the weather. It is akin to an ongoing model of the inner movement of the currents of emotion. As you allow, so shall you flow. You can see joy (sunshine), anger (storms), sadness (sustained grey days), fear (floods and tornados and earthquakes and eruptions)…the natural expression of that which is in us…and when unexpressed in us, the Earth, interconnected and symbiotic, will reflect that to you. Pay attention.

We have been taught to be ignorant about emotion, learning in many ways, to fear it. Society mocks it, chastises it, ignores it, sensationalizes it, tolerates it, hides it…get the picture. There are no courses in school learning about the nature and natural flow of emotion, learning to understand the characteristics of each and ways to facilitate the movement/release. There is no talk about emotion at all, except to learn to control it. Men are criticized for having too much, if any. Women are warned not to be too emotional, or dismissed as weak when they are. Addiction is rampant because of the epidemic proportions with which people suppress their feelings. Talking about it is sporadic at best.

Even the movement of emotion is treated as mental illness by therapeutic industries. Confusion follows and people feel lost…enter the pharmaceutical industry…please, do  not get me started.

Emotion must flow. Happy is and continues to generate laughter and endorphins…good good feeling. Sadness responds to loss and is centered in the heart and lungs. Tears are the expression of the sadness and grief. If allowed then one can keep in the flow, releasing the energetic responses to the moments of living. Fear is a sacral chakra energy that is often protected by anger. Anger is a Solar Plexus energy that often protects fear. Learning about them is paramount to establishing a functional relationship with them. The cleaner and more fluid the relationship then the greater the possibility of personal balance that shows up as in body calmness and presence.

Each emotion can be noticed and determined by the accompanying body sensations, wherever they may be in the body physical. Once ascertained then particular actions to support the movement of the energy can be initiated. Involving verbalization as sound or word can amplify the clearing release. Each emotion has a trigger, an action, a flowing journey, a release, and a moment of understanding. Choose to learn about emotion and you will find yourself at peace with the forms of life that come to you. The primary ones to address are fear and anger, as these are the most debilitating ones in current human life. The anger is the socially tolerated one that shows up in video games, crime, hatred, bigotry, racism, media, reality shows, etc. While fear is the one nat really talked about even though it permeates the forms and moments of living for everyone at least in civilized culture. Most are in a constant state of fearful agitation, worry, and negative projection into the what-if future. Most of this is repressed and is accessed when one has just had too much and explodes. The anger is in response to the reservoir of unexpressed fear based woundings.

The point here is to feel. That is all that is required from you. Start there. Become a friend to all the emotions. Then start walking with each as it comes up. Walk them to release and then clear up the pathway by bringing in the light of understanding. Step by step you go. Undo the energetic and behavioral impact of ignorance. You are an emotional being.. Likely it will respond to very little effort because it is a basis of your design…pushing to become fluid again. Emotional clearing will give you back a centered body…fully aware and fully grounded.