What is happening energetically on the planet and in the Cosmos is a combination of an established cycle and a Celestial intervention that is intended to interrupt the direction of mass humanity and to redirect the focus into the inner being to activate the conscious knowing of the eternal self. Both events are the loving application of a Universe/multiverse built for Life whose intent is to usher in a higher frequency experience for humanity, in alignment with the true design. And though this is influencing and impacting everyone there is not wholesale cooperation because of the dimensional use of free will. Not choosing to expand has a cost however…and that is something that each must deal with.

So, here is some information about the Celestial picture.

Activity: take some time to reflect on your journey from 1987 until current times. Make note of any significant changes, miracles, sudden shifts, redirects, life changing choices. Tuck this away for future use

In addition to all of these Celestial rhythm changes there has also been an influx of higher vibrational energy intended to jump start humanity, especially those caught up in the seduction of the classic Piscean control agendas. Though I used to, and still do to some degree, believe that all are headed for waking up at home, I now realize that there are many who simply are so infused with the old ways that they may not choose to “wake up” for a very long time, if at all. The traditional esoteric way to look at this is to recognize that dimensions are frequencies and contain those who are aligned to that frequency. The dimensions exist simultaneously. It is not a great leap to see that some will resist and want to stay in the 3rd dimension. While those who choose the higher vibration will be shifted to the fourth dimension and higher. It all depends on where you put your focus and energy. Wake up or stay distracted.

One last element to consider is that this is a benevolent Universe that is built for life. The Earthly dimension has been designed to accommodate the journey of remembering and waking up. As a high frequency being connected to your Source, you are surely headed for an expansive life that engages in a big way all that you are made of. Exercising your spiritual skills, talents, knowledge and connection is what is encouraged. In fact, all that you are doing in this course is setting the conscious foundation and calling forth the aligned energies in people, places, and situations to assist you in proving that you are awake. Then, to know that each moment of awareness seeds the next, calling forth the unknown to be revealed within and without, is the spiraling gift that keeps giving.

You do not know what you do not know. Your steps and leaps of faith without hesitation are the igniters of the truth expressing in all your experience to bless you. Just keep going…that is all…and do so with full awareness and knowing that it is all…all…good.

Here is an exercise from a book titled Reality Unveiled, by Ziad Masri.

“In this practice, you’ll be visualizing the ideal world we all wish existed. When enough people desire and truly see this future as a real possibility, it will trigger the energetic shift on our planet, and with it the quantum leap in evolution we discussed in this chapter. When you use this practice, you are not merely fantasizing, but rather using the laws of consciousness to alter reality and help bring about the world you want to live in. “

Take several deep breaths, relaxing with each one, and then let your breathing return to its normal rhythm.

In your mind’s eye, begin to visualize a world that is worthy of being called the Golden Age. This world is the reality you want to co-create with your fellow human beings who are of a unity consciousness. A world without poverty. A world without hunger. A world without war, violence, or injustice. Visualize a world where disease and sickness do not exist, and we honor the earth and the animals.

 Immerse yourself in this world of harmony, love, and peace— a true Golden Age where humanity is one. See how there is no need for countries or borders, and feel what it would be like if there were a pervading spirit of unity and a deep connection among all people, as each understands that self and others are One in truth.

Look around this world and see how there is no need for money, as this is a world of abundance where highly advanced technology is used in harmony with nature, giving us free clean energy, food, water, and shelter. It is a world in which everyone follows their passion and creates, sharing freely with everyone else. All prosper and grow perpetually from this love and selfless giving.

This is the coming new world and as you visualize it in intricate detail and infuse those images with strong joyful emotion, you are using the energy of thought to help make it happen.

Stay with this visualization as long as you desire.

Masri, Ziad. Reality Unveiled: The Hidden Keys of Existence That Will Transform Your Life (and the World) (pp. 137-138). Awakened Media LLC. Kindle Edition.

Session Action Eight: Celestial Background on the Change