Remember, the body is designed on multiple levels to engage emotion, which can be defined as energy in motion. The energy is triggered by the moments of living. The actual energetic response is strongly influenced by beliefs, existing patterns (neural pathways built on repetitive actions/choices), degree of energetic residue, level of personal awareness to body sensations/callings, and degree of willingness to trust the movement of the energy.

Thus, each emotion can be a complex process from start to finish. And do know that when allowed to function naturally as in by design, then the emotion will be triggered, arise, move, and release. Depending on the emotion at play the duration of these stages is fluid, again influenced by the very same elements listed above.

It would follow that one would be best served by learning all about the process and flow of emotion from start to finish, including the delineation between feeling and emotion, the set of base feelings, the energetic and body location of each, the “symptoms” that indicate it has been triggered, how it moves to release, and how you can consciously support the release of that emotion completely.

The primary intention here is to completely support your organic design through conscious awareness and action. You came to this planet with an active system that performed quite thorough energetic cleansing in an on demand basis. Each moment had the potential to be fresh allowing you to be in the preferred state of balance. Typically, the infant uses the breath (uninterrupted), sound through vocalization/exploration, movement, and crying to keep clear and clean. And, culturally, each one of these tools is interrupted, manipulated, and compromised quite soon in the child’s early life setting the stage for dis ease and ongoing challenges that likely carry well into adulthood.

With the first “ssshhh” the storage of unprocessed energetic debris began. The child told to be seen and not heard silences the flow and accentuates the building of the thematic chakra energetic reservoirs. With each sit still and regulation the child swallows more emotional energy. And, since the body is designed to stay clear it will continue in that direction, making internal contact with the conscious self through sensations, itching, pain, numbness, rash, and condition. A backed up emotional system is a sure recipe for sickness.

The life force, chi/prana, accompanies each breath. The more prana that is ingested the more functional the entire energetic system. The Western shallow upper chest quick breath is in direct contrast to expansion and fluidity with life. The chi is dispersed into the etheric bodies via the meridian system of vital “rivers”. These in turn, interface with the chakra system which then makes direct access to the successive energetic bodies that form the auric field and luminous Light Body. Surrounding it all is the Merkaba, or your energetic vehicle for dimensional access and travel. All the pieces there and ready to serve…when you catch up. Any blockage anywhere in the system will cause disruption.

Chakras and Emotions

The lower in body chakras have direct correlation with the emotions. They will be receptacles and storage tanks for the unexpressed emotions. In general, they line up like this

Root front             survival and basic needs/abandonment       

Sacral Front          fear, joy

Solar Plexus          anger

Heart  front           sadness

Throat  front         expression of emotions

All chakras             Grief

The reason that this information is significant is that the triggering of each emotion will likely show up as sensation in the companion chakra, alerting you to that activation to mobilize your conscious self to take stock and support the process of release and letting go of that emotional energy. Also of importance is that any additional stored energetic debris aligned with the emotion in that chakra will be activated to move along with the specific trigger element, thus potentially amplifying greatly the intensity of the rising emotion (think crimes of passion).

Excessive debris in the chakra reservoir will also energetically impact the companion energy body, especially the emotional body. This will create a magnetic capacity that will continue to attract to you the frequency of people and situations to both move the stuck emotion, and also recycle the issue in focus…both with the intent of accelerating the clearing and letting go.

Your emotional body functions as an interface to the outside world. It both attracts and repels energy that is aligned with your current state. If you are filled with excess anger then you will likely magnetize many opportunities to experience anger in an active and receptive way in an effort to get clear. The conditions of your emotions will become filters that attract like frequency until you let go. Choosing to ignore the process will likely intensify the amount of debris, amplify the frequency and depth of the anger opportunities, and keep lowering your frequency towards the physical with the eventual manifestation of a condition that will be a strong enough attention getter for you to take clearing action consciously. So, please pay attention and consciously clear and release daily, at least.

Of vital note here is the recognition of the role of the back side of the in=body chakras, especially the sacral. The back side of the sacral is the entry point for the pure energy of emotions delivered via a Celestial conduit to be dispensed by your own inner wisdom once it crosses the spinal boundary. The emotional energy is dispensated in response to the moments of living and the accompanying triggers. It follows that one must learn to keep the mid point crossover clear and clean. Releasing all energetic baggage will serve to allow the natural and complete flow of each emotional experience, resulting in a full bodied enjoyment of the Earthly dimension. Blockage causes pain. Swallowing emotion is a sure way to create pain of a multitude of types. Conscious clearing and cleansing and maintenance of all parts of the energetic system will allow the emotions to function as designed.

It is essential that you learn to identify each emotion as it triggers and then be able to consciously support its movement to enable complete release and inner reset. To this end we shall move forward with the rest of the actions.

Emotion, Chakras, and Energy Bodies