Communication is a critical element of living that often gets glossed over, mostly by previous experience and subsequent learned programming. Too many have been silenced. Too many have learned to swallow their words or acquiesce to another’s viewpoint or position. The silent 50’s were a testimony to keeping the unspoken contained with a wash of throat problems that resulted in huge numbers of tonsils being removed to quell the symptoms.

Rising frequency and humans waking up slowly of the last 60+ years has helped to open the throats and start to clear the storage in the Sacral Chakra. Too often, however, like the animal who has been penned and is released, the freedom results in an explosion of excitement. People who have held so much down for so long, when given permissions within and without, start to say everything. They want to make sure the perpetrators know how they feel. They go for a period of expressing their raw feelings and words and only serve to, in some cases, make current matters more challenging. What these newly expressive ones fail to grasp in the early phases of reclaiming the voice is that the expressions are more about getting the old energy out that making sure the necessary ones know how you feel. I learned this over and over as I approached those who had hurt me in a hope to be witnessed. They could not…I understand that. So I kept expressing but away from them in artificial situations borrowing from the 80’s Gestalt exercises like empty chair dialogue. Setting up a situation involving those I had issues with and saying the words in this “safe” situation did much more to clear the debris and bring me unfamiliar places of peace. Often, because my expression cleared the dynamic of the existing relationship, the others felt it too, softened, and the relationship was improved…all because one had chosen to take positive, higher frequency action.

So, why bring this up when we are talking about inner communication? Because, in many ways, communication is communication. If you are hesitant or have had negative experiences when you attempted communication then likely that energy will infiltrate your first experience with talking to your cells. So, we underscore the ongoing need to keep up the clearing and releasing, taking every opportunity to release that which comes up, restimulated and called by the moments of living. Reducing the inner resistance by re-educating on top of the clearing will result in some profound changes and experiences…

Effective communication is two way. One shares and one listens. Then the roles are reversed, share and listen, listen and share…back and forth. In communication situations between humans it is critical to choose to not interrupt the other. So too, impatience, will be an issue in the initial stages of talking to the cells and getting guidance. You will simply have to re-educate yourself about the nature of communication. Both parties have rights and sharings. Listening is the primary tool of safety. Everyone wants to be witnessed for who they are. Heart centered listening, free of judgment, interruption, giving your side, interpretation, preparing your answer, etc. will be a powerful tool, even with the cells as you learn to put this critical tool into action.

Your inner skills/tools of wonder and imagination go a long way in creating a scenario that you can align with when learning to communicate to the fertile land within. In the early phases it is like play as you use your child-like wonder and explore what it is like to talk to your cells. Even drawing little cell pictures can be useful. Remember, you are overcoming some old, strong paradigms about your design and who you are. Anything out of the norm used to be called crazy…so be it. These are decidedly different times!

The ideal here is to begin to believe that you can communicate with any part of you on any level, You initiate the communication and wait for a response, accepting the first thing that comes as the cleanest and most reliable one because it after that the conscious ego self will start to run its routines of over analysis , discount, and this-is-foolishness. Your belief sets the stage which leads to testing/playing with the idea to build testimony and believability and acceptance.

The communication you want to engage in involves listening to inner reports of the state of things. You want to tune into and focus on certain elements like cells, tissue, organs, and systems. Asking each for information is where it begins. As you open up this communication conduits and channels you will increase the bandwidth with use. Soon reliability becomes a non issue and communicating with you on all levels comes as easily as talking to a friend on the phone.

The typical means of connecting are through thought, word, and writing. Combining the energetic power and multi  modality value of word and writing is your prime tool. Thought can be elusive and easily interrupted or distracted by well-entrenched patters of personal limitation. As you fine tune your awareness and eventually set a part of your conscious self as constant monitor, you will learn to pick up the subtle signals of energy in motion. You will be able to tune into areas to get a readout as well as suggestions for supporting the movement of the energy, which is called healing.

So, start with a deep full bellied breath to bring you into personal in-body awareness. Tune into the body and see if an area is calling. Notice sensations any where within. Perhaps a call came in from a place that has no sensation, like a whisper. Go there…learn to trust the ways your body wants to connect.

Ask questions: What would you like to share? Are you OK? How are you feeling? I bet you have some information for me? Is there a challenge? It is great to hear from you? Tell me more? That is interesting….I want to know more about it? What do you suggest I do? How can I support you back to balance?

Then listen. You may want to keep a pen and paper nearby to write down the responses. Remember, in these early stages it is about taking the first thing that comes to you. Later, as you develop “relationship” you may be able to have conversations. Once you get information, act on it as soon as possible. This will build trust between the body part and your conscious self…absolutely necessary to insure expansion. And finally, show and express gratitude for what has occurred. This will seal the deal and open the door to more fluid experiences.

To involve the spoken word, ask your questions out loud. Even start off with some blessings of the area that callas. Some spoken gratitudes for how effective it has served you can go a long way in bringing higher frequency energy to an area. To go even further, you can adopt another voice and answer back, creating a flowing conversation. As fun as it is, there is much inner wisdom and trust building going on here. Consider recording these “conversations”

Finally, when choosing to engage with writing, consider letting the body part answer from your non dominant hand, while your conscious self writes the questions with the dominant hand. Start with a connection to the body part…a “hello” of sorts. Follow the same type of questions as shown above. Ask the question with the dominant hand writing. Then switch hands and let the body part share using the non dominant. Sure it may be a bit hard to read but you will hear it as it is delivered. Maybe you will want to record it verbally as you write it out. Keep communicating back and forth until you have the answers you desire. Then end the experience with gratitude and a goodbye.

As with all of these new techniques, the more you engage them the greater the trust and the willingness to keep engaging them. You will be surprised at the felicity and the impact of these communications. Why not intend to connect with most of the major body parts on a weekly basis. They have served you with devotion for a very long time. This attention will be something that will ignite even greater service on their part. You may soon find yourself in the best health you have ever had in this incarnation….just sayin’!

Personal Care and Empowerment : 1:Reconnecting with the Original Design 5: Communication