1. ”I give great thanks for all existing and potential friends and communities in my life. For all those who choose to receive my love and attention I am deeply grateful. For those who honor and bless me with their time, words, and love I express unending gratitude. For the loving and tender friendship I give to myself in all my moments….I am blessed. And so it is!”

2. ”I give great thanks for the sweet and precious and knowing part of me that holds the Divine Blueprint of That I AM. I express endless appreciation by paying attention to and witnessing the beauty of children everywhere. I am grateful for the playful life that awaits my attention and nurturing of my child self. And so it is!”

3. ”I give great thanks for all of the elements of my life thus far. I ask for clarity and the willingness to step away from the way it has been into the infinite expression of possibility. Thank you for the adventure. And so it is!”

4. ”I give great thanks for the my willingness to be my authentic self in all my moments. I acknowledge, celebrate, reclaim, and integrate the design of the I AM As Me that has patiently awaited this time of opening my eyes, heart, and mind. I am grateful for who I Am and will devote myself to being so. And so it is!”

5. ”I give great thanks for my design that gives me the capacity to choose. I am grateful that I can take stock in this moment and make a choice that honors all. I am thankful for my ability to strengthen my capacity to choose, and, subsequently, take action. I choose to pay attention and keep my choosing in flow. Thank you for this choice. And so it is!”

6. ”I give great thanks for the natural world of the elementals and fairies and nature spirits who serve the life needs of the plants and stones and trees. This vibration is essential in tending the garden of life. I am thankful that they choose to co-exist with humanity, despite the abuse. ^Thank you, life, for the grand design and its superb palette of form.  And so it is!”

7. ”I give great thanks for the divine design of each of us. Great gratitude for the process of Higher Self leading us with love and grace through our unique moments of living. I am thankful that I choose to be aware of how simple the flow can be when I step out of holding to the misinformed past. Praise that we each are well looked after.  And so it is!”

8. ”I give great thanks for the divine design that gives me the capacity to create. I celebrate the creations I have manifested and invite an endless sea of creation and creativity to flood my now and future moments. I am grateful for my ability to use my inner tools to birth new ideas..and put them into action. Thank you for the skill to vision anew.  And so it is!”

9. ”I give great thanks for the divine design that steers us towards a life of peace. I celebrate the tendency for people to seek connection and create a community where Love is shared and felt. I am grateful for the inner awareness that leads us to choose differently. I am thankful that we are being supported by the cosmos to reclaim the peace filled life. And so it is!”

10. ”I give great thanks for the divine design that allows spirit to integrate with the physical. I am grateful for the Grand Design that gives the tools for manifestation. I am thankful for the love that inspires the openness and trust within to embrace the unseen in great faith. Thank you for the consistency in the Universal Laws. And so it is!”

11. ”I give great thanks for the divine design that allows a fluid relationship with beliefs. I am so grateful that this world reflects my beliefs in my experience before me. I am thankful that confusing and limiting beliefs can be identified, changed, and replaced with life affirming new ones. And so it is!”

12. ”I give great thanks for the divine design that allows relationship. I am grateful for the people who move through my moments, opening awareness and opportunity. Thank you for the forms of my life that offer relationship. Connecting opens me up and gifts me with insight and experience. Thank you for the design that brings us together. And so it is!”

13. ”I give great thanks for the wisdom behind the creation of the technology that has allowed the movie medium to happen. I bless the fertile minds for those beautiful stories that expanded my life and invited me into the land of wonder. Gratitude to the ones who have remained true to the human imagination and still make movies that feed the soul and invite us to live !”

14. ”I give great thanks for trust that fills my life in this moment. I am grateful that, in this knowing, I can move forward without hesitation to experience the beauty of this life. I celebrate this boundless adventure by expressing gratitude for my willingness to surrender into the capable hands of my guides and support beings. I know my life will work out!”

15. ”I give great thanks for choosing to show up to the now moment. I celebrate the adventure that awaits my faith filled acceptance. I am grateful that I believe in myself enough to trust the process of the flow of life. I affirm that life moves always in my best interest and choose to lay down all resistance to the invitations that come my way. And so it is!”

16. ”I give great thanks for the existence of money. I am grateful that we have agreed there is a common medium of exchange for goods, services, and time. I am thankful for the infinite supply available to all of us. I choose to use money for the expansion of love and joy and affirming life. I use money to experience and learn about me and my place in this world. And so it is!”

17. ”I give great thanks for the qualities of leadership that flood through me. I am grateful for my willingness to claim them and call them to the moment. I celebrate the design that invites me to claim the truth of I Am when the need arises. I celebrate my capacity to take charge and get results in a flowing manner. And so it is!”

18. ”I give great thanks for the my capacity to take good care of myself. I am very grateful for the inner and outer support I receive to take care of my needs first. I celebrate how easy it is to replenish my own supply and be a fountain to others. I easily practice self care in all I think, say and do. And so it is!”

19. ”I give great thanks for the my capacity to choose cooperation. I am very grateful for the inner and outer flow of life when I participate in working and achieving together. I celebrate how fluidly life helps life and choose to be a willing participant in helping  others and asking for help to meet my needs and goals and intentions. And so it is!”

20. ”I give great thanks for the transitions in my life. I am very grateful for the inner and outer adjustments I make in response to the flow of my moments. I celebrate them by acknowledging them and expressing gratitude and learning from them. . And so it is!”

21. ”I give great thanks for the reawakening of the I Am as me. I am grateful that I can remember and reclaim who I truly am to live the higher vibrational life. I express full gratitude for the energy of these times that has forced me to stand in my truth and to access my grand design. I choose to grow fully into that which I have always been. And so it is!”

22. ”I give great thanks for the teachers who have passed through my journey of life thus far. I am grateful for all the opportunities to show up for others and myself. I express endless gratitude for the orchestration of my life’s moments under the unfailing guidance of my Higher Self. And so it is!”

23. ”I give great thanks for the plant kingdom. The beauty and variety and  use and vibration resonates on a very deep level in me. I am grateful that the plants are in relationship with humanity. I celebrate their presence in the natural world. I am thankful that I am open to receive all the gifts they have to freely and lovingly give. And so it is!”

24. ”I give great thanks for my capacity to slow down and enjoy all my ,moments. I am grateful that a process like ritual exists to deepen my involvement with life . I express gratitude for the awareness and insight and clearing that comes by taking the time and energy to create ritual in my moments of living. And so it is!”

25. ”I give great thanks for my capacity to parent myself and others. I am grateful that a process like parenting exists as it sensitizes me to being present in love for others as well as myself.. I express gratitude for the willingness to take the lessons learned from life to reawaken the true memory of that I Am so I may nurture me back into Wholeness. And so it is!”

26. ”I give great thanks for all the celestial beings available to me at my beck and call. I am grateful that a web of support exists that is aligned with my personal frequency. I am thankful that I have the will to make the call and pay attention for the result. I willingly accept the many and varied forms of assistance And so it is!”

27. ”I give great thanks for the existence of freedom as a choice. I am grateful for that point where I can choose to let go and allow freedom to wash over and through me. I am thankful that my Higher Self continues to bring me moments and situations and people to assist in building my freedom choosing muscles. And so it is!”

28. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  challenge. I am grateful for the unfolding opportunity to reawaken my inner resources to meet that which has come before me. I am thankful that my Higher Self continues to bring me the best experiences with which to remember who I Truly Am. I accept the challenge with confidence and willingness. And so it is!”

29. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  Source. I am grateful for the unfolding opportunity to reawaken my inner and outer connection with the Source. I am thankful that my Higher Self continues to bring me the best expression of Source. I celebrate beginnings everywhere and have faith to trust that all is in my true favor. And so it is!”

30. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  the technology that created television. I am grateful for the conscious use of the medium to create programs that nurture, nourish, and expand life and being human. I express gratitude for the opportunity to make choice to take care of myself and turn away from any programming that diminishes life. And so it is!”

31. ”I give great thanks for the existence of trees. I am grateful for the incredible variety of expression they present. For the beautiful relationship of give and take with all of life I am filled with gratitude. And so it is!”

32. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  Grace. That this loving cosmos will bless us with an ongoing wash of Light and high vibration  because we are so worthy is a true delight. I am deeply grateful for the new energies  that open us to a greater awareness and understanding of our design. And so it is!”

33. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  Evolution. That this loving cosmos will bless us with an ongoing opportunity to reclaim the Truth of Our Being is a true delight. I am deeply grateful for the Wisdom that has intervened and now forces us to remember our Essence.  Thank you for believing in me in all ways. And so it is!”.

34. ”I give great thanks for my hands For the awesome and overtly functional design I am most pleased..  I am deeply grateful for all that my hands can do to open up my experience of the world and life.  Thank you hands for continuing to serve my moments with such loyalty and devotion. May I nourish you with every breath. And so it is!”

35. ”I give great thanks for the magnificent season of Fall.  I am deeply grateful for opportunities it brings to reflect, release, and let go.  Thank you Earth for your precious and perfect cycles that lead me lovingly through the moments of life.. For the incredible splash of lower chakra color I am grateful beyond words. And so it is!”

36. ”I give great thanks for the existence of home, the place where nurturing and care abound. I celebrate the choice I easily make to practice self care to rebuild the inner home that feeds me power, clarity, and purpose. I am grateful for my capacity to create that which truly nurtures me on all levels. I am grateful for this information and inspiration. And so it is!”

37. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  sunsets. The  majestic interactive dance of cloud, air, sky, light, and water vapor is an ever changing panorama that brings me great joy. I am grateful for the daily occurrence that reminds me of my own beauty and power. And so it is!”

38. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  yesterdays. I am grateful for the  awareness and opportunity they bring. I appreciate how I can revisit them to mine new learnings and directions for living . I give gratitude for the flow that moves us so fluidly from moment to moment, from yesterday to now to tomorrow. And so it is!”

39. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  sunlight. The wisdom that design the daily influx of codings and information to feed our multi-leveled selves is inspired . I am grateful for the warmth and the life sustaining energy of the sun that feeds all of creation. Thank you, sun, for your incessant wash of loving light that blesses us without hesitation. And so it is!”

40. ”I give great thanks for all of my senses. Through them I experience this dimension. I celebrate them by inviting them to expand and reveal more of the true nature of the world of vibration to me. I give thanks for my capacity to choose to turn off the distractions and rediscover the magnitude of the power within me to experience the whole of life.!”

41. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  holidays. With awareness I can use them for deeper remembering and reawakening of powerful spiritual qualities I carry by design. For this I am grateful.  I give great gratitude for the insight to set aside the collective remembrance of these yearly signposts to keep me aligned to the greater connected experience of Life. And so it is!”

42. ”I give great thanks for the existence of  beginnings. For the moment by moment start over I am grateful. That I can find an alternative to that which does not serve me  by choosing a new path in this breath is worthy of being thankful for. I am grateful that nothing is permanent; all is in the flow, giving birth to a beautiful new way in the Now. And so it is!”

43. ”I give great thanks for how the cosmos keeps showing up for me. I am grateful that my Higher Self knows just what to draw to me in the moment. I choose to celebrate this faith with showing up fully to my moments, no matter the form. I willingly ride the adventure and radically open up my unification with Life!. And so it is!”

44. ”I give great thanks for the concept of thresholds. I am grateful for the consciousness that arises from choosing awareness. I celebrate the etheric support that empowers my choice to claim meaning when crossing a threshold. I  have great gratitude for the results of claiming the power of a threshold. And so it is!”

45. ”I give great thanks for the rain that comes…nature’s great cleanse of the here and now. I am grateful for the vibration, the smell, the sound, the taste, the energetic shift that accompanies the rain. I am thankful that life loves  life so much. I open to receive the clearing and the washing away of that which no longer serves me. And so it is!”

46. ”I give great thanks for the power of intention. I am grateful that it works so fluidly with the manifesting of the life I deserve and desire. In my gratitude I use it willingly and celebrate the magnificent outcomes that flow into my life for claiming. And so it is!”

47. ”I give great thanks for the power of sight and vision. I am grateful for my organs of sight, the eyes, and the capacity to see the beautiful forms of life. So, too, am I grateful for the inner sight that propels me to have vision for the what can and shall be. I celebrate the capacity for it all to work together cooperatively to reveal the immense panorama of all life. And so it is!”

48. ”I give great thanks for the power of the wind to elicit change. I celebrate the dynamic quality of moving air to bring about the movement to freshen the inner and outer landscape. I am grateful for the cleansing power of the wind, to vitalize, me, refresh me, stir me, move me, and push me to sail and flow in the joy of trust and surrender. And so it is!”

49. ”I give great thanks for the beautiful and enlightening process of cooking. I am grateful to all the steps and forms that go into the unique creation each day. I am grateful for all of the live foods that surrender to my nourishment and survival.  And so it is!”

50. ”I give great thanks for the inherent process of meditation, the call of the inner, the invitation of life to reveal its Truth. I am grateful that there are so many ways to get quiet and listen. I celebrate  that I choose to listen and then act upon this guidance to make a different in my full experience of living. And so it is!”

51. ”I give great thanks for the unique ways that life has showed up for me. I celebrate the forms and the choices necessary to make manifest those forms.  I honor who I am in this moment. I am so grateful for my divine design that allows me to choose how my next moment shall be.  And so it is!”

52. ”I give great thanks for the significance and beauty of endings. I choose to celebrate the experiences by honoring their ending to free myself up to the new vibration, built upon the experience of what has been. I am grateful for the power of the conscious goodbye  And so it is!”

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