The Bismillah is a chant about emptying out so that we may be filled. From the Islamic tradition, is speaks of the ongoing moment by moment remembering of The One, during all of our thoughts and actions. It translates to be “in the name of Allah, as an instrument of the One, in harmony with the Divine Presence, etc”.
The er Rahman er Rahim is a recognition and honoring of the very source of all existence, the source of all blessings, the source of all compassion, the source of all mercy who gives endlessly to us and who also responds according to our moral integrity, our harmony with all of creation, and our love of Allah. We give compassion and receive mercy.
The whole phrase, Bismillah, er rachman, er rahim, is such a holy phrase in Islamic tradition that it often begins each verse of the Koran, With every breath that we breathe, may we be and act on behalf of the Divine Presence, the Source of all that we receive. With this awareness Bismillah remains and the I disappears. Surrender, embrace, reflect, and be the Holy That I Am…
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