The more I research and open to guidance regarding the original design of the human in the physical, the more I am stunned by the Celestial art and science that entails its creation. Had we been taught the sheer magnificence of this vehicle that serves us so lovingly, then likely the whole human experience would have been different, more high frequency, more, compassionate, more loving, more cooperative, more fun. That is not to say that it is too late by any means for a Universe that loves unconditionally provides the truth when the time is right, when the vibration to hold that truth has been attained by our conscious choice fed mightily by Cosmic intervention.
We have progressed from the cells to the tissues to the organs and now to the glands in a journey of rediscovery to get an expanded view of what we are made of on this Earth Plane third dimensional adventure. I hope you are becoming as excited as I am to learn that this physical body is such a creation that is far beyond the limited vision we have been fed. It is important that you do catch the wave of excitement for that is the lubrication that allows the higher frequency truths to be released into your and our awareness. And, as you are hopefully beginning to see, the more you let in the more there is to let in and then the more you rise in awareness, capacity, wisdom, and capability.
The glands are a part of the Endocrine System, one of the body’s main information signal systems. Much like its companion, the Nervous System, which uses the nerves to conduct the information, the endocrine system uses the blood vessels for delivery via direct secretion of hormones. An integrated system of small organs, it is responsible for the slow, long term changes in the body, like growth, as well as a host of gradual changes during puberty and male and female menopause. The mostly ductless glands, are located throughout the body regulating development, metabolism, tissue function, emotional states and moods.
The glands include the pituitary, the pineal, the thyroid, the parathyroid, the thymus, adrenals, the pancreatic islets, the ovaries, and the testes. These glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream which then circulates them throughout the body to regulate a target organ’s function. Each of the glands are associated with the in-body chakras, their energetic equivalent to further expand the capabilities of the system even beyond the physical. Here is a useful block of information from the book, A Manual for Developing Humans:
1. Gonads (reproduction): security issues, Earth-oriented; relates to red/ white, planet Saturn, sound scale “D.” Key: patience/ desire.
2. Lyden-Leydig/ Adrenals (creativity): pleasure, water oriented; relates to orange/ black, Neptune, “Re.” Key: fairplay/ temptation.
3. Adrenals/ Pancreas/ Spleen (energy): activity levels, fire oriented; relates to yellow/ red, Mars, “Mi.” Key: courage/ fear.
4. Thymus (emotions): affection and beauty, air oriented; relates to green/ pale shades, Venus, “Fa.” Key: love/ attachment.
5. Thyroid (will): decision making, voice/ Lesser Mind oriented; relates to blue/ neutral, Mercury, “So.” Key: communication/ confusion.
6. Pituitary (ideals): intuitive awareness, belief/ service oriented; relates to indigo/ silver, Jupiter, “La.” Key: dedication/ dogmatism.
7. Pineal (mastery): soul awareness, vision/ Greater Mind oriented; relates to purple/ gold, Uranus, “Ti.” Key: spirituality/ domination.
Atwater, P. M. H.. A Manual for Developing Humans (Kindle Locations 1585-1604). Rainbow Ridge Books. Kindle Edition.
Chakra health and glandular health are interwoven and thus can be indicators of where a compromise is occurring.
There is a very high degree of communication and cooperation between the body systems. And, it is close to being spontaneous. In fact there is a process called interoception by which physiological signals from within the body are transmitted to the brain to enable homeostatic control and also give rise to awareness of bodily feelings and the internal state of all tissues in the body. All impulses and sensations are present in the laminaspinothalamacortical pathway, a nerve pathway, recently discovered, within the spinal cord running from its base to the hypothalamus in the brain.
“Various nerve networks carry information from cells within the body. These networks form primary nerves that feed into the interoceptive tract at various levels along the spinal cord. Within this tract secondary neurons exist which form a connection from the primary nerves to the thalamus. At the thalamus, tertiary nerves originate. The tertiary nerves carry impulses from the thalamus to other brain areas forming an “interoceptive nerve network.” Areas in the brain involves in interoception include the somatosensory and somatomotor cortices, the insular cortex, cingulate cortex (ACC), and prefrontal cortices (ventromedial prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex).
The insula is the site where information merges resulting in interoceptive awareness. It is suggested that different portions of the insula are involved in successive steps of processing stimuli. The insula is therefore involved in the integration of the body’s homeostatic condition with behavior, thoughts and feelings.
Raw signals such as those coming from the body organs, via the interoceptive tract and network, enter the posterior insula. As these signals progress to the anterior insular they become progressively more integrated higher brain functions.
The middle insula integrates homeostatic sensation with emotionally driven activity and by the time the information reaches the anterior insula all subjective feelings from the body and brain at a certain moment of time converge. This results in the ultimate representation of all one’s feelings and constitutes the ‘‘ sentient self,’’ or what it feels like to be “you”. The sentient self is defined as how we experience ourselves in the immediate present moment.
This neurological discovery of the interoceptive network supports the suggestion that both subjective awareness and thought is built on homeostasis.
This network also provides a link for the ‘‘ bodies role in creating the mind’’. The awareness of interoception enables you to experience how your body is connected to all phenomena in the world at large. You become aware of how environmental phenomena influences your mood and behavior.
Interoceptive awareness enables you to modify your behavior or change your environment and lifestyle to improve body performance. Interoception could be the driver for motivated action. This leads to the larger philosophical question of whether consciousness arose as a higher function of the homeostatic regulating system. Is the purpose of consciousness to enable the maintenance of homeostasis in an ever changing world?
Interoception also implies an extrasensory ability. It empowers humans to distinguish more than the 5 exteroceptive senses enables us to. A variety of environmental stimuli such as barometric, chemical or electrical impulses stimulate sensors on skin, membranes of the eyes and ears and the nasal lining. These impulses may be transmitted to the brain via the interoceptive tract, enabling humans to perceive so much more about the world than we previously thought possible.”
I just had to put it in here straight from the book because it is so exciting. As these new awarenesses reveal themselves we find that we can expand in such profound ways and actually have direct knowledge consciously of our current in body state so that we can make choices to address areas of compromise and concern. A massive network of communication was unfathomable to the mass of humanity just a breath ago. Perhaps you can see that not knowing this perpetuates a state of unknowing which is solidly fear based which leads one to seeking “professionals” to tell them what to do. We already know better than most of these trained professionals what to do…of course, as we open to and access these new revelatory capacities,
This leads directly to the importance of conscious communication with your body, on all levels, from the cells to the organs to the glands to the systems to the chakras to the energy bodies…activities to follow.
Also, on this topic of the glands, I want to introduce some new information coming through a book, Healing and Cellular Transmutation, by Pierre Lessard. In a nutshell, he refers to a process currently happening called cellular transmutation, in essence the changing (rising frequency) of the cells themselves. There is a constant influx and showering of a variety of solar and cosmic rays in the form of particles. These particles are picked up by the receptor cells in the major reception portals existing in the body: the skin, the eyes, the ears, the nostrils, the mouth, the navel. It is our encouraged invite to consciously activate and service these portals.
How to activate your physical reception portals
Let go of your preoccupations, fears and beliefs.
Calm yourself and strive to achieve a state of serenity.
By a conscious and concerted effort, raise your vibratory rate up to the heart’s rate.
Focus your attention on your breathing, soft and deep.
Imagine and feel that everything is pure and perfect.
Place your hands on your knees, palms turned upwards.
Feel the vibrations of your heart in both your hands.
Ask that all the pores of your skin open to welcome the subtle nourishment.
Transmit to your reception portals the intention to lovingly activate the reception abilities of their cells or micro-receptors by placing the palms of your hands first on your eyes, then on your ears, nostrils, mouth and navel.
Lessard, Pierre. Healing and Cellular Transmutation (Kindle Locations 515-521). Ariane Editions. Kindle Edition.
When the portals are open, your chakras, both in body and expanded, are functioning, and you have multidimensional openness and access, then you can be engaged with the particle downloads, consciously. There are seven different types of particles that contain specific information for you to integrate on a moment by moment basis: Solar,Pranic, Celestial Crystalline, Terrestrial Crystalline, Admantine, Sixth Dimension, and Orion Particles.
“It means that as soon as a physical or subtle substance is in contact with a physical or photoluminescent cell (of a subtle body), the attributes of that substance are immediately captured by the receptor cell. The intelligence of the receptor cell in interrelation with the central nervous system (CNS) enables it to react immediately. This reaction may be either the rejection or the integration of the substance.
This explains the natural reception portals through which you can capture cellular transmutation particles and feed upon them. They are called portals because they make possible the transmission of energy and of the information it carries.
A conscious relationship with each of those portals prompts their activation, that is to say, the actualization of their receptive abilities. Each activated portal recognizes the particles from solar and cosmic rays and from the pranic breeze circulating in the Earth’s atmosphere. From this perspective, you can see that light is a particle, a photon or a grain of light interacting with portal cells. These cells will detect the attributes of the particle and identify that which will promote transmutation. The information will then be transferred to the CNS. The observation of cellular mutations provides the confirmation that the brain is located as much in the membrane enclosing the cell and its nucleus as it is in the encephalon. The CNS, which is often considered to be an extension of the brain, will thus act as an intelligent decoding, recoding and neurotransmission system. It is designed to receive the information contained in the new transmutation particles. Based on this information, it then defines how to transmit it, either to the chakras or directly to the cells of the physical and etheric bodies, depending on the specific features of the particles, the information they carry, and the requirements of the tissues of the various bodies.
Cellular intelligence provides each cell with the ability to hold the information about the state of the whole body. If a tissue is deficient and requires a specific intake, its cells transmit their requirements by emitting flashes of light or sound bursts. This is how cells communicate with each other. Furthermore, the cells from the CNS, also called neurons, are instantly aware of it. For example, your body knows at all times which minerals or vitamins are lacking or in excess. Subtle nourishment appears in the form of waves and particles with a special programming. So when particles come in contact with the sensors in each portal, they immediately transmit their coded information. These codes are transferred either through vibration or through the established contact. These codes are then retransmitted to the CNS. Therefore, this nourishment is in fact a coded message. Once transmitted, it causes a cellular, organic or systemic change, or the secretion of a substance.
Lessard, Pierre. Healing and Cellular Transmutation (Kindle Locations 425-432). Ariane Editions. Kindle Edition.
Briefly (as we will look at this topic in depth in Session 3):
Perhaps you can sense how incredible this information is. If it is true then we have access to powerful processes arriving from now on. I shall devote a complete section to this topic to expand it, relate it the glandular receptivity, and initiate your own entrance into using it to assist this great awakening. And you can see that I simply lifted Lassards words out of the book because it is already said so well. This may be one of those must have books for conscious travelers. Now, let me underscore that if this whole concept, which is borderline science fiction, does not resonate with you, then so be it. Not a big deal…As for me, I see it as Incredible and exciting!
Let’s conclude this sub session with some communication activities with the glands themselves. I will suggest an activity and invite you to use it with each gland. It is time to open up the channels and support and appreciate these parts of you who have likely been mostly doing their job since you arrived on the planet. It’s high time for some contact.
Start with the adrenals and move successively upward to the ovaries/testicles, pancreas/spleen, thalamus, thyroid/ parathyroid, pituitary, and pineal. Breath a complete breath 7 times. Speak your birth name 7 times out loud. Say to the gland, “___________________, I am blessed by your loving service. You have shown up as you were directed by me all this time. You have taken care of me and delivered your specific hormones even though I paid no attention to you. For my oversight, I deeply apologize. I want you to know that I care for you and your health and affirm your impeccable functionality from now forward. I intend to communicate and consciously support you with appreciation and love as often as I choose and sense that you would like it. I have some questions for you and I would like you to share honestly and clearly with me as I want to check in with you and also inform you of some impending higher vibrational changes.”
Please ask these questions of each gland and write down the responses(as always, trust the first thought you receive. You may want the gland to use your non-dominant hand to answer your question, if you choose)