There is a Cycle of Abundance and Prosperity that is in constant flow. If you are interfacing that cycle then you are in abundance, prosperity, and wealth of all kinds. If you are not then you are in lack and scarcity. The cycle is both expansive and inclusive. Life flows as vibration, ever oscillating, ever changing, assuming form as directed by thought and intention, word, and action put forth by you and everyone else here….much like a circle. It requires giving and receiving in equal amounts… There is more than enough for everyone. Abundant supply is the energetic manna that sustains and lavishes life to make it thrive…as you allow it.

A cycle has rhythms. There is a time of breathing in and breathing out, a yin and a yang, where energy gathers to make manifest and then flows like the very breath of life out into the world as a magnetic that gathers its kindred vibrations to make manifest even more than the asker could imagine. Can you allow that much love to wash over, into, through, and out of you. Can you surrender your very being to that flow in blind trust just because your heart and every fiber of your being says yes? I would think so…

For you are designed to interface with the flow…as you are the flow…when you allow it. The life of no resistance is rich and rewarding, blessed by the very Grace of the Source that kisses your every act of surrender with the prime substance, the manna, the holy gifts, to insure that your moments honor you in all ways. That’s a lot to take in…just a moment ago the idea of lack and scarcity were still hanging around at the door. The memories of loss and the mantra of not enough poked at your consciousness incessantly and robbed you of the leap of faith energy that could have turned everything around for you…and all the while the whisper of truth tickled your core, slipped into daydreams and visions, called you from your own inner shadows in a voice that penetrated little by little the walls of what used to be…over and over…until now, when you stand at the very threshold, the point of entry into the cycle. You have no idea what comes when you take that step. It might be more than you can handle because it will tear asunder your false faced doctrine of limitations, the very parchment of no action that you have hid behind for years, because you were taught to, because all those moments when it did not unfold as you wished you fell back upon it like a blade to sacrifice your flowering…again and again…until you were ready.

Prosperity is your birthright. There is always and there always shall be enough. It is yours for the taking…just show good faith and take a mighty step into it to activate it. It will not come to you unless you meet it out in the field and show it the way to your door, your home, your heart, your life. You have to give to get. They feed off of one another like a perpetual motion machine. And when you do meet, it will walk you through your moments like a holy flowing river…in a tender sacred way. You, precious one, will get your prayers and your partitions as you get right out of your way…for The spirits of abundance incarnate, as the pure, untarnished energy fills your life…it inspires you to shout to the stars within and without, teach me…tear open my heart..lay me on the altar of Love…and then you, without hesitation, will feed creation, seed the passion, and nurture your own substance…the God in you, the Love in you, the whole of you…sweet That I Am.

That, my friend, is wealth. Substance is but a small part of the equation. As long as there is air we are alive. The rains fall when we need them most…just when the heat has burned out enough of the past resistance and the insistence on staying less than…we get blessed. You can also live on your own fat storage for quite some time…your wealth is in your beliefs and knowings and subsequent actions,. It floods your moments when your heart is open and you reach to help and assist a fellow human, when you hold the gaze of another and witness them back to remembering their true presence and etheric design, when you disengage from the company line of abuse and degrading and control, when you make the affirmation of life your sole and soul purpose…you are then blessed with an expansive wealth beyond the current reaches of your mind. Your needs get met. Your desires get blessed. Your yearnings get massaged. Your dreams get answered.

Yes, it is all about the flow and the cycles of abundance. The river is self replenishing, making way for itself, carving its banks to open the channel more to allow more flow…engage it now. Step in and align. You will know you are there when you feel ease, pleasure, aliveness, and relief. Flow from aligning to attracting, becoming the receptacle even as you empty out your own coffers in the ease, pleasure, and aliveness that such choices elicit. Now become the willing receiver and open your heart, hands, and being to the gifts of life that are wrapped in the form of every single moment that seeks you out. If you are receiving willingly then you do so with ease, pleasure, aliveness, and satisfaction. Being open and receptive allows life in to ignite the natural response of gratitude that acknowledges and celebrates our connectedness. Heartfelt expressed gratitude deepens the pleasure of receiving and makes us eager to accept more and more. You do so in the flow with ease, pleasure, aliveness, and joy. From the gratitude space comes the outward expression of generosity…giving. Your own overflowing ignites the desire to serve others and become one of the vehicles for their thriving. As you come from abundance, not scarcity, your generosity holds no limits. For the very act of giving calls for the energy of receiving…the moment you release then the flow delivers the replenishment in accordance to your own needs and desires. And, contained in the giving action is the pure act of aligning to the flow…which initiates the cycle again. Incessant and always serving the greater collective good….

What has been shared is the promise because it accurately reflects the design and the necessity for the embodiment of principle. Where you are in this now moment is the springboard for entering the cycle and becoming fluid and fluent with wealth. In this dimension we dance between two polarities through which we have established positions that feel like just who we are…not so fast, little one. This is a learned perspective that you can unlearn at any time. In every moment you are capable of choosing who you are. You make your statement that then magnetizes the next moment. Where is your current allegiance?

Here is a list representing the polarities of open and contracted. When we contract we restrict the flow and cling to the form of life that might not be serving us and our highest good. Look over this list and reflect honestly. Consider the following questions: Where on the continuum of Open to Contracted do you spend more time? What are the results you produce from there? What is your energy level at the end of the day? What impact does this have on your interactions and relationships? On your self esteem? Is there a repeating story contained in this awareness…a story that you pull out when you  need it to protect and distance and keep constricted.



Determine where you lie between these for each entry. Then determine your leaning. Useful information, it is…to determine how you interrupt your own flow and protect yourself from living fully. The right column dominance can be messing with your physical, emotional, and mental health. Your personal wealth has been compromised just by your contracting and constricting. The Universe is reliable and will respond in kind to show you yourself minute by minute.

You flow when you let go of resistance, when you choose to be vulnerable, when you step outside of your known programming and seize the potential that is there. Your incessant wealth is claimed when you stand in your deeper knowing and look into and beyond the current form to see and claim the infinite…over and over…because you have the unwavering faith that you are well taken care of, no matter what. Life is set up for success. There is wealth everywhere…know that, see it, claim it.

Here are some ways to affirm and claim wealth through your moments of living:

Session Action Six: Becoming Prosperous by Flowing  with Expansive Wealth



prevailing trust
relaxed body
effortless breathing
"can do" attitude
curious, ask questions
see opportunities
willing to take risks
laugh easily at self
fighting FOR
releasing things easily

make clear requests and agreements

generative, accountable, wholehearted

constant worry
chronic tension
"can't happen" attitude
judgmental, defensive
see obstacles
hyper cautious
take self too seriously
fighting against
keeping score
hanging on

unspoken or vague expectations

consumptive, victim, inner conflict