Up until these current early Aquarian Age times successive incarnations have left most re-entering with a karma based agenda of things to fix in the belief that we have to earn our wings, so to speak. This led to putting on the company line of normal like an old “comfortable” pair of shoes.  And lifetime after lifetime living under “false information” pretty much solidified some personal belief systems in the collective and that, likely, led to a need to have an intervention, cosmically…a little ol’ bug.

The importance of the intervention cannot be underscored. Change was slow, and increasing devotion to maintaining the serious levels of pain and dysfunction in the masses had to be jolted. Best way is to threaten survival, but not in a cataclysmic way. It needs(ed) to be gradual because the change was required to be activated from within each human soul. The misinformation, the racket beliefs, the established institutions, the severe diversions, the degree of anger and rage and its complement source fear underneath that rage…all had to be moved into and through. The Cosmos provided the impetus, the tool, and the activation. It was placed lovingly into the hands and hearts of you and me. And it is now ours to navigate.

DO you think that the inability to identify and fix the virus is not a part of the change. We have grown so sluggish, expecting others to make everything OK. But the others are being exposed with all of their foibles and illusory smokescreens in clear display to put it all back into your heart and hands. Stay at home and remember who you are. Face your own demons and reclaim the deeper truth you knew as a newborn. Remove your allegiance to the status quo and give permission for the institutions that have shackled your independence and free will for so long to dismantle into the thing that will affirm life and combine to build equality for all in all ways once and for all. Find yourself…find Your Self…and keep looking in the mirror. The Big You, aligned with Source, is there. Remove the shadows. Remove the cloak of limitations. Remove the energetic of the unspoken and the unlived. Remove the resistance chain wrapped around your heart. Remove the energetic squatters still clinging you to your past. Remove the beliefs that never ever felt right. Remove the fear of connection. Remove the status quo. Remove normal. Remove your comfort zone.

Living unconsciously is an established was of doing life for the bulk of humanity, up until now, that is. These are unprecedented times (as is so often said about 2020) and they are not going away, nor is the energy and action and reflection and change going away either. Thank, God!

Obviously, it is not easy, but it is here, and in the Presidential vernacular, it is what it is. Important to know that all forms of the Now are interacting to keep the inner evolution revolution in motion. No accidents, simply opportunities to stir the pot of you and me and force the birth of our own I AM That I Am Expressing As me into this magnificent Earth venue home. No exceptions. It appears that the choices are two: leave the planet or engage the reawakening personal to bring about the collective Life 10.0. If, you are reading this then you have made your choice already. Well done, Grasshopper. You were born for this!

The permutations of the forms rapidly sprouting here in 2020 are arriving to continually stir the inner complacency and learned resistance. Each is being cleansed, cleared, chopped, louvered, realigned, buffed up, rebooted, smacked around (in a loving way), confronted, shocked, inspired, made woke, redirected…need I say more? And we each are given a personal crossroads choice to stay or go…knowing that staying is the greatest adventure we have ever faced up until now. Nothing…let me repeat that…Nothing…will stay the same. It has to be so because the old way has run its course and, like the disappearing fossil fuel resources, running out of gas.

But, you were made for this! Remember?! Everything that has ever happened to you in this life and before has been to hone your frequency and stimulate deep knowing and enable your own capacity to find creative solution and…survive. And most of this was done below your level of awareness because likely you were bitching and moaning and wishing and hoping and yearning and blaming and worrying and hesitating and fearing and stewing and stumbling and closing your eyes, and, thank you, Donald…drinking the kool-aid…enough! The Cosmos has issued a directive…directly to the Core of Truth that has always been your inner companion. The directive is to simply say yes and then take the first step.

Live consciously, yes…now let’s start to take the steps into that. Choosing any one of these will activate the flow that will lead you to the next step in this spiral of awakening and re-membering. Do your work, my friend. You chose to stay. No room for slackers. You can still leave at any time if you are tired and worn or too scared to finally see yourself clearly. You can come back when the work is done…when the debris has disappeared…when the hearts are all open…when the world is in a never before felt flow…when its not so scary…when you can remember who you are and live that frequency fully without hesitation…when you choose to…when you want to engage and align and experience the Oneness…

…and know, my fellow worn out Light Worker, that you will be missed. And we will hoist a few to honor your achievements, your mistakes, your travails, your accomplishments, your contributions that assisted the Great Transformation…and we will look forward to meeting again in the arms of the unfolding Aquarian Age, the Celestial Renaissance that is just beyond the forest of today’s forms and dismantlings…

You’re out the woods, you’re out of the dark, step into the Light…march up to that gate and bid it open, aaahhh, open, aaahhh, open…

We shall collectively hold the space for you….

Conscious living points delivered through a stream of consciousness that begins right now:

  1. Say “yes” with an open heart, open hands, and open mind over and over and over…no matter what appears
  2. Pay attention to the nuances in the forms of the moments before you
  3. Explore and become confident in how you can form the moments of living by responding to this now moment
  4. Seed your Higher Frequency intentions knowing that they will blossom mightily before they make manifest. Be open to the oh, so much more
  5. Sing and dance and frolic and laugh as if no one is watching…unfettered and alive works best in this times
  6. Say “I love you” to everyone no matter what they say or do…
  7. Know that everything will thrive because you are hear and committed to living consciously 24/7
  8. Breathe and devote yourself to self care that nourishes you and then let it spill out to all you meet
  9. Remember and reclaim that your power is endless and aligned and fed by the Source
  10. Feel deeply your moments of living, allowing each blossoming of the magic of emotion to ride its own wave to release
  11. Cry whenever you can
  12. Hug everyone and everything…let them hug you as well
  13. Start living multi-dimensionally because it is a premier component of your Celestial Design
  14. Ask for guidance within every chance you get. Listen for response. Act upon that guidance. Celebrate the arrival at the next Now.
  15. Connect with all life no matter the form or the appearance or anything. Witness all those who cross your wanderings
  16. Play a lot. Play with wild abandon. Pull a muscle or two in fun. Kiss the ground. Hug a tree. Save a spider. Help an ant return home. Talk to the birds. Invite a squirrel to share in a snack. Witness how much the plant loves you by giving a gentle love filled touch. Enjoy disorder. Be unencumbered. Live like a tumbleweed for a day. Wonder about things. See an object as if for the first time. Watch children and do what they do. Make sounds of all kinds. Lay on the open Earth. Get your feet in the mud. Examine a leaf. Tell a tree thanks. Raise your hand in acknowledgment when you pass or see a hawk. Be spontaneous. Tell a stranger, “you look marvelous!”. Call a friend a listen to them. Go to the ocean and dance in the water. Make up cloud stories. Write with your non-dominant hand. Ask your inner child self to play, or dance, or come to dinner. Engage her in conversation about absolutely nothing. Make up characters and give them a unique voice and be them for a bit, for an hour, for a day. Every time you judge or criticize then give your own self ten hugs with an “I love you so very much because you are so wonderful and amazing as you are…”. Practice opening your heart space and sending out love blasts to passers by just for the love of it.  Have an hour of mistakes. Do nothing and love it. Throw away your past. Take an awareness walk with your self. Stay up late just because. Break a routine. Do something random. Make a list of ten ways to be ecstatic and then do them. Sing children’s songs. Learn something new and then share it. Ask to meet your Celestial Guides and then be open and receptive. Have a talk with Source. Be grateful to the point of overflow. Do everything you are afraid to do. Call up people and apologize. Send love and energetic solution to areas in the world that are dealing with something. Make a list like this of your own…and then do them all…and then rinse and repeat.
  17. Write up affirmative statements for yourself and then speak them aloud every day for one year…
  18. Send love to people you do not like.
  19. Set aside creative time to just let insight and inspiration percolate.
  20. Save a buck a day in an envelope and then send it all out to someone random at the end of the month (get an address from a phone book).
  21. Communicate consciously with your cells and tissue and organs. Feed them instructions about staying in the perfect frequency.
  22. Clear any energetic debris at the end of the day before you go to sleep.
  23. Set intentions for the dream state and notice what unfolds.
  24. Ask yourself what you want to do…listen…and then go do it without hesitation.
  25. List what is not working for you. Address each with a combination of guidance and inspiration to make a plan of action to remedy it. Do so…celebrate.
  26. See God Source in everything and everyone.
  27. Experience and grow Oneness
  28. Spend a block of moments each day unattached to time and space. Take inner journeys and let them unfold into outer journeys.
  29. Listen to music a lot. Find the beauty in each as you discern how it impacts you.
  30. Exercise your muscles of discernment to free your solar plexus chakra. Take action on any decision. Adjust to find solution to whatever is before you.
  31. Remember that nothing is as it seems. Always look for and engage the bigger picture.
  32. Notice body sensations and allow them to flow and evolve and release.
  33. Live in color
  34. Recover your relationship with sound and vibration
  35. Trust life no matter what.


C. March 1, 1999

Mark S. Welch

Key:  G

We were born with intuition we were born with desire

We were born to find our very own way

We were born to rise above born to surpass

Born to love every day

We were born to wanna know born to seek and find

We were born to run and race with the wind

We were born to explore born to create

To drink life again and again

 Life is adventure

 Life is a roller coaster

 Raise those hands up high

 Take the curves and the hills and the spills and the thrills

 Go for the gusto

 Fly fly fly fly

So…need I say More?

SA7: The Stirring of the Aquarian Soup: Conscious Living