This is the natural state of the Cosmos. The etheric substance in ever oscillating vibration provides the raw material to make manifest intention. The shapes and forms of life are self replicating, especially evidenced in the natural world, though also an element of the human design as well. Losing sight of abundances steers us towards limited thinking, an expectation of lack, and a belief in there not being enough to go around.

An unwavering knowing that there is always enough and that it is available when you require it. It is an inner state that activates outer form. It reaches far beyond currency to include experience, relationship, skills, potential, imagination, wonder, health, self-care…on and on. This state of knowing impacts form with consistency to make manifest that which you deserve and desire.

This the natural movement of life, the life force, and etheric substance. Humans have learned to restrict the flow though fear, choice, and action. The irony is that they think this is protective when it is only restrictive, triggering Universal Law to deliver to us all that we fear, for that is where our focus lies, setting the magnetic vibration in motion to attract. Learning to be in the flow unites us with life and allows us to enjoy the journey.

The self sustaining all pervasive core of the Cosmos, everywhere present and everywhere experienced. Aligning with Source and activating and massaging the relationship of Adult, Inner Child, and Higher Self provides the perfect framework for Source immersion. Doing so allows one to meld with the flow effortlessly .

Celestial and dimensional tools that support life. All come from the etheric substance that oscillates waiting for instruction from the individual I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. In the name of abundance there are always a plethora of resources available at your request and command. Learning to ask for and claim them is one of our greater remembering tasks of incarnation.

Typically personal unprocessed wounds projected upon another or upon self again. Life triggers life…release happens from the trigger to the degree that it has been stored. Finding fault is a polarity misuse and used to shore up walls of supposed protection or to make others suffer like we do, both being pointless in the big picture, serving only to recycle pain, beliefs in limitations, and feelings of less than. In the same energetic ballpark as criticism and hatred.

Typically learned tenets by which we regulate the choices and the forms of life. Lower frequency beliefs that diminish and limit bring forth results that mirror that frequency. Limiting beliefs have been instilled over lifetimes. With each incarnation we plug them in until we don’t. These are powerful times when the collective vibration is high enough that a larger number of humanity are open to new ideas and paradigms that are shifting the dependence on living as less than.

Universal law
Source created Rules by which the Universe functions. These laws regulate how energy on all levels functions. Knowledge of these allows one to live in and maintain the flow. Using them consciously can allow some serious alchemy of form that serves the highest good of you and all involved.

The great deceit perpetrated upon us all with little supportive evidence to maintain the collective belief. Its real name is scarcity and relies on fear based thinking that there is not enough to go around. This creates stress and a drive to obtain and gather more and more under the guise of desirability and power and specialness. In direct contrast to abundance, this falsehood is used strictly for controlling purposes. Step off the belief investment and regain your freedom and power.

The illusion of ownership. The institutions present this as desirable, a good sign of success and worth, when it is exactly the opposite. Functions as a seductive trap to create indentured servitude when there is no cash present to back it up. Preys upon the impatience of the individual, the need to buy something to fill in the wounds within, the keeping up with the Joneses, the need for the next greatest thing, etc. On top of the money owed there is the cost for the privilege of buying now…interest rates.

A hands on vehicle of exchange with a fluctuating yet mutually agreed upon value. It is useful in the exchange of goods and services. Its value is both unique to the individual and the collective. Experience and belief are attached to the money which often interrupts its circular flow. It has become one of the major driving engines of human existence, bringing both great joy and great harm/despair. To many amassing money is the sole purpose for living…and to this they put their efforts and action, often with demeaning and destructive results to those around/involved. One must learn to step off the “norm” of the collective to create a loving relationship with money and awaken to what it can do when aligned with in higher frequency thought and action.

An Abundance Lexicon