The face that most of humanity has presented for thousands of years has been more than slightly askew of the Truth of our Being. Rather, we have been clothed in a illusory wardrobe that portrayed weakness, separation, control, fear, and oh, so much more.

We have entered that golden time when the house cleaning is starting to swing into motion, when the energetic debris and the outmoded, false beliefs are being given a makeover…one based on a higher vibrational understanding of the journey we have been on as well as where we are heading together and as individuals.

The uniforms of the Piscean times were a testimony to compromise and giving up, doing what was needed to make it through till we could get out of here. There was not much color and if anyone dared to be flamboyant then there were a host of labels and ostracizations that could fall upon them in a flash. It s alright for the beautiful people to show some flash but not so for the common folk…and most of us were common folk.

So be it…throw open the closet doors, tear open the rusted attic door, access the basement and the shed out back and gather the new duds. Throw the old into the firs and let the crucible burn away all that sadness and fear and control and giving up. These are new times with a new wardrobe. And the most beautiful thing about it is that there is only one of any kind of item. Yes, the uniqueness of you and me is to be celebrated and championed with your own Aquarian clothing line.

The Aquarian line is colorful, classy, functional, spontaneous, flexible, cutting edge, sheik, sensuous, frivolous, comfortable, inspiring, creative, and dripping with character. Yes, it reflects the ever expanding and waking up vibration of you. The choices you make reflect the state of the inner and that can change with a breath if that is your desire. How you present is pleasing and inviting, calling for connection and play, and playful sophistication. There are no clashes of color, no critics hollering for uniformity, no issues with stripes against plaids, no too this or too that or not enough, or OMG…

There is a power that exudes from the presence of one in Aquarian duds. They exude a deep knowing and a Light that surrounds them. They are open , engaging, and connecting with all in the room. Their ideas are fresh and inclusive and they are excellent conversation starters, maintainers, and finishers.  They fit the affair and bring a unique perspective that brings others in and brings out the best in them.

The outfits of the Aquarian are masterful. You can see it when they walk and even enter the room. You feel safe around them. You feel like something special is happening. You feel open and connected to one another and just want to play and enjoy Nature and reflect on the stars and beyond.

Everything looks great on them because the new fabrics allow the inner vibration to emanate through and glisten with radiance and golden light. All are Masters in these up and coming times and, as such, know how to work a room spiritual to feed the vibration. The colorful presence alters as one engages another. The energetic influence is a thing of beauty as the colors merge to reveal something oh so much more.

Do you get what I am saying? When you reconnect and reawaken you have a presence that supercedes the form. It shines out from you and paints the moment for all to see and contribute to. The energies dance with one another which only serves to increase the oscillations and the experience. The beauty of every life form is recognized and celebrated. It is a sequence of red carpet moments, of opening nights, of gala banquets, of awards shows. And everyone is there…or will get there.

This is where you are going when you say “no more” to the doubts, the self judgment, the self-hatred, the hesitation, the fear based living, the hiding in the shadows, the self pity, the victimhood. These choices, these releases, seed the new vibration and give you the eternal holy makeover that fashions every moment. And what do you have to do to claim it? Just claim it…now. Act as if your are always dressed to the tens, no matter what. Exude that knowing and engage life from that frequency.

As you move through your day carry a new attitude. Claim your beauty, your charisma, your heart centered connections with all you meet. In this vibration of known Mastery you are comfortable with eye contact, talking first, being complimentary, compassionate, and conversational. It is easy. And the more you do it the more fun it is and the better you feel. In the beginning it is nothing but attitude. In no time it becomes you and grows in brilliance. Be kind, be grateful, graceful, exercise respect and show manners and courtesy. Engage strangers and remind them with your attention that they matter, that they have unwavering value. Witness life and all the players in your current sphere. Send Love out to everyone and everything. Be spontaneous and complimentary to your self and others. Start seeing and acknowledging the brilliance of others…asking “hey, where did you get your Aquarian duds?”

Session Action Seven: Some New Aquarian Duds