Vibrational frequency is magnetic. It will resonate with and attract like frequencies. Humans are a frequency that is oscillating and changing depending on awareness and the amount of energetic residue weighing down the frequency of wholeness. At whatever frequency we currently are we attract in kind to us. In other words, people come and go, and at its basic, this is a frequency issue. Pay attention to who and what is in your life to get a read on your current vibrational state.
As we live and age, we grow, hopefully, and raise our frequency. These changes bring new people into our life for support, friendship, and even personal challenge. It is a bit of a complex issue. Step aside and look at soul groups for a moment. These are a group of up to 25 beings/souls of very like frequency who are deeply and profoundly connected energetically and beyond. Frequently they incarnate at the same time to provide support somewhere along the journey. They may weave in and out of lives and they may arrive and be friends, lovers, and partners for extended periods. Sometimes you meet in Kindergarten and they are there for your whole life. Sometimes they arrive at a pivotal time for just a moment. It is a beautiful dance that you do for one another. I bring this up because, although they may be your family of choice, there will be others who come simply based on the frequencies you attain.
Your family of choice is just that, people you choose along the way to be part of your extended family, as opposed to the family of origin. Many of our life issues and challenges are put in place in the early years with the family of origin. When we leave home we live and change and shift. We meet and connect with many people and some become strongly connected to us. They resonate with us for as long as they do. Sometimes, especially if you continue to consciously expand your frequency and they do not, then you have a falling out. Perhaps you can think of ones who were so close at one time, only to drift away. In some ways the Bible book Revelations reflects the vibrational nature of things. Some simply seem to disappear because they no longer resonate and are replaced with those who do resonate with the new frequency.
Humans are prone to connection with other humans. We look for companion, friends, confidants, best buds forever, partners, soul mates. Consciously understanding how vibration and its resonating influence can help us navigate the flow of human relationships throughout our incarnation. Some people have an extended community and interact with them all. Others, introvert by nature which simply means that they recharge alone, not that they do not like people, develop only a few connections that are solid. People need people…thank you, Barbra…our opportunity and charge is to find our community.
Your community, family of choice, is like minded and like vibrationed. They resonate at your level and you at theirs. Sometimes our soul group enters in and is part of the community. They feel different. They are the ones you could not see for two years and when you reconnect, it feels like you saw them yesterday and you pick right up from there, comfy and cozy. The number in your community is arbitrary and based on what you desire and know. My former colleague, Sonia Choquette, used to say there were 12 to populate your family of choice. Maybe so, but you may only have 7…no biggy. Jesus had 12 disciples. Seems like a good number.
Once you have assembled/attracted your current family of choice it is necessary to feed and nourish all parties. Some of us want to be taken care of and don’t give much. Truth is you need to be in balance. Learning to give out can nurture both sides. The first task is to find your current family, and I say current because it can be fluctuating depending on your vibrational frequency. One useful element is to learn to recognize the moment with someone. You will know when you meet one of your people. If it is something new then you may have hesitation in interacting. Trust your vibe. There is an interesting and potentially hazardous element of this as well. Connecting with someone is a very Sacral Chakra issue. The challenge is that this is the center of joy, sensuality, passion, creativity, and our woundings. Too often, strong connections are diverted into sexual arenas where the energy can be used and burned up quickly, resulting in a premature ending. Sure, our community is made up of all kinds, one who listens well, one who gets you, one who plays well, one who is on your same spiritual track, one who is just good company, one who always has a shoulder to cry upon…and that is the beauty of it all. We need and create variety in our community so our needs are met. Know that each member of your community also has their own community that includes others that you may not know. It can get a bit confusing.
Ideally, as you build your community, give each connection time to unfold. If its a soul group thing then you pick right up and feel deeply connected. Others require time and opportunity. If there is a sexual thing, I support you postponing that and exploring other elements of the connection first. Build a solid foundation first because the sexual energy is strong and can easily burn the connection right up.
So, let’s play just a little here.