Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work Archives 1-4

Session One

Earth Star Chakra

Up until recent times the Root Chakra was considered to be the main channel of connectivity to the Earth and all its strength and power. The process of raising planetary and personal vibration initiated in 1987 with the Harmonic Convergence, the initiatory celestial event that began the 25 year cycle of transition into the Aquarian Age, has allowed new information to be revealed at a staggering pace. That we are able to hold the new frequencies is a direct testament to humankind’s collective growth (significant though we most often hear and see media reports showing only chaos and fear and confusion).

The revelation of the Earth Star Chakra ushers in a new frequency of connection with the Earth at a time when it is absolutely welcome and necessary. Use it to support a solid foundation during your personal challenges and shifts.

From 12 to 18 inches  below the feet there is an energetic plate, much like the flat  base of the green army men in the movie, Toy Story. Through this plate run two tubes of energy, one, on the left and entering the left foot and, one, on the right, exiting the right foot. Earth power and grounding energy flows through the Earth Star into the left foot and circulates through your body, clearing, cleansing, and energizing. That which is cleared and cleansed circulates down the right leg and out through the foot and Earth Star to be recycled.

This conduit of support runs constantly, though it is amplified when you bring your attention and focus to it. If you are aware of an area or chakra in your body that needs support visualize the energy moving through it in a left to right direction.

Being solid on the earth is to be able to live fully and flow with the unique experiences of these times. This is the first of a whole series of powerful grounding tools I shall offer. Use them. Check back regularly for a new tool...

Session Two

Session Two

Energy Medicine Techniques

Here are a few techniques from Donna Eden’s book, Energy Medicine.

Central Meridian Zip Up

The meridian from the pubic bone up the front of the body to the upper lip can become weak and scattered energetically, leaking life force and balancing vibrations. Starting at the pubic bone bring the fingers of the left hand up to the bottom lip three times to close off any leakage. Use this to increase confidence and self esteem, to think more clearly, to tap your inner strengths, and to protect against negative energies around you.

Lazy 8’s and Lollipop Guild Dance

When brain hemispheres lose balance we oscillate between analytical and emotional. It is advisable to return to a balanced place to allow clarity and availability of both. For the Lazy 8 use both arms in a swaying motion left and right across the front of the body moving from the hips, making sure to cross the center line of the body. The arms and hips combine in a figure 8 movement. The Lollipop guild dance has the opposite leg and arm moving simultaneously to the other side crossing the center of the body. Right arm across to left as left leg crosses in the right direction, twisting at the waist. Watch the Munchkin Dance in the Wizard of Oz fro a delightful example.

K-27 Thump

At the intersection of the clavicle and the sternum are two points along the Kidney Meridian. Follow the clavicle inward to the center and find the bumps where they stop. Then drop down about an inch and slightly outward into a slight indentation to find K-27. Cross arms and with fingers thump each point for about 20 seconds. This will flip your energies around if they have started flowing backwards. It will energize you and focus you if you are lacking attention or drowsy.

Thymus Thump

At the center of the sternum about 2-3 inches below K-27 breathe deeply as you tap firmly with four fingers of each hand for about 20 seconds. This will stimulate all of your energies, boost your immune system, and increase your strength and vitality.

Frontal Occipital Hold

Hold one hand on the forehead and one on the back of the neck covering  where the skull meets the spine. Focus on relaxation, slow breathing, and releasing old patterns. Use when you are stressed or challenged and are on the brink of a fight/flight response. Balances Cerebral Cortex and Reptilian Brain.

Session Three

Shaking the Bones

We do this exercise standing. Imagine a cord going from the crown of your head up to the sky, and relax your body like a rag doll. Let your neck go limp and your head drop forward. Close your eyes. As the music plays, vigorously shake your arms and your body, and bounce gently at your knees. The head hangs forward and moves with the body; let it roll slowly from side to side (see figure 14). Let the movement, your breath, and the music take over, and allow yourself to let go. If at any point this exercise becomes difficult or intense, open your eyes, stop shaking, and stand still. Do this Shaking the Bones for at least five minutes. Ten or fifteen minutes is even more effective. Stop and notice how you feel.

When to Use Shaking the Bones

I suggest you use Shaking the Bones first thing in the morning or any time after you’ve had a difficult experience or even a difficult conversation. You can also use this exercise at the end of the day to clear away the day and prepare for a new one, or to clear any old experiences you’ve had. Each time you do this exercise, it will be different and will deepen what’s happening in your body and in your life. You may find that you want to use this practice for longer periods of time with certain circumstances, like very difficult experiences or traumas from the distant past.

Chiasson MD, Ann Marie. Energy Healing: The Essentials of Self-Care (p. 57). Sounds True. Kindle Edition.


Being able to shift to the heart center is essential for moving healing with our hands. In fact, if you gain only one practice from this book, it should be the art of shifting to the heart center and using what I call Sacred Touch, a means of moving the energy of the heart center to other parts of our body via our hands.

Sacred Touch is a cornerstone of self-healing with energy medicine. In Sacred Touch, the quality of touch is more important than who is doing the touching. In fact, I am not sure the body cares who is touching it; it cares only about the quality of the touch. Activating the heart center and conferring its energy to the hands allows much communion, communication, and awareness. You can do this very quickly by sending reverence, awe, and compassion from your hands into your body with your touch. The body becomes alive with this touch, and a relationship begins to develop between your hands and the tissue of the body your hands are touching. I begin each Heart Center Meditation with the art of Sacred Touch as it informs and stimulates the body that the meditation has begun. You can practice Sacred Touch all day long. The Practice Find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes. Place your right hand over your heart area, above your sternum, between the breasts. Place your left hand over your right hand, thumbs touching. (This is the same position we used in the Heart Center Meditation.) Place your awareness into your hands. Touch your chest as if it were the most sacred object you’ve ever had the experience of touching. Send compassion, gratitude, and reverence into your body. This is Sacred Touch.

Now see if you can pitch your awareness into your body. How is the quality of this touch? How does this touch feel? Now drop your hands onto your thighs. Send gratitude, compassion, and reverence into your legs. Thank them. Then pitch your awareness into your legs. How does this touch feel? What is the quality of the touch that your hands are placing on your legs?

Now send fear into your legs, in order to feel the difference between Sacred Touch and other types of touch. Touch your own legs as if you were touching something you were afraid of, or as if you might be touching something rotten. Pitch your awareness into your legs now. How does this touch feel?

Move back into Sacred Touch, with compassion, gratitude, and reverence, and see if you can feel a difference. How does Sacred Touch feel now?

Take your hands off your legs, gently shake out your hands, and place them back on your legs casually. How does that touch feel? Move back to Sacred Touch. Place compassion, gratitude, and reverence into your legs and send them a thank you for this exercise. When to Use Sacred Touch Sacred Touch is a simple practice that opens and deepens, meaning that you will learn more and more as you do it, and it will reveal more and more dimensions of itself to you. Sacred Touch allows you to begin to merge with most energy
Chiasson MD, Ann Marie. Energy Healing: The Essentials of Self-Care (p. 73). Sounds True. Kindle Edition.

Session Four

The Full Body Energy Connection

The Practice Sit in a comfortable position with your legs extended. Turn your left leg out and bend that knee to bring your left foot up to your inner right thigh (figure 21a). Place your right hand on your left foot and place your left hand on your left knee. Connect to your lower leg using Sacred Touch with both hands. Feel a connection between the hands and through the leg.

Using Sacred Touch, send energy from the right hand to the left hand. Then send energy from the left hand back to the right hand. Flood the lower leg with energy. Pour in compassion, gratitude, and reverence.

Now straighten your left leg, extending it next to your right. Move the right hand to the left knee and the left hand to the left hip (figure 21b). Connect to your upper leg with both hands, using Sacred Touch. Feel a connection between the hands through the leg. Using Sacred Touch, send energy from the right hand to the left hand. Then send energy from the left hand back to the right hand. Flood the upper leg with energy. Pour in compassion, gratitude, and reverence.

Switch to the other leg. Bend your right leg to bring your right foot up to your inner left thigh. Place your left hand on your right foot and your right hand on your right knee. Connect to your leg using Sacred Touch with both hands. Feel a connection between the hands through the leg. Using Sacred Touch, send energy from the right hand to the left hand, and then send energy from the left hand back to the right hand. Flood the lower leg with energy. Pour in compassion, gratitude, and reverence.

Continue in this same pattern to connect the rest of the body. Remember to connect both hands through the body and, with Sacred Touch, flood each area with compassion, gratitude, and reverence. Spend at least one minute in each area after you feel a connection. Continue in this order:

• Left hand to your right knee and your right hand to your right hip
• Left hand on your left hip and your right hand on your right hip (figure 21c)
• Right hand between your legs and your left hand over your lower abdomen, below the navel and above the pubic bone (figure 21d) • Right hand over your solar plexus area below the ribs and your left hand over your lower abdomen (figure 21e)
• Left hand to your heart and your right hand over your solar plexus area (figure 21f)
• Both hands over the heart area: place your left hand on top of your right hand, thumbs touching (figure 21g)
• Right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your heart (figure 21h)
• Left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand over your heart (figure 21i)
• Right hand on your heart and your left hand on your throat area (figure 21j)
• Right hand on your forehead and your left hand on the throat (figure 21k)
• Right hand on your forehead and your left hand on the crown of your head (figure 21l)
• Both hands on top of your head, with your left hand on the left side and your right hand on the right side (figure 21m)
• Left hand on top of your head and your right hand about a foot above your head, with the palm upward toward the sky (figure 21n)

To end this practice, lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Relax in this position and receive the healing work you did on yourself. Notice how you feel, assessing how your body has responded. Stay relaxed for three to five minutes. You may then get up and move to the next activity in your day.
Chiasson MD, Ann Marie. Energy Healing: The Essentials of Self-Care (pp. 90-91). Sounds True. Kindle Edition.