The energy moves…it oscillates and adjusts and responds to intention, to choice, to action.  Self monitoring is an essential skill for the new frequency beings of you and me. Yes, pay attention to where you expend send your energy, where you send it. Pay, also, attention to what you allow in. Expanding your sensory awareness positions you to let in only that which serves to keep you in alignment, in harmony, in your own power.   Remember that energetic response is virtually immediate. As you train your awareness to be sensitive to both inner movements and outer manifestation you will become a master of your own process.

Your energy system functions without your tending to it. However, inner blockages and compromised auric field bodies will limit the flow. It follows then that you must consciously regulate your flow especially in these early times when you are relearning your system and clearing out any historical resistances. Meridian blockages will compromise the flow of chi. Chakra blockages will not allow in the celestial frequencies that are programmed to interface your inner and outer worlds. As always, your awareness is the foundational element. Without it you will not know the nuances of the inner flow. Put it into your conscious awareness that you must tend the flow of the chi for now. You will know when it flows on its own. That will be a revelatory day for you.

Balance Inner and Outer
Inner flow is based on the intake of oxygen and chi as well as the maintenance of the meridians, nadis, and bloodstream. Deep, full bodied breathing will amplify the oxygen and the chi intake. This is a beginning. Learning several breathing techniques and some Pranic Breathing tools will result in an enhanced flow. That will, in many ways, clear the specific blockages in a short time. Other blocks will show up as sensations, pain, and conditions, all of which must be considered as wake up calls to your conscious self. Learn to pay attention and respond. You can respond with breathing or chi enhancing techniques, direct stimulation of the painful area, stretching and movement, acupressure and acupuncture sessions, ,intentional visualization work, chant and mantra, vocal toning, and specific audio tonal work directed to the area that is actively calling.

For outer maintenance, make sure you do a chakra tune up regularly. Clearing the auric bodies via smudging, rattles, vocal toning, bathing and showering will also serve you well. Clearing all unspoken words and thoughts before going to sleep is essential in supporting the balanced state as well.

Protect Resources
Frequencies of almost infinite variety are everywhere around you, even moving through you without your least bit of awareness. Each can be and is likely impactful to you on many levels. Protecting your inner and outer resources by any of the above is an essential daily practice. Setting your energetic boundaries before you leave the  house is proper preventative care. Cutting all cords of contact with others through the day is a prudent practice as well.

Consistent communication with your energetic system will go a long way to creating a cooperative, supportive relationship that serves your whole being lovingly and effectively

Earth Power
Mother Earth is a human ally, aligned with humanity and a primary support system with boundless energy and power available at a moment’s notice. Make the call. Be cognizant of what the Earth can provide for you. The Earth Start Chakra below the feet runs 24/7 up the left leg and and down the right, sweeping any lower frequency debris. Notice when you feel compromised and direct this Earth energy to the spot, seeing it sweep away the debris and sending it down and out the right foot. Spend time outdoors to refresh your personal field, provide the negative ions, and get the natural beauty stimulation of vibration, color, wind currents, animal sounds, etc. Go barefoot on the earth as much as possible. Get into water. Stand in the wind and let it cleanse your auric bodies. Reciprocate by sending love and respect and gratitude to the Earth. Witness her sunsets. Acknowledge the animal visits. Celebrate the colors and the sensations and the variety and the magnificence. Do not hesitate to nurture your relationship with Gaia…

Celestial Power
Consciously bringing in Celestial through the Crown Chakra and the back of the Throat Chakra is the action of a wise, informed, and expanded being. An arms length above your head is the Soyul Star Chakra that funnels the Celestial information and support frequencies into your Crown. Tend to that Soul Star with your awareness and appreciation. Hum a lot and feel the vibration at the crown. Use that awareness to visualize and amplify the arrival of the downloads from the Soul Star. Intend them to go where they are needed within. Spend time out doors at night in places where you can see stars. Call upon the stars to nurture you with a blessing of star frequencies. Bring them into the Crown and also open the palms of your hands to the heavens to receive the Celestial Grace. Your openness and your conscious callings feed the movement of energies and amplify the experience to new, profound self sustaining levels.

Solar Plexus
The Solar Plexus Chakra is your power center. It is the will center that assists in decision making and then taking the first step action. A compromised SP will divert you from taking necessary action to sustain the integrity of your energetic field. It would follow that keeping it unobstructed would be an absolute necessity.The back side of the chakra also brings in the celestial wisdom that seeds the higher vibrational thoughts that precipitate life affirming decision making.  Pay attention to stomach and major organ issues, discomfort, or pain. Attend to these quickly by breath, sound, intention, word and affirmation, and physical activity. Address any conditions through your qualified health care practitioner. Assist you decision making by exercising a lot. This means making a decision and then immediately acting on it. Make these simple in the beginning….something like, “I am standing up”…then do it. Appreciate yourself. Doing what you say will go a long way in building the muscles of decision and action.

Dan Tien
The sacral Chakra is connected to the external emotional body. Blocking emotions will cause a system back up quickly. The backup will then magnetize the energies of the fear based blockages to attract situations and people into your life to align with your thoughts. The Dan Tien is the energetic body center in many martial arts. Personal power comes from being in the flow of emotion, allowing the energies to flow freely throughout their short life. You must sty fluid. Doing so requires that you monitor and allow your emotions. Express anger safely. Laugh a lot. Feel and express sadness. Cry the tears that must be cried. Acknowledge the fears and bring the facts of truth to them to determine their validity. DO lots of hip circle hula hoops to free up that center. Be playful as much as possible. Be sensual and passionate and open up your uncriticized capacity to create whatever you desire. Doing this will balance the inner state with the forms in the outer…

Your intention is a calling forth of a desired outcome. It is an act of will fed by the clarity of the sacral creative child energy awash with the Big Love vibration of the open heart, sent out via the clarity of the opened throat simultaneously with the informed visualization of the unobstructed third eye chakra. Learn the power of your capacity for intention. Often intentions are sent out strongly by runaway emotions and the words spoken intensely. We affirm negatives and call forth situations that damage us…without even being aware. You must learn to develop clear intentions when you desire them to be sent forth. This is not random nor uncontrolled in these early days. They are significantly potent and must be treated as such.

Shore Up Boundaries
The cooperative relationship between inner and outer energy systems is profound. Your attention will invite in a balance that defies previous experience in the physical. Feel and pay attention. Use all the tools you can. Stay clear and clean. Amplify the vibrations and the chi constantly. Shore up your boundaries. Speak your birth name out loud seven times whenever you enter a new environment. Use the Tibetan mantra, Hing Vajra Peh, to set the cocoon of your aligned frequency around you to keep lower frequency intrusion at bay. Cut the cords of any interaction with another always with a swipe of the hand across your chakras and a , Suh Htep Nah! This will allow you to show up increasingly as the true and inspired you with all of your resources available to interface with the current form of the now moment.

Session Action Eight: Maintaining the Expressive Energy Supply