Throughout this course we shall underscore the absolute power of your spoken word to make manifest in ever increasing felicity the form that you behold in your moments of living. The old days and the limitation doctrine fed us enough drivel to last multiple incarnations…and dutifully, we parroted back the things wrong with us, the wishes and hopes and what if’s, the beliefs we currently championed, the company line, the things others wanted us to say…while likely we held our real thoughts, our precious truths and greater knowings tucked safely in a shoe box under our liver, sharing it only with those we deemed of like mind/vibration…and then only little dances into the light just to see if they were friend or foe, ally or sharpshooter…

When we are in truth our light is brighter, our words clearer, our vibration more charismatic, our hearts more engaging, our fear mostly absent. As time goes on here in this course your words and knowings of your frequency of truth will start to blossom forth like an overflowing fountain. That vibration will sweep through the room and impact everyone…in one way or another. Is this a requirement of your higher vibration, not at all. But likely it will simply flow from you. It will seed your aura, your presence, your words  and touch the tender places of those who yearn to remember. You, by being you, will be a comfort. Be with that for this is the opening rays of the times to come when we are there for one another simply by honoring our truth.

It is a matter of your energy field. The cleaner you are the more it resonates and soothes those around you with the gentle reminder that they too, are so much more. You spread your Light by being your Light. And in the early days as it wakes up and spreads within when the implants burst open you will experience the gentle flow of Love pure and clean as it nurtures tired cell and tissue to remember the sweet wholeness that you have always been. Only when the inner transformation has taken place and you stand in that eternally familiar frequency of you will the energy be capable of feeding your words. The mind must be in the higher vibration of consistent life affirming thought and the companion beliefs will be in alignment. Then the words will be felt by the hearts of those receiving.

It is a process of bringing skills and design elements back on line, clearing the old vibration, and choosing to maintain  constantly the new vibration. Then you are in integrity with all of your levels…and that is a powerful experience for all. Are we headed there? Yes…awareness, attention, choice, action, adjustment, reapplication of the new…on and on you consciously return to You.

For now, you pay close attention to  your words spoken. They are meant to be in line with what you truly intend to manifest. Casual use must be monitored. As the new paradigm of these Aquarian times replaces the old rhetoric you will find that your thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and words are harmonic and flow out with ease. You choose your words and recognize the value and importance of silence and pause.

I suggest that you get very familiar with the Celestial Truths and the Foundation Truths from the main Session Page. Spend time also with the Foundation Elements at the bottom left of that page. Practice speaking them out loud around the house. Let the vibrations do their work. The more you speak them the more they will blend energetically. At some point the external moments will give you opportunity to share these new perspectives in the moment of living with others around. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Offer something and see what happens. These tenets are deeply known by everyone, whether they own it or not. Your sharing will activate their own cellular remembering.

It is another way that we serve the collective vibration. Your willingness to put your new awareness into spoken action influences what is drawn to you frequency and form wise. And, as we have established, everyone benefits.

Here is a powerful statement from  an angel channel book, The Truth of All That Is, by

“I am an unlimited being of creation and I create my everyday experiences. I now acknowledge the power that I hold and choose to shift it towards joy, love , and appreciation. The desires I want are ready to enter my experience. I accept why they haven’t made their way to me yet and I now remove those limiting beliefs that heve separated me from those desires. I choose to live a life full of beautiful experiences, financial and spiritual abundance,abundance of loving interactions, of health and wellness, and of the truth of who I really am. I am capable, I am worthy, I am abundant. I create my own experiences and I choose to fill them with joy, love, and all the material and spiritual things that I seek. I am now ready for a new beginning, a new life experience. I let go. I allow. And so it is…”

Become you and then spread the word wherever you go….just by responding to the life that blesses you.

Session Action Six: Spreading the Energetic Word