While under the influence of who you thought you were, it is likely that you made multiple decisions that moved you into a higher frequency. And it is likely that you kept in a holding pattern tied to the beliefs that you were less than, that life was hard, that you are a result of your past, and that there are others who are way more fortunate…on and on.

Every human is destined for waking up. There is, however, no time table for that. Successive incarnations and karmic relationship and one’s own level of waking up plus the Celestial vibe all gather to make things happen in a time of their (your) own. If you have been drawn to this course then you are likely more than just waking up. And you may not yet be willing to accept just how high your vibration, awareness, and deep inner knowing are.

That is all changing. You are on a fast track to remembering the big picture of you and putting that all into action for the expansion of the conscious life and the good of all others who follow. Vibrational wake ups impact everyone. Your choice work benefits more than just you. It is passed on vibrationally to all who enter your sphere, absorbed in the best way they require it.

But now that you are moving forward at a higher clip consciously, it is time to claim the greater part of you that is already in place. I have no way of knowing what that might be for you nor are there many generalizations that can be made for the masses except that we are all under the influence of the influx of the higher frequency vibration of these remarkable times. And it is not just the Celestial Kingdom that is blessing us but the Cosmos itself and the Great Source that is feeding us the True Vibrations that are facilitating change, whether you want it or not.

I am inviting you  to look at your own big picture that includes this incarnation thus far and any previous one’s that you are willing to open to. Notice, for a moment, how I am treating some controversial topics like incarnation here…as if they are the way it is. Doing so changes their vibration and shifts you out of the programming notches of the past that compartmentalize and judge and hug too cautiously to the middle ground. When you claim something because it feels right you invite the Cosmos to provide evidence that affirms for you. Yes, I am going to be treating a lot of perspectives that ride the edge as the way it is. This is your invitation home, my friend.

So, be aware and notice your initial responses/reactions to some of these things that I call “normal”. There is information there about what you carry energy about and where your pockets of resistance might lie. Let me remind you that we are really like children here, exploring the expanded use of wonder and imagination in a playground that for now, is undefined and wide open. In our make believe world anything is possible.

Take stock of your primary life affirming beliefs. Make a list of them. Which ones lift you out of the status quo, causing you some exhilaration, some stirring of the heart and soul, some impulse to go forth and explore? They might be spiritual and they might simply be something that gives you a buzz. And yet they are all something that you can count on and you use them in your current and previous moments of living.

What do believe about the nature of things? What is your big picture? Why has your journey taken the path it has? How did you influence the adjustments along the way? Yes, you are being invited to look very differently at what has brought you to this moment. Go back to the beginning, or even before…what do you know you carried in with you that is still serving you? Follow the sequence of your years and reflect again on your pivotal moments where you saw a connection of spirit, saw how humans work from the higher place, felt an opening, became aware of something that just fell into you?

Yes, make the list and then put into a chronological order. Look for trails of awareness how, perhaps, one awareness set the stage for another. Claim what you know and how and when it became your knowing. Begin to see, with evidence, just how much you have accomplished, and see all that makes it so much easier to step over the edge with a course like this. You are so much more. I want you to see that and really get how you have been present for you.

When did your view of life change? When did the Earth reveal herself? When did you compromise yourself? What were the circumstances? Where did you store your own truth for the meantime? Are you getting this? This is territory likely unexplored, set aside while you were coerced or forced to toe the line and be like the rest. Call it up. Likely one revelation will lead to another. Trust that you have greater clarity than you have allowed. List the things you already know because this the fertile foundation upon which we shall build your glorious waking up to you…

Session Action Five: Your Personal Consciousness Timeline