Prosperity Decrees
“By Divine Decree, with the Power of my I-AM-God-Goddess Presence, I Command
for the direct, easy and graceful manifestation of immense riches in my life. I
Command and Invoke an immense abundance of money, resources, assistance and
support, to flow to me constantly, easily and gracefully; to assist my awakening
process and to accomplish my Divine Mission of the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth.
And I command for every possible need to be automatically taken care of before I
even know I need it.”
“I invoke and draw upon my unlimited karmic bank account and the unlimited flow
of divine energy, life-force and abundance for my life mission of the Co-Creation of
Heaven on Earth. I command this with the Full-Force of my Divine Beingness and
seal this command with the Golden Christ Flame of Love, and I call upon the Violet
Fire to burn up all resistance to this Divine Prosperity.”
I full accept the courage to be and embody the magnificence I am!
I release all fear of my magnificence; fear of abundance and fear of my divine
abilities to create anything from nothing; and all lack programs. And I easily and
gracefully manifest awesome prosperity and abundance for myself and my mission!
Prosperity I AM! Prosperity I AM! Prosperity I AM!
I AM Divine Prosperity! (X 3)
I AM a Master of Divine Prosperity (X 3)
I AM a Prosperity Master! (X 3) Prosperity Master I AM! (X 3)
Abundance I AM! Abundance I AM! Abundance I AM!
I AM Divine Abundance! (X 3)
Master of Manifestation I AM! (X 3)
I AM a Master of Divine Manifestation! (X 3)
I AM a Master Manifestor! (X 3)
I AM unlimited wealth and prosperity! (X 3)
Awesome Manifestor I AM! (X 3)
I joyously and profitably serve the Divine Plan and the Co-Creation of Heaven on
Earth (X 3)
Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance, joyfully, lovingly, gracefully and easily flows to
me in magical and miraculous ways! (X 3)
“I AM that I AM, I AM unlimited wealth and prosperity, which flows to me in
magical miraculous ways, with joyful loving grace and ease, that uplifts inspires
delights and enriches my life and the lives of others” (X 3) – SheKaNah
“I AM that I AM, I AM unlimited wealth, wholeness, joy, love, prosperity and
abundance, fully present here now for me, in miraculous and magical ways, that
uplift, inspire and delight me and others, enriching my life and the lives of others;
supporting, nourishing and fulfilling the highest potential of Divine Expression that I
AM!” (X 3) – SheKaNah
“I wholeheartedly and absolutely deserve financial and material abundance. This is
my divine birthright as an individual expression of God-Goddess-All-That-Is.
Prosperity and abundance are my natural state”
“I powerfully, easily and gracefully create for myself an abundance of money,
resources and divine support on all levels.”
“I trust my God Presence and the Universe to provide immense abundance for me
and my life. I open all channels to receive this wealth and abundance and I am
naturally generous with this abundance.”
“I AM a Money Magnate! Money is attracted to me in Vast Quantities! I AM a
Money Machine!”
“Money enhances my happiness and joy and flows easily, gracefully and effortlessly
to me in vast quantities.”
“That part of God-Goddess-All-That-Is that we call money, flows easily, gracefully
and effortlessly to me in vast quantities and naturally enhances my happiness, joy
and mission.
“I easily, effortlessly and gracefully attract and maintain financial, material and
spiritual abundance for myself and my mission of the co-creation of Heaven on
Earth. I allow for it to manifest to me from any source, with faith and trust that all is
in Divine order.”
“I am completely supported and taken care of by God-Goddess-All-That-Is.”
I AM a Master of Divine Faith and a Master of allowing the universe to provide for
me and manifest my every need! (X 3)
I AM a Master of Divine Flow, allowing all the elements to assist me in my process of
manifestation! (X 3)
I am completely in tune with Divine Timing and have complete faith that everything I
need will always manifest in my life and reality even before I need it.
I command and invoke all possible assistance available from the Ascended Masters,
Angels, Archangels, my divine Councils, Galactic Federations…, and all of my
mastery throughout time, space and dimension, to always assist me in my awakening,
enlightenment, embodiment and manifestation processes.
And So It Is!
God I AM! God I AM! God I AM!
Goddess I AM! Goddess I AM! Goddess I AM!
From Za Kai Ram’s Ascension Master’s Toolkit