The media industry, which includes music, books, magazines, television, movies, film, video, advertising, and all the online expressions via streaming, the internet itself, and much of social media, has become a primary tool of exposure and manipulation. Ah, the old polarity duality issue…
Entertainment has become a curious vehicle of distraction. Always has been but it has succeeded in shortening the average attention span so that viewers become more receptive under the barrage of image and sound, opening the door to influence and even manipulation, subliminal or not. The solar plexus capacity of discernment, using information and fact an awareness to make decisions, is becoming non existent in many, making it easy for them to just do what they are told.
Consider the disgusting use of ads by the pharmaceutical industry/cartel. Pick a disease or issue and paint a beautiful image of someone symptom free because of the pill. Then while the “normal” lifestyle facade plays out the contra-indications are run in the background at a softer voice, ending with a reminder of how this will make your life better. For some of these rushed to the market panaceas death is one of the possibilities. Sickening that real humans are designing this dangerous drivel on their brethren. For what?…let’s say it all together…MONEY!
The media is compromised in the large scale. Sure there are still quality, life affirming creations being made but likely they are not available on the large scale that “mainstream products with huge advertising budgets” are.
Here is what is worthy of underscoring. Everyone of these topics interfaces with the other. The woundings of humans (unprocessed/unreleased) have laid a foundation for quick fix, too good to be true offers, intentional manipulation to run an agenda likely based again on profit motives. The woundings leave too many desperate to get out of their situations. SO they do what they have to do. And then perpetrate it on the hordes who have become immune to decision making and have settled for a life of less than.
So, bottom line, clearing the inner cesspool of the energetic debris of living can impact the whole lot of these to move us into a new frequency of life affirming thought, belief, and action. Rather than dwelling on what is defective and damaging let’s just explore some higher frequency ways to affirm life and reclaim that state for all (if they are willing to accept).
Here are some suggestions that are in no particular sequence, just stream of consciousness:
- Once people are re-introduced to their own blossoming capacity of wonder and imagination they will rediscover their own creativity which will open the door to reclaiming inner entertainment thus loosening the need for external influence
- When fear and anger have been processed out of the masses the interest in lower frequency energies will diminish and eventually disappear. The need to process fear, pain and anger through movies, books, video games focused on killing humans for sport has been a useful tool to prepare young people to be soldiers from a distance playing games from a bunker, games that kill real humans half way across the world. This programming needs a receptive audience. People with inner clarity are not interested in the frequencies of horror and evil and violence and intentional abuse. The dark side of living the wounded life has been cleared in these new times, by the collective efforts of willing individuals and the Celestial support.
- Without the addiction to using shock movies to assist emotional and energetic release, movies will gravitate towards the beauty of life affirming , feel good productions. Television will choose to alter its real life focus on dysfunctional individuals and families and rediscover the power of life affirming shows that portray humanity at its best.
- People will become versed in the ideas and experience of sound alchemy to reconnect with the expansive power of intentional music. Knowing how to conscious create music that heals and amplifies higher frequency will give artists a new vehicle to impact an audience in profound ways. Music that demeans and separates people will no longer be of value.
- People will continue to gather for drumming circles to clear the energetics of stress of daily living and walk away amplified in the feel good frequencies. Gongs and bells and bowls sessions will become common place as people learn how their vibe can be cleared by these remarkable tools of sound.
- Gatherings focusing on chanting, speaking and singing healing and expansion mantras, and singing intentional songs of higher positive frequency will also begin to be a regular part of the conscious community. People will experience first hand the remarkable capacity to influence the personal and collective vibration to release the energetic wounds of the past.
- Informative gatherings to teach people the power of their own voice to cleanse and heal on many levels will be a regular part of one’s preventive medicine activity. Those who have been silenced by life will reactivate one of their primary design tools for creating a life that flows.
- Shouting ranges, where individuals can release through sounding the voice in full expulsion will be in every town. Support personal will be on site to assist individuals who stir the energetic past through their voice work.
- In resonance Sound Healing Centers shall be franchised across the world to provide a center for education and experience and performance and activity for the community. With the focus of sound and vibration they will become instrumental in sustaining the health of their community. As such they shall function as conscious centers of loving support emphasizing self care via the cosmic sound readily available to all.
- Adjacent to these centers will be a service to assist people in reclaiming their voice as a spoken tool of transformation. All will discover their own capacity to clear and clean their own vibration by consciously speaking through their natural voice.
- In the new frequencies there will be performance centers where the locals can share their creations with their own community. Regular showcases shall bolster the presence and power of conscious music to feed the higher ideals and frequencies of the expanding, connected community.
- Centers for the visual arts shall provide the same for artists of all kinds. Regular community shows will display and celebrate the creations of the conscious artists. Low cost classes will be provided by local artists to initiate individual creativity and expand talent of those who choose to participate. The arts shall be celebrated
- With the proliferation of smart phones all will be encouraged to create life affirming productions and photos to be showcased within the community on a regular basis. Lower frequency productions focusing on the past issues shall be utilized as tools for clearing in helping those still in process to reconnect with their own capacity to heal their wounds.
- Conversation centers will be activated where people come together to talk, without the use of phones and devices. Conversation shall be re-established as a necessary and cherished component of human life. From this process it is an easy step to community addressing relevant issues in a collective solution creation process that will be implemented, especially addressing community growth in action issues.
- Reading shall be encouraged and celebrated with gatherings around specific writings, allowing the sharing of ideas and experiences. Local authors shall have a place where they can do public readings for the community.
- As the Internet functions as training wheels to becoming able to access the Cosmic Database, the Akash, from within, training shall be instituted to assist individuals to activate, embrace, and sharpen their intuitive capacities to oepn to the receptivity of that which they seek. Learning to listen within and to trust and act upon the guidance shall revolutionalize cultures as they become independent seekers and finders. Regular gatherings shall give opportunity to share experiences and celebrate this design skill that all carry.
- Without the reservoir of energetic debris and experiential pain the need to use social media as an anonymous tool of criticism and blame and false feelings of power, that media can become the repository for ideas and problem solving to increase the collective vibration to make life more connected and people more informed about the revelations that arise from trusting and having faith in one another.
- Entertainment shall be aligned with the beauty and magnificent elements of life on Earth. The visual arts shall project images that showcase the natural Earth and the diversity of all life, human and beyond. The critical norms for beauty shall be jettisoned so that we reclaim our individual capacity to look for the beauty and the connected Source in all forms, especially those that in the past perpetuated judgment and preference and exclusion and racism. The unification of life is the new cool thing to do. This shall lead us into the arms of the collective Oneness that is the amazing combination of the uniqueness of each expression of life united by our Source design and eternal relationship.
- Sensory expansion training free from the use of any kind of altering substance shall be the gateway to waking up the spectacular inner capacity of one and all to experience the full life on Earth. Opening the senses and being able to regulate them will be the vehicle upon which we cross the threshold into conscious multi-dimensionality.
- All media shall be used to offer the basic skills of conscious living. Perspectives free from past dogma and institutionalized norms shall be the curriculum that opens hearts and minds and hands. Learning about our expanded energetic design will activate the deeper connection with all of life. Expanding our knowing of the Earth connection will activate the relationship of loving giving and receiving with Gaia. This will allow each to rediscover their own record crystal that holds their own Akashic record of all lives, past, present, and future.
- Centers for safe personal touch shall be established to ensure that each can get the essential supportive touch via hugs and human physical contact that is absolutely necessary to inner and outer health. Care shall be taken to insure safety for each participant through action and information of how to redirect sexual energy cleanly and clearly.
- Media and entertainment shall have a primary purpose of connecting and unifying humanity through the conscious exposure to the higher frequency elements of living in the collective arms of Oneness.
- Because of the inner shifts that shall occur from all of these elements in all of the topics there will be no need to perpetuate misinformation. In the spirit of its all God, there will be no need to ban or blame or restrict because in the higher frequencies people will simply lose interest in anything that does not affirm a conscious loving life. The old tools of terror and control shall simply waste away.
- Video games shall evolve from the incessant themes of violence, control, killing, and glorifying the lower frequency characteristics of the human and move more into teaching through experience the higher problem solving skills, the process of building connection, and amazing expansions that come from open hearted living (to be discovered and revealed).
- The media, TV news, newspapers, magazines, on line RSS feeds…all shall move out of the ratings business for profit for shareholders, and return to proving information on the events and experiencing of living consciously. Sensationalism to grab attention will decay to be replaced by writing clear and conscious information that actually informs and affirms life. It will engage and teach as well. It will give inspiration and celebrate the individuals who are active in uniting the human collective. There will be no room for “fake news” and manipulative tactics that are corporate serving. Rather the media collective will agree to serve in glorifying life in its majesty. Interest in sensationalism shall plummet. People helping people will be desirable story that invites more of the same.
- Truth, trust, honesty, and integrity shall become the foundation of the new advertising and marketing machine. People will have less need to procure tools to fix themselves and shall gravitate to things filled with higher frequency intention energy, made consciously and respectfully in alignment with the Earth, made to elevate the experience of living fully. Perpetuation and glorification of the established current beautiful people shall cease being replaced by spotlighting living human individuals of all shapes, sizes, genders, and backgrounds just doing the conscious life. The need to worship the stars will cease as people will find their own fulfillment within. This will terminate the tell all vehicles that expose the “truth” about the people in the limelight: the National Enquirer, TMV, reality TV, religious programs for money. Celebrating life in the common person will become the best news of all. We will learn about and grow with and from one another.
SO….this is a start. As any of these get put into motion they shall activate new frequencies that will magnetize new visions, ideas, products, and experience that are in alignment to that frequency…likely not even thought of yet. Life feeds life. And since we are already integrated into the media and the enjoyment of entertainment, we can utilize it to significantly improve upon the experience of the conscious life on Earth.
And so it is…