Take the time to reflect on and answer all of these questions regarding prosperity.  Your honest answers may reveal some of the energetic causes of the flow of abundance being spotty.

How do you feel about money? Do you think of it as “good,” “bad,” or something else?

•Do you have “enough” money? How do you define “enough”? Can you meet your financial requirements— your bills, debts, and living expenses? Do you have resources for enjoyment and entertainment?

• Do you plan in advance with your money? Do you have a budget? Do you have a retirement or investment plan?

•Are you in debt? If so, for what reason? Were the debts foreseen and planned for, or unforeseen? If you have been in debt for a period of time, has your overall debt amount changed, and if so, has it decreased or increased?

• If you have had, or currently have, financial problems, when did they first occur? Was anything else significant occurring in your life at that time? How was your health? How were your primary relationships with friends and family? How was your spiritual life?

• What is your perceived economic position in life? What words would you use to describe your position? How do those words make you feel about yourself?

• What is the perceived economic position of your family, including your parents, siblings, and spouse, if applicable? Again, what words would you use to describe their position? How do those words make you feel about your family?

• What is the perceived economic position of your friends and acquaintances? Again, what words would you use to describe their position, and how do these words make you feel about your friends?

• Is there a difference between your economic position and the position of those around you? Do you feel your position is more or less favorable? Why do you think there is a difference?

• Do you feel you “deserve” what you have? Is that a “good” or “bad” thing for you?

• When you receive a large sum of money, expectedly or unexpectedly, what do you do with it? Are you likely to save it? Do you budget it? Do you spend it immediately with no thoughts to the future? Are you so frugal with your saving that you deny yourself things you want and could afford?

• What do you think and feel about your job? Do you generally like or dislike it? Is it something you want to do, or do you feel that you “have” to do it? If you have to do it, why? Is your job a career, or simply something you do?

• Growing up, what did your parent( s) or other primary care providers do for work? What were their attitudes toward their work? What were your attitudes toward their work at the time? What are your attitudes toward their work now, looking back as an adult?

• Are you thankful for your job? Why or why not?

• Do you feel there is a higher purpose to your job? If so, in fulfilling that higher purpose, how do you feel— joyful, stressed, unhappy?

• As a child, what did you dream of doing with your life? Are you doing it? If not, when and how did the dream change?

• If you could do anything for a job, what would be your dream job? If you are not living your dream job, are you working toward it? If you are not working toward it, why not?

• Are you ready to change your economic status? How would your life change? You cannot make such a change without affecting every other part of your life. How would your relationships with family, friends, lovers, co-workers, and casual acquaintances change? Do you want to change these parts of your life? Are you ready for them to change in ways you do not expect?

• If you are not “rich,” what do you think the biggest impediment to you being rich is? Examine your first gut-instinct answer. Does it have anything to do with other people or circumstances? Does it have anything to do with anyone or anything else besides yourself? Are you blaming someone or something else for your lack of riches? If so, this blaming of people and things you perceive as outside of yourself is probably one of the biggest blocks you have to developing riches.

Penczak, Christopher (2013-08-01). The Witch's Coin: Prosperity and Money Magick (Kindle Locations 388-402). Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.. Kindle Edition.

Into the Nitty Gritty I go

List your top 10 beliefs about money…be very honest

List your top 10 difficult experiences with money

List your top 10 best experiences with money

List your top 10 limiting beliefs

In what ways are you already living in abundance? List them all

How many ways are you already prosperous? List them

List all of your perceived limitations

List all your perceived mistakes

List all of the people and situations you have judgment towards

List all of the things you do not want to look at

List your 20 most important fears in which you show loyalty

List all of your illnesses and where they were located in your body

What was your experience with money growing up

When you look out into the world what is the first thing you typically see?

List everything you find fault with

Here are my most treasured shortcomings…list them

List the top 25 things “wrong with you” (be honest here)

Complete these sentences with your very first thought/impulse:

  1. If I only had _____________then ____________________
  2. Money will make me__________________
  3. If I am self-reliant then_______________
  4. Money makes me_______________
  5. I feel/am obligated to___________
  6. My work is_______________
  7. I deserve to be________________
  8. Everybody else is _________________
  9. How come I don’t____________________
  10. When will my________________
  11. Life is_____________
  12. Some day I will_______________
  13. I hate it when__________________
  14. I don’t have enough______
  15. When I _________everything will________________
  16. I need_______________
  17. Why did________________
  18. How can I ____________________
  19. You never________________
  20. I can’t afford to___________________
  21. If money wasn’t an issue I would_________________
  22. I don’t deserve to____________
  23. I still remember when I was told to____________________
  24. I have always wanted to____________________
  25. No matter what I just can’t_________________
  26. I should _____________________________

The idea with these reflections is to get underneath the wash of belief that steers our personal experience with abundance, prosperity, and money. The learnings we have are from a variety of sources including: family, culture, religion, work, community, nation, personal experience, and personal education/study. Then, depending on whether we react to or respond to life, we have in place our personal set of rules of living in regards to getting needs met.

Suffice it to say that these are powerful directors of action and result. In accordance with Universal Law any time we reinforce one the cosmos feeds us the in-line result. We fabricate a world based on misinformation and mis-belief and perpetuate it by thought, action, experience, and emotional reaction.

So, if we can get to the other side of the smokescreen where true abundance lives, then our moments shall be steeped in flow. And that is the point of this entire session.

The quickened flow of energy and the immediate response of life energy is at our disposal. Unless we think differently, believe differently, and act differently then we are bound to simply a varied version of our personal same old, same old. We are the activator of change in our own lives. We must make the new choices to facilitate the new action, to make manifest the new results…likely Ed McMahon from Publishers Clearing House will not be knocking at your door unannounced any time soon. But you can become your own benefactor by aligning with the Divine Design…which we will explore to great depth in this session.  

So, please, take the time to reflect honestly, deeply, and thoroughly on the questions above. Your future of abundance and prosperity is waiting for you, my blessed one…

Session Action One: A Lengthy Questionaire  to Clear the Cobwebs