We have been taught that life has unpredictability and randomness. We are told that luck and destiny play big roles in what shows up for us as well as how that plays out. We are saddled with ideas like karma that reminds us that we can be punished lifetimes later for our choices and actions in the current life moment.Then, on top of all of this, we are reminded over and over that we are limited, defective, sinful, lacking value, and just not good enough.Then we are given the “cures” for all of this if we will just do this, buy this, let go of this…geez!

And still, after all of the new information and awareness pouring into us from within and without, most still cling to the idea of being a victim of life, walking the line of hopelessness, worry, and fear of the “what-if”.

Ok, fine…keep choosing that if you want…and keep getting the same results. Devotion to the “way it is”  burdens us with perpetual fear of the unknown. While, all around us the clear and reliable Laws of the Universe keep offering the waiting hand of the expanded design truth that is what the entire Cosmos is founded upon and flows eternally from and with. Is this the day you wake up and take the leap of faith into conscious higher frequency action? Or not? No big…you get to choose…and reap the rewards as well.

So, what does this have to do with the new generations arriving? Well…this is what they arrive into. The invasiveness of misinformation and the selling of the greater understanding for the sake of perceived safety and survival is honestly, a laugher…one that humanity keeps choosing, for better or worse, till death do us part. Most are used to living crappily under the influence of the terrible thing that is going to happen.

But, hey, this is not the design, as you have been told over and over and over through this course. That is how insidious the old programming is, how strong a hold it has on the tissues, and how fully infiltrated the mind is with the doctrine of “you’re no good”.

And still the new generations come. They arrive in higher frequency, in some ways, completely separate from the way it has been, ready to serve the Cosmic good to bring the higher frequency to the Earth Plane and the 6 billion stubborn human beings who have utterly forgotten that they are spirit incarnate…holy beings one and all.

Let me remind you that we are in a significant Celestial transition, we of this Earth Plane. The Aquarian Epoch we have entered is markedly different that the Piscean one we have navigated for about 2160 years. This is significant. The generations arrive with the marching orders, the operating system upgrades, the invitation to the full and juicy spirit being function as human in this Shangri-La. They do not care about what has been. They have new ways of interfacing with life and the previous humans. They carry with them the big picture and thus are not one bit concerned about consequences and what-ifs that the previous generations carry.

It is important to note that we are all involved in this, in cahoots with Source in this ever evolving, ever flowing, ever oscillating thing called life on Earth. No accidents here…just responses to the forms of the moments that are here because they are responses to the previous moments…get it? None of it matters and everything is significant…ponder that and do what you will with it.

Love is the foundational force that cannot tolerate the lower frequency misinformed expression of itself for very long. Sure, it will tolerate the free will joy ride that humans rebel into…but every one of them has been loved back into greater awareness, even if at the point when they surrender the physical or just beyond when they, once again, see the big true picture of the continuity of all life and go…dang, I forgot about this…sorry!

From the greatest generation to the Boomers to the Gen-xers to the Indigos to the Crystals to the Millennials to the Rainbows to the Star Children…the spiraling progression of life during the transition. Each generation brought a frequency to the table and seeded the energy and fed the previous generation the higher frequency alternative to the way it is, dammit! And not everyone listened. Most just tried to hold onto what they had, as dysfunctional as it was, trying to integrate these young whippersnappers into the fold and make them a spitting image of their own ignorance and patterned living.

Fear based living. Afraid that what has been has been a colossal failure and afraid that these little ones will cause us to admit the fact that we are so much more than what we have allowed…by design. And this could annihilate the absurd devotion to the mind and all the misinformation we have used to shore up our castle, er, prison for all these Piscean infused years. Can you say, the end of life as we know it?

Yes, make them mind what we believe in. We are the teachers. We must mould them into automatons just like us…yes, that’s it…then all will be fine in this tragic eddy of misinformation for a while longer. So you think, my worn out friend, so you think…

It gets messy during these Celestial Transitions. It’s like this when days become One, when we wake up to our personal and collective design and shake off the lower vibrations to stand in the continuity of Spirit in the Flesh…Source living Self through you and me.

Let’s step back and look at July of 2020 for a moment. Change…profound change, is initiated. And this time it cannot be swept under the rug of awareness and the way it’s been. Fast becoming the sweeping wave that is necessary to shatter the resistance of the old, resistant, Bible thumping holier than thou’s, who have been going through the motions of living for so very very long, relying on the status quo and an antiquated version of normal to make it to the next episode of Days of Our Lives.

A classic confrontation ensues between the old and the new, between the stalwart institutions that have been shored up and sustained by the shadowy fingers of greed and manipulation, and the very high frequency Indigos and Crystals and Rainbows and Millennials who carry the unfolding vision and the tools and will and capacity to bring it into glorious fruition. For the last 5 months the virus has impacted all human life, inviting, no, forcing each to take personal stock of their own who I am. Each of us forced to look in the mirror. Many turn away and lean on addictions and distractions to keep that “precious semblance of normal” that the numb mind reaches for. Many have jumped in and redesigned themselves in the likeness of the Truth of Their Being. While many oscillate on the fence of what to do…stirred deeply by the calling of truth from within and yet lacking the solar plexus will to take action…as of now. That will change…significantly and quickly. The current swelling of the infection and death rate worldwide is pushing humanity to the brink of Stay-in-Place 2, the long awaited sequel that will seal the deal for the many on the fence and serve to open them up to re-accessing consciously their on I AM That I Am Expressing As Me. The Cosmos is not messing around here. There is a momentum of letting the Piscean influence fade away and of amplifying the Aquarian call to unity and oneness and living in the male/female balance.

In a somber reflection look at those who have died already. Most have been the elderly, likely most from the Boomer Generation but some from the Greatest Generation. The youth have been for the most part immune, but there is some indication that this is changing. From the expanded view we see that those who have died carry with them the remnants of the Piscean influence. Obviously, there have been conscious ones who have died as well, but likely the bulk have been devoted to living under the constant influence of the old beliefs and actions. A lifetime of buying into lower frequency beliefs can seriously deplete one’s own immune system to the point that it can no longer function. Is this what is happening? Is there Celestial support to free up many who have been suffering in the forms of their life and to also diminish the energetic influence of the Piscean?

The new generations are already coming of age and already influencing the major institutions that are in transformation mode, whether they want to be or not. New ideas arise, carrying a restructuring of what is important and necessary in living the clear life. These new ones bring in the new ideas that are fast forming the new paradigms that will lead us from the way it has been into a world of growing unification and equality and compassion and peace and thriving. The resistance to the new waves is showing itself to have no substance, it’s illusory structure is dis-integrating to reveal the results of fear based, manipulative, controlling, arrogant living, right before our eyes. The collapse is upon us like a freak show. The old institutions are a parody of themselves revealing the worn out puppeteers who desperately try to keep pulling the strings and act as if the show must go on. Well…it doesn’t. It cannot. It will not.

Is this collapse necessary? Yes, only because there was such an effort to keep the ugly illusion of false power in place, at the expense of most of humanity. Love always has its day of reckoning. And Love takes many forms to bring about the balance.

It could have been different. And it will be from now on. The new generations must be embraced and celebrated. Just as the outgoing elders must be celebrated and showered in gratitude. Humanity must awaken to the absolute knowing of the continuity of life and the emerging Oneness that is the gift of the evolving cosmos. In this awakening and knowing it becomes obvious that the generations bring the higher frequency way to live consciously. The parents must empower and encourage and celebrate the accessible wisdom that these new ones carry and who are more than willing and capable to deliver the information through action and word. Yes, even at very young ages.

We, as a human race one and all, must open hearts, hands, and minds to the wisdom these new ones deliver…and be willing to take action to embrace the frequency personally to integrate into the whole of human life. This cooperative life becomes sustaining and self perpetuating. This is how you facilitate the rebirth of humanity. It is  here and it is happening. Resistance is futile and will result in self annihilation for those who stand in the way (and we know that in the big picture there is no harm).

Listen to them. Pay attention to them. Engage them. Model them. Interact with them. Learn from them. This will take pressure off of us all to do it all. The Cosmos has our back. We do not have to make everything work. We have done our part and have reached the place where we are receivers who can enjoy the fruits of our actions.

New information, channeled recently, indicates that the Indigos started arriving en masse from the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 onward. Though many were born in the late 70’s and 80’s the bulk started to arrive as transformations were beginning to take place. Their higher frequency understanding and knowing has served many transitions mightily, even though we were not really yet listening to them. Their energetic influence transcends how they were treated. Indigos are still arriving. There are now Indigos birthing Indigos so there is a greater capacity for understanding and support to allow these new ones to thrive in their design. Criticisms of the parenting styles and the new generations of children stem from ignorance and honestly, unresolved personal woundings within the ones who criticize.

The new ones carry the visionary templates of the new cooperative life on Earth that is showing itself through the virus induced days that we are in. The collapse is sensational and newsworthy. And in a media bought and sold to spew fear and manipulative “fake news” there is a lot to write about. Keeping the deaths non-personal, except in the case of notoriety, keeps the mystery alive and allows fear to infiltrate more easily. The potential is that the fear can be the vehicle to perpetuate the willingness to be controlled unconstitutionally in the name of safety and survival.

Yes, there is order in collapse. The reliable has become the anything but. That which we have leaned on , the familiar, is no longer such. And since the Cosmos follows Cosmic Law, the next moment is born in the form and action of the current one. We seed our futures in the now. There is no vision forming yet because there is so much that is being undone right now by each human, willingly or not. The flux is in flux. Once the resistance is cleared enough then the new frequency influence will begin to show itself in that which manifests. Collective alignment comes when enough get clear to allow the Spirit Self equal time with the human self thus raising the frequency and energy and form of the Whole. We feed and seed one another to create the collective…consciously.

The Indigos seem to be the umbrella generation that creates and sustains the fertile ground for the specialist generations to come in. The specifics of the unfolding forms are arriving in the energetic insights of the Crystals and the Rainbows and the Star Children, much of which remains to be seen.

In some ways each generation arrives with solutions to the current human world issues. They bring the frequencies that contain the insights and information that can be shared telepathically in the the beginning. There is a beautiful dance of evolutionary remembering and activating orchestrated by this Love based and infused Cosmos. That is good to know for it is as reliable as the morning sunrise.

The Crystals began arriving in the later 90’s as the peace full ones who came to bring the balance back to humanity. They mirror the Indigos in many ways in their expansive knowledge and given understanding of the big picture. But they are more about being the wayshowers to the multi-dimensional make up of the cosmos. Intuitive and brilliant and connected with higher frequency information and tools they yearn to be coddled and cared for in word and touch. Listen to me is the clarion call of all of the new generations. Thankfully, in these changing times there are more and more who will listen and are listening.

Take the recent stay-in-place world wide directives where so many individuals discovered the capacity to stream their creations and ideas out into the world in unprecedented ways. The actual connectivity is staggering. Individuals can connect and communicate with the world in ways that no previous institution could mirror. Connection on all levels is a new part of the unfolding paradigm. What is perceived as a negative by the previous generation is actually a new tool of expansion available to the establishment, if they choose…yes, if they choose. And here lies the rub…

The new generations activate the higher frequency living that allows a direct relationship with technology to take place, often without any training. Connections expand. Ideas and feelings are shared. Individuals are witnessed in ways that often families do not do (of course there are situations where harm has occurred). The infatuation with self as evidenced by the proliferation of selfies begins to turn the individual inward. This tendency activates deeper inner knowings and different ways of being and interfacing with others take place. Expanded connections are initiated. The sphere grows. Communicating with one another via tech actually bypasses lots of the unprocessed and unexpressed energy/woundings/emotion that plagues most, seriously interfering with their ability to communicate clearly. New ways of living become standards of the new generation and soon find growing ways to influence those from before, seeding necessary change. Fertile ground, indeed.

The virus arrives to activate the self examination necessary to initiate the great self cleanse to allow the conscious interconnecting necessary to elicit the changes to birth higher frequency living and thriving. So, you think this is an accident? It is a sweeping collective action that has involved one and all…for a long long time. And we are right here and now in the manifestation stage of visions that have prompted humanity’s dreams throughout the ages. Damn!

Each generation does their part to facilitate the next phase, so to speak. As we learn in these necessary and unprecedented times to be consciously connected open heartedly with one another we shall see the Celestial remedies in action to create the world experience that we have been designed for. Is it guaranteed? Not really…but I would place my bets on the Cosmos coming through. Humanity is no match. Especially when the constant influx of the all knowing advanced rookies show up daily to remind us of the what can be and the what shall become.

Pay attention to one another. Connect across generational lines. We have much to learn from one another. We have a new world to create and facilitate…together.

It is not so much the individual generation characteristics that are important, though they are, but the activation of cooperative living and listening to one another. Feed that the willingness to trust and take action and you have the makings of something that only conscious spiritual fools would dream of…at last…

Session Action Five: Crystals, Rainbows, and Beyond