Emotion is neither positive nor negative…it just is…an experience in fully participating in the unique flow of the now moment. It is the juice of this dimensional dance. Feeling is about feeling. That is what most of have to relearn. Feeling is not a foreign substance. It is the life force cocktail that blends with the chi to give us the full monty experience  while in body and on earth. It is highly unadvisable to run away from the reality of its presence.

Culturally, and because of the Law of Polarity and the dimensional nature of duality, we have been taught to compartmentalize and say that some feelings are good and some are bad. Those are labels misplaced and misused. Feeling all feelings fully is the real pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Emotions are that beautiful energy in motion. Each one is an adventurous journey and it is that journey that moves one to the threshold and then into the arms of happiness or its many permutations: joy, exhilaration, contentment, bliss, peacefulness, ecstasy, exuberance, joie de vivre, exultation , and delight. Following each motion to its end will lead us to the place of contentment and peaceful resolution, as if it is a reward in itself…well….it is!

The natural state of the child is joy. Until further notice the blending of imagination and wonder and the purring design that responds in love to the moment’s calling is our birthright. Yet, we all know that up until now it has been anything but that for very long. Our personal journeys have led us down many side paths with interrupted flows and blocked energy and unexpressed/unprocessed woundings galore. Happiness turned into, in many cases, a distant memory or at best, an exercise in what if or wishin’ and hopin’.

So, here we are, replete with a host of woundings of various intensities and scarring, chock full of words unsaid, owies yearning to be released, inner bumps and bruises festering, blocks and barriers to our own gentle flow holding back the Light, hosting a plethora of potential time bomb diseases incubating for that perfect time to shout, “wake up!”.

Happiness has become a destination, occasional rest stops along that life highway from here to there, now to then, no to yes. We keep thinking that it would be just the best if we were always happy. But, would it? There is something wonderful and unexpected about the journey and all of the glorious challenges that befall in such juicy unexpected ways. Facing them head on and immersing all of your energy into moving with them to burst out in a wave of success is really something. It is the flavor burst in the candy, the chocolate center in the tootsie roll pop, the pony in the pile of horse shit…happiness drops in like a foot massage from your mate, like someone you love sneaking up behind you to hug you without hesitation, like the UPS truck arriving at the end of the day on Friday…it happens. Yes, it is the work and the effort put forth, feeling all of the stuff unlike it, stumbling and getting up and realizing you can do it, pulling forth some deep inner part of you just in time to bring completion of resolution and success.

Could you stand it if it was a continuous barrel of monkeys, an endless laughing yoga session, orgasms galore with no time in between, episode after episode of I Love Lucy, money showing up at your doorstep every fifteen minutes, an endless line of suitors yearning to be in your presence, perfect sunsets for perpetuity…probably not. So let us pause and celebrate the journey.

Upon further reflection it does really come down to personal choice. Each can respond to the form of the moment however they choose. How is it that one p[person laughs and another cries at the same thing. There is a bigger picture always accompanying the moment. If you were open enough and clear enough then you might always go for that expansive overview to seed you with response options. Actually, you can do that even if you are not open and clear enough…it’s called just do it…without hesitation.

Life is filled with joy. Our senses  receive it. The challenge is that our filters interpret it and determine the emotion that is “appropriate”. We can find find beauty in everything. Our design points us towards the Divine in all, no matter the form. How closely do you live in this frequency? Or are you too busy clinging to the past eddies that were so temporarily fulfilling? Some like to suffer. It justifies their beliefs, perceptions, and actions. And we know already that the comfort zone is a toss up.

Joy is unfettered living, free from any resistance, consciously aware of riding the oscillating wave of the now moment. One responds to life and flows with the effortlessness of trust, allowing the inner dance of the cells to infiltrate the outer and put a little boogie in the step. Joy is the domain of the child and, as such, one does childish things, responds from the child self in a childish way. There is laughter and lightness and unabashed exhilaration. The soundtrack birthed in the moment sounds forth and makes the call to the cosmos for playmates.

It is all of this and it is an infinite wash of variation and permutations of bliss. It is truly having not a care in the world. The feeling is a complete wash that is recognized by all and treasured for its duration. It reminds of the ease of life, of the magnificence of our design, of just how easy it can be to surrender and not resist. No other emotion can be as all consuming as joy, for most often there is little resistance on our part to stop its flow. Often joy will be a powerful cleanser for the emotional residue we carry. The body seizes the opportunity to through a whole lot of energetic debris on the fire. It is burned up and turned into laughter. The blocks within the body systems and meridians clear and the debris is tossed on the inferno of delight. We cry because we laugh so deeply. We move the body, we make the muscles hurt, we make the blues disappear, we activate the bliss chemicals within the brain body and they flood through us in the best natural high, our senses open up the shudders and let the nuances in to allow us to reach beyond our own curtains and see the oh so much more.

The moment is given and we respond. Our interpretation activates the response and the emotion floods through us in a way that uplifts…or not. Choose, my friend…choose wisely. Look for life in everything. There is a child living in all. Engage that and see beyond the form of the moment to take the wound in hand and bless it with healing smiles and staccato bursts of laughter. Cuddle them and toss them in the air and sing silly songs that have no meaning except to further the joy.

All this we can do, if we choose. Look for life and seize it by the hand and leave your sack of  troubles and worn interpretations and poor me’s in the burning bag of dog poop on the porch of yesterday. Reach out..reach in…and let your hands meet to make shadow puppets in the morning sun. Run toward the moon and race the sun to the coast. Pick the stars out of the sky and rearrange them so no one will know the constellations tomorrow night…and then shout, “just kidding!” As you twinkle your nose and all is back in its proper self in a smooth” abracadabra”…when was the last time you talked back to the barking dog as if you knew what he was saying? Reach back into yesterdays and take the experiences and then tear them up into little pieces and fling them toward the precipice where they will reassemble into the best future ever before they hit the ground.

Yes, you are that powerful when you access your truth. Everything seeds everything. Nothing is an accident in this grand design we call home. Interpret, man. That is the key here. Why not feed life with beauty. Bless it, lift it up to b e witnessed by the sun. Kiss it fully on the lips…even slip it the tongue, if you dare…double dare ya! Look into tomorrow and cop a feel when no one is looking…and then chuckle at your little secret. Wake up tomorrow and look for the gift you have been given. Scream at the waterfall and watch the waters part.

There are simply no limitations in the design. Whatever you choose to do in the frequency of the child self is assured a delightful experience. Exercise your muscles of happiness. Smile outwardly and become familiar with each of the muscles that make that smile dance. Smile inwardly and send the healing waves of joy through the organs and systems and cells that have been your loyal servants for so long. Replenish the supply of delight every night before going to bed because you want to wake up with a shout out, “here I Am world…bring me the best you have to offer!. Treat me to breakfast. Take me to lunch. Buy me a three course dinner and then take full advantage of me when we get to be alone. I will laugh my way through it all, guffaws, belly laughs, snorters, sobbers, snot drippers..side splitters…”

You get joy by being joyful…so what the hell are you waiting for?!? Here comes another moment…get on board, partner, we’re heading for the best is yet to come..tag, you’re it!

Message to Child Self

You know what it is like to be happy. You were born with joy infused in all your cells. You know what connecting with the beauty of life is all about because that is why you chose to come again. Sure there have been distractions and you have done some crazy stuff and made some questionable choices…and yeah, you were hurt along the way and had some difficult things to deal with. Yet you know that you still know how to be happy. You know that it can happen in an instant and can last throughout the whole day. You remember that you just rode the waves of it and it lifted you into new situations with new people where you just stayed in joy. You did not even have to plan it because you trusted life to be there for you.

Honestly, nothing is different. You got scared and you made some decisions that left you feeling protected…and you didn’t even notice the cost of those isolating choices…that is all OK. Nothing wrong with anything you did. Let’s just say it’s time to remember fully who you are. You can get into joy and fully live it any time you choose…this moment is a good time to reclaim that skill. Start laughing more. Start doing goofy things more. Make faces and make sounds and strange funny voices…make farting sounds and play with your voice to you bend over in laughter. Then let the tears slide down your facade over your chin down over the throat down the breast bone to your belly until then gather in a pool of delight in your belly button.

You know what I am saying…make life fun again. Nothing is going to hurt you. You know about eternity and your true design. No need to be scared anymore. Hesitation is for all those old comfort zoners. That’s not you any more.

Whadda ya say? Huh? Wanna go for it? We’re gonna have a ball!…and then some…

Emotions Four: Joy