It has always been an ordeal. The arrival of the new generation would push the buttons of the previous ones as they would struggle and push to control the young whippersnappers. The old ways must be passed on. You’re to young to understand. We know what is best for you. Our learnings are the best and they are being passed on to you. You must learn to fit in. Our form of normal is best…you get the picture.

What a colossal waste of time, energy, and generational resources. Let’s get another perspective.

Each generation has a character, a frequency, a level of awareness, gifts for the previous ones, a purpose and mission, and a need to evolve beyond what was before. The universe is in motion, precipitating constant change. Change expands and delivers new information and perspectives. It builds upon life to raise the frequency of all participants.

Since the end of World War II we have had a parade of successive generations with profound purpose. The Boomers came in with a mandate, change life on Earth for the better, by initiating awareness of the coming Celestial changes that would accompany the Age of Aquarius. To inaugurate the entry of the Boomers, a profound event occurred to literally change the course of that generation. The bomb on Hiroshima was dropped. In an instant more human beings than ever before had been dis-integrated. Life for all would never be the same. The impact knocked the generation off of its tracks serving to isolate them from the past. This attempt to control through fear by those in power worked to a degree.

Growing up under the next Bomb falling cemented terror and annihilation in the cells of all who were a part of it. Add to this fear the wounding that accompanied the bomb on humanity and the Boomers were gifted with a shadow and a sense of doom that motivated them in a variety of ways ever since. This was the last time that a generation would be seduced by the company line…and that was really only for a short time, the decade of the 50’s into the early 60’s.

On the other hand, the separation from the past was the carte blanche for manifesting change…and change the Boomers did initiate…all over the place. This actually jump started the vibrational shift that started in 1987 with the Celestial first event, the Harmonic Convergence.  It started movement as change in an accelerated rate. The shift was in motion.

The first offspring generation of the Boomers arrived under the influence of the wounds, the sadness, the sense of doom, the mistrust precipitated by the instantaneous death of so many souls. This is the generation that had reached the point of overwhelm. The silence of the 50’s and the black and white views of life only spawned a new generation prone to excess, simply, in the beginning, as an opportunity to feel something that validated what was going on inside of the, This gave rise to rebellion and swift movement away from the status quo. Rock and roll arrived. The new young lifestyle was born. The hippies manifested. Free love and communes and connecting were spawned. All in the shadow of the unnamed conflict in Viet Nam that defined the lines of separation between the old and the evolving.

The first Indigo children arrived en masse in the 70’s, named for the indigo hue that their collective aura showed. They arrived with the mandate to use their higher vibration to precipitate even swifter change. With energetic swords that cut through the old ways and initiated a burgeoning refocusing towards things of spirit. They were to pave the way for the new generations who were higher frequency beings of peace.

Human free will has always been the wild card, The seeds of discontent provided impetus for many of the generation to move towards material excess in response to their need to fill the internal woundings of separation, for this generation was the last to be directly influenced by the gaping energetic wound of Hiroshima. The Indigos separated from their own generation and collectively began to pay attention to their higher frequency intuitive capacities and a knowing of a bigger connection outside of traditional religious dogma. Paving the way for the next generation…always the collective mandate.

But the separation of the generation interrupted the intended flow so that the arrival of the Crystal Children in the late 80’s was not what it was “supposed to be” . These precious beings of peace and love came in with a sense of separation from the struggles of the previous forms of humanity. They were centered in chaos and difficulty because they were unattached to outcomes, knowing more of their Celestial roots and original design. The challenge of the Indigos to successfully pave the way impacted the Crystal children. Many felt lost and unable to address the challenges of the world they arrived in. Many simply left because they understood the big picture and would simply come back when the change had occurred.

Each generation carries a more evolved DNA that is likely unmeasurable with current scientific biases. The DNA impacts all on a deep level. The Oneness between all is felt by all. Changes impact all. The new DNA stirred and activated companion DNA in much of humanity, paving the future as it did so, History does its best to provide healing from the previous events. Forms of the old come back to be revisited from the more higher frequency perspectives of the new humanity. Economic challenges, the addiction to war and conflict, the climate of perpetual fear and hopelessness, the threat of annihilation from the 50’s…all seeded the 90’s as the Millennial generation arrived.

Enter the self absorbed ones that have had such trouble interfacing with the ways and the ones of old. But what appears is not necessarily what is. The boom of electronics as computers, tablets, smart phones, video games, etc has actually had Celestial purpose. Though in many ways it spawned a profound sense of separation and isolation, it also served as a return to the Self where the true healing would take place. This internalizing gave birth to a more expanded awareness of what is, precipitating new perspectives on life and the impending unification that was on the horizon. The profound expansion of the Internet and online living and community gave a glimpse into the nature of the Celestial grid, the Akash, where everything is available to us simply by thought access. The devices were serving as training wheels to the revelation of the true design that would follow the movement through the 2012 portal.

The activation of the intuitive capacities showed up in a growing capacity of a new generation to communicate telepathically and dimensionally. Perceived as autism, this capacity is paving the way for the next generation who will arrive with the capacity for complete dimensional interfacing and multi-level communication in simultaneous ways. The DNA frequencies are altering the form of human life. These new generations are unattached to the problems of the world. What appears as complacency to the previous generations is showing itself as a remarkable capacity to problem solve from advanced perspectives. Having dimensional access allows these new beings to spontaneously manifest multiple solutions from multiple perspectives in ways that are completely outside the framework of the existing problem.

Every advancement of the new generations seeds the existing ones to receive the awakenings, if they choose. As a Boomer, I am completely open to the influence of these successive gifted ones arriving every 13 years. Why do you think I work so much with children? There frequency activates my own DNA to align with the latest downloads. It serves to diminish the awakening time. When I can simply interface to the new frequency though being present with them, writing and singing and engaging those vibrations I can move so much more swiftly.The Cosmos is unifying and entering the Oneness phase where all life becomes interconnected while maintaining autonomy. Hard to picture.

Each generation serves the greater good by doing its collective work to feed the reawakening. We all benefit if we allow it. Free choice gets in the way. The old ways seduce and the threat of annihilation is still ever present. The power of waking up is that with the expanded awareness, most of the shit that is meant to control and restrict is meaningless anymore. Not caring about it allows me to ride the waves of the new vibrations and enjoy the revelations of the times. We all have this opportunity in each moment. The call is to use the collective frequency and energies to assist us in reawakening our own place of balance. Life is alive. We are as well…a bit energetically sedated…but, nevertheless an integral part of the big picture.

Rely on your resources. Remember how the energetics of the generations are designed to serve you in your own reawakening. Pay attention to the ones before you and after you. All has meaning and a host of gifts. Reconnect with your own child self as well, for that is where your own DNA showcases. The more you open to the relationship with the child essence of you then the more you will know the DNA is coming on line. You have opened a host of doors and the big life is flooding in to usher you home, full of awareness, full of inspiration, full of experience, full of intentions, full of Love.

What a glorious time of year on Earth, magnificence in bloom, bless all this beauty, bless all of life…

Session Action Seven: Generational Impact