The idea of having a personal implant in your body can be disturbing especially from the fearful perspective of the old you. Understand here that we are talking energetic pockets of high frequency awareness. These have been strategically placed within you by you, to be always available to you, but stirred as your vibration increased to get your conscious attention for the purpose of activating them. In other words you had to develop a level of awareness to even know of their existence, to be at a high enough vibration to integrate the energy contained within them, and to be open hearted enough to even believe in such a thing to be willing to let it happen.

Up until now the Earthly dimension required that once you crossed the veil into human form, your memory and knowledge would be compromised and you would then embark on the winding journey of remembering. You and your guides placed in your energetic field and bodies and even in the physical these information implants that would activate a deep inner knowing that would amplify the vibration of how life served you.

There are energetic implants that are contained in every human and there are those that are unique to you. At your current frequency level you are now being invited to locate as many implants as you are ready to embrace and  integrate. Please do the following if you are ready, as we move to identify the location of your particular implants…

  1. Following inner guidance choose a number between 10 and 30. Take the first thought/impulse you hear. This will be the number of implants you are ready to locate and eventually open, in an additional activity in this session.
  2. On a paper number from 1 to the number you chose.
  3. Write on your paper these five common implants that are ready to open for all of humanity:

                       1) Claiming the Living connection with the sustaining and                             empowering energy of the living Earth, Gaia

                       2) Opening Your heart to be the new center of your                             being

                       3) Activating the knowledgeable connection and                             relationship with your constant Source companion,                             your Higher Self

                       4) Activate the cleansing of the Subconscious mind of                             any beliefs in limitation, lack of value, or being enough                             and replacing them with the foundational knowings                             of the truth of your being.

                       5) Open the two way channels of communication to all of                             your etheric guides and teachers

                       6) Realign your energy anatomy of chakras, meridians,                             and energy bodies to integrate with your physical                             system

         4.    Continue listing the intuited additional implants up to the                  number you established. Again trust your first thought

         5.    For each of the above take the first impulse and write down                 the location of that implant in your physical or energetic                 bodies.

         6.    With this completed list you are now ready to activate these                  implants. Go to the link on the Session page that says                  Activating the Implants and follow the guidelines.

You may be having a challenge working with this information, especially if there is resistance to the idea. Understandable. Be gentle with your self here as there are several elements at play. The first is that your old programming just doesn’t believe this New Age Bull***t. Fine. Acknowledge that and then say, ”I forgive myself completely for forgetting who I am and believe that I am less than. I now trust the great design that I know well and helped put into place myself. I am ready to reawaken my essence. And so it is!”

The second is that you have fear about being fully in your power. Acknowledge this and remind yourself out loud, “It is time for me to remember who I am. I surrender to the reclamation of me in this moment. I am magnificent, powerful, and fully capable of integrating these higher frequency truths to live fully in this human physical body as a conscious spiritual being. And so it is!”

The last piece to be reminded of is that, in some ways, you are simply playing make believe. Like a trusting child you move forth to do something that is very imaginative just to see what will happen. You are doing this because it feels interesting and familiar and you want to step into it. If it does not agree with it then you can walk away and be as you were. Know that you are well looked after and completely safe as you step over the threshold of the “normal comfort zone” into the glorious land of adventure.

C’mon…let’s go see what happens!

Session Action Four: Locating Your Personal Implants