Some say that the Earth would be an amazing place… if humans weren’t here…and there are those that point fingers at the problem children and spout that the world would not miss if they checked out  right now…. There is an attitude of personal arrogance born out of the personal program of individuals and the collective Piscean hierarchical prejudices and constantly moving mores of normal. And culture and society has certainly been a major player in shackling humanity in its infinite uniqueness with the tenets of what is best, acceptable, and desirable. Additionally it has set consequences for stepping out of the fence of normal, unless you are born into affluence, preference, or are one of the beautiful people.

And, because relationship has already been shown to be an historical battleground for posturing, and comparison, and blame, and infidelity, and promises broken, human with humans has been, quite honestly, mostly a mess…most of the time. And so here we are…at the gates of connected civilization rising from the hodge podge that has been shaped into the collective existence of life up until now.

And here is where it gets interesting and exciting. Humanity is entering the Aquarian realm of Oneness where male and female unite in a new expression of balance…and nothing, not even, free will will stop it from manifesting to transform the experiencing of living on Earth from this time forward. Society and culture have served as the spearhead of inequality and judgment between people(s) since not long after humans arrived on Earth and got their first taste of just what free will can do. The perpetuation of personal pain upon another feels so damn good…for a minute or two…before the pang of the inner design knowing of the Love Frequency Interface Between All Expressions of Life boomerangs back to punch the perpetrator in the gut, often with them not even noticing.

But energy is energy and it impacts all in one way or another. Universal Laws of Reciprocity and As within, So Without, and One Finger Pointed Leaves Three Pointing Right Back are always active. And they can mess up the innards and the outards of any perpetrator in no time at all, especially when they aren’t even aware.  Humans actually do have to be taught to be assholes. And culture and society via the family, the institutions, the community, the homies, the Posse, the club, the gang, are pretty damn effective in setting the cost of disobedience high enough to entrap most…so that their particular brand of asshole can spew out offspring to keep the cause viable…up until now.

Like all of our topic explorations, things are pretty messed up. That is actually good because for the most part, humanity resides at the bottom of the barrel…sure there are a large number of conscious ones who do resonate and act from love and respect much of the time, but even the most devout New Ager has been known to flip off the SOB who cut him off on the highway…oops…what we are seeing here in the almost Fall of 2020 as the virus continues to baffle and kill and enrage and disseminate fear is the ugliness that has been festering in the backed up chakras of humans who have aligned with groups of similar wounding to perpetuate a functioning doctrine of judgment and blame and misplaced I’m better than youness…these little citadels become prisons where I can sabotage my own forward progress by clinging to something that serves a damaged part of me.

Can you picture a bunch of debris in the ocean just floating around as the waves of change roll underneath? The pieces gather in clumps and clusters and commiserate until a strong wave of life shatters that dysfunctional connection offering freedom to the willing or just another opportunity to find a new cause to those who are inhibited to move up in frequency. Society and cultures can easily, have easily, become prisons that stifle life’s spiral into higher frequency. And, let it be known that 99.99999999% of all low frequency causes, no matter how they appear to be working, die on the vine…because there is no actual fuel coming from the Earth or sustain resources to sustain their growth (as they are fueled by often distorted or vengeful human intention (a limited resource). As we are discovering in these times, you cannot prevent for very long, the original design from making manifest. Life of the higher frequency will always rise to the top because it comes form the top…or actually, from everywhere. So, face it, society and cultural preferences chained at the expense of the less desirables, are doomed.

To this end let us seed a new vision that is bound by Celestial Law to appear in the not too distant future…can you say, today?!

  1. The more the new vibrations infiltrate the humans the more clear and clean they shall become, even if they do not want to. Free will, that bastion of my way or the highway, is loosing its appeal to the Cosmos and is gradually being replaced by a heart centered vibration oscillating love (which translates as caring, compassion, support, understanding and empathy…and manners, yes, remember those? In these developing frequencies the inner design activates the heart center to begin the letting go of the lower vibration. This will serve to open the eyes, hands, and hearts to finally witness the beauty of life…in all its human and animal forms. In other words the experience of life will oscillate into new expressions that are profoundly Love based. We won’t know what hit us in the beginning…and likely there will occur significant pushback from those firmly and fearfully entrenched in the old ways. Can you say 2020 through 2025?
  2. Though society and cultural forms are more impactful to those who are post 18, it is the familial wounds transferred into rules and guidelines that set the stage for one turning away from their true design and learning to become blameful and suspicious…temporarily. Children are taught to feel unsafe. They can be controlled more easily. Witness the dysfunctional atrocities perpetrated upon them all the time. Let it be known that the new generations will have no tolerance for these family of origin actions and thought they appear small and fragile, they will be able to visit upon you energetics that will help you understand that your actions are to cease immediately. This is a brand new world rising from within and without.
  3. Collective healing as facilitated by individual clearings will diminish the blanket of confusion and hurt and stuck emotion that contribute to adults doing things to children. The sins of the father will no longer be visited upon the offspring. This, in itself, will change the greater cultural and social responses. When the inner clears the outer responds in kind by Universal Law. The tendencies and momentum of abuse will not be sustainable at a certain flash point that is fast approaching. DO you think that the current revelations and exposures of what is happening to children by those “in power” is an accident. Absolutely not. The Cosmic wash is exposing the underbelly of a dysfunctional population so that it can see itself and realize what it is capable of and what it has done…and show, painfully, the collective cost of such actions. The what was will no longer be the what is.
  4. Exposing what is going on turns the light on actions that most have supposed were going on but had no “proof”. This exposure reveals that what has been done through the arrogance of those drunk with power who swear that their shit doesn’t stink and no one has any power over them, is very vulnerable and absolutely untenable despite the severity of the smokescreens to come.. They are being exposed to the masses. Those who have been subjugated are a mighty force in energy and substance. Their rise up is already active in this world. And though the power corrupt regimes of the world are in full spin and distract mode, the beast has awakened. The tactics of threat and false justice and law enforcement will not be viable for long as the very ones called to enforce the will of the elite will realize they have been treated the same way, and fully duped…so, they, as their own inner design of goodness comes back online, will simply law down their arms and the road will be wide open to the swift injection of higher frequency change that will transform the system.
  5. People are steered towards creating family of choice because of the woundings of from the family of origin. In the times to come the wounds shall be salved and healed to influence the unification of these families. Frequency alignments will bring the more open people together to activate cooperation and support and the rise of the extended Oneness family. These new expansive families will serve to amplify the goodness of all members individually and collectively. This, in turn, impacts the whole. The unification of these group energetics will amplify the arrival of the Oneness. By then most will understand what that means and how to live in the frequency of it.
  6. Cultures often gather and circle the wagons because of common experience or pain or ostracism or external force. The unification comes with a quickly established set of bylaws and consequences. The walls are built quickly to keep those of a different ilk out. The building of the wall is the first sign that the collapse is imminent. There is no flow going into the walled enclave . The inner restrictions to survive in the culture restrict even the energetic flow and most certainly, the celestial flow. And though life loves life, it cannot tolerate the push backwards, and it will eventually undermine and the rebellion against the established doctrine will make manifest the collapse of the walls. Refer to the United States under the alleged president who decided to build walls to keep out the undesirables. Ironically, it served to keep the main undesirables within the static vibration of fear. You can see the results happening daily in protests and actions that will not go away as they have done in the past. The line has been crossed and the momentum gathers to tear down that wall (thank you Ronald Reagan).
  7. Cultures built on deceit and false power and held at the expense of blaming, branding, demeaning others while perpetuating superiority will self annihilate, especially so under the pressure of the higher frequency energies of these times. The status quo cannot sustain the illusion when the people become “woke”. The strategies of deception now only reveal the plan of the perpetrators more clearly and the wave of higher frequency Oneness sweeps away the debris of what was. It is simply untenable.
  8. The cultural forms built around ideas, ways of being, the past, delusions of superiority, hatred, fear, etc are all untenable because they are built on a fear riddled foundation that could never be solid. Resistance begets resistance. The energy of no pushes away. And it restricts even more. It isolates and binds. This is the universal physics in motion. Separation isolates…duh! The group holed up in the mountains may be united by a doctrine and a vision, but that vision can never be put into motion until they get out of confinement. Polarizing positions will search for middle ground when the inner wounds of you and me have dissipated energetically. We all, believe it or not, want balance. The culture of the group will be altered, be it a political party, a religion, an ethnic group, a gender alliance, a racial unity, a national devotion, a gang, a team, a corporation, or a gaggle…people are opening up and when they do their interests will expand. The false security of the group will become less inviting. As the inner connection to the big life comes on line, previous blinders and positions will disappear to expose the hearts of one and all and activate a growing desire, need, for unification and common human connection. The old wounds that kept eyes of judgment and separation active overtime will dissipate and the actions will no longer be usable. Those eyes will open to possibility and embrace the heart frequency that brings all color to all things. In these frequencies the uniqueness of human beings as individuals, as families, as cultures will be the new flow, delivering freedom to the moments of living to one and all.
  9. The conglomeration of a society built around nationalism or ethnicity or belief or doctrine will witness its own walls crumble, inviting its servants to reclaim personal independence and find the actual joy in connecting with others and enjoying it. Separation has been taught and then used as a vehicle to sow hatred and instigate an ability to unite to a cause that really is about the few in “power”. It was simply a gross manipulation that has led to tragic results all along. History education helped to keep many of the dysfunctions alive as people remained loyal to the company line rather than risking being ostracized or demeaned or even killed. The Disempowered bow to the influence of those who can “harm them” or take away their comfort zone. Doing as you are told is so much easier…who care s what happens as long as I get my (fill in the blanks)
  10. Can you see why the Cosmos has intervened with new frequencies and new vibrations and initiated some forced change? I say that our own solar system crossing the mid line of the Milky Way Galaxy initiated a system change. How about saying the experiment involving humanity and its application of free will was, in reality, a failure with colossal consequences. SO that midline cross was the perfect time and place to do a reboot. It was deemed that the bulk of humanity is of higher vibration and are actually integrated well with their brethren and the planet…so let’s activate the flood of I AM to wash clean, giving everyone the opportunity to reawaken to the true inner celestial design and then put it into action. Or go elsewhere. Does this shed any light on the current forms of these times to you?
  11. No one is being punished. Higher selves one and all are making choices. Some are just tired of being here. Not every soul wants to be a part of the Great Change and Expansion and will likely come back at another time when all the pieces are in place…to really enjoy it. Others have worked long and hard to facilitate this transformation and are happy to be out on the front lines. Others of the new generations know exactly what is going and have arrived to seed the change with an unprecedented wisdom that will birth new ideas and tools and skills at just the right time and place to accelerate the arrival of what I shall call The Lasting Peace.
  12. Humanity is unified by design. There is no one element better than any other. Each is a divine expression of the I AM That I Am Source, a unique expression unrepeatable in this entire Cosmos and fully capable of integrating and thriving in the Oneness. The paradox is upon us . The ways to do this are being revealed. Stay tuned, my dear ones.
  13. The ways society and cultures and families have been implemented is not quite in the zone of integrity. Too many gave away power for the illusion of safety which paved the way for surrendering personal control to those who always say they “have our best interest in mind”. Humanity has become a ship of fools, a rudderless craft, adrift and looking for a home. The sound of the sirens is pulling them towards the rocks. The end is nigh…except that living right in the core of each one of us , yes EACH ONE OF US, lies the answer to it all. That answer shall be birthed in each of us when we reach maturity. It is coming, the time of awakening one and all. Those who choose to ride the wave shall be rewarded with a Cosmic personal and collective adventure of the Cecile B. DeMille kind. And we will follow the callings that edge us towards unification one and all to discover that the alignment of the individuals is the final puzzle piece that will open the door to the Celestial Yes, that great promise of the life blessings that will shower upon the one and all. Separate and One…eternally. You and me. Families. Cultures. Societies. Humanity.
  14. This is what is in store…or at least a first blush to entice and pique your interest so you will continue to turn to the Light and keep saying yes to the you you are rediscovering. Each step will amplify the energy to shower an infinite array of new forms from which we can choose. In the common frequency of Love we shall compose the symphony for which we were all designed to create…oh, so long ago…
  15. Are you ready?
  16. Are you willing?
  17. All it takes is a quiet and committed “yes” to activate the final movements to bring it on…
  18. What say you?
  19. Yes!?…yes…..
  20. And so it is….
  21. All aboard! This train is moving forward. To Infinity and Beyond!
SA7: The Stirring of the Aquarian Soup: Culture and Society