As the saying goes…it ain’t what it seems. No, it is only what we make it to be, attaching meaning and saddling it with past experiences that limit its flow. And that meaning determines the amount that flows to and from us in the current now…implying that by shifting perspective one can increase or decrease that flow. We have power over it, yes. It does not control or regulate us, though many in the world will disagree with this strongly.

Money is an agreed upon medium of exchange, whose value is determined by seeming random factors on a daily if not moment by moment basis. It works because a whole lot of people agree with the current rhetoric. For those seriously invested in the movement of money for money’s sake, they are at the mercy of a daily perspective that regulates and determines the value of it in this now moment. Look at the market. Much of the market is sport, albeit dangerous as it can erase a fortune in a breath…perhaps therein lies the thrill. An empty life seeks stimulation.

Most often money is viewed in terms of quantity, the more one has the better it is. It becomes a game of amassing more and more simply for the sake of doing so. The assumption is that there is a place of peace that more can facilitate. It certainly can get you lots of stuff. The happiness that comes from that is debatable. It is also assumed that more money will reduce stress and take pressure out of your life. This, too, is debatable, for often those who have then become consumed by the fear of losing it.

The fluctuating value of money is another complication. There is this built in thing called inflation, a collective agreement that money will decrease in value and thus has to be buoyed up. Silly…and a gross manipulation that perpetuates uneasiness and yes, stress.

Current directions steer towards a world void of actual currency, dollars in hand, replaced by digital currency. Without the actual touch of the bills on the skin there is further separation from the actuality of the cost of the exchange. This opens the door for runaway credit. I’ll just put it on the card-itis and all the stress and challenge that that kind of attitude and action can bring.

The world, for the most part, is obsessed with the acquisition of money. It has facilitated the undercurrent of greed that desensitizes human relationship and makes it about how much can I get from this person or situation. The quality of work has diminished in the name of quicker work to move on the next sucker, er, I mean, job. The obsession creates separation at the very same time that the Celestial movement of energetic unity and Oneness is infiltrating the dimensional framework. This is a recipe for chaos, which is what is starting to happen.

The manipulations in the name of profit on all levels of society is being overtly exposed and called on the carpet. The empty promises of a businessman president have revealed the tendency for people to believe in whatever will get them what they want…and the irony in this case is that the one who delivers the message is the one who is taking away from those who were promised to…and to many, they are immobilized by the shock of that action. For only so long can it teeter in this position. Change in a big way is imminent.

So, what does all of this have to do with money. The acquisition of money, no matter the form, is the engine that drives the vehicles of the institutions and all its players. The whole system is built on the idea of scarcity, or reduced and finite resources. This artificially inflates value and contributes to hoarding and amassing great quantities of substance/wealth, at the expense and detriment to others. Extremely wealthy men compare fortunes with one another like boys compared the number of marbles they had on the playground. It becomes a matter of who has the most no matter the cost to anyone, wins this fabricated game.

Underneath this comedy of errors, this ship of fools, lies the real truth of the universe. There is no scarcity, there is only abundance…infinite supply. The human manipulations to get humans to buy into the idea of not enough to go around are false…period. All you need to do is to go outside and view nature and you will see infinite supply everywhere you look. This is the way it works. The agreements of the collective to withhold and promote and program scarcity needs to be seen for what it is. Stepping off that merry go round will open the door to ones abundance and personal prosperity and wealth while still being fully able to engage the world at any level.

Let’s explore and establish some higher frequency perspectives on money and let this energy infiltrate your storehouse of misinformation.

Money is energy and can be consciously regulated to come and go as we please. By this I mean that our beliefs and our actions will influence significantly, the flow of the substance in the form of money.

Most have learned to associate money with lack, focusing more on not having enough than on the abundant supply of manna that exists everywhere. Universal Laws like, So within, So without, attract that which we fear or dwell upon in kind in the personal outer world.

We have lost a personal relationship and appreciation of the role of money and of the actual money itself. Some say it is dirty, not spiritual, evil…please. This is talking only about those who use it as such, not the actual money.

Money and fear do not work well together. Akin to oil and water, fear serves to push money away.

Equating money with success is short sighted. Doing so denies all the inner elements that are called upon to create a desired state: lessons learned, mistakes made, friends gained, relationships built, gifts that came forth, skills activated,etc.

Money has to circulate. It aligns with the flow of energy that is foundational to life. Any interrupting of that flow results in stagnation and restriction. Giving/gifting and receiving are the essential components of the wheel that exercises the flow.

How you do money is how you do life. Our relationship with money is a metaphor for our relationships with all forms of energy: time, physical vitality, enjoyment, creativity, and the support of friends. From Maria Nemeth in The Energy of Money

Money facilitates the sharing of goods and services. Time, talent, and treasure have equal value.

Money grows through attention, acknowledgment, love, and respect…for that translates to self care and value.

Your attitude towards money provides the juice of attraction or the repellant.

Money is magnetic and will be drawn to the vitality of your intention, determination, and faith-filled action. Receptivity finishes the energetic equation.

This is but an introduction to plant some new perspectives and allow them to take seed. There is nothing that needs to be done with this information yet. Let it simply serve you.

Session Action Two: Money: A Much Higher Perspective