As a double Virgo Earth sign I have always been invested in living fully in the body. I sense and feel the body very highly, sometimes to the point of annoyance. This capacity has led me to an evolution of awareness that has given me relationship with my expanded energetic system that includes meridians, chakras, and energy bodies and delivered me directly into relationship with my Inner Child Self. Additionally, I have always been interested in the process journey, preferring to walk the path to reach an intention, rather than taking any shortcuts that would ultimately bypass the full bodied experience. I have wanted to experience my moments as deeply as possible in the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual.. As a result, I feel very solid in all of those places, able to dance around them in any given moment to see/experience from all angles.

That has, for the most part, allowed me to integrate some significant early life abuses and still see so much beauty and magnificence in this dimensional Earthly Plane. This has allowed me to be open so that I am not surprised by the fantastic new perspectives of these times. I am in the world and thoroughly enjoy it. I am out of this world and thoroughly enjoy it, as well. And then there is that whole range in between. I have never thought that life will not work out, my life as well as the big life. I respond quickly to situations drawing on many levels to find and apply solution. And so, I walk through my moments of living…

And from this place, this course was birthed. I originally intended to simply step out of the old ways and apply the new information and potential that is seeding these times to simply see what would happen. My hypothesis was that it could be a catalytic energy that would keep feeding itself, delivering more high vibration experiences the more it was consciously applied. The intent was to just get on with it. Having spent many years in the Self Help industry I saw how easily so many gave away their personal power for a chance to be in the presence of someone they felt had it, that something that would finally make the difference and deliver the dream. I saw very little application and a whole lot of disappointment and settling for the way it was. I thought that I could create something that gave real experience in a new way…something that would trigger what I call the original design to wake up.

I believe that we contain massive skills and awarenesses in our ongoing eternal spiritual design. Through many incarnations into a doctrine of limitations throughout the Piscean Age we simply forgot who we are. And that well placed information keys would be enough to trigger the inner knowledge and cause it to burst open to your conscious self. The wisdom of each of us would then use it in the way that best served our whole being. Everyone waking up and recalibrating their being to follow their own living doctrine that resulted in a life of love, compassion, empathy, and deep connection between all species. It is no longer a matter of doing the thing everybody else is doing, following the latest spiritual leader, being seduced by empty promises that simply did and do not empower one to remember who they are. It is about finally coming home…to you.

This fed my decision to create this course. I quickly came up with a strategy and a semi-structure and fleshed out the 24 topics. I wanted to pioneer the course with 10 individuals who would be willing to commit for the year it will take. I decided, despite the demands upon me to keep up, to make sure that I would make this a personal experience for the 10, insuring the contact necessary to mentor the journey to suit the unique vibration of each. Then I set some dates, costed it out, created a flyer, and began to pitch it. And all along I listened and felt and waited for guidance that would deliver the deeper structure and the content. For this is to be an organic experience for us all, with the session creation occurring during the week before so that it was hot off the press for each, I felt compelled to trust this direction. And I picked up the latest books from the Cosmos, channeled this and channeled that, seeking direction and insight and trends and inspiration and triggers…

I postponed the start several times as I did not have the feel for it yet. I felt empty and burdened by the daunting task that lay before me. I processed and released and cleared and spent time in the ocean with the sun and the sand and the water. And I read and I listened…I have altered the structure three times and have just reached a form that feels aligned…for now.

My original thought about distancing self from the old ways and living as if has morphed into a focused process of integration and expansion. To jettison the old stuff, the wounds, the thoughts, the beliefs, the actions, is to disrespect the flow. It is becoming obvious that this life is about experiencing the panorama of possibility. In the new paradigm nothing is really good or bad, simply experience that we use to open up to the truth of who we are. As we discern that truth we have a litany of life moments that have honed a beautiful frequency that shows up as you, as me, to the moment at hand. In this evolving place of conscious neutrality we are one with the big picture, and, as such, are in direct re-union with life. The arrival into the Fourth dimension that we are completely invested in is bequeathing us as the new human, expansive, conscious, fully feeling, at peace with the Celestial connection…a profound and unique expression , a piece of, a celebration of, in complete unification with…Source. In other words, we are here to experience the whole.

And this has altered the course of Living As If Already Whole, somewhat. We must embrace what we bring to the current table, be receptive to all the new information and inspiration, and be willing to blend all of that with the original eternal design to give us the Holy Expression in the Now, in this incarnation,  that we each are… simultaneously. So, what that means is that I am keeping the original 24 session topics and adding several other concurrent elements. We have to reawaken and activate dormant as well as new skills. It is also advisable and highly desirable to expand on our knowledge of and use of existing tools of consciousness to solidify the resource base. Then we have to be consistently applying all of this to our moments of living, being willing and able to witness ourselves in the process. And…we have to have fun…

This is what I, as your facilitator, face. And I am more than up to the task. I will  walk you though the structure. Yes, it looks like a lot…it is! But know that for me to honor you I must give you a wide range of choices. Your free will and your willingness to discern your direction in the moment is a mighty vehicle to clean up internal debris that you carry. The very energetics that have kept you treading water for so long are what must be jettisoned. I will tell you right now, you are more than capable of immersing yourself in this journey and also have a life outside of it. In fact this is a requirement. For that life will become your playground in which to apply your awakening.

We have two weeks with each topic followed by a week of integration with no session. I encourage you to make this a daily experience of yours, setting aside time and place for your devotional work. This, honestly, is how it will deliver you home to you. Of course, every bit will help. But, again, it is your journey that will guide you…revealing the next step.

We stand at a threshold, one which has never been approached. Our choices and action can have a mighty impact upon humanity and the world itself for this is high vibration, well-intentioned work. It will flow out in waves as each of us integrates the session. Having said that…know that this choice to take this journey is primarily just for you. There are no responsibilities or obligations…simply opportunity. Do what you choose. Be guided to explore and deepen. There is nothing, except for a blog entry, that is required of you. Go at your own pace, with the idea of increasing that pace as you expand.

Finally, I encourage you to keep track of your journey. The journal work will be an integral part. Gather a set of notebooks in which you can do the exercises you choose. Keep one for reflections. Some of you are in proximity with one another. Perhaps you can set up regular opportunities to share experiences and compare notes. Do participate weekly in the blog as we can communicate with one another, responding to entries, establishing dialogues, share new openings, share challenges and successes, and even offer new perspectives inspired by the work.

Do know that the organic nature of the course has its potential challenges as well. As I am preparing these extensive sessions weekly I may, at times, be impacted by my travel schedule. I ask for your understanding and flexibility as we adjust to the possible interruptions to the flow.

The journey has begun. I am delighted to be traveling by your side…

Course Mindset