Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy Archives 1-8

Session One

RED is hot, initiating, pushes through, fire, igniting, stimulating, vitality, anger, life-force energy, revolution, change, ambition, grounding, Earth, Gaia, power, war, passion, alert, danger, pioneering, activity and force without consciousness, blood, positive, aggression, liberation, survival, material side of life, primal, awakening, emerging. In relation to the physical body, RED is good for circulation, chronic illness, non-infected wounds, scar tissue, strengthens kidneys, heart, muscles, blood, lungs, bones.

Red is one of the primary colors and, as such, contributes to the creation of other colors through blending with them. It is a stimulating color as it warms energizes, and activates while energizing the root chakra and awakening the physical life force. It strengthens the physical energy and stimulates the will to action. Can be used to energize blood, raise passions, and increase body temperature. Can imply or incite danger, warnings, anger, aggression, warrior energy, courage, protection. Valor and loyalty. It can be protective and isolating and grounding. Can stimulate someone who is already out of balance into chaos.

Gather a large cloth of red and have it available around the house to use when the desire or situation arises. Look at it. Breathe it in. Wrap yourself up in it. Get a red light bulb or get a stage light that will allow you to use a red gel. Bathe under that light. Use the box of red below to look at inviting the wisdom of the red to energize cell, body tissue, and energy bodies.

Session Two


Borrowed from www.energyandvibration.com/colororange.html

ORANGE is about Dependency/Co-dependency/Independence. Shock and trauma. Deep insight, joy and ecstasy. The physicality of the red combined with the self-knowledge of yellow. It is the land of the Inner Child world of play and imagination and wonder.


ORANGE is Harmony. Beauty. Sensuality. Sexuality. Art. Creativity. Renunciation/Divinity (the robes of Buddhist monks). Dedication and devotion to a higher ideal. As we look beyond the material level, we start questioning and aspiring to higher levels than the material & physical. Trust. Acceptance. Bonding - expanding awareness to include others. ORANGE calls in our whole relationship to all life - this is the place we work it out.


ORANGE asks the question: "Where and how do I fit in to the whole human context?" The consciousness has either yet to be transformed and you are refusing to look at it, or you have already transmuted it. Holds the energetic toxic debris of life’s wounds, seeking to clear and release. Excess here can compromise the throat chakra.


From the yellow component comes Insight and self-knowledge - mindfulness. In the ORANGE component, one finds devotion, and the willingness to belong to a team effort. Gregariousness in spirit, expressing as group consciousness and an awareness of other peoples needs. Bliss. The social color. Connects us to our etheric body. Relates to relationships of any kind.


Mindfulness. Patience and perseverance. Deep insights. ORANGE increases oxygen flow through the blood and brain which helps with clarity on a mental level. When imbalanced: Indecision. Lack of self-worth.


"Gut feelings". Spontaneous (red) wisdom. Sexuality for pleasure and joy, not with the intent to conceive. Excitement. Extroversion. Deep delight. Bright and humorous. Connected with belly laughter and playfulness. When imbalanced: Hysteria. Depression. Stubbornness. Shock/Trauma.

Gather a large cloth of  orange and have it available around the house to use when the desire or situation arises. Look at it. Breathe it in. Wrap yourself up in it. Get an orange light bulb or get a stage light that will allow you to use a orange gel. Bathe under that light. Use the box of orange below to look at inviting the wisdom of the orange to energize cell, body tissue, and energy bodies.

Session Three

Borrowed from http://www.energyandvibration.com/coloryellow.htm


YELLOW speaks to the question, "WHO AM I"? Happiness. Individuation (self-will), especially as a soul ray. Mental clarity. Assimilation. Knowledge. Direction.


Sun - Light. Willpower AND self-will from wisdom and experience. Intellectual communication (teaching). Stimulation. Upliftment. Pay attention. When imbalanced: Caution (traffic lights). Yellow flag means quarantine. Cowardice (yellow bellied). Transmutation power is present, but not as intensely as in the Gold ray. Confusion.


Cynicism. Anxiety. Control issues (self-will). Indecisiveness.


Light (the sun is YELLOW). Teaching of wisdom - mindfulness of spiritual laws.


Mental clarity and organized or structured thinking. Powerful opinions (will). Stimulation. When imbalanced: Disorganized. No sense of self-will. Confusion vs. clarity (mentally). Sarcasm. A need to control life and situations - coming from fear.


Warmth. Laughter. Joy and delight. Expression. Enthusiasm. Courage. When imbalanced: Jealousy. Fear. Lack of trust or confidence in self. Cowardice. Nervousness. Depression.


Golden/Yellow Topaz, Amber, Citrine, Yellow Calcite, Golden Beryl (Heliodor), Rutilated Quartz, Sulpher, Yellow Adamite, Yellow Apatit

Session Four


GREEN is space, and the ability to see through that space from all angles. 360 degree vision. Search for truth and AT-ONE-MENT. Mid-point between heaven (blue) and earth (red). Because it is the dividing color of as above - so below, it represents the point of change. Overabundance (color for money). Spring. Fertility. Ability to move forward as in a "GREEN light". Devas - plant/organic realm.


GREEN is the bridge between our will (yellow) and God's will (blue). Inter-connectedness leading to being able to give and receive love freely. Nature (birth, rebirth, growth), harmony, balance and healing are all GREEN aspects. It is about breath, circulation, being in the flow (breathing in & out - photosynthesis).


Space issues in that one needs to control others (yellow). Self-doubt. Must develop the awareness of the one and the whole within the consciousness of the individual before going into the ray of pure blue. Self-acceptance/self-love. Body, mind and spirit being out of harmony.


Healing. Regeneration. Compassion. Love of the Earth. Harmony with nature and her laws. Direction and decision making from the heart as opposed to the intellect (ego -yellow). The feeling side of life. Trust and faith in love. Generosity. A depth of beingness - giving ourselves space so we can give others theirs.


Discernment. Capable of making decisions and sound judgments. Negotiation. Prosperity consciousness. Balance. Win/win vs compromise. Contentment. Centering. Trust vs Doubt (yellow). When imbalanced: Self-doubt. Self-imposed limitations.


Openness. Candor. Communication from the heart. Calmness. Freedom. Generosity. Issues relating to the heart. When imbalanced: Jealousy. Selfishness. Withholding. Envy - "the green-eyed" monster. Greed.


Jade, Malachite, Olivine, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Green Smithsonite, Aquamarine, Green Apatite, Varascite, Spodumene, Hiddenite, Green Calcite, Green Apophyllite, Green Garnetodor), Rutilated Quartz, Sulpher, Yellow Adamite, Yellow Apatit

Session Five


The 5th Chakra colour on the main Khundalini stem, BLUE is the first of the colours to emerge on the cool part of the light spectrum. Through time and the revered teachings of the Ancients, their cultures and Great Mystery Schools, BLUE has come to be known as the colour of transition - "the door to the other side". It has been acknowledged then, as the way that opens the door to the first of the Realms beyond the base energies of our physical and intellectual perception of ourselves.

Ironically, the colour BLUE was the last colour to become visible to the ever evolving Human eye; and yet, it is the first Primary Colour, from which all other colours are made possible.

BLUE then, provides the first possible level of access to our "subtle senses" - the potential and promise of connection and two way communication with Source, in a physical thinking form. BLUE is that part of of the Light that affords Divine protection, as observed in the expression "I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH - AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE". As such, BLUE is a call to Trust - total Faith in the right outworking of the Universal BLUE PRINT. It is the colour of Divine communication made manifest, and more importantly, the ensuing PEACE this process facilitates. This is why BLUE is the colour of the Negotiator - the one that can see and communicate both sides of an issue. "The PEACE that passeth all understanding".


In every day speech, we consistently indicate our inherent understanding of the rich personality, purpose and promise of the colour BLUE. When we wish to emphasize the honesty and integrity within another we refer to them as TRUE BLUE.

When we refer to a sudden windfall, or a humanly unexplainable change in a given situation, we say that it happened OUT OF THE BLUE - meaning that the causal force was "beyond" anything visible or predictable - literally out of the Heavens. The great Masters such as De Vinci and Michaelangelo, always depicted the Mother Mary in BLUE robes - symbolic of her connection to the Angelic Realms and the Godhead.

Further, the arcane expression BLUE BLOOD, used to describe a Royal or Aristocratic authoritarian, indicates "special - untouchable" - therefore "totally protected". Consider our propensity to formally uniform our peace and law enforcement personnel in the colour BLUE. It is a modern day substantiation that we do subtly understand how to make visible those that we have entrusted to protect us, and uphold the most highly esteemed of our values - integrity and honesty.


If you currently have a good representation of BLUE around you vis á vis clothing, car, wall color or furniture, chances are, that you have - or are well underway - with the process of acknowledging and trusting in a plan for humankind - and that FAITH in it, is a real and powerful commodity! You are able to verbally express what you think with real candor, and you are likely quite comfortable with the opinions, viewpoints and belief systems of others.

Women attracted to and comfortable with BLUE have solidly integrated the male side of their psyche. Conversely in men, a predisposition to BLUE, or an over abundance of it is probably a clue that they should have a look at their lack of willingness to look at or acknowledge and honour their female side - or for that matter the women around them that matter the most. Further, this pre-occupation with BLUE could be mirroring a hidden or major problematic area with the male parent. In extreme cases this could extrapolate to a complete disrespect for authority altogether.

BLUE issues to the extreme, can lead to a total rejection of Source. This detachment expresses in the early stages as aloofness - coldness and unpredictable moodiness, depression and isolation. If one does not take steps to heal it, the dishonesty expressing to Self becomes a dominant pattern of deception with others as well.


The promise contained within BLUE is the connection it facilitates with Divine knowledge of the cosmic blueprint or plan. In this instance, the colour is a metaphor for the Heavenly Father and when we connect to the hands of Creator we support and encourage the Creator/Artist in ourselves.

BLUE is the colour of Archangel Michael and Krishna, as well as the Dharmakaya. In this respect, its power to transition, has long been associated with purification by water (Baptism) and as the colour of birth and death (protection). In the most ancient of cultures and wisdom schools, it is BLUE that is used to facilitate Rites of Spiritual Passage.


On this level, BLUE encourages willingness, as opposed to willfulness (a yellow issue), and a strong respect and support of those in positions of authority and leadership. It assists in situations where diplomacy or negotiation skills are required, and will attribute a great deal of peace and serenity to the general surroundings if incorporated into the colour scheme or one's clothing.

Having BLUE present in situations that require honesty, forthrightness or directness is indicative of a true understanding of the power of this colour. It has been a long standing fact, that most successful trial lawyers present their final arguments, statements and summaries wearing the colour BLUE, as it "mysteriously" imparts integrity and authority to what they are saying, and increases the trust level of those listening.


BLUE draws attention to the problematic father as well as and conversely, the nurturing mother. However, protection is offered in all forms with this colour as its qualities let supportive and helpful energies in. (Unlike the isolative protection of Red).

A need to heal with the colour BLUE will usually result in the state of dis-"ease" called THE BLUES. It is in the BLUE that the false state of detachment that leads to ALONE-NESS versus ALL-ONE-NESS, will be shown. This is the separation from Source or loss of FAITH discussed earlier.


Blue Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Covellite, Azurite, Blue Topaz, Angelite, Anhydrite, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Kyanite, Sodalite, Blue Calcite, Rainbow Moonstone, Chalcedony, Richterite

Session Six


The tertiary colour ROYAL BLUE is made manifest at the convergence of Violet and Blue within the Light Spectrum. In other colour systems that acknowledge Black, this portion or Ray within the Light Spectrum is otherwise known as Indigo. As pure white Light does not contain the colour Black, the Aura-Soma Colour System only concerns itself with the true primary, secondary, and tertiary colours.

ROYAL BLUE is the colour of the 6th chakra - often referred to as the Ajna Chakra or "Third Eye" - partly because of its position over the Pineal Gland and between the brows, and partly because of it's association to paranormal "vision" - seeing beyond the capability of the eyes. Whereas Blue is the colour of transition - "the door to the other side" - ROYAL BLUE, IS the "other side". It is the colour of "synthesis" - which is the act of assembling "seemingly" separate - unrelated criteria into a complete or whole understanding. This translates through the human consciousness as KNOWING - but not knowing how you know.

Unlike spontaneous phenomena, this side of our psyche, gives conscious accessibility to our super sensory perception, and opens us to our true potential and Birthright - The Realm of the Sixth Senses. This access to "seeing" clearly all that there is to "see", enables accurate and powerful decisions. Further, it clears the way to put action behind what has been decided, eliminating all resistance in its way.

Through ROYAL BLUE, access to the Sixth Senses: clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience is made possible. We learn to "see" in all levels of Light and reveal that which has been previously hidden. Whether one is male or female, the structure of ROYAL BLUE allows that all important connection to our female side and the most exquisite form of deep wisdom - feminine intuition. The information contained within the Light code of this pristine and elegant colour is : "Knowing why one is here".


The Third Eye is like the evening sky when the stars first start appearing. Without this backdrop of contrast, that which was there all the time is not visible to our "normal" senses. ROYAL BLUE in action is being able to "see right through someone or something", it is knowing without knowing how you know.

The robes of magis, wizards and prophets such as Merlin and Nostradamus are portrayed in the artworks of the Masters as ROYAL BLUE, indicating their ability to go beyond the normal realms of understanding and utilize powers of "seeing" that have nothing to do with the limitations of our physical eyesight. Gold, which is the opposite or complimentary colour to ROYAL BLUE was often depicted either as trim on their clothing, or the base metal of their sceptres and wands. This further emphasized the subliminal suggestion of the great wisdom and power these great Masters' were capable of wielding.

The real emphasis here is clear perception inside and outside of ones self. Understanding and embracing the psychic connection or doorway/portal that leads to the supramundane (also referred to as Angelic Realms). Further it is having the courage and commitment to step through that portal of the psyche and live your belief, trust and knowing. When one becomes adept at this process, neutrality, objectivity and acceptance become the norm, as all sides of an issue are visible.


When you have integrated the energies of ROYAL BLUE which at this point in our evolutionary history is quite an accomplishment, the "Third Eye" functions at will harmoniously. You can grasp the Big Picture and create a thorough understanding from many diverse fragments. When not in balance, it is because a determined intellect is standing in the way, although one believes in a lot of cases that true intuition is active. This leads to self aggrandizement, and deluded behavior based on sheer illusion and fantasy. Such is the plight of many souls who mistakingly believe they "get it". Realistically speaking, many boldly talk the talk as opposed to walk the walk - which sees them brandished with many unflattering labels that indirectly cast dispersions and levity on New Aeon beliefs and pursuits in general.

This delusion is the "flip-side" of ROYAL BLUE. Prolonged and stubborn resistance to seeing things as the really are, leads to behavior bordering on unrealistic idealism. This eventually causes partial if not whole separation from reality. The ensuing result is an extreme issue with authority (everyone else is wrong - but I am O.K.).


Just because we want to WAKE-UP and know that it is possible, this alone doesn't make it so. The one third Red in the ROYAL BLUE is about coming to grips with the potential for awakening within ourselves. By dropping our insecurities about material (tangible) matters, and trusting in what we can't see - the "still small voice" becomes proof alone that there is something else - something visible to our "higher" or supramundane sensitivities.

Without a disciplined mind, ROYAL BLUE expresses as an almost Utopian view of the Cosmos. Pursuit of mysticism becomes something special - something out of the ordinary - something for a few privileged souls. Nothing could smack of more illusion than a falsehood like this. Everyone has the capability to reach these senses and the potential contained within them. ROYAL BLUE is ISP - Intra Sensory Perception not to be confused with the falsely labeled commodity ESP - Extra Sensory Perception - which implies one has to be specially gifted. The only gift one requires, can be given to oneself. That is the honouring of self and what self says spontaneously the first time. Why didn't I listen to myself the first time? This is the message and potential of ROYAL BLUE.


ROYAL BLUE facilitates the communication of one's deepest feelings as well as involved abstract concepts. It balances one's personal motivations, perceptions and expectations, as well as the tendency to vacillate. As such, when tough calls or decisions need to made, meditate with ROYAL BLUE.

Extremes challenges with mental confusion, disorganization, power-seeking and superiorty may all be released by working with the Ray of ROYAL BLUE.


The lesson for the emotional side of ROYAL BLUE is to master the extreme BLUES and the subsequent tendency to feel ALONE - and rather to convert ALONENESS to ALL-ONENESS. In this state of reverence, severe isolation and depression are no longer factors that plague and bog down the psyche. One is grounded through the Red that ROYAL BLUE contains, and does not suffer from feelings of detachment and aloofness.

The pre-cursor isolative emotions that are positively realigned with the energies contained within ROYAL BLUE are remorse, regret, and conceit which when carried to extremes expresses as totaltarianism.


Azurite, Blue Sapphire, Lapis lazuli, Covellite, Tanzanite, Sodalite, Linarite

Session Seven

Session Eight