Earth, that beautiful blue ball in space…and what of her history and origin? My oh my…it depends on who you talk to….and how expansive you want to be. I have found six major explorations ranging from the ultra scientific to the ultra esoteric. Currently I shall offer reflection on six: 1) standard scientific rhetoric; 2) the work of channel, Kryon; 3) the writings in 1995 of Barbara Marciniak in her book, Earth;  4) the seminal work of anthroposophist, Rudolph Steiner, in his esoteric writing, Cosmic Memory; 5) the 1953 classic, The Urantia Book; and 6) my own reflections.

I present them because none of them are definitive. And I call upon your own cellular history contained in your very DNA to find that which resonates. These are times of revelation as the higher we vibrate the more expansive information we attract. So, rather than regurgitating the company line let’s take the journey of infinite possibility and provide some food for thought.

The Scientific Story
(pulled off the Internet from a site called

Some 4.6 billion years ago, a giant cloud of gas, called a nebula, collapsed into itself because of its mass and crushed all the gassy material in it into a plane, even as it was constantly spinning. This disc of material is called the protoplanetary disc. Over a period of a hundred thousand years after the collapse, the Sun was formed at the center of this disc, with the rest of the nebular gas swirling around it. Nearly 98% of this gas was just hydrogen and helium. (Our Sun constitutes 98% of the mass of our Solar System today.) Gases and other materials in this protoplanetary disc outside of the Sun started clumping together at various spots. Constant collisions between these bodies formed miniature planets, called planetesimals. These seeds of planets eventually grew in size by pulling more material in due to growing gravitational forces, a process called accretion, to become true planets within 100,000 years after the Sun’s formation. The gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, and the ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, formed much faster than the four terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, did.

(A little annotation here. The Science view really has no beginning…it just happens. There is no exploration of what was underneath the events that triggered what has become the Big Bang. And there is no discussion of what may have been before the event. Assumptions are made here. Those assumptions are made “scientific” by a little bit of data collected over time. Most of it, especially in these early periods, is the creative use of imagination dosed with intuition and even a little inner/outer guidance…in other words, spiritual components. The challenge of science is that society has been taught to give it more validity which is not necessarily justified.

Though there  is some agreement about the eons (Pre-Cambrian 5.4 billion to 500 million years and the Phaherozoic 500 million to present years), and the Eras,( like the Paleozoic, 599 million to 251 million years; and the Mesozoic 250 million to 65 million years); and the Periods(like the Jurassic, 199 million to 145 million years ago; and the Cretaceous from 145 to 65 million years ago ) the entire history is basically somewhat of an  informed speculation consisting of a whole lot of theories. It makes it doubly curious how science is considered the reliable source/measurable/provable when here we see as much imagination in action as any spiritual path. This underscores the devotion humanity has showered upon the mind rather than the heart and the gut. Excessive minding/thinking pulls one out of the body where the reservoirs of human energetic design and celestial knowledge are waiting for discovery. Can you think of any reason why a leader would not want to have aware, feeling people? Programming the mind is so much more of a vehicle to distract and elicit agreement and cooperation…and no waves or questions come when the mind is distracted)

The Earth took a long time to make the journey to what we experience today. There were long periods of observable chaos, long periods of the planet engulfed in fire, periods of water, at least 7 mass extinctions that cleared the slate for another do over, ice ages, birthing a moon, getting slammed by countless celestial bodies, creating supercontinents and then forcing them apart, and creating a series of magnetic and energetic grids…to name a few. All of this was measurable to a degree by records kept in stones. But, hey, you can find the scientific pitch on the Internet in a lot of places, but stay away from Wikipedia, because we know that a lot of that is fake news…bottom line is that the Earth has been in a very long process, just as humanity has.

The Work of Kryon

Now things start to get interesting. According to Kryon the Earth exists for the sake of humanity. It’s  journey has been to provide the perfect foundational home and primary resource to allow the evolutionary adventure that is the human incarnational dance. To that end the evolution of her form has followed a particular flow that would set the stage for the arrival of the first celestial human. She, being Gaia, evolved as the human unfolded, paralleling the winding path to assure that all that was necessary to survive and thrive was available.

According to Kryon Earth is the only planet of free choice. It is the only place where a spiritual being has full choice to accept or reject  the creator inside. It is the only planet that can control the vibration of the Gaia energy or vibratory level of the Earth. Therefore it can choose how high to vibrate in a system  that will eventually help decide the beginning vibration of yet another universe.

The folly of current human is to view everything in 3D and to see only from the eyes of the human experience. This shuts out the whole panorama of possibility and tethers us to a slowly spiraling evolution that moves at a snail’s pace. The multi-verse has been birthing universes and galaxies forever. There is no big bang starting point. The etheric gives rise to the forms where life can give their version a run, for better or worse, but mostly for experience. Humans come from Celestial seeding. It was purposeful and intended for the highest good of all. Mother Earth became, by choice, the voluntary Twelfth dimensional advanced being who would host the human into fulfilling their personal and collective mission. Gaia is no ordinary planet. She is directly from the topmost frequency and vibration of the sweeping all that is, unified in consciousness with Source and all that lies between that and the human creature. With this in mind we are incapable of destroying her, so please give that fear mongering a rest. We can, in contrast, certainly terminate our own species, whether accidentally or by choice of action. In many ways, that is what these times are about…lifting us out of the cycle of perpetual Armageddon that is such a habit of civilization.

The history of the Earth needs to be understood in conjunction with the history of humanity, because the consciousness of the Earth, known as Gaia, is all about humanity. For billions of years, the development of life on Earth was all in preparation for humanity, and Gaia was the one regulating the timing of when she was ready for humanity to show. Humanity as defined by divinity, not evolution. There were at least four attempts to start life on Earth, and the final one succeeded only when there was photosynthesis. Humanity was delayed on purpose, and there were two reasons for the delay. The first reason was to let the solar system settle down so that all the rocks, asteroids and comets would find their orbits and not hit the Earth. The second reason was to ensure that humans would be in alignment for when the Pleiadians were ready to seed us with their divinity. So the Earth is very old — while humanity is not. Enlightened Human Beings began when the planet was touched by sacred design.
Muranyi, Monika. The Gaia Effect: The remarkable system of collaboration between Gaia and Humanity (Kindle Locations 180-183). Ariane Editions. Kindle Edition.

So, the Earth evolves in conjunction with humanity, always paving a higher frequency way just as it responds to the energetic frequency of the human collective to reflect a state of the current union. TO that end she has responded to the winding evolution of humans from their early amorphous days through the evolutionary daliances to bring her through the 17 human design finalists to select you…the very best form to fulfill the intention of conscious thriving on Gaia. To that end Gaia provides endless supply and responds to the energy by releasing forms and species and plants that are no longer required energetically to then birth new forms that are new vital resources to push and pull the human to the next plateau.

Gaia provides via symbiosis for you and me. The Crystalline Grid, The Cave of Creation, and the Gaia Grid are profound elements of the Gaia advanced design that assist mightily in maintaining a flowing relationship with humanity, one and all…

Here, from my course, Tools for the Times, is some additional information that points us towards a later session action:

There are three grids on Gaia on current relevance: the Magnetic Grid, the Gaia Grid, and the Crystalline Grid. The magnetic grid is dependent on the Earth’s very hot inner iron core, which is in constant motion via the dynamo effect due to the rotation of Earth. The Magnetic Grid interfaces  with the Crystalline and Gaia grids, and changes in each impact the whole. Remember that all are in sync with human consciousness. The Magnetic grid directly communicates with the magnetic DNA in humans and moves symbiotically. There are places on Earth that are magnetically aligned and places that are deficient. This can be easily felt and used to determine where one want s to be. The Magnetic grid is like the planet’s antennae to the cosmos. It communicates with the magnetics of the solar system. A polarity shift occurs every 250, 000 years and we are due for one in several thousand years. This is an electro magnetic process, not a physical one.

The Gaia grid is about life on the planet. This grid holds the Akash in the Cave of Creation and interfaces with selected strands of human DNA.  The Akash, from Gaia’s perspective, is the life force of the planet. The Gaia grid keeps track of who is on the planet, every unique frequency. That information is stored in the cave of Creation deep within the Earth within specific crystals, one for each soul who has ever been and shall ever be. It is a multidimensional grid that is visited by each incarnate prior to birth. The information is transferred to your DNA at birth. It is your personal Akashic record. It resides in every double helix in a multidimensional way and is represented by the billions of chemicals in the 90% DNA “junk”. In the crystals is your energetic name that is a frequency which is the holder of all your incarnations in all the forms. Gaia knows you when you arrive. She knows your soul and the accumulation of your lifetimes.You interface and access your soul history to direct the forms of the current incarnation. When you leave the incarnation you revisit and deposit your experience (akin, perhaps, to your life passing before you)., whatever you do on the planet, whatever vibrational energy you create on the planet, is imbued in these crystalline substances. The record of that life energy remains with the accompanying vibration within the crystal…forever.

The Crystalline grid remembers and stores information. It is an esoteric grid, laid over the Earth,  that is not visible to the physical eye. It contains imprints of your energy, but is location specific. Your experience at a location is stored at the location. That information impacts the frequency for humanity at any given moment.  The Grid is being realigned for compassion due to the increase in the frequency of the times. These kinds of events will be stored and played back in an area where it occurred, instead of previous lower frequency experiences. These will simply not be felt anymore when one is there. So, the energy will not contribute to similar cause anymore, like war and hatred. A lot will soften as a result, religious belief systems, military focus, hatred, crime, etc. The vibe will no longer be supported and will no longer influence, giving each more freedom to vibrate out of tendencies on their own. The compassionate events raise the Earth vibration which them impacts humanity more.

Barbara Marciniak, from her 1995 book, Earth

Marciniak was a contemporary of Kryon, bursting forth with her book, Bringers of the Dawn, about the reptilian energies that had come from the stars to distract humanity a long long time ago. Her revelations opened doors to an expanded awareness that followed the 1987 Harmonic Convergence invitation to activate our star based heritage.  She, along with Kryon and other channels of the time were all tuning into the expose about our Pleiadian roots. Exciting and expansive stuff here…

Our ancestors came from a universe that had completed itself and understood universally that it was Prime Creator, as the journey of Prime Creator in time. They came from a universe that had discovered its essence—creativity. By discovering that essence, they found out that they were the creators. They came into the Pleiades because that star system would someday be able to help you at a most challenging time, a time when you would be ready to reconnect with Prime Creator. Our ancestors were some of the Original Planners of Earth, orchestrators who seeded worlds and civilizations with light and information through creativity and love. Our ancestors are also your ancestors. They gave their DNA to the Original Planners, and this DNA became part of the DNA of the human species.

The plan was to create an intergalactic exchange center of information within your planet, Earth. It was an extraordinary plan, involving a beautiful place, for Earth is located on the fringe of one galactic system and is easily reached from other galaxies. Earth exists close to many way-portals, the highways that exist for energies to travel throughout your space zone.
Marciniak, Barbara. Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library (pp. 3-4). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

We have suggested that approximately half-a-million years ago tumultuous events took place in this area of existence that affect your present-day Earth. To a large degree, Earth lost her sovereignty, and another force of rulership came in and claimed ownership to this prime hunk of real estate that you call home. These recently appointed godlike administrators have not always been the kindest and most benevolent sorts. Earth was established billions of years ago for a purpose. She was to be an intergalactic exchange center of information, part of a vast library system where data from many, many galaxies was stored—a Living Library, to be precise.

The creator gods, those who believed themselves to be the forces of creation, came together, pooled their knowledge, and created forms of life. They borrowed DNA and combinations of genetic material from many different worlds. They stored this material in Earth’s library system, which was connected to a system of twelve cosmic libraries. You can see that the plan for Earth was a grand one.

The Original Planners of Earth were members of the Family of Light, beings who worked for and were associated with an aspect of consciousness called light. Light is information. Members of the Family of Light created the information center they had conceived; they designed a place where galaxies would contribute their information and would be able to participate and share their specific knowledge.
Marciniak, Barbara. Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library (p. 12). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

We have opened a door to our own Celestial history and the open borders Earth has carried for millions of years, inviting in the wisdom of life from all corners of this grand Celestial panorama. We are beginning to see that Earth is so much more than we thought. Not just a place to live, but a place to love and support and thrive in and upon. Doing less is just plain foolish.

Rudolph Steiner, Cosmic Memory

The very origin of man is Light, residing in an all encompassing Light Realm. Then, entering the Universe, the human being could be perceived as a tone, a vibration, a sphere of light with prismatic light beams.

About fifteen to twenty billion years ago our Universe came into being. Around 14 billion years ago the Milky Way formed. Around 5 billion years ago the our solar system arose. Our solar system is a second generation. That means that it was formed when other solar systems had gone through their evolution and blew apart into cosmic dust out of which our solar system was formed. Who knows what life developed in those first generation solar systems? Planet Earth was formed around 4.5 billion years ago.

Steiner says that the human form was evolving from the etheric into the physical just as the Earth/Solar System was forming as well. All creation downloads/descends through the ethers to make manifest in form.  Adjustments are made enroute to insure that the now moments seeds the best form possible.

Rudolf Steiner gives a rather unique view on how our planet formed and the life that was already present before the planet solidified. He talks about four periods:

The Saturn period

The Sun period

The Moon period

The Earth period.

The Saturn period was when the future solar system only consisted of one big massive, spinning ball of glowing, gaseous substance. In this primal "sun" life was already present. It consisted of life forms that would later become humans. Those pre-human life forms did not have physical forms yet, that would happen in the last stage, the Earth period. In the Saturn period they had a very subtle, spiritual form. They had a "mineral consciousness", that is a consciousness that is dull, vague and can be compared with deep trance. During this period the physical body was being formed, not in physical matter as it is now, but on subtle levels, more like a matrix for the future human body when our planet Earth would be completely physical.

The primal "sun" expelled two masses that became Uranus and Saturn. The remaining primal mass, in which gasses and fluids moved around, has now entered the second phase: the Sun period. The life forms of the Saturn period now had to make a leap into the next phase of their evolution, as their environment had changed by the expulsion of two planets. We had now gotten two kinds of life forms: the most evolved which were still pre-humans, and those who were behind in their evolution which would later become the animals. The pre-humans during this Sun period had a "vegetable consciousness". This was a consciousness that can be compared with a dreamless sleep. It is a consciousness only aware of what happens inside oneself, but not of what happens around oneself. During this period the etheric body was being developed.

Another mass of substance was expelled which later will become our Sun. Other planets were forming as well: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus. This was the Moon period. We had a radiating Sun and planets, and a mass of substance composed of gases and very dense fluids that would later become the Earth and the Moon. Under the light from the sun the gases separated from the fluids. This mass was inhabited with three forms of life. The most evolved were still pre-humans. Included also were those who were behind in their evolution, and would later become the animals. Finally there were those even more behind in their evolution, they would become the plants. The pre-humans now had an "animal consciousness". With this consciousness they could evoke images in themselves in relation to what happened around them. During this period the astral body was being formed.

The original primal mass of substance now expelled the Moon and became itself the Earth. The Earth was becoming physical with gases, fluids and physical matter. The physical body of man was formed. The life forms less developed than man became animals, the lesser life forms became the plants and the least developed became rocks, crystals and physical matter. Humans now had "human consciousness" what we are all familiar with. The sense of ego was being developed, but it is behind the three bodies in development (physical, etheric and astral). Hence the many errors and illusions of man in his quest for wisdom and knowledge.

Even in these expressions it becomes apparent that things just happened. There is no discussion of causation or even the how. In the esoteric perspective each is left alone with their own perception. In these expansive times we are opening to the Cosmic Memory contained in what Kryon called the Akash, the eternal record of the events of the infinite Universe. As this becomes available o those who raise their vibratory frequency, which opens one to higher frequency information (the kind contained in the spiritual science) then we shall gleen insight and understanding.

Suffice it to say that evolution of our home is a fantastic voyage that science can only conjecture , because of the lack of physical evidence. If there is no record in the rocks that science dates then there is no evidence to build the theory. When the formless was  becoming physical there is no hard evidence of the process, its components, the stages, the results…until there is a form upon which to study.

I love Steiner because he pushed the limits of the intellect by inserting the etheric . This opened the doors in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s to the highly esoteric movements of Theosophy and Anthroposophy, which may have been just the right frequency perspectives to open the hearts to the greater science that was to come and birth this new Aquarian Age in a manner that honored the remarkable design of it all…including the human form.

The Urantia Book

This remarkable 1953 channeled work presented a sweeping history of the Cosmos, including the players, the events, the results, and the learnings that led to the formation of the Earth, Urantia, and its eventual inhabitants, humans (seeds of the etheric beings who came into physical form for a wide variety of reasons). Here are some perspectives drawn in excerpts from the early chapters of this tome.

All of the following is lifted directly from the pages of The Urantia Book.

Urantia is of origin in your sun, and your sun is one of the multifarious offspring of the Andronover nebula, which was onetime organized as a component part of the physical power and material matter of the local universe of Nebadon. And this great nebula itself took origin in the universal force-charge of space in the superuniverse of Orvonton, long, long ago.

At the time of the beginning of this recital, the Primary Master Force Organizers of Paradise had long been in full control of the space-energies which were later organized as the Andronover nebula.

 987,000,000,000 years ago associate force organizer and then acting inspector number 811,307 of the Orvonton series, traveling out from Uversa, reported to the Ancients of Days that space conditions were favorable for the initiation of materialization phenomena in a certain sector of the, then, easterly segment of Orvonton.

900,000,000,000 years ago, the Uversa archives testify, there was recorded a permit issued by the Uversa Council of Equilibrium to the superuniverse government authorizing the dispatch of a force organizer and staff to the region previously designated by inspector number 811,307. The Orvonton authorities commissioned the original discoverer of this potential universe to execute the mandate of the Ancients of Days calling for the organization of a new material creation.

The recording of this permit signifies that the force organizer and staff had already departed from Uversa on the long journey to that easterly space sector where they were subsequently to engage in those protracted activities which would terminate in the emergence of a new physical creation in Orvonton.

875,000,000,000 years ago the enormous Andronover nebula number 876,926 was duly initiated. Only the presence of the force organizer and the liaison staff was required to inaugurate the energy whirl which eventually grew into this vast cyclone of space. Subsequent to the initiation of such nebular revolutions, the living force organizers simply withdraw at right angles to the plane of the revolutionary disk, and from that time forward, the inherent qualities of energy insure the progressive and orderly evolution of such a new physical system.

All evolutionary material creations are born of circular and gaseous nebulae, and all such primary nebulae are circular throughout the early part of their gaseous existence. As they grow older, they usually become spiral, and when their function of sun formation has run its course, they often terminate as clusters of stars or as enormous suns surrounded by a varying number of planets, satellites, and smaller groups of matter in many ways resembling your own diminutive solar system.

600,000,000,000 years ago the height of the Andronover energy-mobilization period was attained; the nebula had acquired its maximum of mass. At this time it was a gigantic circular gas cloud in shape somewhat like a flattened spheroid. This was the early period of differential mass formation and varying revolutionary velocity. Gravity and other influences were about to begin their work of converting space gases into organized matter.

About the time of the attainment of the maximum of mass, the gravity control of the gaseous content commenced to weaken, and there ensued the stage of gas escapement, the gas streaming forth as two gigantic and distinct arms, which took origin on opposite sides of the mother mass. The rapid revolutions of this enormous central core soon imparted a spiral appearance to these two projecting gas streams. The cooling and subsequent condensation of portions of these protruding arms eventually produced their knotted appearance. These denser portions were vast systems and subsystems of physical matter whirling through space in the midst of the gaseous cloud of the nebula while being held securely within the gravity grasp of the mother wheel.

But the nebula had begun to contract, and the increase in the rate of revolution further lessened gravity control; and erelong, the outer gaseous regions began actually to escape from the immediate embrace of the nebular nucleus, passing out into space on circuits of irregular outline, returning to the nuclear regions to complete their circuits, and so on. But this was only a temporary stage of nebular progression. The ever-increasing rate of whirling was soon to throw enormous suns off into space on independent circuits.

And this is what happened in Andronover ages upon ages ago. The energy wheel grew and grew until it attained its maximum of expansion, and then, when contraction set in, it whirled on faster and faster until, eventually, the critical centrifugal stage was reached and the great breakup began.

It was scarcely a million years subsequent to this epoch that Michael of Nebadon, a Creator Son of Paradise, selected this disintegrating nebula as the site of his adventure in universe building. Almost immediately the architectural worlds of Salvington and the one hundred constellation headquarters groups of planets were begun. It required almost one million years to complete these clusters of specially created worlds. The local system headquarters planets were constructed over a period extending from that time to about five billion years ago.

Although Angona succeeded in drawing away the ancestral material of the solar system planets and the enormous volume of matter now circulating about the sun as asteroids and meteors, it did not secure for itself any of this solar matter. The visiting system did not come quite close enough to actually steal any of the sun’s substance, but it did swing sufficiently close to draw off into the intervening space all of the material comprising the present-day solar system.

The five inner and five outer planets soon formed in miniature from the cooling and condensing nucleuses in the less massive and tapering ends of the gigantic gravity bulge which Angona had succeeded in detaching from the sun, while Saturn and Jupiter were formed from the more massive and bulging central portions. The powerful gravity pull of Jupiter and Saturn early captured most of the material stolen from Angona as the retrograde motion of certain of their satellites bears witness.

Jupiter and Saturn, being derived from the very center of the enormous column of superheated solar gases, contained so much highly heated sun material that they shone with a brilliant light and emitted enormous volumes of heat; they were in reality secondary suns for a short period after their formation as separate space bodies. These two largest of the solar system planets have remained largely gaseous to this day, not even yet having cooled off to the point of complete condensation or solidification.

The gas-contraction nucleuses of the other ten planets soon reached the stage of solidification and so began to draw to themselves increasing quantities of the meteoric matter circulating in near-by space. The worlds of the solar system thus had a double origin: nucleuses of gas condensation later on augmented by the capture of enormous quantities of meteors. Indeed they still continue to capture meteors, but in greatly lessened numbers.

…The planets nearest the sun were the first to have their revolutions slowed down by tidal friction. Such gravitational influences also contribute to the stabilization of planetary orbits while acting as a brake on the rate of planetary-axial revolution, causing a planet to revolve ever slower until axial revolution ceases, leaving one hemisphere of the planet always turned toward the sun or larger body, as is illustrated by the planet Mercury and by the moon, which always turns the same face toward Urantia.

When the tidal frictions of the moon and the earth become equalized, the earth will always turn the same hemisphere toward the moon, and the day and month will be analogous — in length about forty-seven days. When such stability of orbits is attained, tidal frictions will go into reverse action, no longer driving the moon farther away from the earth but gradually drawing the satellite toward the planet. And then, in that far-distant future when the moon approaches to within about eleven thousand miles of the earth, the gravity action of the latter will cause the moon to disrupt, and this tidal-gravity explosion will shatter the moon into small particles, which may assemble about the world as rings of matter resembling those of Saturn or may be gradually drawn into the earth as meteors.

…Throughout these early times the space regions of the solar system were swarming with small disruptive and condensation bodies, and in the absence of a protective combustion atmosphere such space bodies crashed directly on the surface of Urantia. These incessant impacts kept the surface of the planet more or less heated, and this, together with the increased action of gravity as the sphere grew larger, began to set in operation those influences which gradually caused the heavier elements, such as iron, to settle more and more toward the center of the planet.

2,000,000,000 years ago the earth began decidedly to gain on the moon. Always had the planet been larger than its satellite, but there was not so much difference in size until about this time, when enormous space bodies were captured by the earth. Urantia was then about one fifth its present size and had become large enough to hold the primitive atmosphere which had begun to appear as a result of the internal elemental contest between the heated interior and the cooling crust.

Definite volcanic action dates from these times. The internal heat of the earth continued to be augmented by the deeper and deeper burial of the radioactive or heavier elements brought in from space by the meteors. The study of these radioactive elements will reveal that Urantia is more than one billion years old on its surface. The radium clock is your most reliable timepiece for making scientific estimates of the age of the planet, but all such estimates are too short because the radioactive materials open to your scrutiny are all derived from the earth’s surface and hence represent Urantia’s comparatively recent acquirements of these elements.

…Volcanic action is now at its height. The whole earth is a veritable fiery inferno, the surface resembling its earlier molten state before the heavier metals gravitated toward the center. This is the volcanic age. Nevertheless, a crust, consisting chiefly of the comparatively lighter granite, is gradually forming. The stage is being set for a planet which can someday support life.

The primitive planetary atmosphere is slowly evolving, now containing some water vapor, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen chloride, but there is little or no free nitrogen or free oxygen. The atmosphere of a world in the volcanic age presents a queer spectacle. In addition to the gases enumerated it is heavily charged with numerous volcanic gases and, as the air belt matures, with the combustion products of the heavy meteoric showers which are constantly hurtling in upon the planetary surface. Such meteoric combustion keeps the atmospheric oxygen very nearly exhausted, and the rate of meteoric bombardment is still tremendous.

 Presently, the atmosphere became more settled and cooled sufficiently to start precipitation of rain on the hot rocky surface of the planet. For thousands of years Urantia was enveloped in one vast and continuous blanket of steam. And during these ages the sun never shone upon the earth’s surface.

Much of the carbon of the atmosphere was abstracted to form the carbonates of the various metals which abounded in the superficial layers of the planet. Later on, much greater quantities of these carbon gases were consumed by the early and prolific plant life.

 Even in the later periods the continuing lava flows and the incoming meteors kept the oxygen of the air almost completely used up. Even the early deposits of the soon appearing primitive ocean contain no colored stones or shales. And for a long time after this ocean appeared, there was virtually no free oxygen in the atmosphere; and it did not appear in significant quantities until it was later generated by the seaweeds and other forms of vegetable life.

…1,000,000,000 years ago is the date of the actual beginning of Urantia history. The planet had attained approximately its present size. And about this time it was placed upon the physical registries of Nebadon and given its name, Urantia.

The atmosphere, together with incessant moisture precipitation, facilitated the cooling of the earth’s crust. Volcanic action early equalized internal-heat pressure and crustal contraction; and as volcanoes rapidly decreased, earthquakes made their appearance as this epoch of crustal cooling and adjustment progressed.

The real geologic history of Urantia begins with the cooling of the earth’s crust sufficiently to cause the formation of the first ocean. Water-vapor condensation on the cooling surface of the earth, once begun, continued until it was virtually complete. By the end of this period the ocean was world-wide, covering the entire planet to an average depth of over one mile. The tides were then in play much as they are now observed, but this primitive ocean was not salty; it was practically a fresh-water covering for the world. In those days, most of the chlorine was combined with various metals, but there was enough, in union with hydrogen, to render this water faintly acid.

At the opening of this faraway era, Urantia should be envisaged as a water-bound planet. Later on, deeper and hence denser lava flows came out upon the bottom of the present Pacific Ocean, and this part of the water-covered surface became considerably depressed. The first continental land mass emerged from the world ocean in compensatory adjustment of the equilibrium of the gradually thickening earth’s crust.

950,000,000 years ago Urantia presents the picture of one great continent of land and one large body of water, the Pacific Ocean. Volcanoes are still widespread and earthquakes are both frequent and severe. Meteors continue to bombard the earth, but they are diminishing in both frequency and size. The atmosphere is clearing up, but the amount of carbon dioxide continues large. The earth’s crust is gradually stabilizing.

It was at about this time that Urantia was assigned to the system of Satania for planetary administration and was placed on the life registry of Norlatiadek. Then began the administrative recognition of the small and insignificant sphere which was destined to be the planet whereon Michael would subsequently engage in the stupendous undertaking of mortal bestowal, would participate in those experiences which have since caused Urantia to become locally known as the “world of the cross.”

 900,000,000 years ago witnessed the arrival on Urantia of the first Satania scouting party sent out from Jerusem to examine the planet and make a report on its adaptation for a life-experiment station. This commission consisted of twenty-four members, embracing Life Carriers, Lanonandek Sons, Melchizedeks, seraphim, and other orders of celestial life having to do with the early days of planetary organization and administration.

 After making a painstaking survey of the planet, this commission returned to Jerusem and reported favorably to the System Sovereign, recommending that Urantia be placed on the life-experiment registry. Your world was accordingly registered on Jerusem as a decimal planet, and the Life Carriers were notified that they would be granted permission to institute new patterns of mechanical, chemical, and electrical mobilization at the time of their subsequent arrival with life transplantation and implantation mandates.

You can access the complete description  at:

Fascinating, and by far the most complete description of the Earth’s journey into form.  From it you can see the coming together of the scientific/measurable (sort of) and the esoteric. The existence of an already functioning  Cosmic population really expands the whole picture. This takes away on one hand the uniqueness of the Earth/solar system arrival  (as it appears to happen quite regularly around the Infinite Expression of Life) but also points to the Celestial intent to provide the perfect home for the arrival of Archangel Michael in the human flesh as the way shower, Jesus, The Christ.

Don’t you love this stuff that just tears open the established traditions to a greater possibility…nothing is as it seems…

Some Personal Reflections

To me this whole story is so rich in expansive possibility. Most view this Earth and its inhabitants as simply just happening and struggle, when they choose to, to find some understanding and meaning whilst they go about the mundane of current human existence. The air of infinity in this kind of information takes the lid off of the limiting beliefs that shackle us to the same old drivel.

It is the opening up that seeds the infinite and makes every moment rich in possibility and alternative choice. Perhaps this is the fascination with science fiction that has been present since the first Flash Gordon movies were thrust upon the imaginations of humanity. There is and there always has been, so much more.

Finally, let me say that the exploration of the etheric and scientific historical journey, is all about pointing us back into our own infinite Inner World. For it is there where the answers to anything we would ever want to know lie waiting for the Light to fall upon them. In those depths we find the greater meaning of who we are and the specifics of this current journey we have chosen and continue to make manifest. Here are two things you can do with this awareness…

Initiate Inner Unity

The inner and the outer are interconnected. There is communication between them all constantly. When you choose to be conscious of this and take action to interact, the connections deepen and grow, revealing more of the expansive now to you.

First, it is an awareness and a willingness to claim it and let it reveal itself to you. The multidimensional levels available will be in alignment with your vibration. Choose to start and then expand, asking for more as you integrate the previous.

You must first grow the knowing. Like so many of these new frequency thoughts, it is the adoption of the new that leads to the next. It is inaccessible until the previous one is brought into awareness and knowing.

You can talk to your inner world, your cells, your tissues, your organs, your systems…creating health is possible by activating the channels. The good faith moves activate the DNA strands aligned with the physical and the multi-dimensional. Seek and you shall find.

Consider creating active relationship with the cells first. Connect with the chakras and ask for support and guidance. Ask them to steer you in the direction you desire. Practice will allow you to move into the thought realm, specifically the subconscious where you can begin to reprogram the limited thinking, perceptions, beliefs, and worn out paradigms.

Next create conscious dialogue with your Higher Self. This will open the mighty doors of your own I Am which is the direct conduit to the cosmos. From here you can move about the planets, time, space, the galaxies, the civilizations…and beyond. Believe it…why not. What is there possibly to lose.

It starts with the awareness followed by the choice for action.

Tending the Inner Crystalline grid

Remember that whatever you think, say, and do is registered in Gaia’s Crystalline Grid. She uses the frequency to blend with the rest of the living to monitor and regulate the frequency of the grid. So, it follows that the more you tend to your higher frequencies and live in a way that affirms and supports and blesses all of life, including yours, the more the impact on moving all of humanity into the Love Frequency. It does not take everyone to reach the state, to reach the state. Once the threshold is crossed, all will resonate into the higher frequency.

You are invited to remember that your choices have power and impact the whole. Your thoughts, your words, your actions have supreme relevance. Monitor them all. In no time at all you will find that it moves with ease and grace. And your life will rise to meet the new frequencies.

Take time to infuse yourself with appreciation, with gratitude, with blessings. Be connected to what you are doing. See beauty and love in all forms of life. Choose to create separation from the lower frequency elements that are familiar but serve only to compromise your vibration, and thus the grid itself: the news, conversations of low frequency, media of a lower vibe, judgment, hatred, self abuse, holding on to the old ways without using discernment, running from emotion, aligning with old worn paradigms, living in fear of any kind…

The Infinite Journey and unparalleled adventure continues.  You are called to rediscover you in every moment of living and then to live in that oscillating frequency without hesitation. Being you is all that is invited here…but first, you must reconnect and reclaim You. And that has been what this whole course has been about.

The revelations continue as we start to explore the sweeping majesty of the human arrival and journey thus far …even into the great beyond, as well.

Session Action One: Earth Through the Ages