This action is a continuation of Action Two in a nuanced way. Life happens…yes, in accordance to the instructions given. And, of course, by dimensional decree, you are free to respond or react in the way you choose because you have free will. What is critical to remember is that we were taught/programmed to swallow events energetically.  And swallow, we have done, individually and collectively.

The challenge with this is that every swallowing embedded energetic debris in cell, tissue, energetic body, chakra, etc. And this debris has combined with the uninformed Inner Child Self to become a current personal paradigm for living. Lessons learned, beliefs cemented, patterns maintained, results believed in, reliable neural pathways entrenched, comfort zones built and fortified…all combine to deliver the external forms of how life shows up for you.

We want to consciously change that and give you back the truth of your being, rather than keep holding to a false self and personality that you believe you are. It starts by taking stock and laying the facts out on the altar of awareness.

Take several sheets of paper and divide them into two columns. I invite you to list every hurt you can remember throughout this entire incarnation thus far on the left side. List the event and who was involved. This may take several sessions. Do it until you run out of ideas. Then walk away and invite your self to go deeper. Return and then start again and Put these down on the paper. Invite your body to remember and reveal. Ask your cells…pay attention to sensations in the body as you ask and then go right there and let it speak or reveal. Keep going…enter past lives and future lives if you choose. Simply ask for the information and take the first thought without hesitation. Be grateful and ask for more. You will know when you are complete.

The wounds of life are treasures for, in them, we discover who we are, where we are falling short of our intentions, and where to direct new effort and energy. These wounds deliver your incarnational character and personality to you. Noting is accidental. Seeing them with expanded vision will open you up to the next element, the other column on the paper. For each entry use your will center discernment to reveal the gift of the experience. Ask the wound itself for the revelation. Again, trust the very first thought and write it. Continue until you have a response/gift for every single one of the wounds.

Looking at the information before you will guide you to an understanding of the journey thus far, and how your choices and responses to life moments diverted you to the next thing. A long and winding road, indeed, has given you the unrepeatable expression of I Am That I Am Expressing As You. Never be another one.

Now, you are invited to let the information reveal to you the next steps, the bigger picture, the direction you are ready for. Look for patterns and commonality in the seeming isolated events. Begin to draw connections from one to the next, seeing how it served you to bring the perfect learning right to your feet. You have had all of these woundings for a reason that is just starting to reveal itself. Perhaps it is the new career, or the kind of community you belong in, or a glimpse of the next relationship that you are calling in.

The point is to see the cohesiveness in the randomness of your journey thus far. Nothing by accident, a magical orchestration of people, places, things, and circumstances at just the right time to satisfy the rendezvous agreement. As you grow to look at life this way you will find that the pressure diminishes and the wonder amplifies. You begin to look for connections, blessing the forms of the previous experience. No longer do you see good and bad, you just see what is. And from this what is, you fabricate your next dance though conscious choice and unwavering action. Now, my friend, you are in the flow.

Session Action Three: Your Personal Litany of  Skinned Knees and Broken Bones