The Nature of DNA

There is a good deal of scientific information about the structure and form of DNA. Google it and you will certainly get a reinforcement of some long standing perspectives that include the function of genetics to steer one’s life based on the familial past. I am not going to get into that as I believe that we are fast moving on from the restrictive nature of that “science”. The bottom line of these times is that there is a landslide of new perspectives/information seeding us all, giving us each the opportunity to use and hone our muscles of discernment to come up with what works for us.

The days of everyone believing the company line are disintegrating out of boredom. The more powerful we become by waking up to our design then the less we are seduced by the trap of fitting in. As infinite beings expressing as a instrument of Source it is no longer about conformity and being cut from the same mold, it is fast becoming more about the unique individualized expression of Source that you are, out to have a wide swath of experiences just for the sake of the experience and what it delivers. The real critical element that is molding this new life is that we are high vibrational beings no longer capable of inflicting harm as low frequency actions on another. Those behaviors no longer resonate with the expanded heart that we are becoming.

Yes, your DNA gives you the elements that identify you as a human being. This is where it gets exciting though. The DNA junk is being revealed to be the Cosmic fuel that makes you the unique expression of Source. And the overarching wash of the times is that we are blossoming into a unified state of Oneness while, at the same time, living fully as a unique frequency human with a unique set of experiences and capacities. Seems contradictory…both? But How?! Therein is the big mystery. This is what is unfolding in these times, how to live as one and separate at the same time…alone together…Perhaps the expanded DNA holds answers. To that end we shall explore in this session.

Some expanded perspectives first, lifted from one of the Tools for the Times lessons:

  1. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the core blueprint of a Human Being. There are 4 different kinds of chemical nucleotide base pairs that are the building blocks of DNA. The sequence of DNA bases make up the genetic code. In the double helix shape, discovered in the 1950s, the DNA bases pair and twist each other many times in a spiral form. The Human genetic Code is about 3 billion base pairs long and occurs about 100 trillion times in a typical Human body. The Human genetic Code contains about 23,000 Human genes which represent the propensities of who we are, including everything we get from nature, the species, plus what we get from our parents and their parents. It is an instruction set–from Kryon in The Twelve Layers of DNA
  2. According to Keys for Mastery, DNA is an instrument of interface for the nonphysical soul located in non-local space/time and the physical self, localized in time and space. DNA is a record of past and future potentials containing all the records of one’s ancestral lineage as well as the future potentials of each person. There are two physical strands that science can identify, but there are also dis-assembled strands that science calls junk DNA that are actually remnants of the other ten etheric strands that were disconnected from the original 12 strand DNA matrix of the original human as part of the cosmic event that has been termed the fall.
  3. According to Kryon, we are imbued at birth with the following things:
    1.  The heredity of our parent’s biology
    2.  Karmic Blueprint-informational, not chemical
    3.  Astrological Imprint- a snapshot of the solar system at birth, the sun’s quantum imprint onto the magnetic grid of the planet, which overlaps the magnetics of your DNA
    4.  The entire Akashic record of all your lifetimes on this planet.
    5.  The Sacredness of God as represented by your Higher Self- the DNA changing of humans through seeding bythe Pleiadians that evidenced in the Lemurian civilizations
  4. Again, from Kryon, DNA is interdimensional, multidimensional, and is studied altogether, as the 12 layers are not linear , but symbiotic and interconnected on a molecular level, in constant communication with all of itself. It is quantum/multidimensional energy that carries a tremendous amount of unseen information and energy that essentially, is you. It is a doorway to the Cosmos, holding the means by which you can access your multidimensionality. It includes the historic and current relationship with Gaia as well, stored as a crystal in the Cave of Creation. It activates your DNA upon your next incarnation. The DNA carries the pieces and parts of other planetary lifetimes throughout the Universe. Only a small part, 4%, is used to provide the biology of physical life, the chemistry that makes life possible in your current form. The rest is a field which contains the information necessary to be the I Am That I Am expressing uniquely as you. The in the now capability to communicate with the entire DNA field is the profound power that allows us to communicate and direct the cells into new form and action.
  5. It is the quantum blueprint for your Divinity. It is the blueprint of your Akash. It is the record of all lifetimes, all things accomplished, all growth, all epiphany, and all failure. It holds your karmic records. The Human spiritual history is there, written in the quantum parts.
  6. Your DNA field is your personal Merkabah, expressing as a surrounding 8 foot spherical  energetic mist.  Your body is programmable by language, words, and thought. You are a community of 50 trillion cells and each cell is a mini-version of you. You are a complement to the environment you provide to your cells. Your cells and the signals they receive are the only two fundamental components that provide for life.
  7. The 96% of DNA “junk” is actually the multidimensional designer’s template and the 4% is the engine that obeys the design. DNA is a loop instead of a strand opening to the notion that it has a current running through it creating a magnetic field of its own. DNA overlaps itself, which allows for communication of signals through magnetic fields. This opens the door to understanding the simultaneous and instantaneous communication that occurs between the 3 billion base pairs of the Human genetic code that repeats over a hundred trillion times in the Human Body.
  8. DNA is intelligent and knows exactly what you need. It is a Whole, the parts cannot be addressed individually without impacting the whole. We use intent to raise our vibrations to become more multidimensional. The DNA reacts by activating the various energies within it which it  knows we need. Our opportunity is to begin to communicate, talk with our DNA to activate our capacity to use its full potential.

And here are some additional perspectives from other sources just to stir the pot a little more :

  1. The rising persuasion called Wave Genetics sees most of the DNA (96%) as potential that exists in the time -space continuum. It is called into the space-time flow via intentional sound language in the Now. The 4% does the body building and physical actualizing. Universal consciousness speaks the physical world, including DNA, into existence. By modifying the bioenergy blueprint meta-genetically through linguistic means, we can alter organic expression, facilitating both healing and transformation. From Potentiate Your DNA by Sol Luckman (We shall look at this more deeply when we activate DNA in Session Action 7.)
  2. The book, Soul DNA, by Jennifer O’Neill, purports that the junk is actually your Soul DNA,, the ongoing essence of you that interfaces with the physical. She says there are 9 components that make up your spiritual genetic system: gifts and talents; abilities; free will; spiritual memory bank; reincarnation; reincarnation; communication system; energetic system; universal understanding or knowing; happiness. Part of your incarnational is to access and learn the components of the Soul DNA.
  3. In Awaken Your Ancient DNA by Felicity Skye, she underscores the lost information of the true DNA that was purposely deluded in ancient times long past. The idea of human evolving as time goes on is contradicted by the exploration of what we are  and have been designed to hold from the eternal long ago. We shall explore some of this and some tools for activation in the Session Action 8
  4. In Quantum DNA Healing, Althea Hawk states that “The informed quantum field concept as presented here presents a departure from the conventional understanding of genetics where physical DNA are seen as generators and the source of the information provided to the body for its development and function. Instead, in a quantum context, we can now view DNA more clearly as receivers of nonlocal, quantum information that ultimately governs the chemical reactions and biological responses in the body. Therefore, the DNA blueprint, as it is known, is stored and utilized within a quantum field as a dynamic energetic record, instead of in a physical state. Going forward, viewing the Akashic Field as a quantum field offers the most plausible explanation for the source and mechanism of influence on our genes that resides outside our physical bodies.
    Hawk, Althea S.. Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (p. 31). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

We shall explore more of Quantum DNA Healing in  Session Action 3.

As you can see here, this sampling of the new perspectives on DNA is exciting and very expansive. The old scientific tenets reflect a time when science needed proof to support a theory. In the new “quantum science” the idea, the intention, the perspective is presumed true. This essentially sends out the Celestial call for the “proof”. And, it comes…These are leaps of faith that reap significant harvests when pursued. In many ways, because humanity has made such energetic and vibrational leaps since 1987, the higher frequency information is revealing itself to those who are open hearted and open minded…dropping in, so to speak. Become the welcome recipient of the next great thing…

Session Action One: The Nature of DNA