To re-member is to bring back to awareness and put back together. The real you has been spread out o’er the planes of time and space (old version), held together by the common threads of the frequency of you, awaiting your conscious choice to gather you back up and allow the reassembly. You are directly involved in making this happen. It is in your hands of choice… know that you are supported in many and mighty ways etherically and locally. Let this knowing be the motivation to keep committed to the gathering.

The forms of your moments of living fed by the common belief in separation allowed you to splinter. The interesting thing is that it was always a temporary action. You remain connected to each piece.. You learned to live without pieces, sometimes big ones, of you and did very well. You fully understand the limited life and still you find yourself here in this course, claiming something so much more. The inner calling never faded away. In fact, the losses stoked the fire of wanting to be the whole you even more.

It is a mysterious time and point in the journey. You are gathering you back from the fields of life while at the same time you are allowing your design to surface into consciousness and become activated. Your success is guaranteed by the Cosmic Source. Coming home to you consciously was always a part of the plan, the design. And, here you are, on the brink of a known unknown, so to speak, ready for the re-union and the eminent re-calibration that is gathering energies to initiate at the perfect frequency time.

The most you can do is keep saying “yes” for there are forces in motion, and every time you go with it and allow the openings, the reactivations, let the new information in,you give permission for the process to continue. You are cooperatively re-imagined to clear the old and reinstate the wonder that you have always been outside of the temporary Earth Plane. Ride the wave and keep your awareness primed and active. Pay attention and witness the nuances of waking up. Notice the new information infiltrating your neural pathways and setting new visions, new ways of seeing things, new ways of immersing and integrating the forms of your moments. You are a work in progress rising up from lifetimes of various energetic chains to seize the celestial design that has always been.

Respond immediately to what you are given. Take it and run. This is a critical thing to do as it shouts your faith and cements the knowing that you are well cared for and on your way to the mountain top.

And above all, live your moments like a child…call that essence up to be in the driver’s seat with your adult self. With Higher Self navigation at hand you have everything you need to bliss yourself into blessed life.

Your recalibration is taking form as well, again, asking only that you recognize, acknowledge, allow, and life from the new vibration. The re-calibration brings you back to the place where the design is completely on line and performing according to tolerance (engineering term for as designed). Channel, Kryon, in his 2013 book, The Re-Calibration of Humanity, has laid out a sequence of the specific calibrations taking place then and even now.

  1. The Recalibration of Human Being
  2. The Recalibration of Knowledge
  3. The Recalibration of the Universe
  4. The Recalibration of Dark and Light
  5. The Recalibration of “Shoulds”
  6. The Recalibration of Free Choice
  7. The Recalibration of Gaia
  8. The Recalibration of Self
  9. The Recalibration of the Crystalline Grid

Each of these can be explored in Kryon’s book, though we shall touch upon them all in one way or another through our own sequence of sessions. You can already get a sense from the titles about what is already happening, already revealing itself to you. Mostly your own inner guidance is the overseer and the activator of your personal recalibration. That takes precedent even over the Celestial directives here on the Earth Plane. You are on your own because you are that powerful. Remember that you are a unique expression of Cosmic Source…enough said!

Consider that the doors are wide open and waiting for you to decide what to do next. The Universe will no longer support the old status quo. It is now completely in your hands, as it needs to be. Call upon the whole of you to show up, do your part, and wake up to the brand new fifth dimension.

Session Action Seven: Re-Membering and Re-Calibration