Prosperity is the state of being prosperous, having enough to meet the needs of the moment of living. It involves an understanding and a conscious relationship with the principle of abundance. Prosperity is in truth, a state of consciousness, an energy projected outward to activate universal principle and law to make manifest by intention. It is being fully in aligned with your Soul Self.

Historically, prosperity has become a polarizing posture that separates the haves and the have nots. With that separation that, in many ways, has become a manipulative tool of force, greed, and Piscean power, prosperity is equated with accumulation of stuff: goods and money primarily.

Prosperity, from the spiritual perspective, and in alignment with the Divine Design that fills us all, is our birthright. Born into a dimension and a plane and environment that will nourish us and provide all that we need bequeaths us a level of prosperity that money cannot buy.

To become prosperous one must release the misperceptions and the energetic debris attached to the forced belief of limitation and hierarchy. Prosperity is not just for the few. It is not the vehicle of controlling others and amassing obscene amounts of money, goods, and power. It is not the purpose for living . Nor is it the substance that will fill the holes and wounds of living, despite all the press that it will do so.

Clearing the history will allow the true substance and energy of prosperity to sprout from within and blossom forth in higher frequency thoughts, beliefs, and actions, bringing forth the aligned forms the good life that each deserves.

Prosperity is fed by the knowing and the application that there is enough for all. There is no scarcity and each has the capacity take what you need and freely give the rest away. The choice to be prosperous is a shift in belief and a willingness to live as if until the forms show up. Changing inner perspectives changes the frequency of the manifesting you to magnetize different results that bless your now and the next moment.

See prosperity everywhere and be prosperous in your every thought and action, no matter the current form before you. Freeing the inner self from the chins of lack will make manifest your personal destiny, set in motion by your conscious choice to not only incarnate, but weed through the misinformation, the subterfuge, the misdirections that have been a part of human life for far too long.

Live long and prosper. Accept the gifts of life. They have always been yours. Wake up, precious one, the faeries have arrived.

Reflections on Prosperity Session Five: