Foundation Truths

Here are 5 of the 15+ truths upon which Living As If Already Whole is based

1. Our Celestial Design Template is intact and contained in cells, tissues, and DNA, awaiting the conscious recognition and reactivation.

2. Adopted beliefs and their subsequent patterns of action are the vehicles that keep our lives in loop mode. The loop triggers the continued investment in believing that I am less than I am.

3. It is necessary to separate from these demeaning beliefs and patterns not by investing time and energy into understanding and clearing, but rather, adopting the empowered state and purposely living from that frequency and vibration.

4. The conscious mind must be fully invested and engaged to choose to apply the new principles consistently and with pure intention no matter what the appearances and forms may appear to be temporarily.

5. It is necessary to suspend past results and experiences and open to the infinite possibility that exists fully in this now moment.