This perspective on DNA is based on the book, Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny, by Althea S. Hawk., Who endured a series of serious physical challenges that became the catalyst for her deeper inner and celestial exploration to find and develop a healing modality that worked for her. In the process she discovered some profound information about the deeper workings of the Cosmos itself and how they impact us at the level of DNA.

I have lifted direct writing from her book as it is so well stated. Though there is much research within the given realms of existing science, Althea has relied on her own experiences and the insight they brought as well as significant personal channeling from etheric guides. Thus, we shall be stretching the confines of existing scientific structure in the field of genetics.

We shall be following a path through Althea’s own words to discover an expanded cutting edge view of DNA and its purposeful use. What to do with the new information is mostly in your hands and, as such, I invite you to get Althea’s book and explore her own techniques. The information must be digested to create the opening for it to be used consciously, though it is doing its work anyway, simply by design.

I began to realize that DNA defines every aspect of who we are, right down to the cellular level, and stipulates how we respond to the information that is provided to us as biological organisms. Fortunately, under the right conditions, the body and our cells have the capacity to self-diagnose, repair, and regulate in order to heal and to maintain a healthy, balanced state. This is how nature designed us and other living organisms. Deeply engrained cultural behaviors and beliefs have led many to hold firmly to the ideal that health is only about physical symptom relief, as opposed to true healing. Healing, in my experience, is about addressing the emotional, mental, and spiritual factors and the DNA that they impact. It is about activating dormant and hidden aspects of ourselves and our DNA with our consciousness to essentially turn on these natural healing mechanisms.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (pp. 18-19). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

There exists the biological and physical components of DNA that address the actual manifestation of the form we see. Much of this has been established by current perspectives of genetics. It is when we enter the world of quantum that it gets really exciting and fascinating.

The concept of fields begins to set the stage for the development of an alternate view on how our genes might actually work. It lends itself to the possibility that the information our DNA uses to instruct the body to carry out its functions may be stored at a nonlocal level, away from the physical location of the chromosome in the body…A field then, is essentially an integrated, invisible system consisting of energy or matter.

In the truest sense, we know that energy is a form of information. Despite the fact that fields are generally invisible, science has proven the existence and effects of some fields because they are actually veritable, or measurable. These include those that affect the human body including electrical, magnetic, and acoustic fields. Other fields have been identified by science that are referred to as being putative, which means they cannot be seen, touched, or perceived directly, nor measured. L-fields and T-fields, which are electrical and thought fields, fall into this category. Many who work in the field of holistic and vibrational medicine interact with the human energy field, which is another example of a putative field. This is a field that is considered to be the medium through which external information is exchanged with the physical body, through various energy planes and energy structures (chakras) or pathways (meridians) that penetrate the physical body (as a form of dense energy or matter) and its immediate vicinity and regulate all body functions. The body itself also represents a field. In fact, Cyndi Dale, author of Subtle Body, says that “every cell in the body and every thought generates a field. Every energy body, meridian, and chakra pulses its own field. In total, the field emanating from your body alone would occupy more space— or more ‘anti-space’— than your physical self. In many ways, you are your fields
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (pp. 26-27). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

An object exists in a specific location, but a quantum field does not since it is nonlocal and its components are everywhere. Therefore, a quantum field would theoretically penetrate the physical body at the deepest level, its cells, organs, and organ systems, and extend beyond it. These unique properties explain how organisms at any level in nature can be affected by their interactions with each other and their external environments, without being connected by some physically real medium.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 28). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

The Akashic Field has similarities to the Morphic Field and in many ways may very well be an extension of this concept. It is also considered to be quantum and multidimensional in nature and is viewed as “an all pervasive foundation that contains all knowledge of the human experience and the entire history of the universe.” 21 This means that the Akashic Field is an informed field that holds information and, thus, enormous potential in influencing who we are as living organisms— our form, function, and behavior. It has been demonstrated that the Akashic Field can be accessed through expanded states of conscious awareness, such as those achieved through meditation or by other spiritual means.

The informed quantum field concept as presented here presents a departure from the conventional understanding of genetics where physical DNA are seen as generators and the source of the information provided to the body for its development and function. Instead, in a quantum context, we can now view DNA more clearly as receivers of nonlocal, quantum information that ultimately governs the chemical reactions and biological responses in the body. Therefore, the DNA blueprint, as it is known, is stored and utilized within a quantum field as a dynamic energetic record, instead of in a physical state. Going forward, viewing the Akashic Field as a quantum field offers the most plausible explanation for the source and mechanism of influence on our genes that resides outside our physical bodies.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (pp. 30-31). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

By the holographic principle, neither we as organisms nor our cells or DNA can be separate from the holographic information contained at a nonlocal level. Therefore, we are interacting with more than the immediate environment that we perceive through our senses. We are constantly in contact with and exchanging this multidimensional information in a quantum manner. This principle also makes it possible for organisms to be a part of an undivided whole yet, at the same time, still possess their unique qualities.

The Quantum Holography model attempts to explain the mechanism by which living organisms receive and process quantum, holographic information. Quantum Holography describes the universe as a self-organizing, interconnected, conscious, and holistic system. It explains how living organisms know what they know and how they utilize information. The theory, which has been validated experimentally, proposes that fluctuating quantum emissions, in the form of electromagnetic waves from any physical or material entity, carry information nonlocally about the “event history” of the quantum states of that entity. Quantum Holography fully describes everything about the states of the object that created it and is consistent with the principles of Morphic and Akashic Fields described earlier. The event history carried by the quantum hologram is an evolving record of every objective, subjective, and physical experience, in other words, its entire space-time history. The Quantum Holographic model prescribes that this history (quantum information) is stored in a wave interference pattern as a hologram.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (pp. 35-36). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

The Quantum Holographic model presents a very compelling explanation of how information that governs our physical DNA and our biological functioning might be stored nonlocally. It suggests that we interact with this field and have access to the information or event history about ourselves that is stored there. From this, we can also surmise that our personal quantum holograms contain information about our past existence, including event history regarding circumstances when were perfectly healthy, which we can interact with in a quantum way. This is critical to our understanding going forward as we explore the means by which this information can be accessed and modified to communicate new messages to our DNA to prompt repair and regenerating functions in the case of disease.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 37). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

The Akashic Field isn’t so much a location but rather a compilation of energies or frequencies that are implicit with its existence. It is real but so subtle that it cannot be perceived until it becomes the many things that populate the physical world. We do not directly interact with the Akasha through our normal, ordinary multisensory perception, but can interact with it through various practices that allow us to achieve higher states of consciousness, including meditation…We can see how this model extends to the human level, where the event history of humanity and the individual— every interaction, every thought, emotion, or experience is recorded as a hologram upon the Akasha. Therefore, the quantum hologram is, essentially, the recording device of the event history or information at all levels of life, from the subatomic, the cellular and the DNA level, to the individual, all the way to humanity as a whole. When we interact with the memory and information contained in the Akashic Field, it is real. As Ervin Laszlo points out, “access to the Akashic field— the Akashic experience— is a genuine and indeed fundamental element of human experience.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 39). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

Most importantly, consciousness is what connects our experience to our bodies. Negative or dysfunctional thoughts and emotions that result from our experiences are an indication that we may have incorrectly interpreted quantum information. The Akashic Field stores event history, including universal and self-knowledge about our connection to All That Is, our origins and purpose in life, our true potential, our soul’s lessons and history, and even information pertaining to our ability to self-regulate our bodies and heal. This information is constantly being broadcasted in a quantum manner to our DNA and our cells and has not changed, although we may have. Through our own consciousness, by various means that will be described, we have forgotten or misinterpreted the information being broadcast. This, ultimately, translates to consequences in the physical body and has a great deal to do with the end result, our genetic coding and our health.

With some knowledge and training, however, it is possible to “tune in” or direct our own consciousness in order to access and use the information contained in the Akashic Field to effect change in our bodies. By virtue of the fact that universal information is stored holographically there, we literally have access to the same cosmic energies or morphogenetic forces that comprise all life in the universe.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (pp. 41-42). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

Each of us has our own unique energetic signature, which is a natural, inherent frequency at which we vibrate. This energy, or frequency, is represented by our “light body” or light pattern. Our light body extends out to the edge of our energetic bodies (those commonly identified as the etheric, mental, emotional, and spiritual energetic bodies) and is bounded by a structured matrix of light, referred to as the Merkaba. It resonates at a very high vibration. The Merkaba is a Hebrew word that means “to ride,” which means that our body-being rides upon this foundation. The Merkaba is believed to be a multidimensional portal into higher levels of consciousness. Our Merkaba is what separates the local personal quantum field that immediately surrounds us and our physical body from the universal Akashic Field that lies beyond. The light matrix that characterizes the Merkaba appears as a structured form in the shape of a double tetrahedron and is what allows us to tie what is quantum to our physical form.

One’s personal field, bounded by the Merkaba, contains our Akashic information stored holographically as quantum light emissions and, therefore, has quantum, nonlocal characteristics. This information influences our DNA and provides it with the necessary instructions with which to oversee and orchestrate the cellular function and gene response in our bodies.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 46). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

Everyone possesses a unique quantum DNA blueprint, which is their personal quantum holographic information package, existing in every single cell and part of their body. This explains how DNA intelligence can be communicated instantaneously and simultaneously to orchestrate biological and cellular functioning, when governed by the mechanism of quantum entanglement described earlier. Its quantum “collective intelligence” or “single consciousness” implies a kind of unity or Oneness in energy. Therefore, DNA is not completely physical, operating in a linear manner according to the existing laws of biological science, which is perhaps why it has evaded measurement by the scientific community thus far. It is also quantum.

Our DNA also functions in a nonphysical way and is governed by the intelligence that exists within our personal quantum field. It derives quantum information as energy from this field through our consciousness, which in turn dictates how we interpret the DNA blue-print instructions that translate as our biological response at the cellular and genetic level. The information is communicated imperceptibly and silently in a way that informs us via the brain as the bridge for the reality we perceive. As I will demonstrate further, our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are driven largely by the energy that resides in this field, not by some nebulous or random influence from our brains.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (pp. 46-47). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

However, it is generally accepted by the vast majority of those with more progressive spiritual beliefs and experience that we actually have ten strands of multidimensional DNA in addition to the two strands of biological (chemical) DNA, characterized by the three-dimensional structure that science currently can see. These ten strands represent the non-encoded portion of the chromosome, which are the quantum and spiritual aspects of who we are. This portion of our DNA contains a whole multitude of energies, all organized in a nonlinear, nonphysical, multidimensional way. These energies describe our uniqueness and are a record of the memory of who we are as souls in each lifetime. This record includes our divine and biological origins, our karma, the blueprint for our energetic bodies, our soul’s purpose and life lessons, our soul’s records (Akashic Records), as well as additional aspects of ourselves, including our Innate Self and Higher Self, among other spiritual attributes.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 48). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

…each of us as souls possess certain genetic coding at the spiritual or soul level. Prior to our incarnation, the soul agrees to and accepts certain attributes, traits, and characteristics as a means of experiencing life and learning from these lessons, which is the ultimate purpose of each incarnation. The DNA blueprint for these genetic attributes has a quantum, multidimensional origin, often referred to as Source. The genetic information represented by these Source codes is embodied in unique quantum light patterns, or frequency arrays, recorded vibrationally on the Akash within our personal quantum field (Merkaba). The Source code is transmitted and informs the DNA information stored in our personal quantum field. It is then interpreted by us in a way that affects our genetic coding. In fact, our genetic response is evidence of the way our consciousness has interpreted this Source code for us. Although there is a default genetic coding that is inherent to each of us, my channels indicate that we can alter the design at will, meaning it is possible to influence our genetic coding if we choose. We can work with consciousness in a way that can alter the frequencies stored in our DNA to change the blueprint information in order to re-encode our genes.

As previously indicated, quantum holographic light patterns representing the Source genetic code originating from the universal Akashic Field are transmitted via the wormholes as electrical impulses (quantum emissions) and are charged by the sun’s energy and higher frequency cosmic rays. Bundles of filaments, comprised of underlying energy fields, shown to me as being much like fiber-optic cables, emanate from the wormholes, propagating these electrical impulses toward three-dimensional space by sound waves. The filaments turn off and on (by processes known as radiation and occlusion) in accordance with these electrical impulses, creating appropriate sequencing of frequencies that make up a light pattern. These were described as being similar to circuit boards, which are our soul’s light patterns (genetic   information) that are contained within our personal quantum field. These “circuit boards” make up the information for the DNA blueprint for our body and the map for our genetic attributes, traits, and characteristics. When the quantum light information pulsed through the wormholes hits the Earth, it is anchored by another magnetic field, created by the Earth’s magnetic grid. When the Earth’s magnetic field in turn overlaps with the magnetic field generated by us, the transfer of Source genetic code information from the Akashic Field (Source) to our DNA is facilitated. This transfer of information occurs magnetically through inductance when they are entangled enough to communicate. Our genetic coding comes from the activation of these patterns within our personal quantum field based on our quantum DNA’s ability to receive and translate the information into instructions for biological functioning tasks within this magnetically coupled environment. This is how quantum genetic information patterns a portion of our DNA that is imprinted on the physical gene structure.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 56). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

We alter our DNA through conscious intent. DNA doesn’t just evolve or change on its own, regardless of what influences might be exerted upon it; it waits for us to direct it. This is a very important distinction: other healing modalities, in my observation, typically adopt more passive approaches that do not purposefully direct the body through our DNA to elicit a response. They are not necessarily targeted at activating the spiritual portion of our DNA that holds the key to our DNA blueprint and our biological instructions.

In the same way as cellular and DNA communication is triggered by quantum events (such as wave propagation, interference, and magnetic   field interaction) as we have described, consciousness also seems to function at the quantum level, enabling it to extend its influence, unbound by time and space. This means through our consciousness we have access to information in the past, present, and future through the Akashic Records. We relate to this information through our thoughts and emotions, which are driven by this Akashic energy. Through our consciousness, then, we have access to Source genetic code information that we can draw upon and apply to our personal quantum field. Providing new information changes and enhances the DNA information as well as the efficiency with which this information is communicated to our cells and our biological DNA instruction sets. This, ultimately, allows us to re-encode our genes.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 78). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

Our DNA interacts with our consciousness through our Innate Self or “smart body” as it is known, which is contained within our personal quantum field. It represents the bridge between our cellular structure, our DNA, and our consciousness and so is an inseparable part of us.

Through my channels, I am told that our “innateness” comes from our “knowingness,” not of who we are in a general sense, but who we are unto ourselves. Self relates to the divine within and, therefore, only comes from Source. Innateness predisposes one to the truth of our own inherent divinity. They tell me that innateness swipes a layer of “individual-ness” upon our cells, which is unique to each of us, and that, in this way, we direct ourselves only unto ourselves (internally and uniquely). In other words, no one else marches to the beat of the same drum. Innate has its own intelligence that is separate from what is generated by our brain. Only our Innate knows what we and our bodies need to fulfill our soul’s divine purpose in this life and for us be healthy. Our Innate is involved in our spiritual survival, the prime directive for the human soul.

We have a relationship with our Innate, and it knows everything about us at the quantum, spiritual, and physical level— it knows what is best for us. It knows what we are allergic to or what supplements and medications might be supportive to us and those that might be harmful. “Innate is aware of all things at the cellular level and is broadcasting all the time. It broadcasts so well that it flows into that which you call the Merkaba [personal quantum field].”

Our cells seem to react to our sense of innateness because they respond when we recognize when we are “home” and are thus able to bring us back into a state of balance and health.
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (pp. 79-80). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

However, as smart and capable as our Innate Self is, it rests in autopilot and plays a default set of instructions to our cells, unless we communicate our desire for something different. One of the most empowering aspects of our ability to self-heal is that we are able to gain permission from our Innate to work with the energies contained in our Akash to activate the quantum portion of our DNA and the memory stored within our DNA’s crystalline structure. With the involvement and permission from our Innate as the overseer of our body’s and cell’s affairs, we can access the DNA information we need to heal, to rid ourselves of disease, and as I discovered, to override any detrimental influence from our biological genes by re-encoding our genes. Our DNA cannot initiate any action of its own accord. It is reactive, not proactive, and changing the messages we provide to it is key.

In the absence of new information, our DNA will default to the existing programs, messages defined by our existing biological and quantum (spiritual) inheritance. Conveniently, scientific experiments have shown that DNA operates like a language, and so we can communicate with it without decoding. It will respond to us as a result of us simply talking to it. This observation is critical to our understanding and appreciation of the fact that we can influence and reprogram our genes by introducing new information to our DNA in the form of words and frequencies, without having to physically alter our genes. 22 Our Innate is ready to access the information that is appropriate for us and is waiting for our instruction. Through our consciousness then, it is possible to override any erroneous DNA information that may have altered our genetic coding and instruct our DNA to translate
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (pp. 82-83). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

What’s more, as the world evolves and human consciousness expands, more and more of this DNA is enabled. “Your consciousness, Innate, and your Higher Self are ready to create a body which does not age as much, and where you don’t need to worry as much about disease. It’s more than just chemistry. It’s consciousness over matter.”
Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 83). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

Wow…is all I can say. My invitation is to read through this a lot to get the flavor and start to realize the importance and the potential of this information. It will be enough to activate inner communication with you. Listen, talk, share, explore…it only gets better and better!

Session Action Three: Quantum DNA