Early in the 1900’s, in the wash of the Theosophical Movement that was planting foundational seeds for the Aquarian Age, C.W. Leadbeater published a seminal thesis, Thought Forms. In that moment the movie, the Secret, was given the manifestation mandate that would come to fruition almost 100 years later. Yes, he said, thoughts are things. They have a form. In other words, they are an energy.
Because they are energy they are made and set into motion through the process of thinking. The thought then becomes a magnet for energy that is aligned to the intention and the emotion with which the thought was sent. Form shows up in the external world. As sure as the next breath comes, this process works. It is universal Law. Know it and you hold the keys to the manifestation kingdom.
Simple, certainly, like so much of this cosmos when you understand it. Easy…not so much.
Thoughts are things. They are the result of a complex internal process dependent on a host of design and learned factors. Can we learn to regulate thoughts yes. Know the process then apply the technique.
Every moment of living impacts on multiple levels. On the mental level we make interpretations. The interpretation is in alignment with beliefs born out of previous moments of living. Repetitious interpretations of experience result in a belief that becomes the magnetizing thought. The clarity of thought is based on the degree of energetic debris you still carry. Thought stems from the solar plexus. The back side is infused and fed by Celestial Wisdom. The clearer the front side is then the more the big picture will seed the current thought form. Blocks divert the wisdom. The Solar Plexus is forced downwards to the Sacral and Root where it sifts through the woundings and existing degree of creativity to offer some possibilities. Those possibilities are sent via the heart to the Throat and the Third Eye from sending out into the ethers. AT the throat the personal woundings of the Sacral Chakra are called upon again to provide energetic filters. These filters will weaken the possibility of the vision manifestation according to intent. At the Third Eye the infinite possibilities of the Celestial are fused into the vision to attract the “all this or something more magnificent”. If this area is compromised then the vision is weakened again. The intention upon which the thought is launched is fed by the purity of the Heart Chakra which pulls in high frequency attractive particles of Love.
Once the thought is launched then it is dependent on your ability to serve the vibration. If you have disbelief about manifestation then the thought may be doomed. If you are looking so hard for a form then you will likely miss the power of the nuances of manifestation to give you oh so much more. And then, what is the level of your faith and expectancy? How much are you a being of gratitude? Do you celebrate the accomplishments and successes, no matter how small?
And you thought that thought was only a brain thing. Not so. The magnetic capacity of the thought/vision/intention is proportional to the purity of the system and all its contributing parts. You can see that your thinking is a whole body process that serves the greater good of you….if you allow it. SO, let’s see how we can support the system to insure that your manicured thoughts are given their wings.
Weeding through thoughts
Even though there is an ongoing big picture of knowing that we carry eternally, the incarnational visit to the Earth dimension causes some temporary changes (that seem very much like they are permanent). Multiple lifetimes especially through the Piscean Epoch have left you with a whole lot of thought debris. According to Kryon the Crystalline Grid of the Earth carries the collective beliefs and experiences of humanity for us to interface with on a regular basis. Without knowing and regulating this we simply repeat the past. Your own crystal in the Crystal Cave carries your history. Interfacing with this allow you to access the higher frequency truths that oversee the planetary and your personal human design. It is too easy to surrender to the ongoing cultural, familial, and even personal pressure to continue being the same ol’ same ol’…and most do. The current influx of Celestial energy infusing humanity is throwing a wrench in the works in that we are being ushered into a new and higher vibration for our own and the Cosmic sake. The old experiment is being replaced with something much more beautiful. There is actually added stress to the whole as the change progresses. Each of us is experiencing a level of personal inner chaos in proportion to our own frequency of vibration. In some ways the aware ones, like you and me, are having to deal less with the old doctrine of limitations fro we have exposed and become familiar with many of its tenets. In other ways, the higher vibration one holds, the more likely they are doing double work in processing the lower frequencies of others because they can “handle that”…the small price of waking up.
As thoughts are things the word on the Celestial street is that the ethers are filled with random thoughts looking for a host. Thoughts drop in and they come and go. Perhaps that is why there is such a monkey mind in most people, always active, often thinking the worst, projecting fear filled futures into their inner and outer worlds. We must choose to activate thought filters that will keep out the riff raff. Here is a downloaded way to put into action:
Speak your birth name 7 times. Visualize the violet flame at and around your feet. Call it forth to provide a consistent rising flame that, like a cylinder around you, keeps any limited thoughts from entering your personal field, especially the back side of the Solar Plexus and the Third Eye Chakras. Only those thoughts that affirm life and raise your own personal vibration are allowed entry into your field. Call upon it, too, to filter the sending out of any thought that is not in alignment with your own highest good. The energetic forms are dis-integrated and reinserted into the ethers as pure energy. And so it is…
1. On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past thoughts, illusions, and beliefs that have inhibited me from seeing my true worth. I lift and release all veils over the truth of this dimension to reveal to me the beauty and love in all of life. I see and experience only through the eyes and heart of Love. And so it is.
2. I Am Creation on all levels of consciousness. I choose to be free of the holographic veils of illusions that have interfered with my ability to see my truth. I am prepared to accept responsibility for my world without distortion and illusion. I command that all thought forms and energies that have created the holographic veils and obstruct my ability to see my truth now be transmuted into divine Truth. I command that the vibration of fear that has been attached to these veils and my perceived reality be transmuted into the vibrations of Unconditional love, Joy, Peace, and Happiness, for that is the reality I choose as my own. And so it is.
Proclamations of the Soul, by Rich Work
As you can see this is a process that requires your constant attention. You must put your Zen Master self in charge of catching low frequency thoughts when they are born in you. Speaking out the word “Cancel!” will dis-integrate the thought form into the ethers and allow the intention to be reclaimed but in the new higher frequency form. The old thought forms are all around you looking for a host. Your own woundings are being processed and are flooding your inner field….out of which may come low frequency thoughts and beliefs that once seemed to serve you…cancel them and replace them. As a reminder of some of those thoughts revisit the Doctrine of Limitations listed in Session Zero home page. You must become fluid intending that inner garden of thought so you can begin to select that upon which you stand, reprogramming the old with the life affirming. This is a process that only you can do for yourself. The world, in its current form, will not offer much more than confusion and pressure to stay the demeaning course…
Establishing a new thought database
You are fast becoming aware of the new unfolding paradigm that is infusing humanity in this Earth Plane. As you, of higher vibration awareness, are able to be more receptive of these new directives, so, too, are you able to put them into action and reap the higher frequency benefits. However, your higher vibration also acts as a plug in resource for others through which they can release the old and gather a sense of the new. That is the way higher frequency works, clearing and amplifying the old into the new. You have a growing host of new capacities that you will be called upon to live in and from. Your work is rewarded by not only your own awareness but also by an increasing capacity to serve the Oneness…at no cost to your self. That is the good news. You will likely be drawn to show up in ways that before you were hesitant to engage. Enjoy the new power and confidence you have birthed via choice and action.
It is now a necessity, not an option, to seed and feed higher vibrational thinking into and through you. The old has already been replaced on the deep level. You are in process of bringing it into consciousness. The limited thoughts will start to feel noticeably uncomfortable to you. That discomfort will catapult you right into the new thought. The new awareness will birth even more expanded thought in you. Your personal database is growing. Your moments of living and the revelations spawned will give rise to providing you more of what you currently do not know. We have established a foundation already that you can continue to rehearse, to speak, to write, to live in, to share. Click below to revisit them:
The growing thoughts rising in these times may appear at first to be fantastic and too far out, when compared especially to the way it has been. Rightly so. It is on the wings of wonder and imagination that the new world rides. These relatively dormant capacities are on the forefront of the awakening. These are the seed makers. They bring the juice to the thoughts we birth. This tool lives in the Sacral Chakra child like frequency of joy and creativity and passion. Combine it with a wash of the pure child Christ Essence that arrives from the loving arms of life behind the Heart Chakra to be delivered to the midpoint in the brain at the doorway of the pituitary. Draw a line from the forebrain (where rational thought and information reside) and the the Occipital Lobe/Reptilian Brain (where the raw energies of life, the visceral interpretations, the in the now juice has domicile). Intersect that with a line between the Left Brain (where the factual, measurable, sense identified perspectives rise) and the Right Brain ( where expansiveness, seas of big pictures, color, sound, unpredictability, and dimensional dancing hold fluid court) and you have the birthplace of the beautiful thought immersed in life. This point gathers the frequency of the intention and fleshes it out with the larger than life elements to immerse into the pituitary conglomerate spoken of before and this wholeness becomes the Pure and Magnificent Empowered Thought of which we are capable of launching.
This is an awareness that gives direction to how to be fully functional in making manifest the prime inner directives. As it is an involved flow it would follow that not every thought can be thus massaged. There are just too many…and that may be the issue at hand. The reduction of thought may be the whole point of this. What if thought was a pure luxury called upon when it was intended with holy purpose only? That would leave a lot of space within, empty of the banter, the drivel, the distraction. And does it not follow that it is in the expanded silence that we find our true design and the connection point with Source? Imagine an emptiness that soothes and empowers and amplifies the frequency of Love while at the same time delivering the Oneness form that connects all to ALL.
Have we been misusing our design…likely…and so be it. I suggest that we each begin to select specific thoughts and work them through the process to see just what happens. Below I will outline the process again. Sounds like some serious fun to me!
Channels of high frequency thought
Having been under the understanding that thought was simply a head based process it is easy to just keep loyal to that old way. The expansion of these times has given way to new ideas and potential information that can radically alter the way we do inner business. The expanded thinking now sees, as expressed above, the distinct possibility that thought is more of a whole body process. Of course, it remains to be seen just how this will unfold and be validated and that is where you and I come in…putting the new into action and seeing what occurs.
Launching an Intent
The above process really is a description of forming the pure and powerful intention. The intention is the fuel for the journey of the thought. The intention is fed by the sensory investment of living as if. Putting yourself into the vision in action fleshes out energetically the elements of the vision. Being there already living in the vision will call it forth very quickly. Your intention is wrapped though and through with your vision once it engages the heart. Into the ethers it is spoken with the knowing that the outcome is guaranteed to be so…
Post launch protocol
Already alluded to, this part is the moving forth in faith part, knowing that the perfect form is already being magnetized into the atomic structure of your vision. Your task is to pay attention and let go of holding a specific form. Sure, the deliberate elements of your vision shall be present…and they will also carry the expended potential of you don’t know what you don’t know given by the greater Cosmic vision and knowing. This is why thinking big is such an essential element. We see out launch as the beginning of the manifestation, a piece of the inevitable potential that assimilates energetically into the oscillating substance you call the gift.
And you must maintain and apply the playful spirit of gratitude and all this or something more magnificent to allow your Higher Self to orchestrate the substance in accordance to your personal frequency that will likely be higher by the time the form reveals itself.
I will work on creating a worksheet for making life so…introducing in the Session on manifesting Block One Session A1-5 Advanced Manifestation and the Sea of Abundance
System Check in
Developing the above skill requires intentional effort and unwavering follow through. Personal adjustments are expected as you move to make the process you-specific. Monitor your energetic system, your thoughts, your words, your beliefs, and your actions/results. System maintenance is applied as necessary. Keep a part of you on the watch. Do not hesitate to amplify that which needs the support.