I do not know how many times I have shared that these are remarkable times. I say it not only because they are but also because I keep calling my self to embrace and integrate the expanse of information that is flooding the mystical ether waves directly into our core.

In my research I am consistently presented with information that most would consider “out there”. For me, however, it more often than not, resonates. I embrace it as distinct possibility and see how it fits into my experience of this life. This is how I have been doing it since I incarnated…always had faith that things were not the way they initially seemed and, thus, always invited in and awaited with anticipation, the bigger picture.

I have known forever that this world is not what we have been taught it is. The magnitude of these times is that for anyone who is even remotely open, the revelation that it is so much more than we have been allowed to embrace is at hand. It is the time for the reawakening of imagination and wonder, those keys to the Cosmos, implanted as part of our eternal design. And that these were two prime elements that traditional education strives to diminish in the name of normal and fitting in is the great expose, though truly only one of many that are hitting the fan even as we speak. Things are not what they they seem…all together now!

So be it…and this is the critical point of this work…so what. Learning how it has been and what it continues to be like for the reasons that it is is really only insignificant…unless we are so damaged that we must roll around in the shock and horror of being “controlled” for so long….pleeeaasse!! This serves nothing. The way the new information works is that when it comes it replaces that which was lower vibration and inaccurate. The replace is just that. From the point of access we move forward as if. The new information integrates and we immediately view and live from that frequency. So cool!!

What matters is what we do with it. And that is where our power lies, pointing us in the direction of our personal home. The past is irrelevant. It is the place with which we no longer resonate…in any way. Turn and walk away. Does this mean you will become a misfit? Not at all. This is a multi-dimensional dance. The higher you go the more expanded you become, able to move about freely in all dimensions and forms below your current vibrational reality. Thus as you awaken to this new information and let it wake up all that is necessary to integrate then you will be able to play the role of anyone and anything you have ever been, but with the clarity of consciousness that reflects your inner evolution and knowing base.

Right now out on the street there are advanced and advancing beings, waking up to the truth of who they have always been, far beyond the paltry doctrine of limitations. They seem just like they are supposed to…until you look in there eyes and stand in the presence. The eyes of the awakening ones are different, alive and bright and knowing, not reflecting fear or any desire to control. The vibration is peace full. It includes and invites and amplifies. You do not even have to engage another to know this is so. Start looking for it…for you are becoming these frequencies. Takes on to know one…

Ascension is actually a descension. As a self taught autonomous being separate from life (which most humans are) you have lived in that isolation and kept most of the truth at bay…outside. Your transformation is akin to downloading truth and letting the Cosmos come home to roost…inside of you. The wash of truth is meant for your own integration and, that is an inside job, pure and simple. Of course, the more it infiltrates the cells and activates the knowing then the more it will show up on the outside in the forms of life that bless you in each birth of Now.

I am dancing with a book called Keys for Mastery. It is dropping some informational bombs that I want to share with you. Just for fun, but also to see what you will do with them. It is not about putting them into action but more about allowing them to do the inner adjusting that truth does to all that wallows below it vibrationally.  I am only delivering here. There will be no exercises suggested. It is all in your hands…as it must be.

Lower frequency energies simply cannot exist in an awakened one. It is impossible for you, as an awakened one, to act in a lower frequency way. Thus, the dissolution of the karmic cycle that has dropped in with the Celestial wash begun in 1987 and exponentially amplified with the crossing of the Galactic Center in December of 2012.

Through the process of living and acquiring life experience, raw awareness is refined like crude oil can be refined. Since consciousness exists in everything, in fact, everything exists in consciousness as consciousness is the matrix, the substratum of reality; and since awareness is an aspect of consciousness, this means that everything in existence is conscious and aware, from the microcosm of reality to the macrocosm of reality. The question is not one of is it aware or not, but one of to what degree is it aware.

Growth is an expansion of consciousness into more expansive modes of expressions. As you expand your consciousness, you condense your awareness and as you condense your consciousness, you expand your awareness. A condensed awareness is a highly, finely tuned awareness and the flip side of the coin of growth is the enhancement of awareness. This is what it is all about, How far can awareness be enhanced and enriched by the accumulation of experiences.
Akintonde, James. Keys For Mastery: (Maps For Multidimensional Higher Consciousness) (Kindle Locations 555-562).  . Kindle Edition.

There is a vertical dimensional axis that originates at the Great Central Sun, the center of the universe and the epicenter of the thirteenth dimension that moves through the twelfth, eleventh and so on until it reaches the third dimension and comes in through the top of our heads, moves through our bodies aligned with the chakra system, exits and continues through the earth grounding us to the core of the planet. The higher dimensions encompass the lower ones and can perceive them but the lower cannot perceive the higher except under special circumstances or by gifted individuals. Also the lower dimensions are sources of electromagnetic energy for the higher ones, therefore, quartz crystals that can be tools and allies for those in 3D.

The first dimension of any dimensional vertical axis is the core of the planet that consciousness resides on, which for us would be the crystal inner sun at the core of earth. This represents the first entry point of consciousness into physicality, is the densest and includes the mineral kingdom. This is also the dimension that generates the vertical gravity waves and the horizontal electromagnetic waves that anchor and ground our souls in 3D.

This is why it is so important to ground ourselves on a regular basis by sending/ visualizing a shaft of light moving from the base of the spine through the earth to the center of the core crystal anchoring it with the breath. On the inhale, sense the light coming into the body from above through the vertical axis, and on the exhale push it down and anchoring it to the earth's core, an excellent technique for well-being. The consciousness that resides in this dimension is that of the mineral kingdom.
Akintonde, James. Keys For Mastery: (Maps For Multidimensional Higher Consciousness) (Kindle Locations 854-867).  . Kindle Edition.

We shall explore more of this when we enter the session on Multidimensionality later in this course

The inner journey home must walk through the Dark Forest that is known only to you. Your reclamation of you must face the discarded pieces of You left behind in fear and anger and in haste. To some degree you will consciously engage you to clear away that which does not resonate. Even with the Celestial assistance and washes of higher frequency you must dance with the dead, so to speak. This is where you learn to face the personal demons you learned about and set into place. It is through this warrior action that you embrace the wholeness and stand solidly in that place of all places that knows your true name.

Thus, as we enter the domain of the scattered DNA and initiate the reassemblage of you, we must be clear about the journeys moods and faces. You will have to see you in all your expressions to sift through and find the truth. It will not simply be given like a lottery win. Though it may be a battle in some ways, mostly it is about being able to activate compassion and empathy for the many you’s that have come before, imprisoned by belief and circumstance to do that which must be done. Eventually you shall gather these discarded pieces of you and reassemble the true you, through your own actions and decisions. Empowerment is a journey that is not for the feint of heart. Even as we act as if and dance in the idea that we are whole, we are activating the release of the inner resistance, through which we shall have to navigate. It is an ongoing adventure that reveals you to you.

The harsh truth of our reality as it now exists is that the loud voice in our heads, the one that constantly keeps us engaged in an internal dialogue about the same inane issues day after day, is an outside imposition. It keeps us in line through the endless chatter suggesting much of our thoughts, feelings, ideologies, judgments, etc. We never see this happening because we have been led to believe this mind is ours, after all it has been there as long as we can remember. The truth is that we have another mind which is our true mind and the physical location of this mind is the heart. The quiet voice of the heart is our true voice but it has been rendered docile and ineffective, relegated to

…The truth can set you free but only if you have the fortitude to gaze into its abysmal depth without flinching and see it for what it is without trying to sugar coat it to make it more palatable. If you do not see the magnitude of the tyranny that you are up against, how can you rally all of your resources to battle and this is exactly what you will need to do, not only rally all of your resources but tap into resources beyond yours and greater than yours, this is where the your guide team comes into play and this alliance your opponent will do everything in its power to derail.

…This has to be so. No one will come do it for us, although many are here to help. It has to be so because humanity will be the race that will be seeded unto countless other worlds. The magnitude of the tyranny we have undergone and overcome will be recorded permanently at the DNA level, as a record of what not to do, so that all descendant races will have a built in aversion to what has gone on here so that the history of earth never need be repeated again on any other world. When you can begin to see the magnitude of what is occurring here and what we are accomplishing en-masse, it becomes easy to see that there will be many who will not want to see this happen.

Akintonde, James. Keys For Mastery: (Maps For Multidimensional Higher Consciousness) (Kindle Locations 2417-2422).  . Kindle Edition.

This planet has become a place of great tyranny, oppression, control and limitation. However it was not always that way, it most certainly was not created to be so. We are controlled on levels beyond our perceptive capabilities; our perceptive capabilities have been degraded to allow for this; the control is electronic, a form of frequency control designed to keep us functioning within a very narrow band of frequencies and that narrow band is one that is of a negative orientation but quite nourishing o the controllers. That narrow band also makes it virtually impossible for any kind of direct spiritual connection with higher realms. The history we are taught is not the complete story… it has been said that history is always written by the victor. We are literally educated into stupidity. We are reared in concentration camps aka “cities” and subjected to unhealthy amounts of pollution and stress all designed to keep us in a fight or flight mode.

We are raised in a society that is externally focused, giving no credence to anything internally directed. Meditation which can connect you to your inner power is laughed at as the activity of a recluse who is running away from the world. We are constantly distracted from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed with one thing or another and this begins from childhood and continues into adulthood with college so you can get a good job and become a productive member of society, then get the job, get married, raise children, which are the next generation of cattle for the farmer. The sheeple do this with hopes of being put out to pasture in old age with their pensions. This is not always the case. But more importantly, nowhere in all of this is there any allocation of time and resources for any kind of internal work of self-development. Quite the contrary, to seek such things is seen by society as an admission of weakness or a form of escapism. This is all done by nefarious design.

There are many accounts of the history of humanity from many indigenous tribes around the world that drastically conflict with what we are told by conventional historians. From the zulu in Africa, to the native Americans, the Australian Aborigines, to the Tibetan monks. There exists tons of information out there on these oral accounts passed down from generation to generation and they all speak of a time when the earth was covered in mist and you could barely make out the sun in the sky. Then out of the skies came huge bowl shaped ships and out of these cam humanoid reptilian beings who immediately began a systematic takeover of the planet. They caused the mist which was from a suspended ice shield to fall by navigating their planetoid warship close enough that the gravitational pull caused the ice firmament to fall as rain which is the account of the biblical flood. They instituted massive electronic frequency control to create static in the minds of the population.

They de-activated higher frequency strands of DNA which had kept humanity connected to the higher realms and this was the fall from grace as we lost conscious connection with the higher aspects of ourselves. The instituted varying languages to replace the now de-activated ability of telepathy that we used to have for communication, which the more complete DNA allowed for. This was recorded in metaphor as the story of the tower of babel. This created an incredible amount of conflict because now people who spoke different languages could not understand each other whereas before with telepathy, understanding was not only possible but more complete. The original human was androgynous, created in the image of the creator, containing both masculine and feminine, male and female in one form but they conducted experiments and separated the male aspect from the female to create the male and female form we know today and this was documented in metaphor as the creation of eve from the rib of Adam.

…The genetic tampering occurred at the hands of the reptilian Annunaki, the founders of the cradle of our current civilization... ancient Sumeria. For more information, review the works of Zacharia Sitchin, who translated the ancient records of Sumeria. According to his translations, the Annunaki’s planet, “Nibiru,” orbits our solar system in an elliptical orbit that takes them way out almost to the Sirius star system before they boomerang back into ours, the duration of one of their elliptical orbit is 3600 of our years, so when their spaceship/ planetoid "Nibiru" journeys into our solar system, it becomes much easier for them to journey to earth en masse. This is what happened their last visit, however after their workers rebelled over the mining projects they were undertaking, some of their scientists decided to genetically engineer the indigenous humanoids on the planet who were still undergoing their own evolution to create a docile, easily manipulated and controlled workforce.

To create this slave race they dis-assembled the ten etheric strands of DNA, leaving only the two physical strands. The ten etheric strands was what connected the original human to the multidimensional reality of its soul; had they been left intact, the creation of a docile slave race would not have been possible. The ten etheric strands were disconnected from the two physical one's and left within the cells in a state of dis-array that effectively rendered them non-functional and many abilities including the awareness of the multidimensional nature of the soul were lost. Man became a being only aware of its physical nature, totally cut off from its own multidimensionality. The human being connected to Spirit would not be as easily hoodwinked and manipulated as they would receive information from the soul that would allow them to see through such manipulations easily.

This is connected to ascension because DNA is the instrument through which the nonphysical soul relates to physicality. It is vital to note here that all this was ordained and allowed by spirit so that we would be disconnected from our power until such time that we were evolved enough to be able to handle it. The two physical strands relate to the physical world while the ten etheric strands transduce etheric multidimensional information into a context easily understood by the physically attuned consciousness. The complete twelve strands also serve to connect to the twelve etheric chakras along the vertical axis. With their disconnection, the physical self is essentially stranded in physicality unable to reconnect with its multidimensional nature that is its heritage. Ascension involves an awareness of the multidimensional nature of the self and the latent multidimensional functioning of the human species lies in these dis-assembled strands of DNA science calls junk DNA, just because they don't seem to have any apparent function. As a result of divine intervention brought about by events such as the harmonic convergence of august 1987, when humanity as a whole was measured for its readiness for conscious evolution and the response was yes, cosmic rays have been and will continue to bombard the earth as she moves further into what has been termed the photon belt. These cosmic rays have an ordering function and they are ordering and re-aligning the DNA strands that were rent asunder. The photon belt is a band of high photonic, tachyon energy that emanates from the galactic core and girdles the galaxy. Earth has been entering the outer bands and is expected to be fully immersed within the photon band by the year 2012.

This event along with other astronomical alignments including the alignment of our solar system with the galactic center are expected to create ripe conditions for mass ascension of the human species, the likes of which has never been seen on the planet, including a planetary and solar system ascension into the next higher cosmic evolutionary spiral. The prime directive of a universe is to evolve, yet a universe cannot evolve unless the galaxies, solar systems, planets and species upon that planet also evolve, so there are cosmic evolutionary cycles that allow consciousness only so much time to evolve within a given reality paradigm before bumping it up to the next level, or ordering of intelligence. Just as in any school system, those who do not make the grade when the time comes for the reckoning; will have to repeat that grade, in this case, on another planetary sphere.

An integral aspect of ascension involves the re-ordering of the light encoded filaments of DNA, that have been disconnected and the photon belt asserts an ordering effect on all of creation moving the parts of creation that have fallen into disorder and chaos back into order and alignment... it brings order to chaos. The dis-assembled fragments of DNA are currently being re-assembled within us all by these cosmic rays in preparation for what is to come shortly. Being conscious of the process of re-construction that is underway within us all at the cellular level goes a long way in assisting the process, as one can learn to move with the changes rather than against them. It is not a comfortable experience to have a house undergoing reconstruction, imagine still having to live in it while this is going on. This is the challenge we are all faced with, and there is much we can do to assist and even accelerate the cellular re-structuring we must undergo just by being on the planet in these times.

Akintonde, James. Keys For Mastery: (Maps For Multidimensional Higher Consciousness) (Kindle Locations 2798-2814).  . Kindle Edition.

The significance of the year 2012, other than earth’s immersion in the photon belt is that our solar system is also at the end of its 26,000 year orbit around Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleadian star system. As well as moving from the age of Pisces to that of Aquarius. In addition, even larger cycles are coming to a close.

When an evolutionary cycle completes, the entire galaxy moves into a higher evolutionary cosmic spiral beginning a whole new level of experience and evolution, a whole new way of conceiving, perceiving and being. What happens with earth's ascension will ripple to not only affect our solar system in its ascension, but our entire galaxy and eventually the whole universe in its movements towards completion and ascension. This is why so many eyes from all over the universe are on our little sphere; also earth is a biological experimentation zone to see what type of consciousness can eventually free itself from the ultimate in tyrannies that exist here. The result of the experiment will be applied to other areas of the universe where similar tyrannies exist, creating a resolution and integration of polarities in those sectors of the universe as well until the entire universe can integrate its polarities and achieve ascension.

The integration of polarities involves each side understanding each other and the divine purpose of the other in the creation of a contextual field that makes experience possible. The dark serves a divine purpose of accelerating the light into becoming more of what it is, into evolving and expanding so as to incorporate the dark. Without a reason to become more and an opposition to overcome, there can be complacency and minimal growth, if any, as the range of experience will be more limited and there is little impetus. All energies come from the same source, all consciousness whether dark or light emanate from the same source, that itself is the matrix of all realities and dimensions. Understanding the ultimate unity of consciousness, regardless of form and function is vital to the resolution of polarities.

…Mastery of one's dimension involves mastery of the Self, which involves the mastery of one's consciousness which involves the mastery of one's mind, as mind is the instrument of interface consciousness uses to perceive reality, and for 3D consciousness, mind operates through the brain, hence the need for the evolution of the brain as part of ascension in order to increase the range of function and possibilities available to the mind. Mind functions at a microcosmic level through DNA which is the interface for the physical and non-physical. The photon belt is a high frequency, electromagnetic zone that quickens the frequencies within it into the fourth density and beyond. DNA is electromagnetically encoded, which is why with earth's entry into the outer bands of the belt the high frequency photon and tachyon belt is affecting a ordering action on all it comes in contact with especially DNA.

This is allowing for a re-assembling of the dis-assembled etheric parts of DNA and reclamation of lost innate abilities of the species. The same quickening action is affected on the planet itself, the sun and entire solar system and only those consciousness who can withstand the quickening will survive the transition while remaining in form, those who cannot adjust to the incoming 4th density frequencies will have no other choice but to move out of form and continue 3rd density existence elsewhere through rebirth because earth will no longer be suitable for 3rd density existence once she is fully immersed in the photon band and all who remain on her must be able to spiral upward from 3rd density frequencies into fourth along with the planet. This is the destiny of the planet and it must also be yours otherwise, you would not be here.

The areas of the galaxy exposed to the band experience accelerated growth and those outside of the band experience much slower growth, in the lower dimensions where matter is much more solid due to the slower rate of vibration of its microcosmic parts, as opposed to the areas within the high frequencies of the band. The earth and entire solar system move in and out of the band as they traverse space and their movements in and out of the band correspond to the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. The last time the earth was in the band was in the time of Atlantis, and 13,000 years ago Atlantis fell as the planet moved out of the photon band as she rounded the halfway point in her 26,000 year evolutionary orbit. The 13,000 year halfway points correspond to the rise and fall of civilizations as the earth moves in and out of the band leading to a rise or fall in the dimensional manifestation of the planet and the civilizations on her.

Atlantis was a 4th density civilization with 5th density aspects that underwent a dimensional fall as the earth moved out of the photon band 13,000 years ago. The dimensional fall was also accompanied by a fall in the consciousness level of the masses and a great loss in abilities and degrees of awareness. The opposite of this happens with entry into the band which is what is now occurring on the planet. The same is true of ancient Lemuria, also called the land of Mu, another 4th and 5th density civilization which existed 90,000 years ago in the pacific. This is why there seems to be no trace of them; we are looking for their traces on the wrong density level. Entry and exit into the photon band is the means through which the planet and all on it accelerate frequency to accomplish a dimensional shift, to ascend from one dimensional level to the next higher one or descend from a higher level to a lower one.
Akintonde, James. Keys For Mastery: (Maps For Multidimensional Higher Consciousness) (Kindle Locations 2881-2898).  . Kindle Edition.

Wow…that was a bit intense. One of the costs of the New Age movement has been to paint a picture of Shangri-La but forget to mention what was involved in getting there. To paint an affirmative picture on everything is to deny the actualities of what has been and what still is to a diminishing degree. This is why so many who affirm their way out of life end up facing it all once again in an intensified manner. There have been elements of darkness that have influenced the ways of humans. Many are still here. Anyone with any awareness can see the current expression of leadership as a blatant expose of all that is of lower vibration.

That, my friend, is what we have been under the influence of for so long. We were trumped, so to speak, into believing in the expanded doctrine of limitation. The gift of the new forms is that it is showing us what has been, in spades. Even those who were ignoring up until these times can no longer do so. Even the blindest of eyes are being opened. We are all Light Beings and no matter what we have packed over and around that knowing, we are always so deep within. And it is that deeper truth that is beginning to reveal under the wash of the higher frequencies.

As we turn to living the new vibrations we are reawakening the design to the degree that that it becomes increasingly functional breath by breath. Does it require anything from s.? Absolutely!

Attention, commitment, risk, courage, willingness, action, adjustment, release, belief…to name a few of them.

Living as if is turning into a calling to become a spiritual warrior by staying the course. Your efforts and commitments are seeding the current vibration with affirmative action. That action is a catalyst. So, please, do not underestimate the power of every effort you make to take action and embrace the new information. It is turning quickly into the rising force that will deliver humanity to its long standing purpose…which in current understanding is still un-namable. The action we take and maintain will reveal the purpose…backwards, so it seems. But these times are about Shaking the rafters and dispensing of the dark force….

Session Action Six: Say What? Some info from out there…