You are well looked after by your Celestial hosts, even if you do not realize it. I have said it before, as far as I understand and have experienced, your contact angelic and etheric energies is initiated by your active contact. The only exception is your constant contact Guardian Angel who will intervene on your behalf without invite. Waiting around for this kind of support is a waste of time for all involved. There is eagerness to support you in ways that are right now beyond awareness and even comprehension.
In addition to this personal posse available at your beck and call, there is your personal Source connection. This is unique in that it actually has an intermediary. No, not of the human kind. Your Higher Self, an essential element of your design stays in the higher dimensions to function as the liaison between you and Source. Can you create active relationship with Source? Of course. It requires an understanding of the big picture and a willingness to step into the Light Fantastic for a while. The biggest roadblock to your personal contact is your residue of limited beliefs that likely still infiltrate your tissue, memory, and energetic field. Your continued movement into clarity reveals the design which then allows it to function. Conscious contact and choice, especially in the Earthly dimension, must be honored.
Your Higher Self is always with you, just out of sensorial reach. The HS does not wait for your contact. Rather, she is in feeding you information seen and unseen almost constantly. From the higher dimensional perspective, and being intimately familiar with your personal life plan/intentions (because he helped you put them together), the HS orchestrates the situations, information, connections, and forms of your complete incarnation. Your HS holds the skills and memories and learnings of all your lifetimes and has a very broad picture of your journey and the adventure contained within it.
Paying attention to the nuances of your life moments and facilitating a clear, uncluttered mind opens you up to consistent two way communication with your Higher Self. You can build the muscles of connection by exercising unwavering trust in what is before you at any given moment…knowing that it is there at the hand of your HS because she knows the best way to help you reawaken and connect. So, you listen to yourself, trust your intuition and feelings, and act upon each allowing your self to flow, engage the moment, and know that you are not alone in your direct connection with Source.
Understand that the direct connection to Source comes from your unification, your Oneness as a unique atom of Source, if you will. Unified by design. Separate by previous programming. The Higher Self functions, although the conduit of Source to you, as a vehicle to help you bridge the misinformation and subsequent long standing belief that you are indeed outside the I AM. Not so. Consistent development of communicating with and relying upon and trusting Higher Self will open an implant of knowing that will seal the deal, the acceptance and knowing that indeed, “the Father and I are One”. In that blending all things become possible in ways that currently I am unable to articulate.
Since this is a process, this offering is simply to open you to accepting that you are automatically in symbiotic, unified connection with Source, currently relying on Higher Self to strengthen that knowing through and beyond the limiting beliefs. You are invited to speak this proclamation often to begin to diminish resistance to what is the Truth. Your openness paves the way to the subsequent actual establishment of the connection to come in the weeks ahead.
I Am one with Source, a unique frequency of I AM That I Am Expressing As Me. I call upon all my cells and energy bodies to align with this knowing to activate the reawakening and subsequent flooding of Unconditional Love through me to wash away all misinformation and residue energy that would interfere on any level and in any dimension with my immersion in this Greatest Truth. I Am Grateful for the array of manifestations that shower upon me to demonstrate and affirm this sacred unification. From this moment forth I believe, think, and act from my eternal Oneness with Source. I Am Source…Source I Am And it is so. And so it is.