Week Sixteen
Get in water…use epsom salt baths

Water is one of the primary life requirements in this dimension. It allows all the kingdoms to grow and thrive. It shapes the land. It makes manifest the weather. And it makes up over 60% of the human body (some say 75% of body weight). Not only is it life sustaining but it is also cleansing, inside and out. Dehydration can happen quickly and many do not even realize it.

Without enough water going in then that going out also declines, leading to internal compromises. It can lead to light headedness and headaches, both of which can lead to separation from body and a diminished connection with the Earth. You simply must have enough water. And we are talking good, healthy water, not tap water, not coffee, not alcohol, not soft drinks. All of these actually have a cost on the body so they are very undesirable.

8-10 8oz glasses a day is recommended. Do yourself a favor and drink more, especially filtered water. Urine ought to be copious and clear, an indicator that you are not leaching minerals out of the body. Consider investing in a filtration system like a hydrogen based filter pitcher from Turapur, which I use and recommend for great tasting, body celebrating hydration.

Along with the internal, water is a major external cleanser and energy neutralizer. It actually binds energy from the auric field and sends it down the drain. When you find your self out of sorts energetically then get to some water. Stand next to it, stand in it, wash your hands and face and feet…get near the ocean where the wave action creates a natural relaxant in the form of negative ions. The auditory wash of the waves serves to add additional cleansing to the energetic bodies and stimulates the ear and brain with calming multi-band wave frequencies.

Work done by Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown that water responds directly to intention and thoughts. You can literally program your water to be of higher frequency by simply sending love to it. Setting your water in the sun charges it and makes it delightful and highly nourishing to drink. Even setting it in moonlight can impact the energy of that water. Setting washed crystals in the water can also infuse the healing capacities of the gem stones into the water. Drink it of pour it into a bath.

Speaking of a bath…if you have a bathtub then make regular use of an extended soak. Initially, consider investing in a filter for the water going in to the bathtub/shower. Most public water systems are loaded with chlorine, fluoride, and a host of non-supportive minerals. Get these out of the water before you soak…remember that your skin is your major cleansing organ.

Once you have high frequency water in  the tub, consider adding aromatherapy fragrances to empower the water. Use Epsom Salts to pull out toxins. Place candles around the tub and play some nurturing music, preferably instrumental, or some with life-affirming lyrics. And while you are soaking choose to speak out anything unsaid during the day into the water (as you drain it) so that you are cleaned inside and out.

Consider also, catching the water used to warm up a shower in a bucket. Set it in the sun for recharging during the day and use it later to water the houseplants. They will love you all the more for it, sending out beauty and lots of oxygen in gratitude.

Beautiful water…part of the Divine plan of providing for your nourishment. Use it…with gratitude.

Week Seventeen

Too often becoming ungrounded is a result of thinking and the diversions it can elicit. With lower vibrational thoughts we can easily drift away from being in the balance of the moment. It would follow that anything one can do to clear thinking would be useful. One sure fire way to do so would be to develop a routine of meditation, or conscious focusing of the mind. Doing so brings you back to center which can be translated to be in body…or grounded.

The mind has been trained to focus. What you focus upon is fed to make manifest in the outside or the inside or both, depending on what it is. To meditate is to consciously choose what you focus upon. Thoughts are like clouds. The drift into and out of our sky/awareness. If we dwell on them we can invite them to stick around and grow. More often than not we have made our own thundershowers out a single thought. And this, as you have probably experienced, is a less than useful activity.

So, in the large sense, anything you can do to focus the mind for an extended period will work, provided the focus is of a higher vibration, or life affirming. Traditional meditation has drifted over from the East and works for cultures that have been raised on the frequency and understanding of being, not doing. People who are comfortable with this have likely been doing it for many years, if not all of their lives. The Western mind, however, has been trained to be invested in doing. It is active and fast, always seeking an answer, even developing elaborate multi tasking strategies. What this can mean is that the Western trained mind can have challenges entering the traditional Eastern methods of thought watching and the like.

If the intention is to focus the mind then let’s explore a variety of ways to help the Western Mind out with this.

  1. Walk in a natural setting like the forest or the beach and be the neutral observer. If thoughts arise then refocus on something in the panorama before you.
  2. Listen to music containing a drone ( single extended note/chord/texture) with some additional repeating phrases placed unpredictably in the music
  3. Observe an object and explore with all your senses
  4. Color a mandala or something from a grown up coloring book that are out these days
  5. Watch a sunrise or a sunset
  6. Take a journey with a camera and shot what calls you
  7. Do some exercise for twenty minutes
  8. Repeat an affirmative phrase for 20  minutes.
  9. Sing a chant for 20 minutes
  10. Choose a mantra from the Sanskrit and speak it 108 times while holding a clear intention
  11. Eat a meal slowly and consciously with very active senses and extended chewing
  12. Take an epsom salt bath with candles and aromatherapy
  13. Listen to or sing to one of Mark’s intentional songs on repeat for 4 cycles
  14. Spend 20 minutes remembering pleasant memories
  15. Get a good massage
  16. Choose a life affirming thought and replace any other thought with it for 20 minutes

The point is to get the monkey/erratic mind out of the way, replacing it with conscious repetition that pulls you back to focus. Meditate in the same place and time each day for a solid 20 minutes. Do a variety of meditations to mix it up and invite even greater flexibility and focus. Explore and see if it brings you that place of calmness and peace you deserve.

Week Eighteen
Visualize/use guided imagery

Following up closely on the last grounding technique of meditation, we expand into visualization and guided imagery as a powerful tool to not only bring mind focus and pull us into body, but to provide foundation for an essential manifestation tool as well. Your capacity to use this tool is tied in a big way to your capacity to call upon your imagination, for this is the place from whence the images source.

Basically, a visualization is a mental picture. The more accurate and sensory the image the more powerful it is as a vehicle to both meditation and manifestation. Guided imagery usually involves taking an imaginative inner journey for a specific purpose, in this case, to flesh out an intention. The imagery is something that some people are very good at. It is one part of the extended use of our five senses. Here, one calls upon the capacity to make images, both still, and movie like with the eyes closed, calling upon more of the creative space in the brain where imagination is centered as well as the Pituitary gland itself. The clearer the pituitary is then the more likely you can engage complex, fulfilling inner journeys.

Let’s play with images to jump start your visualizing. Choose a piece of fruit to focus on. Now close your eyes and see the piece of fruit before you. Work to add color and shape and 3D qualities. Likely you can with a little effort. Choose 3 or 4 different objects and practice visualizing them one after the other. Be sure to breathe as you work the process.

Even if you have trouble visualizing in the beginning, keep at it for you will get better at it. In the meantime you can still get the sense that you are doing the guided journey by feeling yourself in the journey. You may be able to sense it, feel it, hear sounds, smell, and taste through the process. You want to move to make these experiences as “real” as you can. The more you practice the greater your capacity to put yourself there.

The visualization/guided journey is a powerful place where you can plant intentional seeds to assist your capacity to create inner change. You, in the quiet meditative state you will find your self in, can initiate manifesting, problem solve, ask for guidance, facilitate personal healing, meet your guides, journey to mystery schools, put yourself in the place of success that you are heading to just to try it on…endless potential here.

You can find narratives for guided journeys on the net. You can make them up yourself to fit your specific intention. Once secured consider recording yourself speaking the journey with appropriate pauses so you can do what is being suggested. Once created you can listen back and take the journey as many times as you choose. Create them for the variety of needs you have in your life.

For now close your eyes and see yourself in a single room cabin in the woods of your choosing. Inside the cabin there is a chair. Create the chair that will support you for long periods. Next see yourself in the chair, starting to relax the moment you sit down. Breathe in deeply and relax. Now see in front of you attached to the wall, a large monitor screen. This monitor can easily project your intentions to you in image or word. For now see the word Love on the screen in large black letters. Now turn the letters red…then blue…then green. Play with this. Spread the letters out so they have space between the letters. Make the word larger on the screen. Now dissolve the word into mist or send it off the screen or just have it disappear…this kind of imaging preps you for more involved ones, giving you a control room with a projection screen where you are safe to practice your visualizing skills. Do this daily for 5 minutes and see what comes to you…

Week Nineteen

The body is for moving. Internally it is in constant motion from cells to organs to whole systems. Movement is like lubrication to your tissues. It is what you must do…period. Without movement there is stagnation. The internal workings become sluggish and it begins to seriously impact the flow and the health of your physical being. This is why there is so much emphasis on exercise the body on all sides of the healing professions.

Limiting the body in movement can easily lead to blockage in the body’s energetic system as well. This is, in many ways, a precursor to dis-ease.  When a meridian is blocked the energy backs up. The body calls for conscious assistance in clearing that blockage. If it doesn’t come then there is an increase in the intensity of the blockage as well as in the calling. A condition may follow thereafter.

If one is not connected to their body because of past trauma or unexpressed emotion then they may not even pay attention to the callings from the body. The desire to escape the “pain” can pull a person right out of body awareness into the mental and the spiritual.  This may seem like a useful plan in the moment. The cost is the storing and the backing up of the systems in the body. The releases will come, either through a burst of emotion in inappropriate times or in the development of a physical condition.

One remedy for all of this is exercise for at least 30  minutes a day in some form. Here is where it can get confusing…the type of exercise. Culturally, there is a billion dollar business out there trying to get you invested in their program or methodology. You can find formal programs for exercise regimens on the Internet a plenty. The challenge here is not so much what to choose, but more the question of will you do it?

Resistance is in place to stay away from our past wounds energetically and mentally as well. It is historical how easily we are able to sabotage our program that takes us out of our protective and seductive comfort zone. How quickly a strong intent can fall by the wayside when what is required to follow through is faced. So, this is why, at least in the beginning, a non formal program is a better idea…just to get the juices flowing and to build some momentum.

Start with some simple movement. There are the basics of getting outdoors to walk or hike. Doing that daily would be a vast improvement.  Aerobic training is important for heart and lung and circulation health. Resistance training with weights build strength and muscle. Underneath it all is self image. Exercise will result in a restructuring of the body mass in weight and appearance. When you start dealing with the weight issues then the resistance may actually increase despite the results seen. We carry weight for a variety of reasons:  stuck emotion, traumatic wounds and the subsequent protections, fears, distorted self image, need to protect, perpetuate beliefs about self…starting an exercise program to lose weight may not be the best way to start, either. Let that be a result of your developing commitment and routine.

I suggest you start with something easy and fun…walking, swimming, bicycling, floor exercises, hiking, jogging. Get started and then add as you get comfortable with the routine and see the results.

What this all is doing is keeping you in your body. Being in-body is being grounded. When you are solid on the earth then all of you is available to interface with the moment and its forms. Just do it!

Week Twenty
Change Your Beliefs

For thousands of years as we moved through the Piscean epoch we were  under the influence of the collective programming that the mind was the apex of the human design, so much so that the rest of us, body, emotion, and spirit, was ignored to a large degree. The mind would figure it out.And, obviously, controlling the mind and its agreed upon power were priorities to those in power. Knowing that the mind was malleable and could be changed and programmed kept the barrage coming and most of humanity in place.

The conscious mind takes care of business, is fact based, and is invested in objective reality. The subconscious mind regulates and attracts based on the foundation beliefs that are energetically magnetic to the forms of life. We get what we believe…Universal Law. It follows that the mind must be worked with to solidify a personal and collective agenda. The mind is programmed by focus, repetition, and emotion. Emotion provides the juice that amplifies the creation of neural pathways based on the repeating thought. The more you focus on a thought with strong emotion the more easily it leaves consciousness to become a belief played out by the neutral, but obedient subconscious. As long as you hold a belief and do not put anything in its place through the process then you attract the life in alignment with those beliefs, no exceptions.

Those current beliefs can be life affirming or not. They can be fear based or not. They can support your body or not. Too many think that once a belief is in place and working then they cannot change and it becomes personality, or just who I am. For the longest time keeping beliefs in lower frequency has been the work of corporations, religions, Madison Avenue, and politics. Buying into a rhetoric to be a part of something, to belong, or to be safe are standard seductions to keep us virtually enslaved. And as long as I believe that is who I am, then there is little likelihood for change as we settle into the seemingly safe comfort zone and watch life dance from behind our own self imposed wall.

You simply must choose to change your beliefs. First, see what they are. Take an inventory and make a list of what you believe about life, you, and how things work. Only that will reveal where the work must be focused. Look at how life is showing up for clues to your beliefs. Where are your judgments, your criticisms, your prejudices, your reactionary issues? Be transparent with yourself and be honest. Ask those close to you for blind spots to you that they see. Be open and receptive to this as though it may be uncomfortable to you, it’s revealing to you places where you are stuck.

Once you have a list of the beliefs that honestly no longer serve you, then it is time to, one by one, replace them with life affirming ones. Write it out a hundred times a day. Speak it out loud a hundred times a day. Record your voice speaking it a hundred times and listen to it as you drift off to sleep and as you wake up. Start looking for the belief in action in the world around you. Claim it when you see it. Be grateful for the ability to see them and to be willing to change. Repetition, focus, and emotion.

Picture your life when you are living out this new belief. Who is there? What is going on? How does it feel? Flesh out your answers with emotional descriptions…then feel them as you read it. Feel the success. Know that the belief is reprogramming your subconscious to then magnetize aligned people and events and experiences to you by Cosmic Law.

A solid belief system that is life affirming and celebratory of you will keep you in body even when life is swirling around you. Be consistent and reaffirm your new beliefs, one by one, over and over.