Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude practice Archives 1-4

Session One

Coming Home

”I give great thanks for the existence of home, the place where nurturing and care abound. I celebrate the choice I easily make to practice self care to rebuild the inner home that feeds me power, clarity, and purpose. I am grateful for my capacity to create that which truly nurtures me on all levels. I am grateful for this information and inspiration. And so it is!”

In the late 80’s I sat in the theater looking at this cute alien being speak the words that have impacted me most of my life, “Go home”…As E.T. Spoke those words something deep within me was triggered and my arms reached out towards the screen as tears fell from a heart opened. I glanced around the theater to see lots of other hands reaching out as well…wow…cool! As if an inner key was unlocked by that movie, the call for home was born in that moment for a host of humanity.

Going home has always been a call for people. The idea of going back to where we are cared for without question and nurtured and taken care of by a family who loves us without condition is a powerful beacon. When life gets to be too much we yearn for comfort…and home has always been the place to go. Unfortunately, home, for many, is not that place of unconditional love and acceptance and support. Rather, it has energetic memories of confusion and wounds and sporadic care. Perhaps this deep call is for something else, another place to call home.

Suppose the call to our collective human consciousness by ET was about remembering who we are truly. Perhaps the energetic debris of life’s moments is but a temporary wash that causes us to forget who we are by design…until now. The yearning for home is a growing knowing that our answers and our comfort lies in the inside of us. It is a reconnection, a remembering, a reawakening to knowledge that has never left us. And, if this is a gift of these remarkable and evolutionary times, then it could not come at a better time.

Humanity has been suffering from a dis-ease of misperception, of buying into the idea of limitations, of giving away power to authority and the illusion of freedom and safety. It is time to go home to reclaim our magnificence and begin living the life we deserve.

Coming home is letting go of beliefs, patterns, and actions that have contributed to us forgetting who we are. It is a reawakening of self love and turning away from the critic’s eye that finds fault with our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self. It is the embracing of the idea that there is so much more to this life and world than we have been taught and forced to believe. Coming home invites us to expand our relationship with life and all of its forms and dimensions. It is choosing self care above all else, tending the inner garden to produce balance and clarity.

Consider this idea this week. See what percolates from turning towards home. Reflect on your personal experience of home. Explore the home you have created now. Change what would make it better and more nurturing. Decide how to take good care of you in all of your moments. Create and nourish an inner relationship with you…and your inner child self. Reaffirm your love for self and remind the child that you will never leave, that you are there in all ways for him/her, that you are going to take responsibility for making your life enjoyable, playful, and abundant. And do it!

It is time to make the turn towards your inner home. You have lived a life that was perhaps, someone else's design. That is no longer OK. Rent the movie, ET, and start remembering and reclaiming. Reach out, let the tears flow, it is time to come home, my dear one.

Session Two

Session Two: Showing Up

”I give great thanks for choosing to show up to the now moment. I celebrate the adventure that awaits my faith filled acceptance. I am grateful that I believe in myself enough to trust the process of the flow of life. I affirm that life moves always in my best interest and choose to lay down all resistance to the invitations that come my way. And so it is!”

Life is a smorgasbord. Each moment holds infinite promise and possibility. In that very moment we have opportunity to design our future as well as choose our current experience. Moments are laid out one by one. Many choose to live in variations of the past or the imagined future. Both places diminish the now experience. Living in either of them often distracts us from being present. We send our focus elsewhere and miss the very thing brought forth for us by our ever-loving, ever-guiding Higher Self.

The first step in real conscious living is to show up to this now moment. That means bringing full focus, using all the senses to pay attention to the clues. Life gifts us endlessly with the map to the journey home to remembering our true power and presence. Too often we ignore the diamond by being attached to the past pain of experience or the imagined form of the future. Both divert us from showing up.

If we do not show up to this moment we do not have the keys to the flow of life. Accessing and surrendering to the flow lessens the struggle and blesses us with the sweetness of life’s panorama. Showing up is a choice that we matter. It is a full expression of trust and faith. It indicates that we are a willing participant in the grand design.

Too often we tend to attempt to control,the forms of our life and regulate the unfolding instead of allowing it. The leaf that chooses the eddy doesn’t even know the rest of the water is flowing by in a constant dance. It isn’t until the leaf gets lifted by the greater supply that it rediscovers that greater flow…and often in a surprising or even shocking manner. Sometimes our lives slap us in the face to bring about a shift. We get complacent in our routines and the perceived comfort and lose track of our invitation to remember. Time passes and we even lose our fire, our inspiration, our motivation.

But life does not rest, our Higher Self does not stop the orchestration of invitation brought to our field. Ours is to accept the gift of the invitation and say yes by showing up with the heightened sense of expectation, trust, even knowing, that what we most need is here right now in the forms of our life. This is a mighty signal for the cosmos to deliver the experiential affirmation that we are in sync. Showing up says yes in a powerful way. With senses expanded by anticipation we notice the nuances and hear the whisperings and turn at the right time to see the willing arms of the now holding the next magnificent gift.

This is a week to simply show up. Pay attention to what comes into your awareness and go with it. If you make a commitment show up. If you say you will, do it. If an invitation comes, take it. Go where the voice calls you to go. Do it without question. Rediscover the flow. Rediscover trust. With that trust and the subsequent action in the now, the challenges become adventures that reveal a higher meaning, a grander experience.

We are always wishing and hoping for the something…while the something keeps showing up and waiting for acknowledgement, our open hand. Only challenge is that the something showed up wearing a green scarf…we were looking for the red scarf and did not even acknowledge the quick impulse we felt when we saw it. Be large in your awareness. Trust that there are no accidents. If you ask for help you might have to leave the house to get it. Ed McMahon may not come to your door with the check. Go out into life knowing that you will be taken care of. Pay attention to the forms of the moments. Everything is there for your next move. What a beautiful process. Show up and claim the moment. Then do it again…and again…and again. Soon you will find yourself far down the road in the middle of a sweeping vista of life, happier than you ever allowed. Imagine that. Just take the hand as it reaches and go forth.

Session Three

For the male energy and vibration that initiates and takes action

This Week’s Action Statement

“I am grateful for the frequency of vibration that puts idea into action, that  analyzes, decides, and initiates  production. Deep gratitude for the organizing male vibration that moves me into conscious manifestation.”

This Week’s Action

This earthly dimension is, by Law, dualistic, an endless stream of opposites that clarify experience, that give choice to one’s path, that provide the learning steps to lead one through the Higher Self to the reawakening of Oneness. The two, the yin and the yang, the male and the female, are the vibratory vehicles ridden to Ascension. Both necessary, conscious use creates balance and a smooth path of full living. Here, we celebrate the male, the yang vibration. For without it there is no movement, no change, no manifestation. Dreamers only dream, list makers only make lists, the Truth remains hidden without the male vibration.

This frequency focuses energy and penetrates the mysterious, directing intentions into manifestation. Without the male we are still in the waters of reflection. The male activates the warrior and provides safe boundaries to bring our creative seeds to fruition. When one needs to get things done, the male frequency is summoned. Life is a flowing and spiraling sequence of choices made and acted upon.

To remain primarily in balance is the key, calling upon a greater amount of either male or female as needed. Some situations require aggressiveness to push through resistance. Some situations require a letting go and surrendering to the higher flow. Excessive male energy is controlling, insensitive, intense, oppressive, manipulative, invasive, smothering...This excess distorts the vibration of the solar plexus, the sacral, and the root chakra. It distorts the heart and diminishes the power of the voice.

We are transitioning between the Piscean, male dominated epoch into the Aquarian, female dominated time. We have all experienced the results of the Piscean, hierarchical structures of power, inequality, greed, classes of society, war, control of people, slavery, abuse, pain, hurt, resentment...

I am in India as I write this. This is, historically, a male dominated culture, perhaps less than many in the Middle East....classes that limit the rights and freedoms of the woman. We all feel the effects. The transition from this is witnessing the crumbling or reinventing of systems designed to sustain these practices: classes, financial, business, corporation, family...

To be aware of one’s own presence in the place where you are is a conscious use of power. To observe and then decide a plan of action that utilizes the male frequencies or to pull back, observe, and feel energies that embraces feminine energies, is an effective use of the gifts of this dimension.

Deep gratitude for the existence of these energies that can be called upon to respond to life. Express your gratitude by using them wisely, for excess in either leads to imbalances that not only compromise and disrespect others, but also reduce your own effectiveness in life.

  1. Observe the male energies in action. See how they serve or compromise the user. What are the observable effects upon those the energy is being directed?
  2. Monitor your situations to see when you are in need of male energy. Again, use it consciously, and see the results. Calling in feelings is a powerful regulator for male energy. Learn to use them .
  3. Energy is oscillating...it moves constantly. To hold any flow in place leads to compromise and disorder. Holding in emotion storehouses and then moves toward a male excess/explosion. Imbalance is a conscious choice, ultimately.

Session Four

For Evolution

This Week’s Action Statement

”I give great thanks for the existence of evolution. That this loving cosmos will bless us with an ongoing opportunity to reclaim the Truth of Our Being is a true delight. I am deeply grateful for the Wisdom that has intervened and now forces us to remember our Essence.  Thank you for believing in me in all ways. And so it is!”.

This Week’s Information and Action

Life, in all of its forms, is evolving. It moves into a higher frequency in an apparently random way. But is it really random? To evolve is to grow. To grow is to become more aware. To become more aware is to allow change. To change is to move into new form and experience. Life seems to have a plan for itself. The beautiful thing is that the plan unfolds in each moment, based upon the events of the previous moment. Thus the randomness is anything but…it appears to be a spontaneous movement but it in planned and acted upon in the now.

Cool! Thus our lives are in constant evolution, birthing out of moment's thoughts, feelings, and actions. A self regulating process of growing into a higher vibration with the goal of remembering and being exactly who we are…cool!

To resist the movement is pointless and frustrating…and creates chaos and pain. So why do it? Cultural and familial programming perpetuates the notion of permanence, keeping things the same. We push against the river and struggle against the inevitable flow of our own river of life. Perhaps it is time to surrender fully, especially in these glorious times of reawakening.

As we travel our unique journeys, reacting and responding to the moments of life, we evolve. By design, we enter in a state of ignorant awareness. Our design and the truth of our being is programmed in the very cells of our being. The dimension we incarnate into requires that we forget who we are and, in appearance and feel, start over each time. This process leads to a natural state of potential evolution. The slow dance of evolution leads to a greater understanding, knowing, and experience of who we truly are. In the old Piscean model it is a series of starts and stops, remembering and forgetting. Lifetime after lifetime we work through our stuff… those results of previous incarnational choices. Slowly we move into increasing awareness. Eventually we get it. Then life shows up differently and we move forward, evolving into the next ah ha.

With the advent of the 2012 window and this new Age of Aquarius, our evolutionary journey has kicked into high gear, free of restraints and misinformation. Even if you want to go slowly or put your head in the sand, it is no longer an option. The wisdom of the Whole has set in motion the Great Remembering. All that we have been in the previous paradigms of limitation is being cast aside at breakneck speed. As each of us deals with and moves through the specific personal challenges and opportunities we raise our frequency. The raising frequency invites new clearings and new information to deal with new forms of challenge. We are fast approaching the sacred place of Who We Are.

Allow it…please. The less the resistance the more easily and quickly we will flow into a glorious place of balance. Invite the change and celebrate the inner evolution. Listen and trust and claim the now. Notice the subtleties of how life is showing up just for you. This magnificent gift will keep giving you the higher vibration of your precious design to free you to fully live in this multi-dimensional paradise. Be willing…let go…jump off the past…pay attention and express incessant gratitude for the cosmos that loves you without question. Or push the river…your choice!