Every emotion is an energetic release that moves through the physical body towards release. It impacts energetic bodies a swell, especially the emotional body. Our support and flow of the emotion determines the degree of successful clearing. Remember, emotional energy uncleared stores in cells and tissues and sets the tone for further storing and the lowering of the area vibration which sets the stage for a condition, a dis-ease.

Every emotion has an interpretation to it based on its trigger and the degree of add on energy. Each emotion can be used for positive results in the big picture. This is not a blanket indictment of the capacity of emotion to harm, but, rather, an invitation to see that there is much more than meets the eye here.

Anger is a base emotion and, as we have seen from the above information of feelings and emotions, it can be a sub-categorical component of fear. Anger is always a mask for something else, usually fear, threat, loss of property or right, confrontation, mis-perception, and even the collective release or wash of like frequency, like themed energy from one of the chakras. Thus, there is a wisdom in taking a breath or three to give one time to let the energetic surge move through to see what is actually underneath.

Anger is fueled by the chemical and glandular compound, adrenaline. Upon triggering the adrenals flood the blood stream with the substance that moves to the muscles and prepares for conflict, or flight, if necessary. It is a surge that feels mighty and alive and strangely powerful. One wants to do something with it. And, honestly, that is what really needs to be done in the first stages, energy speaking. Being physical, in a safe way, is what is actually required.More in a moment….

As an emotion, anger is danced around in a very hypocritical way in humans. Because we are “civilized”, it is encouraged that we curtail our anger and rage and swallow it like a “good man would”. Yet, all around us are expressions of violence, in the news, in video games,in movies, on TV(where murder and death are preferred images and themes over any display of love which often is only given as a break in the action), in literature, in our homes, and even against ourselves. It is frowned upon to rage at someone yet it is perfectly OK to out wit them, which actually is a decisive verbal putdown and projection of anger that is supposedly Ok’d by a single”just kidding” at the end. This locker room humor is supported culturally and is insidious in its impact upon the receiver. And unless the recipient engages back in a battle of wits, then the swallowing will take place…then the storing of the future crime of passion.

Violence and abuse are everywhere. Verbal putdowns are rampant especially from the political pulpits that look more like playground altercations and blame games than civilized, intelligent individuals dialoguing to earn the right to govern. We are not taught anything about what to do with the anger, but there are plenty of anger management programs people are forced into after the fact of the abuse or the maiming or the slander.

Another back door tool of anger release is the use of judgement and criticism. The Internet, particularly social media, has become a runaway cesspool and dumping ground of unbridled rage induced slander. The bullying that occurs under the umbrella of anonymity is both tragic and lethal. Suicides have occurred, especially in the youth, when the “kill the pig” group dynamic has singled out another for some random event or quality like weight,looks, preferences, etc. There are no filters in anonymity. There is just the pointed sickness of the cultures that have swallowed way too much anger because of endless fear filled moments gone unreleased and processed. Yes, there is a growing epidemic of rage and frustration that is being embodied in our current primary campaigns with the rise of Trump as a viable candidate. Rational minds are being blinded by the capacity of this man to access the collective rage, frustration, and overall feelings of helplessness that is a definite undercurrent of the American culture.

When feelings are swallowed over and over they become toxic. The sheer volume of the unexpressed can easily and frequently override any semblance of self control, rational thinking, social mores, personal values, etc…we see it over and over. We feel it over and over…and likely we do it sometimes, hopefully not over and over.

Anger and all of its variations of feeling are a major driver of change in this world. Like a palpable energy we all feel that something is building, an explosion of epic proportions is just around the corner if something isn’t done about it. What can the collective do, however, when there is no general understanding of what is really going on, just a perpetuation of the energy that may push over over a the unthinkable edge. The mob mentality is not pretty as it is non-selective about its swath of destruction.

Anger is like a flood of energy. It is akin to the old Popeye cartoons when he ate the spinach and the surge went through his arms to be delivered on poor, annoying, Brutus. It has to be released in a physical way. It is movement.it is voice in a shout or a random, visceral sound. It is exercise. It is hitting the pillow with the bat. You go at it until it is diminished. You know when it is over…and you know what it feels like when it is over…complete, spent, lighter, resolved, empty. Anger is like that.

Anger and the Inner Child


Emotions Two: Anger