Traditional religion has made God a reflection of humans, complete with personality and human qualities like vengeance, anger, judgment, control…get the picture? This has only served those in “power” to run their personal agenda of controlling the masses. God Source has been used to bless wars and our side and led to innumerable human deaths in the name of “my God”. And then this supposed God of Love is lorded over us threatening eternal damnation and suffering if we don’t toe the line according to that religion’s current dogma.

The promise of salvation is not enough to offset the level of demeaning and abuse that buying into the structure has cost “believers”. It is simply preposterous to integrate the misinformation and absurdity of the system to find any comfort in being a follower or devotee any more. So. Let’s clear the slate…

There is no bearded man in the sky watching over your every move. There is no requirement for a spiritual intermediary to God to compensate for your inability to make personal connection with Source. That has always been a manipulation and a lie. There is no reason to follow the controlling dogma of your religion of choice that postures itself as the one way while it degrades, slanders, abuses, and kills those who do not buy in. Need I say more? The truth has been distorted mightily for so long that most believe they are damaged goods/sinners who will be lucky if they have a good day under this God they worship.

So what is the Truth? Well, only you know that for sure in your heart of hearts. What I can do here is offer another perspective, a more evolved life affirming one that you may consider as useful on your journey of remembering.

Creative Source is the energetic, vibrational All That Is. All matter and form and being have design and source in this frequency of Light. You and I are made of that fabric, eternally connected to it, emanating from it. We are one with that Source. Thus you and I are Source. As an individual expression of Source we have a unique journey that feeds the great collective experience to give flavor and expand the ever growing spectrum.

Source is life, Light, and Love. Therefore you and I are that. We are not damaged goods, less than, flawed, unworthy…none of that. Each is God in expression. As the I Am That I Am Expressing as Me I move through my moments in trust and flow because I know the nature of the Cosmic design. All forms are simply an experience with no consequence except awareness. It is mine, on this Earth plane where free will is an established standard element, to choose to be in or not.

I am here to remember consciously the true unique design of me and thus engage all my moments from that knowing. As I return to my knowing while in human form, I am free to access all that Source possesses. There is no one to answer to except myself. I make manifest the forms of my moments via application of Universal Law. I engage the moments of living using discernment to show up in the Highest Vibration I can, so that I am always affirming life through the compassionate window of my open heart. As an infinite expression of the Source, I incarnate to broaden my experience and contribute to the collective that experience through the frequency of me.

I commit to using the all of me as it reveals itself in these transformational time. There is nothing to fear. I consciously and willingly engage life through my beautiful emotions and my multidimensional connections and capacities, trusting implicitly that it always works out. Knowing this I fully engage my moments for the grandest, most magnificent experience that I can. As these moments feed the next I willingly walk in unity with Source as a conduit of my unique self. In all ways, all is well….

What more can be said here? Let this sink in for, as you do, anything that does not serve this vibrational truth will and must fall to the wayside to be replaced by the higher frequency expression of life affirmed and celebrated. As you remember and reclaim you and allow the necessary recalibration  you will open to a new experience of this Earth Plane. Let the good times roll…

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Source 1: The Nature of Source