You may sit or stand when you do these mudras. Just breathe deeply. The only thing we ask is to close your eyes and be in a state of relaxed healing. These mudras should be done as one set. They are mudras just for DNA. You cannot take one of these and do it on its own. They are done in a set of twelve mudras just for DNA. You will see your energy much more intensely amplified if you use background music, especially the sound Om, Tibetan bowls, a crystal bowl, a metallic sound, a bell sound, or a gong sound. Experiment with this and come up with your own approach. People will need to adapt these tools to their own cultures.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 555-561). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The First Mudra: the Tree of Life The chant for the Tree of Life mudra is Om. Practice this mudra for three to five minutes every day for fifteen days, and you will feel an opening in the heart area. Energy will start moving around your heart, circulating like a donut from the front of your heart and going around the back of your body and again flowing back to the heart. But there is not just one layer of energy. There will be multiple layers of energy in a donut shape with the colors of soft purple and soft gold. You might experience a feeling of being uplifted. It is good to sit down when doing these because your energy could be very invigorated and must be built up slowly. This pose has more affinity with the female.

The thumb touches the tips of the second, third, and fourth fingers on both hands, and the tips of these fingers on both hands touch each other. The index fingers are not touching anything and are extended and pointing away from you. Hold both hands in front of your heart horizontally.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 571-573). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Second Mudra: the Blueprint of Life The Blueprint of Life mudra generates the power to access the blueprint of your life. This is your truth that you have in your societies. You must pass this down to your own people in their own countries. I cannot emphasize often enough: You must adapt this work to the societies that use these techniques. The chanted tone for this layer is “oooooooooo ooooooooooo,” sliding upward two whole notes for the second “oooooooooooo.” This generates the power to access the blueprint of your life. Many people feel that when they do this, energy of a pure white color flows from the brain down to the heart in a straight line; it creates a pathway for them to walk on in their lives. It helps them remember their blueprints,

On both hands, the thumbs touch the first and third fingers (index and ring fingers). The second and fourth fingers (middle and pinky fingers) are closed, touching the palm. Hold both hands horizontally in front of the heart so that the tips of the index and ring fingers and the thumbs of both hands touch each other. Your fingers form the shape of a triangle.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 583-585). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Third Mudra: the Present Consciousness Awakening Layer three awakens your Present Consciousness: the desire to know more about yourself. Every soul will slowly start awakening to the desire to know more about itself at the chosen time. This desire comes from the activation of layer three. Usually, this is done unconsciously, but you can activate the third layer by asking and forming the intention. For those of you who are not clear about your life journey and want to know why you are here and your higher purpose for being here, you can tap into this layer. Intent is a very powerful tool. When you ask for layer three to be activated, you will start to feel its consciousness streaming into you, along with the feelings and emotions associated with knowing more about yourself. This layer is a layer for self-discovery. This mudra generates the energy of deep calmness, like an ocean — an all-encompassing, beautiful, serene, peaceful, calm ocean. You are the depth of the ocean yourself. The sound chanted for this layer is “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”

On both hands, the thumbs touch the third and fourth fingers (ring and pinky fingers). The index and the middle fingers are not touching and are extended. Bring both hands in front of your heart. You will see your hands form many small triangles.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 597-599). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Fourth Mudra: the Belief Layer Beliefs create a person’s reality. Your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings all come from your belief system about yourself and about the world. Your beliefs were formed in this life and in past lives. Even your experiences are an inner reflection of your belief system. Belief is the key to your life: What you believe, you create. If you believe that the world will treat you badly, then your life will reflect this. If you believe that life is all goodness, you will create goodness. Believe in the highest good for yourself. There is much carryover from ancient times. You must break these old patterns. This is called ancient truth theory. Almost all humans can clear their consciousnesses of old beliefs and attitudes. This mudra is really critical, so we have a special sound that can break down barriers, the sound that we know is a sound of God: “wwhhoooooooooooomm.” Raise the tone slightly at the end of sounding. You can also call on your personal angels at this time to help you. When fully generated, your third chakra area will feel like a fire, burning many old patterns from the deep residual past. Do this tone for some time. Some people will see big balls of fire wrapped with a big chain tied to the solar plexus. You have been carrying this waste for a very long time.

In the mudra for the Belief layer, the thumbs of both hands touch the index and pinky fingers. The second and third fingers are bent down to touch the palms. Both fingertips touch each other. Place both hands between the heart and the stomach area.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 614-615). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Fifth Mudra: the Awakening Self Layer The fifth layer is the layer of the Awakened Self. It is also called the layer of understanding. Awakening is a process of understanding yourself. When you understand yourself fully, you are a master. Awakening this layer is a slow, gradual process, but it can be enhanced when you start incorporating more light into yourself. One way is to integrate more of your soul into your body. In your mind’s eye, see an ever-glowing, bright light emanating from your heart center, and with each breath, see it expanding ever more and finally encompassing your entire self. This simple step of connecting with your soul can enhance your light greatly. You can also call on angels, archangels, and your guides, teachers, and masters to integrate with their light. Ask for a synthesis with the light of the masters you work with. This is another important mudra that helps you express the intention: “I am ready to awaken my own higher self.” The tone for this fifth mudra is “hhhoooommmmmmmmm.” It means, “I am awakening my divine self now.”

On both hands, your thumbs touch the pinky fingers. The first, second, and third fingers touch each other. You will see a small hole between the thumbs and pinky fingers on each hand. Bring both hands in front of your heart.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 628-629). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Sixth Mudra: the I Am That I Am Layer Layer six is called the I Am layer. When you work with the awakened self and understand yourself more fully, the next step is in connecting with the I Am layer, connecting with the divine soul. Your divine soul is who you truly are. Your I Am layer is connected to the I Am layer of everyone else and also to the Father/ Mother God, Creator. The more your desire to connect with your I Am presence, the faster the activation of this layer. Your desire will draw forth your soul more and more into your body. When you start expressing and experiencing your life through your soul, you will have the grand wisdom of the soul available to choose and express your life. This is a sacred, divine layer; it incorporates Hebrew, which is a powerful, interdimensional language from other planets. Some Hebrew words are very powerful and manifest the Creator. Here is an example: ʾEhyeh ʾašer ʾehyeh (eh he eh, a show eh he eh), “I Am That I Am.” The tone chanted for this layer is “hhhaaayyy hhhheee ooooooooooooooooooooo.” It means, “I call forth and activate the Divine God within me.”

For both hands, your thumbs touch the first and second fingers. The fourth fingers are bent down and closed, touching the palms. The tips of the ring fingers of both hands are touching each other. Bring both hands in front of the heart area, holding them horizontally.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 642-644). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Seventh Mudra: the Balance Layer Balance is a consciousness in which you feel complete with yourself in your surroundings and situations. For balanced people, there is no emotional charge for situations and experiences within themselves or with others. There is a sense of complete acceptance, whatever is happening. This tone and mudra collect pieces and parts of you from other realities and other times, bring them back, and integrate them within you. You are making yourself whole again. You are calling forth your other powerful parts to come and join you. Balance also means the ability to become fully aware in all situations to take appropriate action. Appropriate action is the ability to create benevolent experience for all involved in that particular experience. When you are fully balanced, you will also be able to cultivate peace: in your mind, your body, your emotions, with humanity, with your culture, with Mother Earth, and with Father Sky. The sound you make for this layer is “aaaahhhooohhhhmmmmm.”

Close all fingers, and make two fists with no gaps between the fingers. The thumbs touch each other, right thumb on top of left thumb. Bring your right fist with all fingers closed, and place it on top of the left fist — not intertwined, just laying on top of the other fist. Stack both fists vertically in front of your heart. You will see a triangle forming, and the head of the triangle points toward your heart.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 656-659). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Eighth Mudra: the Truth Layer Most of humanity has great difficulty in being truthful. Unless you are completely truthful with yourself, it is difficult to be completely truthful with others. Humans are afraid to look into themselves and discover who they are. Working with the truth layer can help you discover yourself more fully and your own evolving truth. It can help you understand higher truth. Truth is always evolving and truth is large, so no one has the entire truth. As you evolve, evolving truth appears in your life. But because of our belief systems, we often discard emerging truth and cling to old truths we have cultivated over time. This is called the Truth layer because it expresses the truth of who we are. It is a triangle, the soul, the monad, and the I Am presence. (The monad is the soul group presence, 144 consciousnesses combined.) The mudra for this layer is given by the Creator. The sound chanted for this mudra is from the ancient Egyptians. It is “mmmaaa hhheee oooooohhhhhhmmmmmmmmm,” in a long, resonant monotone, varying the length of each phrasing.

Both thumbs touch the first fingers. The second and third fingers bend down to touch the palms, and the tips of both pinky fingers touch each other — very simple. Bring your hands in front of the heart area, holding both hands horizontally.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 672-673). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Ninth Mudra: Opening the Grand Eye Layer The Grand Eye is also called the Eye of Horus, your beautiful soul eye. It allows you to see without illusion. Without the veil of illusion, you are able to perceive the reality of your life without fear and prejudice. We live so deeply within illusion that we forget that there is illusion at all. When you are able to open up to the consciousness of this layer, you are able to see reality more clearly. All the masters who walked this planet lived their lives outside of illusion. Once you are awakened to this truth, you can live in this world joyously and with peace in your heart, for you will know that this world is a big stage where all are actors who have forgotten that they are living on a stage. You can clearly see your part as an actor in this great game and thus have the ability to choose how you want to play your part in this great game of illusion. There are two soundings for this mudra. The first is “eeelll ssshhheeeedddd iiiiiiiiiii,” sung in a long monotone. It means “the name of God.” These sounds will awaken this layer. Also, “hhheee mmmeee oooooohhhhhh,” which means, “I am open and willing to see more with the divine eye.” Many times when practicing this mudra, you will see light come in from the third eye going into each palm, making a triangle.

Close all the fingers of your left hand so that there are no gaps between them. Open the right palm so that there are no gaps between the fingers of the right hand. The knuckles of the left hand are placed in the palm of the right hand. Hold this in front of your heart area.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 687-689). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Tenth Mudra: the Remembrance Layer This layer is called the Remembrance layer, remembrance of who you are and remembrance of your life’s purpose. It is a remembrance of your birth vision: You know that you know. Everything is clear. When you remember, you are also able to tap into your akash and bring forth the talents and abilities you now need to enhance your life. You can ask your soul for its remembrances of specific emotions or talents and incorporate them into your present life experience. You can choose your emotional experience in any situation. You are no longer at the mercy of your present reality and the emotions and feelings associated with it but are in complete control of your life all the time. The tone for this mudra is “sssooowww mmmyyy aaaaaaaa,” sung in a long soulful monotone, again and again. This is an ancient tone from the Hathors. After you have practiced this tone for a while, you will see a bright light appearing in front of your forehead as if a sun appears in front of your head with light pouring down to you.

For the left hand, close all fingers except the thumb. The right thumb touches the left thumb. There is a gap between the fingers of the right hand; they open and spread apart. Hold both hands in front of your heart.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 701-703). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Eleventh Mudra: the Realization Layer This is called the Realization Layer. It also means connection with the Father-Mother Inner God-Goddess. It is through this layer that we realize that we are Creator Gods, with knowingness and complete realization of our trueness. When this layer is activated, the entire history of our creation is known to us and we can remember and realize our essence as Adam Kadmon. This also helps us to move through many of the higher dimensions and connect with higher-dimensional masters who can further support us in our soul growth.

All the fingers except the thumb are closed in both hands. Place the right thumb under the left thumb. Hold the closed right hand over the left fist with your right thumb under your left thumb. The two fists are stacked vertically in front of your heart.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 711-713). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The Twelfth Mudra: the God Layer When this layer is activated, you live your truth as a Creator God. You consciously participate in the creation of this universe. Meditate on this layer, asking that your own God Presence be fully manifested in your life as a living truth. Hold both hands in front of the heart, not touching each other when doing this mudra. The tone for this layer is “hhhuuummm yyyooooooo.”

All the fingers except the thumb are closed in both hands. Place the right thumb under the left thumb. Hold the closed right hand over the left fist with your right thumb under your left thumb. The two fists are stacked vertically in front of your heart.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 721-722). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Session Action Four: Mudras