Humanity has not remained true to its design. It traded in wonder for the illusion of safety and security…when there was truly nothing to be afraid of. Fear of life is learned. Yes, fear is one of the basic emotions. It is legitimate in situations when one’s well being is threatened. That fear rises and falls in its own expression and will vacate the system if allowed and supported.

Somewhere along the way we were systematically taught to turn our wonder and imagination, the engine of our original spiritual design,  against ourselves by making up things to be afraid of. We lost sight of the dancing interplay of light and shadow in the expressions of darkness, turning it into things that go bump in the night. We turned our magical capacity to journey multi-dimensionally in the sleep state into nightmares triggered by our inability to process the challenges and the unspoken woundings of the waking state. We learned to imagine forms of fear that would divert and turn us away from a flowing life of beauty. In short, we imprisoned ourselves by the very gifts that were designed to be our springboard for the infinite expression of Love.

Our muscles of make believe have been armored up to defend against the monsters we were force fed over and over. They have been used to interrupt our being drawn to the Light that lives in the shadows. We compromised, as a result, our innate sense of adventure and our willingness to be the eternal pioneer of experience for the sake of experience. You can see it the eyes of so many, a diminished fire and a dullness of vision, trained to see the now through the wash of past failures and wounds, projecting the distorted images that had just enough of a reminder to render us immobile.

We get seduced to want more and yearn for the deeper knowing but we have been told for so long that we are flawed and less than that a large part of us agrees and uses that glorious imagination to further project scenarios that are brought to our moments of living by the power of Universal Law, Caught in a cycle we recycle the caricature of I Am, while all the while, in another place of true safety inside, the truth burns, the imagination primes itself, the wonder gasses itself up for the coming rebellion, the revolution , the revival, the great wake up…that has been delivered from the stars, outside and inside.

No longer!... the call rises… igniting the rebirth of the I AM Expressing As Me. The rising vibration dismantles the tendency to settle for less. It diverts the currents of less that from their channels within, worn by the sad agreements we have made in those sullen moments of days of yore. The vibrations stirs and quickens the dormant capacities for expansion and greatness. It pushes from the Earth herself up through the legs filling us like spinach through the arms of Popeye, disintegrating anything that is unlike our signature frequency and true design. The misinformation is tossed aside and the personal truth explodes out of the inner knowledge capsules, replacing more of the energetic debris that imprisoned our wonder. The Sacral Chakra engages and passion and sensuality give us back our color wheel and the infinite palette. The Solar Plexus snaps to life and our acquiescence is vaporized to put spring in the step. The Heart Chakra shakes off the trappings of poor me like a dog fresh out of water and reopens the Celestial conduit that launches the Big Love that invites the child back home. The Throat is unmuzzled and sounds out eons of forced silence and all the unspoken rings out across the plains of the all that is. The sound is sounded and the Third eye pops open as if startled by the Holy of Holies, commanded to see the naked truth of the design and force the vision onto our whole being. That awakening expands the aperture of the Crown to allow in, after all these lifetimes, the pure vibration of the Source that immediately unifies with the Earth through our heart space …and the alchemy reactivates the absolute wonder and imagination to its original glory…and the world, the dimension, the now moment, reveals in all splendor the rich panorama of life in alignment.

To make manifest in the flow one must reawaken the imagination and wonder and apply them like your life depended on it…it does. Your longevity is in direct relationship with your capacity to return to the unfettered child state, bursting with the pure joy that makes up the essential vibration of I Am As Me. To do so you have to return to the state of make believe is real. For the Universe is a forever canvas upon which we paint our moments while simultaneously experiencing them. If you know what I mean then your child self is at the door and pushing to find your lap to celebrate the most precious of homecomings.

All that has been is just that…all that has been. It holds no future beyond this moment, unless you feed it to be so. As the Divine Being that you are you can easily maintain and live in multiple realities simultaneously, even being consciously aware of them all no matter which one you think you are in. You oscillate between the focus while experiencing it all. You can function in your current life while being elsewhere experiencing the expansive state…for as long as you desire. Sooner or later the old ways do not serve and are left by the side of the flowing river.

Growing evidence is confirming the Quantumness of the Celestial design allowing us to mold the etheric energies into the form we desire through intention and action. The forms of our life respond to our imaginational intentions that are actual directives to the substance to gather and create in this now. Manifestation is a breeze when you reside in this knowing and practice. It takes only a few “successes” for you to surrender to the process and allow it to flow with and through you.

Anything that wants to direct you into aligning with the normal, the dogma, the program, is counter to the flow of life and it is none of your business. That kind of possessive energy only works through fear. It has no power over you and will quickly move on when it does not get the results it expects…there are plenty more who will surrender to that seduction and empty promise. Not you, for your vibration has touched the hem of the Celestial garment and cannot be fooled into going backwards, unless you choose to do so for sport.

So, immerse yourself in make believe. Reactivate and open and free up the caverns of your mental self. Call forth the heart frequency to infuse the pure love into the resulting rush of living substance. Combine the best of you in the absolute trust of the undiluted child state and you shall sail on the river of making manifest. For in this capacity you shall harness the design and, in so doing, regain all that that means, all the skills, all the tools, all the knowledge, all the testimony, all the fun…

Imagine. Exercise the mind and heart and will center together. Create relationship actively with all forms of life. Infuse your moments with connections and interactions and fantasy and screenplay. Imagine movies with those you pass by on the street. Create a world of experiences with whatever you desire. When you do this you will step out of the confines of time and space. You can daydream for centuries and no time will pass in the current “conscious” state. That moment will allow you to explore and exercise and invest in adventure.

Once you are comfortable with make believe then you are fully ready to make manifest, for you will have the knowing and the experience with the Celestial substance to model it into the complete expression of your current desires. And that, my friend, is the stuff of the Gods…I mean…YOU.

Session Action Three: Reclaiming Make Believe