The first of the year is the season of change. In the retreat of winter when the energy has turned inward, some profound processes are taking place. With the release of the energetic debris in the Fall Season, the Winter becomes a fertile time for planting deep intentional seeds in the cleared space. With loving care these seeds will sprout and make manifest in the Spring. The Earth is aligned to support our cycle of birth, experience, integration, and release. The yearly cycle can even be recognized as a daily cycle between light and dark.
Every day is a do over on multiple levels. Waking in the morning we have the choice for new and different action or the same old patterns and results. Our design calls us into sleep for release and recharge. If we process our daily experience consciously we can amplify the cycle to our advantage. Clearing before sleep allows us to fully rest and also travel dimensionally for insight and guidance, rather than problem solving the unexpressed baggage of the previous day.
We have been taught to fear change, struggling mightily to keep safe in our comfort zone. The multi-verse is a vibrating, oscillating, ever-changing energetic soup that manifests intention in the moment. Change is constant and new forms are birthing in response to what we hold as true, think about, and act upon. We are that powerful…seeding the forms of the next moment with our very thoughts, desires, emotions, and actions. And, still, we have been taught to view life and this world differently, through limitation, hesitation, and fear of the future.
On top of this natural cycle we are in the early stages of a significant Cosmic Intervention where powerful higher vibrations are washing through us all, calling for the release of all resistance to reclaiming who we truly are. Anything that is unlike our true and unique design is being ushered out of us…often in some intense and temporarily disturbing ways. You, simply, have no choice in this matter. The energy is sweeping through all of life. Resistance creates challenge. Challenge shows up as crumbling forms, new ways of doing things, new ways of thinking, different results for the old programs we have invested in, the reliable becoming unreliable…you get the picture.
Just as Gandhi used non-resistance to initiate and embrace change and ultimately, peaceful resolution, so too, can we become trusting souls, conscious of facilitating the shift within us and all around us as well. The more we let go, the more we see what is happening….and thus, surrender more to reveal higher vibrational realities all around us.
Five years after the December 2012 shift into the Aquarian times we find ourselves in a one year, a fertile year of beginnings. The number 5 is the most dynamic and energetic of all the single-digit numbers. It is unpredictable, always in motion and constantly in need of change. Number 5 relates to making positive life choices and decisions and learning life lessons through experience. Some positive attributes of five include: resonance with the influences and attributes of personal freedom, unconventionality, individualism, non-attachment, change, life lessons learned through experience, variety, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation, progress, activity, experience, travel and adventure, sympathy and understanding, sociability and companionability, release and surrender, influence, sensuality, promotion, natural flair, vivaciousness, courage and being courageous, health and healing, idealism, telepathy, pleasure-seeking and pleasure loving, vitality, vision and the visionary, expansion, opportunity, story-telling, mercy, kindness, invention, magnetism, competitiveness, imagination, curiosity, cleverness and intelligence, making positive life choices and decisions. Set this frequency in the arms of the one year that 2017 is (2+0+1+7=10=1), and you have the makings of a fresh start with the attributes of the unfettered, wonder-filled, imaginative, child seeking a full on life experience.
To resist change is a fool’s choice. To flow is to allow the unfolding of you. In the past we have been taught to resist and to attempt to force change into the corral of our limited thinking. That is certainly not the new call of these profoundly opening times…for those open enough to listen. In the flow you find your freedom. Being open consciously to the nuance gifts of your higher self manifesting in your moments allows you to live spontaneously, courageously, and with chutzpah!
I support you and encourage you to take full advantage of these resources I offer. The music will serve your cellular vibration and keep you tuned and purring in high frequency messages and thinking. Taking conscious action to awaken your true design will deliver an expanded life. Learn how to clear and release and to live without hesitation. Being mentored can walk you into the integration of your awakening power. The courses can expand you right out of limited thinking into unlimited living. The more you open to these new frequencies the more Cosmic Law drives the magnificent your way. It is time to enjoy the real you…
The New Year is a One Year, riding the adventure of the Five Vibration. Make new choices, take new actions, and stand solidly in the I Am That I Am Expressing As You. Explore these resources. Follow the links. Choose to take advantage of what is offered. It is time…