Again, emotions are an integral element in the Earthly dimension, so much so that the actual design is inclusive of their being fully understood, experienced, and integrated. Doing so amplifies the experience of the dimension as well as that of being human, as spiritual being living in the physical. So, to understand them fully is well worth the time given to such a pivotal exploration.

The feelings, the internal components, and emotions, the external observable expressions,  interweave as the feelings serve as variations of the multiple frequencies of raw emotion. Many feelings are a result of living and interrupting the flow rather than being an actual part of the human design. This implies that the feelings surface based on choices made from experiential stimulus. The energy bodies, the chakras, the meridians, the specific points along the meridians, the chi or life force, are all in dynamic relationship with the flowing energy of the emotions. The primary influences of the form of the feeling/emotion include the thoughts, patterns, and subsequent beliefs we hold.

The emotional response to the moment is three fold, from the actual in the present experience, from the past held emotional residue, and from the energetic transference that happens vibrationally when around others. The influence of each can be discerned by paying close attention to the flow in the moment. The severity of the reaction is determined by the amount of the past repressed toxic emotional energy that is triggered by the current situation. Additionally, emotions can be influenced by the environmental energetic residue that is contained within a space. Certain rooms or spaces within a home can carry the energetic memory of experiences that can be intercepted.

It is vital to be able to discern the nature of the emotion as well as its additional influences. This clarity can interrupt the impact of these to allow one to be present to the responding feeling of the current event. This comes with attention, practice, and review. It is akin to building new habits…

The influence of the flowing emotion is cellular, muscular, systemic, and energetic. These can be used to determine the nature of the emotional activity. Each emotion responds differently in different chakras with unique symptomologies and sensations. Learn each and you will be able to complement the experience.

To become fully available emotionally one must heal past traumas energetically through focused release. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of life moments retriggering the emotional debris for the sake of clearing.

Emotions are felt before the brain registers them.  Once the brain is involved then the wash of interpretation slides in to water down the energetic purity of the first wave of the feeling. This is precisely where it gets messy. Getting clear is more about allowing the movement of the emotional blockages/cysts that occur than intellectualizing what it is about or who was involved. The movement is the critical factor here, doing everything to massage the release and the expression of the raw energy in a way that is aligned.

Message for Child Self

I simply want to tell you how much your participation in this means to Sharon and also to me. I am so proud of your willingness to trust the work and allow your self to release a lot of the old stuff. I do hope you are feeling better about you, as well. You have opened up so much and are so much more frivolous and spontaneous about your moments of living. As we keep moving into these deep emotions places I bet you are learning that they are really very beautiful places. Sure there is a short period of discomfort…yet, look at what is revealed when you let the energy move. You find yourself more connected to life, feeling lighter and safer and more willing to just live. That is all because you have said yes to this process. Way to go!

Sadness and Grief

Emotions and feelings must be felt. They cannot be intellectualized or rationalized away. Transforming “negative emotions” into “positive ones” is an exercise in futility only serving to mask…an absolute no-no when it comes to feelings (though that is the historically prescribed norm of the Piscean model learnings). Running away postpones and actually results in storehousing and increasing the potential volatility of the reservoir of the unexpressed. We are born to feel. We incarnate to feel. We came here to feel…need I say it again?

Sadness and grief are a family of frequencies at varying intensities. In the beginning they are centered physically and energetically in the heart, lungs, and chest front and back. The losses of relationship and property contribute to the response of sadness. They are a response, as well, to inner losses of deeper connection to core self. The energy moves inward to reach the core where it activates a deeper awareness that calls for resolution. It forces a timeout and redirects us to tune into the heart for creative resolution to that which faces us. Sadness is a heavier energy that slows us down and initiates deeper breathing and energetic clearing via the wash of tears. Typically there is resolution and the sadness lifts to return to us our own authentic voice.

When we are not witnessed we can become sad. When we are not heard or engaged we can feel sadness. When we are left behind by another we feel sad. Each of these is a direct conduit to the inner connection of self, higher self, and the divine. In this reunion we reopen the awareness that sees us in the dressing of our true design. The energetics of the loss clear and the shining of our true self is revealed, having always been there. From this place we can initiate the critical healing process of self witnessing, self-love, and self valuing. Expanding this core will allow us to eventually be solid and centered enough to stand in the midst of loss and still be vital and present and available in profound and rich ways.

Grief is the recognition of loss, an actual process of the inner evolution of reclaiming autonomy in the midst of an energetic shock or trauma to the systems themselves. When the loss is intense we experience the energetic impact as the fibers of connection are ripped out of our tender vibrational viscera. The flow is disrupted, the union is severed, the link is torn and left leaking, the auric field is left with holes and tears and structural damage. All of these are energetically real  to the degree that we require personal time to integrate the immensity of the occurrence. Grief is he name of the pain we feel from this separation.  And, again, it demands an inner retreat.

The wisdom of the design brings us home to roost and repair. We cleanse, we clarify, and we rebuild as we remember and reawaken the core essence of our design, Love. The process of reclamation is unique to each being. There is no time table that fits all. All of the emotions are engaged in the remarkable journey of shaking off  the energies of much more than just the current loss. Each chakra is involved in the flood of release as the journey moves from one to another. All of the basic emotions are cycled through in stages that wring out the emotional debris of oh so many more unexpressed moments of our life. In some ways we are rebooted with a new operating system. For when we arise like the phoenix from our poignant transformational journey we are, indeed born anew, or, at least can be.

It is the heart chakra that sustains the energy of grief, however. It directs the healing force to restructure the holes in our energy fields and circulates the  healing frequencies into the core and the soul. The movement of the energy teaches us to learn to let go, a vital higher frequency tool that is absolutely essential in these times.

Many are interrupted in their journey and fail to reach completion. They become bogged down in one component and recycle it like a leaf in an eddy, ever angry, ever in denial, ever afraid of life, ever sad, or ever acting like nothing ever happened. Truthfully, life will find a way to lift us out and through at some point. It is wise to allow the whole journey, even supporting others as they move on their own. It is a critical pathway that must be taken. Grief is a profound healing gift for our multidimensional selves.

Too often we have not been allowed to feel, so we stumble at allowing the natural progression of the moving emotion. Unexpressed sadness and incomplete grief sequences rise to feed the current moments of either as they follow the boy wisdom to clear in this new way. This can result in a more powerful degree of sadness or grief that can be overwhelming and too much to face. It is important to know that each can be regulated. Consciously using awareness and understanding can be useful in letting out what we can handle. The primary substance for each is crying the tears that have been held. Most of us have much to cry about. During the release we must be gentle and nurturing and allowing. Remember that there is always information that accompanies the movement of the emotion. Often it relates to the issues that led to its being felt originally, yet it can also be higher guidance and insight that teaches you about the nuances of the feeling to prepare you for future experience or work. Spending time getting to know the dimensions of these powerful emotions can have sweeping impact on the forms of the moments to come for you….

Addressing Sadness and Grief

Emotion is moving energy. As long as there is no blockage along the designed highways then each feeling is a specific journey of release and regaining clarity and center. It is when the blocking takes place through education, programming, pressure, etc. that “pain begins to develop. And it is this pain that so many people become afraid of feeling. The irony here is that the “pain” is the actual remedy in progress.

So, information, understanding, and new experience are necessary to start to replace the existing paradigm of flaws, limitations, and that’s just the way it is syndromes. One heals by going inward.

As we start to remember and reclaim our deeper knowing of personal power we start to enter the rooms we have locked and barred for so long to find that they are nothing like we fearfully imagined. The release of strong emotion is but a process of a limited duration, certainly not something that will consume us to a life of horror. Knowing this will give us the courage and willingness to enter that room and start the healing.

Sadness and grief are heart and lung based. They involve air and water, both fluid substances that cannot be contained. To put a finger in the dike is to invite a build up of pressure and an eventual explosion. The salve that heals both of these emotions is a combination of breath and tears. Transcending any personal messages regarding the act of releasing tears is necessary to give us back our capacity to clear ourselves. Like so many of these emotions it is truly just taking the first step out of the old paradigm that releases the strangle hold the old paradigm has. That first step in the new direction, that first tear, immediately initiates a new process and a host of external and internal energetic support. That first tear send signals throughout the bodies that the release has begun. The cells and systems align to support the movement of the old…finally

Cry and cry and cry and then cry some more. That is the remedy for sadness. Nurturing self care is a beautiful companion to the tears as well. Do that and you will support yourself in entering the sacred kingdom that reveals a deeper you, just on the other side of the resistance.

Depression is a process of rediscovering a greater truth of who we are to reveal a more whole, more mature love based being with active compassion, empathy, and gratitude/grace muscles. The phases of the journey must be given their acknowledgement, their due, their time. Denial is necessary to gather the energies to enter the next phase. With renewed resources one can face the amorphous fears that arise in the loss and see them for what they are. This gives permission for the explosion of the anger to project outward, which then leads to the tender places where the sadness cradles the heart, where the memories of life before the loss are relived and blessed and laid down to rest, where we begin to discern the value of the loss and find a greater sense of self, where we rise up to allow the love wash to seed the joy that peppers the horizon…

The seasons always change. The sun rises every morning. The bird sings eventually. The one who allows the process immersing the whole self into every nook and cranny of feeling and memory will see the new dawn eventually. And in this morning light they will rediscover a deeper truth of their being that was always there, and like the seed that needs the destruction of the fire before sprouting forth, this precious one will become the precious Me That I Am more than ever before, glorious in expression.

It comes down to trusting the design and being the willing participant in a procession of recovery that is as perfect as it gets….

A Word About Depression

By the very nature of the word it would seem like depressions stems from excessive bouts with sadness and grief. And, indeed, this is partially the case. The greater truth is that it is so much more, an actual reflection of choices made that have energetically impacted the system to a point of sluggishness and out of touchness. That is not to say that these are conscious choices exclusively, but the depression journey is replete with multiple points of choice. Typically, however, one is in such an induced fog that they cannot see an alternative…until the air is cleared a bit. And this is where the real issue lies.

Some say that depression is anger turned inward. Some affirm that it is the descent into the amorphous world of loss and hopelessness. And, of course, there are substance induced side effects that mimic and actually trigger the symptomologies of depression…thank you pharmaceutical industry. Just so happens we have a pill to counteract the effects of the first pill…but with more side effects….

Regardless of the cause, what becomes most important is what one does with it. As we have seen in looking at emotions, most of the effects are the result of suppressing the natural flow of emotion up, through, and out of the energy bodies. Blockage along any of the designed pathways will result in something. Obviously, the more that is stuffed the greater the impact. Remember also, that the body is designed to be in a perpetual state of clarity and will move naturally to do just that. The reactions that many have to the sensations and feelings are blocking the actual movement of the energetic release, thus amplifying the situation and inviting in a more intense event.

Holding on, resisting, and blocking will have consequences. We will typically react to the first waves of movement as a bad thing and do whatever is necessary to stop the sensation. This furthers the state, in this case, depression. The waters get more polluted and the sense of hopelessness grows. One may eventually simply want out. And many have taken this route, much to their dismay when they wake up in the new dimension and frequency to see the big picture…oops.

Sometimes it is necessary to do something to take the edge off of the intensity so that one may function in the range one must. This is a fine line however. If this tact is taken in alignment with the full on choice to initiate and maintain a path of clearing the energetic residue then healing is much more likely, resulting in no substance needed again.

Depression is big business and, yes, many are kept in the state as it is also easier to control. Be that as it may, it is really a conscious choice, available to us all after gaining some new awareness and understanding, to embark on the healing road.

One must enter the emotion to heal it, which is really releasing the contained energy. This is the frontier and it will lead to the emotional literacy that will give us back the juicy life that blesses.

Emotions Three: Sadness, Grief, and Depression