Expansion Activity One: Grounding Archives 1-4

Session One

Breath and Breathing

Being grounded in the body is being connected to the Earth to access support and energetic power. One sure fire way to get back into the body is to focus on breathing. Breath is the elixir of life, the substance that we can least live without, for the shortest period…being that critical. The breath contains not only the vital oxygen that sustains cells and tissues and replenishes the blood stream, but also the chi, the life force, the substance that nourishes the energy bodies and flows through the body’s energetic system.

Breath can nourish, cleanse, and sustain. Deep breathing that allows the entire volume of the lung to be utilized is what is critical in the big picture. In the Western world we are devoted to getting things done. We gulp air to get the energy necessary to complete the 10, 000 things. It results in shallow breathing that does not reach the base of the lung where the greatest capacity for volume is, due to the shape/design of the lung. This type of breathing is shallow and very much accompanied by movement of the upper chest and shoulders. The Eastern world, by contrast, is more about being. Deep, slow breathing is taught regularly to children as they grow up. The capacity to get centered has been the tradition of the East where meditation, yoga, mantra, and chant have been foundational tools to reconnect with the body.

To use the breath wisely, breathe to the belly. Put your hand on the solar plexus area just below the rib cage and breathe in. Make sure the hand moves outward, which indicates that air is reaching the bottom of the lung. Breathing slowly allows the super oxygenation of the cells and tissues, slows heart rate down, allows for greater focus and clarity…on and on. You will notice quickly hen breathing this way how the world seems to brighten, the senses heighten, and a feeling of balance takes you into your solid physical self.

As infants/newborns we natural breathed in a circular way with no interruption. This allowed the full intake of oxygen/chi and supported the natural cleansing process that is our design. That cleansing, health affirming capacity shifted when we heard our first “ssshhh”, which stopped the breath. There began the storage of energy that eventually lead to dis-ease. Yes, this breathing thing is that important.  Experiment with it. Breathing quickly will energize you whole body. Breathing again in an uninterrupted circle will support the flow of emotion and assist in releasing stored energetic toxic debris. All types of breathing bring you into your body…and ground you. You will relearn how to breathe rather quickly with just a bit of focus and sustained effort.

Visualize the air moving up through the feet and sweeping the body as you inhale. As you exhale visualize that same air, now filled with energetic debris, flowing down the right foot into the Earth. Allow yourself to become solid on the Earth. Slow down, breathe, and rediscover your power.

Practice the following three different types of breathing to expand your awareness and alter your inner state by design: 6-4-6-4, Breath of Fire, and Connected Breathing.

6-4-6-4: To slow down and relax. Breathe in fully through the nose for 6 counts, hold for 4, breathe out fully through purposed lips for 6, and hold for 4. Do 10 complete cycles. The more proficient you become you can increase the numbers: 8-6-8-6 to 12-8-12-8, etc

Breath of Fire: To bring energy and clarity. Breathe in and out through the nose to the belly (diaphragm) as fast and as fully as you can. Start with 15 seconds and work up to one minute.

Connected Breathing: To move into and through strong emotion with the intent of releasing the long held energies. Breath deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth in a slow circle with no pauses.

Practice each breathing type daily at least 3 times each. Enjoy the remarkable results!

“I give endless gratitude for my breath and my ability to breathe to charge my life force and sustain my life. I bless the pranic energy in the precious air that each inhalation lovingly brings me to balance me in the Now. I accept this gift and celebrate it with joyful awareness!”

Session Two

Speak Your Birth Name

When we are in body we are creating foundation on which to live with all of our faculties. We are able to listen to our bodies and the myriad of nuance calls it makes throughout our day. We are in alignment with our emotional self, being trusting of the movement of the energy and the short lived capacity it holds to help us clear the moments of living. Our mind softens into clarity when it is grounded into the physical. And when in body we provide the perfect touch stone for Spirit. In the dance between Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Body, we live the good life in this magnificent Earth dimension.

When we incarnated we were like this in design. We were not able to engage the physical to the degree that would tap into its mighty resources, but we were actually more in tune with the sensations and the use of all of the elements. Emotions flowed on the breath and had their short lived life span. Our mind was open and receptive and free from judgment and fault. We built experiences and perspectives based on what we were being fed on all levels by those around us. Our profound Spiritual connection was unfiltered and we moved as if we were still in the ethers, for awhile.

Though so much of that natural way was programmed out via family and culture, it is not gone…mainly just dormant. The wake up call of the times is that we are remembering who we are in big ways. A seemingly simple tool has been made available to us by the wisdom of the cosmos. It is the calling and the claiming of the original birth name. The first, the middle, and the last form the frequency of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. Choosing to speak it out loud activates three specific capacities: 1)we call forth our original template to be fully present for the moment; 2) we send a frequency call to all etheric beings aligned to the frequency to be immediately available to us; and 3) we call forth a protective energetic sphere to surround us, keeping out any lower vibrational energy.

Your name brings you home to your body and the original design, establishes your personal cocoon of safety, and brings forth Celestial Assistance that you can use. What a profound tool. The more you speak the name out loud the more it serves you, opening you up to very specific and useful information that is just for you.

In its early use the name also activates the release of energetic baggage. Childhood events and beyond that were retained as unexpressed/unprocessed become energetically attached to the name. Anything that happened is called up to process out. Some are immobilized by this and struggle with speaking the name. This can create quite a fearful/angry/sad vibration when one first calls the name into use. I assure you that this is temporary and will move the more you allow it. It works and clears by repetitive use. Use it and watch the old ways fall apart. The goal is, at the very least, to reach a place of neutrality with it…that is a place of balance. This place gives you back to you.

For women the cultural tradition of taking on the name of the husband in marriage has disempowering potential. Sometimes the vibrations of the names are so intense and disturbing that they push the couple away from one another. Ideally you want to reclaim your name and then have the option of which to use based on the feel. Play with this and watch your power return.And, if you are from another culture and were Americanized with your name it is likely shortened and mispronounced. Reclaim the original pronunciation and the totality of the name to get back to the core of you. The repetitious use will lead to acceptance, clearing, and remembering of you.

At that point you may be guided to take on a new name. That new calling is a frequency process that will lift you up to an ascended vibration that serves in expanded ways. At this point you have access to both ways. Use the birth name to ground you into wholeness. Use the new name for expansion into the multi dimensional soup from whence you have always come. Speak your name when you are out of alignment. Speak it when you walk out the door in the morning, before demanding situations, before you address challenges, before you travel, when you wake up, when you go to sleep…you get the picture.

Session Three

Use Energetics

The sensations of being ungrounded, or not being fully in body, are either interruptions to the flow of energy within the body, or the release of energy held in a variety of “reservoirs”. The interpretation of the sensation is what can lead us into a quagmire recycling fear thoughts and patterns, or into the sunlight where we are free to roam and ride the waves of the Now moment. This is our point of choice where we personally create our own heaven or hell. Knowing this will allow you to work with the energy consciously for different results than in the past.

As always it is the awareness that something is going on that is the foundational springboard for the integration and subsequent re-grounding. Unless you notice the sensations you will be well into the pattern before even realize it. Being out of body feels like a true separation from the physical, much akin to a spaceyness or a strong anxiety. You can see how much I underscore paying attention in these early presenting of the tools.

There are certain things that can be done depending on the type and the location of the energy that is rising or falling. Wise is the one who learns to notice where in the body the sensation first appears. Often it is the road map to the kind of issue that is calling and pushing you out of body. One leaves the body mostly because they have retriggered a cesspool of fearful residue energy that is seeking release. Rather than embrace it and flow there is a “run-away! reaction that does its best to keep us from feeling this terrible thing.

Sensations in the lower belly are typically fear based, the mid-section anger based, the chest grief/sadness based. The throat issues are mostly about the unexpressed. All the energy that was tied to the decision to not talk about what happened is surfacing to im[pact the physical tissue and function of that area…mostly to get your conscious attention to work cooperatively with the movement. The vacating feeling that starts at the forehead is an unwillingness to look differently at what is going on. Spacing out removes us from new thoughts and strategies and usually guarantees the status quo…which is often what the fearful part of us (the child) desires most.  Getting dizzy and having trouble walking are sure signs that your programmed self is wanting out of whatever is going on or what has been triggered, which may or may not be related directly to what appears to be happening. Remember that nothing is as it seems. The grounded one uses this to step back and look with a heart open wide.

Here are some grounding tools when this kind of energy rises into your awareness:

  1. Notice and watch the energy. Name it where it is and follow it when it moves. Invite it to clear and release through the nearest chakra or out the right leg into the Earth.
  2. Separate your self from the situation or the environment. If you can get outside then the energy of the Earth is much more present to magnetize you back into your body so you can then draw on the Earth for support.
  3. Move your body. Based on the location it may be more of a leg and foot dance. It may involves the rotation or the thrusting of the hips. It may be belly circles or twists. It may involve the expansion and opening of the chest by pulling the shoulders back. Or it may be the arms rotating, punching, shaking, etc. You might want to roll the neck or raise the shoulders up. Working the muscles of the face could be the thing that is called for. Finally you can do any combination of all of these.
  4. Put on some music and dance strongly, pounding the Earth and using movements that bring the outside in, like arms pulling in towards the torso.
  5. Doing something spontaneous that is in response to where the energy is sensed. Invite it to move and do the very first thing. Trust your own inner guidance. It is critical to do something different and not listen to the voices in the head. All of that is an old pattern fighting for survival.
  6. Finally, use the voice and give sound to the sensations and the energy that is moving. Witness it and create dialogue even. Sustained vowel sounds can move emotion very effectively.

These are some tools that work. The bottom line is movement, whether it is physical or verbal.  Sitting still only serves to exacerbate and amplify the stuck energy. It will likely push hard and then retreat …but will intensify as the reservoir is replenished….so that the next time will be more demanding. Stay in your body…

Session Four

Use Proclamation
The audible voice is one of the prime manifesting tools in the Cosmos. Speaking words with emotion and intent activates energies that magnetically attract the vibrations to support the statement. Positive thinking and speech are standard encouragements. Few see beyond the surface of the words to understand what is really going. Affirmations up the ante of positive thinking by putting consciously life affirming statements into action. These work by repetition and emotion and voice. Combining all three will improve the likelihood of the intention manifesting.

Proclamations are at the height of positive speech. These are powerful declarations to the Cosmos that something is so. The are intentional statements that claim a new aligned form. They command the forces present etherically to gather to make the proclamation so. The se statements also transcend time and space in their calling, thus exponentially amplifying their capacity to create.

I was first exposed to proclamations via the book, Proclamations of the Soul, by the late Rich Work. His out of print books are potent and very useful resources if you can find one. The last two of the proclamations below are from Rich’s book. Here are proclamations that can be spoken with clear intent, strong committed voice, with the knowing that they will create results. Typically they are spoken once as a testimony to their power. After spoken you begin to dev ote your moments of living to the subtle and not so subtle changes these will bring.

  1. I Am, in all ways and on all levels, whole and complete. I require nothing or no one to fix me or fill me up. Thus, I am free to surrender to fully live and love all the forms that come my way.
  2. In all my moments I maintain my foundation and allow flexibility and flow to support me through life. I am grounded to earth and like a tree move gracefully through all the winds that may blow.
  3. In all ways and at all times I am safe. I attract only situations and people of higher vibration, where I can fully be my unlimited self.
  4. In all ways, on all dimensions, and in all levels, I Am completely safe.
  5. I am nourished by the Spirit within. Every cell in my body is filled with Light. I give thanks for my radiant health and happiness.
  6. I choose to eat nourishing food, engage in fun and exhilarating exercise, rest and sleep to meet my needs, and listen and respond to my body’s callings.
  7. At all times I remain fully in my body. All my energy fields remain clear and clean and in perfect alignment. My greatest peace and power comes when all my bodies are fully integrated and solid on the earth.
  8. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, I command that every cell in my body and every vibration of my Being align itself in Divine Perfection, for I desire to be all that I AM. I choose to be all that I AM. I AM all that I AM. I claim my identity and my Divine Perfection. And so it is. --Rich Work
  9. I call forth all energies and aspects of my Being that I have released, pushed aside or failed to embrace to stand before me as I stand before you, in Love. I rescind all intentions by which I released, separated from or ignored these energies. I ask you to forgive and honor me as I forgive and honor you. I thank you for the lessons we have shared. I choose to transmute all bonds between us into Unconditional Love, and I embrace you into my Oneness. And so it is.–Rich Work

Invest in the power of Proclamations. The formula of “in all ways, on all levels, and in all my energy bodies, I call forth…and so it is!” Is a primary way to begin the creation of your own proclamations. One must show the faith and trust of these statements by moving on from them after they are spoken the first time. Look for the signs of their expanded manifestation showing up. Affirm it and claim it through subsequent action.