It began with the arrival of the Boomers when new ways of living began to surface. It wasn’t that they were all good, but it began to lift the viewpoints about the body out of limited thinking and open the door to a better way of moving through this Earthly plane, one that was life affirming. Earth consciousness entered the masses in the late sixties when Earth Day became a recognized event. Slowly but surely the raising of vibration on personal and collective levels has revealed more and more about the true nature of the body and of life itself.

Stepping out of limited thinking and accepting ourselves as flawed and doomed is of primary importance. Since 1987 when the collective consciousness took a mighty turn upward with the advent of the Harmonic Convergence, increasing numbers of people have embraced that they are, indeed, spiritual beings living in a human physical body. Along with that realization the doors swung open to the radical idea of preventive medicine and new modalities that actually work to raise the vibration to activate the inner state of health that is programmed by design already.

We, as individuals and as a human collective, are at the precipice, choosing to empower or drift away into the same old wasteland of perceived limitation. All feel the increasing oscillations that are stirring the cells and releasing new frequencies of understanding that are igniting the willingness to reclaim a magnificence that not so long ago was the stuff of science fiction. Even science and religion, long the bastions of limited/prove it to me thinking, are dropping the protective, arrogant barriers of the only way and surrendering to a greater acceptance of oh, so much more.

It is a beautiful time to be alive, challenging, yes…but also full of momentum and changing vibrations that it are fast becoming the collective wave that will bring about the remembering of our true design along with the subsequent adjustments that must be made in this new Light.

Along with this new energy comes a host of new, but already deeply known, ideas and perspectives that are seeding the collective consciousness to become all that we already are. This seriously impacts the individual state of health as well as the state of health the whole culture and, of the Earth herself. Let these messages do their work to reignite your deep inner knowing and make manifest a new state of health. In no particular order, here are some of the new waves of Light that are sweeping through this dimension:

  1. Our natural state is health. Maintaining our true vibration is the most effective means to stay in a state of health
  2. As all is vibration, we are a vibrating being at a unique frequency that seeks to reclaim itself whenever it wanders, or is impacted by the fields, experiences, and individuals, who enter our personal space.
  3. Our body is designed for self repair. When allowed to do so it will maintain the optimal frequency of wholeness. This capacity has not been in place since the moment of incarnation and not long thereafter. Reclaiming this state is one’s personal journey.
  4. Our cells, tissues, organs, systems, thoughts, DNA, and energetic field are in constant connection determining the current state of our health.
  5. The state of health can be compromised by unexpressed energetic residue from the moments of living. These toxic frequencies lower our vibration of wholeness temporarily.
  6. The body is in constant contact with the consciousness to trigger the cleansing and release of the old energetic memories to assist in recalibrating to the ideal frequency. Too often these callings are ignored, by choice or programming.
  7. Dis-ease is a manifested state that begins with thoughts and beliefs. It enters in the outer energetic bodies and, through successive lowering of frequency, descends towards the physical, the densest of the energetic bodies. Here it takes hold with the pure intent of getting our attention to allow release.
  8. Physical symptoms function as signposts, pointing to where we have held the energetic debris. A condition is the first calling s for release. A dis-ease is a choice to not listen to the previous callings. It is a loud whack in the head to get the necessary attention to begin the release of the toxic debris.
  9. As the physical is the domain of time and space, any dis-ease will typically take time to clear, if at all, for some have been ignored so long that they are not curable in this dimensional form. Bigger picture says this is part of the learning.
  10. Words carry a collective frequency, fed by each time the word was said, the circumstances of its utterance, and the intention behind the expression. When spoken it calls forth the collective energy of all the times it has been spoken to be present in the now to further influence the form. Claiming a diagnosis and then telling everyone about it feeds the universal law that requires you get more of what you give attention to. To free yourself from this powerful influence stop naming your disease. Speak of it in terms of how it is showing up, symptoms that you observe.
  11. The natural world and all the kingdoms are aligned to the human frequency for support and sustenance. Calling upon it is a powerful life affirming choice. Each element of nature carries a frequency that will assist your current manifestation to raise the frequency and form towards release.
  12. Trauma is contained at the cellular and tissue levels as a compact energy that is highly reactive to outside stimulation, especially of a like theme. Its release can be intense and overwhelming resulting in most being unwilling to let it out.
  13. Pain is the body’s 911 call for specific attention to a particular place. It indicates a blockage of energy. It isolates the spot that is often along a meridian line within the body or in one of the multiple in body chakras.
  14. People become afraid to feel emotional pain. Emotional residue is often highly charged and brings up all of the experiences stored within its frequency. Many are afraid to feel this pain and choose rather to swallow and store. By design, the energy will grow and make louder callings in the near future, creating intense releases that easily become crimes of passion.
  15. Traumatic memory is visceral. It can be cleared by allowing the body to release it in conscious and full participatory ways. This will then erase the blockages that lead to the patterned behavior that recycles the wound in people, places, and events
  16. Being in a state of health requires the daily and, actually, moment by moment conscious release of energies that are the result of your now experiences. Choosing to be aware of the body sensations and callings puts you in the place to stay clear by subsequent release.
  17. The state of health is impacted by thoughts. These frequency based energetics are powerful attractors to make themselves into form. The universe is bound by law to give us what we focus on and call forth. Thoughts become beliefs by repetition, verbal expression, and emotion. The more we affirm our condition the more it shows up.
  18. Repeated thoughts form beliefs that form patterns of behavior that bring forth specific conditions that can turn into disease. Neural pathways are formed by the repetitive stimulus response of the the thought action. These pathways set the stage for subconscious support that becomes automatic behaviors that then manifest the illness…
  19. The condition of the earth reflects the inner condition of its inhabitants. Personal work to reclaim health and balance impacts the collective consciousness which them show up in the planetary condition of vitality.
  20. In a bigger picture, one’s personal journey of health is a journey of remembering who you are. The forms of the moments and the people and situations that reveal themselves are all in on a collective series of experiences that intend to make clear the foundational issue. Being frequency based, one’s own journey moves to make a healed frequency through a particular pathway. This pathway becomes a personal healing modality that will then function as a magnetic frequency that attracts others of similar vibration to facilitate their healing.
  21. Vibrational healing is fast becoming a viable tool to facilitate the healed state in its users. The inner healing capacity is charged by the intentional vibratory practice to allow the inner wisdom to provide the raising of the frequency to wholeness.
  22. Mental and emotional health are a journey of allowance and release of the old perspectives and unexpressed energies. Conscious support results in an inner reawakening of the original design.
  23. Alignment with the consciousness of the whole can result in the simultaneously reclamation of the healthy state.
  24. Healing is maintained by a consciousness that puts all of the awareness and tools into moment by moment practice. Knowing the capacity of the body to self heal one can dissolve all the resistances to allow the flow. Making adjustments as necessary brings one the healing desired.
  25. Calling upon assistance through dimensional contact with etheric guides, teachers, and angelic energies is a practice of the wise one,an allowance of the design to do its work.
  26. Reclaiming the state of health is a process and, as such, the form is the least reliable measurement of success in the early phases. Affirming and acting as if, with attention, of course, to existing conditions that may require traditional medical support, lays a particularly powerful foundation that invites in the higher frequency state in which des-ease cannot flourish.
  27. Taking care of one’s personal needs energetically is essential to health. Expecting others to fix you is an affirmation that you are sick and thus will attract events and people to support that
  28. The cosmos is built for life. Transitions from one form and dimension to another is a natural part of the continuum that all of us have experienced countless times. Thus, fear of a death that may come is a waste of opportunities to celebrate being alive.
  29. Attitudes towards health that are learned through family and culture must be unlearned and replaced with higher frequency truths that create life
  30. Your particular healing path is contained within you. Clearing the old energetic debris and being open to embracing higher frequency content will release all the tools and awarenesses needed to be in the desired state.
  31. Allowing the child like state of joy, play, and wonder raises ones vibration such that lower frequency disease cannot exist.
  32. Higher frequency activities like gratitude, compassion, empathy, and grace will assist in clearing out much energetic debris as well as attract to you more and more higher frequency people and experiences.
  33. And, oh so much more….

Choosing to entertain and even adopt any of these perspectives will manifest results out of the typical. The more you align with the truth of your being and let your bodies do their work, the more life will reveal even more of its specifics for maintaining your personal health.

The Cosmos is revealing itself to us in a conscious way, a heretofore unprecedented event. We are being shown the way to create the state of health that will reduce the stress significantly to allow us to more deeply and lovingly experience the pure expanse of this remarkable dimension. It is a courageous choice to take the reaching hand at first. The choice will quickly open a host of doors that will provide you with the infinite capacity to be you.

You have already jumped off the precipice of the limitations of the old way…now, by opening to and living in these new frequency perspectives, you will sprout the wings that will let you soar farther than you can even imagine. Be well…

Higher Frequency Health  Messages for Integration